02x21 - Pretty Princess Premiere / Where's Huggy?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x21 - Pretty Princess Premiere / Where's Huggy?

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Word girl

Narrator: listen for the words
"premiere" and "anticipation."

At the city electronics
and frozen yogurt superstore,

Word girl is about to battle
someone who's definitely
not there for the yogurt.

And my favorite show
is starting soon.

Narrator: oh, that's right.
Tonight's that special episode

Of "the pretty princess
magic pony power hour."

I've been anticipating
this show all week.

Narrator: me, too.

Oh, to anticipate is
to think ahead

About something exciting
that's going to happen,

Like I've been anticipating
tonight's episode
of "pretty princess"

Because they're making
a big announcement.

Narrator: then you'd
better hurry and defeat
the energy monster.

Oh, yeah. Thanks.

Energy monster,
look at this mess!

Your rude behavior
is truly shocking.


Whoa. Ok,
captain huggy face.

Let's pull the plug
on this energy hog.


Narrator: meanwhile,
at the botsfords'...

T.j., Where did becky go?

Huh? Oh, becky.

She went to get
a snack...about
a half an hour ago.

She'll be so sad
if she misses this.

Shh! It's time!

But, t.j., I thought
you didn't even like
"pretty princess."

You're right.
I don't.
Now be quiet. Shh!

Announcer: and now,
"pretty princess and
magic pony power hour."

Tonight's episode,
"the special present."

A gift for me,
the pretty princess?

Wow! Magical ice skates
for my pony and me!

Who sent us
this wonderful present?


"From a secret friend,

Who is not
the mean count cloudy."

T.j.: Don't believe him,
pretty princess!

Count cloudy's trying
to trick you!

Not...that I even care.

What is this show again?

Ha ha ha! My plan
is working perfectly.

It was I who sent them
the skates.

Pretty princess
and her magic pony
will skate so much

That she'll be unable
to rule the kingdom,

Which will allow me
to take over as king!

Me! King cloudy the first!

Ha ha ha ha!

♪ La la la la la

Ha ha ha ha!
♪ La la la la la



Ha ha ha ha ha!

[Princess continues singing]

Ha ha ha ha!

Gosh, I can hardly stand
the anticipation of what's
going to happen next.

back at the electronics and
frozen yogurt superstore...


We'll leave him here
till he burns himself out.
Now let's hurry home.

Yeah! Bravo!


That was the most
exciting episode ever.

Oh, yes!
tell me it's still on!

I'm really
sorry, becky.

It just ended.
Oh, no!

I can't believe
the energy monster made me
miss my favorite tv show!

I mean, in case
you're wondering,

I definitely was not
at the city electronics
and frozen yogurt superstore

Battling the energy monster.

You, fight
the energy monster?

You're not
word girl. You're...
Becky botsford girl.

Ha ha ha ha!

Announcer: hey, kids,
if you're a real fan

Of pretty princess
and her magic pony,

Then you're invited to attend
the upcoming "pretty princess"
movie premiere.

[All gasp]

A premiere?

A premiere.

A premiere?

Announcer: that's right.
A premiere.

What's a premiere?

Oh. A premiere is
the first time a new movie
is shown in a theater.

If we go, we'll be
the first people to see it.

Sweet buttered popcorn!
A premiere?

We are there!
How do we get

Not that
I really want
to go, but...

Oh, I will
if I have to.

Announcer: to get tickets,
all you have to do is first join
the "pretty princess" fan club.

Then, once you're
a member of the fan club,
just ask your parents

To buy tickets to
the "pretty princess"
movie premiere.

Don't we have to
join the fan club?

Not if you're already
a lifetime member.

Yeah! Whoo!

Go, dad!
Yeah, baby!

Narrator: after a week
of anticipation,

It's finally here--

"The pretty princess
and magic pony" movie premiere!

Let's see.
I'll take...

Pretty princess
t-shirts, a pretty
princess flashlight,

And magic pony
watches. No, .

Ok, . . . .

Ha ha! Give me .

And, ooh, with
this pretty princess
lifetime membership,

I'm anticipating
a % discount.

Hello, savings.

I can't believe
we're at the "pretty
princess" premiere.

I know! It's
even more exciting
than we anticipated.

Do you think
that word girl's

I hear she loves
pretty princess,

Just like...
You guys.



What was that?

Uh, it's probably nothing.


Good thing I bought
these pretty princess

They're practical...
And sparkly.

How did that happen?

Oh, that's called

It happens
when light passes
through a crystal.

It's the same thing
that happens
when sunlight passes

Through water
in the sky to make
a rainbow.

I love science.

I'm a cool dad.

Refraction's cool.

Man: attention, attention.

I have an announcement here.

It turns out that a yogurt spill
at the electronics
and yogurt superstore

Allowed the energy monster
to escape from the homemade
light bulb

That word girl trapped him in.
No need for alarm, though.

[Huggy screeching]

Mr. Botsford: well,
what about the movie?

Well, luckily I always
anticipate problems,

So I got a backup generator.

The generator will allow us
to make our own electricity

So we can watch
the movie premiere as planned.

All right, let's turn over
the generator, please. Over.

"Over" is walkie-talkie speak
for "I'm all done talking."


[Generator rumbling]

[Crowd cheering]

So now the only thing
that can stop this movie
premiere from happening

Is if a monster came right
into this theater.

I haven't seen any monsters
around. Have you?

Let me check
under this man's hat.
No monsters there.

Hey, that's my hat.


So everyone enjoy
the premiere. Over.

Just to mean that I'm
all done talking here.

Ooh, we're finally going
to see this movie.

I've anticipated it
for so long!

meanwhile, outside...

Will the energy monster
ruin the premiere?

Will becky be forced
to turn into word girl

And miss
her favorite show again?

Will there be
any extra popcorn for me
to enjoy after this episode?

[Electricity crackling]

Princess: oh!

I didn't anticipate
how beautiful

The enchanted city
would look from up here.

Would any of you like
to take a ride

In the clouds
with my magic pony?

[Crowd cheering and screaming]

T.j.: Yes! Yes!
Take me with you!

sir, this is a special event.

May I see your ticket,


[Pony whinnies]


T.j.: Oh! Oh!
Bring the film
back, please.

We want our
pretty princess!

Uh, sorry, kids,ut we have
an uninvited guest.

It seems the energy monster is
outside stealing the electricity
from our generator.

We'll start
the movie premiere back up

As soon as our favorite
superhero word girl shows up
and defeats the monster.

Meanwhile, who wants
to hear the story of how I got
kicked out of film school?



[Huggy screeching]

Man, I can't believe word girl
would let the energy monster
ruin the premiere.

Oh, t.j., It's not
word girl's fault.

The energy monster
feeds off

So he's drawn
to wherever he sees
the most energy.

Right now, the most
energy is coming
from this premiere.

Oh, no!
That doesn't
sound good.

Hey, bob, let's go buy
some popcorn

And hope that word girl
shows up soon.

Word up!

Scoops: hello? Hello?

Um, energy monster.

Scoops ming, reporter
for "the daily rag."

What do you think
of the premiere so far?

So you're saying that
the special effects are

Hmm. Thank you
for your time.

Enough is enough,
energy monster!

You already made me miss
the "pretty princess"
tv show.

But you're not going to make me
miss that "pretty princess"
movie premiere!

Yeah! And tell him
he owes me
a walkie-talkie.

Energy monster,

The curtain's about to fall
on your trip to the movies.

Huggy, now!


Popcorn? Now?

How are we going
to stop him?


Word girl:
the energy monster is
afraid of the rainbow.

Huggy! Go get one
of those pretty
princess scepters

And hold it over
the searchlight.

I have an idea!

Oh, my gosh!

This is amazing!

Mr. Botsford:
heh! You don't
see that every day.


she sure is.

I mean...
It sure is.

The rainbow. Heh!

Now that's a good use
of the energy monster's

I say it's time to enjoy
a movie premiere!

I'm so curious to see
how it ends.

The power is back on!

All right!

Narrator: and so word girl
once again defeats
the energy monster,

Who created
the most beautiful night
anyone can remember,

While mr. Botsford got
every pretty princess
souvenir they sell.

And becky was finally able
to enjoy the much-anticipated
movie premiere.


So tune in next time,
because I anticipate

It will be another
exciting episode of "word girl!"

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

All: "may I have a word!"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word!"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.


To hover means
to stop crime,

Just as word girl did
in the episodes
"high fat robbery,"

"Coupon madness,"
"two-brain highway--"

Let me stop you there.
That's incorrect.
Anyone else?

I think you should
let tommy finish.

Ok. Very well. Tommy?

Word girl also stopped
crime in the episodes
"jerky jerk--"

Thank goodness! Emily?

I think to hover is
to sort of float in
one place in the air.

That is correct, emily!

You are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

it's an official word girl
state-of-the-art hovercraft.

With this hovercraft,
you can hover or float
above the ground or water.

Go from your house to school
without your feet ever
touching down.

That's it for today's episode.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word!"

♪ Word girl!

Narrator: psst!
Listen for the words

"Rehearse" and "shrug."

Narrator: just another
typical afternoon in the city.

The sun is shining,
the birds are singing,

And the butcher is up
to no good.

Word girl:
so, butcher,
we meet again.

Ha ha! Get it?
"Meat" again?


Hey, that was
a pretty good joke,

And all I get is
a shrug?

Huh! Another shrug.

Well, you've sunk to
a new low, butcher.

A famous villain
like you, stealing
game tokens?

That's like
stealing from kids.

Yeah, I know, word girl,

But I was so close
to getting the high score
on the "dancing fool" game,

And then I ran out
of money for tokens.

Well, I'm not about
to let that happen again.

You better put
the tokens back,

Unless you want
to start rehearsing
the "jailhouse jig."

Forget that, word girl!

Salami slam!


Good work,
captain huggy face!

So I guess you're going
to arrest me now, huh?

Well, I'm in a bit
of a hurry,

So if you give all
the tokens back,
I'll let you go.

I guess that's reasonable
under the circumstances.


I'm on my way
to rehearse--

I mean, to watch
a friend rehearse

For the city's
annual super silly
pet talent show.

Yeah, the pet talent show!
I heard about that!

Yeah. You know, one
of the first-place prizes

Is a year's supply
of game tokens?

No. If I had
a pet as talented
as your chinchilla there,

I bet I could win
for sure.

Ok. No time for chitchat.
Move along.

I've got so much
to do. Let's see.

Got to check
the costumes,
rehearse my lines...

listen to dad's
new jokes, review
the new dictionary,

Do my home--ugh!



[Door opens]

Where have you been?

I forgot you
at the crime scene?


Guess I had too much
on my mind.

Do you want to see
something that's sure
to cheer you up?

Don't shrug. You're
going to love your
costume for the show.


all right, you two.

Signing you up for
the super silly pet talent
show was the easy part.

Now it's time
to rehearse so you can
win first prize.

Oh, this is our year.
♪ I can feel it

Right dad.
Bobby, you can try
the costume on later.

Come on. Let's rehearse.



Say hello to
the audience, bob.


Hello to
the audience, bob.


Hey, bob,

Do you know
what word is
spelled incorrectly

In the dictionary?

No. Why don't you
tell me?

Well, bob, the word
"incorrectly" is

Spelled incorrectly
in the dictionary.

Ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

This is
a great

So you like it?
I love it.

But if you're going
to win first prize,
I do have one suggestion.


Bob, stop.
Dad's trying
to help us.

Well, maybe
your jokes should
have a wider appeal.

You see, becky,
not everyone shares

Your love
of dictionary humor.


You should have
more jokes about bob there,

Like how short he is
or how hairy he is.

ha ha!

Or how he has
really hairy toes?

With this material,
we are--i mean,
you are sure to win.

Yeah! Hey,
what do you think
of dad's idea, bob?

[Door slams]
bob? Bob?


Narrator: later that day,
at the butcher's lair...



That lonely
monkey there kind
of rememorates me

Of word girl's
hairy sidekick.

Boy, if he's half
as talented as
that eating machine,

He could be my ticket
to winning that
pet talent show

And a year's supply
of tokens.

Come, my little pet.

There isn't much time
to rehearse.

Mr. Botsford:

We're having
hot dogs,

Bob's favorite.

Where's bob?

I don't know.

I haven't seen him
since the rehearsals.

Hmm. I thought
the only thing that
could keep bob away

From hot dogs
was more hot dogs.
Ha ha ha ha!

Maybe he's in trouble.
I'm going to go look
for bob.

Word up!

Narrator: meanwhile,
back at the butcher's lair...

Wow! Look at you go,
my handsome little monkey.


Hey, uh, do you think
there's enough time for us
to rehearse a magic act?

Narrator: meanwhile,
word girl searches high and low

For her missing
talent show partner.

Well, mostly high.

There's dr. Two-brains' lair.

He's fiendishly evil enough
to hold huggy hostage.

Better go check it out.

Hi, dr. Two-brains!

Did I catch you in
the middle of drawing up
one of your evil plans?

Huh? You mean this?

Huh? Why would
a genius scientist
like you

Be doing a kids'
activity book?

I guess I enjoy
the mazes.

So, uh, anything
I can do for you,
word girl?

Um, I just stopped by
to say hi.


You've never
done that before.

There's always
a first time. Aha!

Snooping through
my things, eh?

I thought captain
huggy face was here.
Have you seen him?

No, I haven't.
I'm alone,
just me here.

Well, me
and my all-mouse

[Playing classical music]

You in the back,
you're a little flat.

Narrator: a desperate word girl
continues her search.

Chuck: ha ha!
Why aren't you
talking, word girl?

Has chuck, the evil
sandwich-making guy,
made you speechless?

Word girl:
no, I can talk.
Oh! Uh, uh,

Word girl!
How did you
get in here?

I knocked on the door
and your mom let me in.

I didn't mean
to interrupt your...
What exactly are you doing?

I'm in a play. Yeah.

And I was just, uh,
practicing my lines.

Oh, so you were

Exactly. I--i, uh...

What's rehearsing?

It means to practice something
before you present it
to an audience.

Uh, yes, I was
rehearsing my play.
Heh heh!

Well, I don't want
to bother your rehearsal.

I was just looking
for a friend of mine,

But obviously
he's not here.

Good luck
with your play.

Ok, word girl.
We'll see how brave
you really are in my belly.

All right, mr. Big!

Where is he--whoa.
You do yoga?

Yes! I'm not only very rich,
I'm very flexible.

Watch what else
I can do.

Wow. But I don't think
you're supposed to work
while you do yoga.

Another shrug.
Everyone is
shrugging today.

You do yoga your way.
I'll do it mine.

I'm looking for a friend
of mine, but I can see
he's not here.

Uh, good luck
with your yoga.

Leslie, I need you to come here
and take a letter.

And bring the company crowbar.

I seem to have
tangled myself up again.

Narrator: will word girl find
captain huggy face in time
for the talent show?

Does captain huggy face
want to be found?

Will word girl get me
a sandwich?

A sandwich? I'm searching
for my best friend here.

Sorry, word girl.
I'm just hungry.

I skipped my lunch break,
so, you know. Ahem.

I--i mean,

Hello, strange pet
I've never seen

But I'm extremely
relieved to find.

Hey, nice to see you,
word girl.

Nice to see you?
That's strange.

Isn't this usually
the point where you
yell, "hamalanche"

Or "pork chop chop"
and attack me
with meat?

Usually, but I'm
nearly out of meat.
But don't worry.

It'll all be worth it
when my pet here and I
win that talent show

And all those
game tokens.

My feet are dancing
just thinking about it.

But this isn't
your pet.

Shame on you,

Hey, I found him!

He was sitting on a bench
with his hobo sack!

Finders keepers,
word girl!

Hobo sack?
You ran away?

Wow. What is this,
national shrug day?

Uh, what exactly is
a shrug?

A shrug is
when you raise
your shoulders up

Instead of saying
"I don't know" or
"I don't care." See?

Oh! I get it.
Thank you.

Now, butcher, you need
to return this pet.

He's probably
someone's best friend,

Maybe even
their sidekick.

Maybe he didn't
show up for dinner,

And his owner was
really worried.

And maybe she started
thinking that she might
never see him again,

And that made her
very sad.

And maybe she flew--
I mean, looked--

All over the city
for hours, worried sick.

I mean,
she doesn't know what
she'd do without him.


I never thought
of it like that.

Of course, word girl.
You bring that pet back
to the owner.

I got to go
in the back now.

I got something in my eye.

Sorry again
for flying off
without you,

And for ignoring
your feelings
about the costume,

And the jokes.


Ah. Now is there
anything I can do to
make it up to you?

Announcer: ladies and gentlemen,
give it up for our next act,

Bob and becky.






Mr. Botsford:
bravo! Ha ha ha!

That's my daughter!

[Cheers and applause]

I can't believe
we did so well.

We barely had time
to rehearse.

you're right.
We do make a great team.

Yeah, you do look good
in a tux.

Maybe that's why they call
a tux a "monkey suit."

Huh? Ha ha ha!

You can use that one
in your act if you want.

We're taking this show
on the road.

What's the deal
with airplane food?

Thanks, dad.
Maybe next year,
right, bob?

Narrator: and so it's
another "word girl"
episode of...

Um, episode of, uh,

Sorry. They just handed me
the script. I had no time
to rehearse.

Don't shrug at me.
I'm a professional.
Here, I'll prove it.

Tune in next time
for another exciting
episode of "word girl."


Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word!"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Emily, you correctly
defined the word "hover."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "hover."

What's your answer, emily?

Huggy riding
an elephant--
that is just too cute,

But the answer is
number one.

Word girl is
hovering over
dr. Two-brains.

That's correct. Show her
what she's won, huggy.

An official word girl
hovering device
for your elephant.

Ha ha! Too cute.

See ya next time on...

"May I have a word!"

Narrator: want word girl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

Cone of my favorite wordsus
what's yois "adventure"rd? ♪

Because it makes me think
of a beginning

Of a big, long memory
full of laughter and excitement

And a great journey to remember.

My favorite word is "pugnacious"
because it sounds really funny.

It means when someone
enjoys fighting.

I'm a little pugnacious.
Well, that's what my mom says.

My brother
is a little pugnacious.

So is my other brother
and kind of my sister.

♪ That's my favorite word


That's right!

"Grimace" is
the kind of face you make
when something hurts.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Needle setting down
on scratchy record,
techno music playing]

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