02x18 - I Think I'm a Clone Now / Answer All My Questions and Win Stuff

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x18 - I Think I'm a Clone Now / Answer All My Questions and Win Stuff

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ We need
the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect

♪ Keeps the crime world
in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

Narrator: hey, kids,
listen for the words

"Malicious" and "thesaurus."

Just another ordinary day
at the local copy shop--

People making copies,

Villains being re-entered
into society,

And copy shop managers
being way nicer than necessary.

Oh, thanks.

Narrator: it's not really
a compliment.

When I heard you were
released from jail,

I was hoping you'd
come back here
for another chance.

Who doesn't deserve
second chances

Or even third
chances, right?

In a way, beatrice,
I feel responsible
for the whole thing.

We should've been
communicating better,
and that's my job.

Thanks, dave.
I love it here.

I missed these
copiers a lot.


Oh, I need to get
to the bottom

Of that goofed-up
-hole punch order.


Giving me
a second chance?

I should be giving
you a second chance.

No one is as good
to these copiers as me.

You're my number one.
Yes, you are.

[Babbling baby talk]

Hi there.

I absolutely
love wordgirl,

And I need
to make my favorite
small picture of her

Into my favorite
big picture of her.

Ok, sir. You need
an enlargement.

Yes, and I need it
done really fast.


"I want a big picture
of wordgirl."

He should be
asking for enlargements
of my picture.

What is so special
about wordgirl?

She's plain, dull, and,
worst of all, boring

Hey, I need you to make
my sign a banner.

I heart wordgirl.
Great sign.

I guess everybody
loves wordgirl, huh,

And that cute little seal
captain huggy face.

Oh, mm.

Man, I wish this place
could make a real live
copy of wordgirl.

Well, as long as
her copy wasn't

Some kind of evil,
malicious wordgirl,

But that's ridiculous.

Who would possibly do
something like that?

No one.
That's who.

So, they love, adore, and
really like wordgirl, do they?

They wouldn't if she
did something so awful

And evil that it was malicious.





I am wordgirl,
girl of words.

What should I do?
Word up.

It worked. Ok, evil,
malicious wordgirl.

Go rob this city blind,

Perform thievery,

And, while you're at it,
steal something.

Ha ha! Ha ha!

Ha ha! Ha ha! Oh...

meanwhile across town,
becky botsford, a.k.a. Wordgirl,

Enjoys a quiet afternoon
with her best friend violet,

Unaware that
a malicious wordgirl copy

Is about to create chaos.

What did you say?

Narrator: oh, nothing.

I didn't say
anything, becky.

Nice job, violet.
Thank you.

You're doing
a nice job on that--

Um, heh heh.

That pile of mud
is much better

Than the one you
drew last week.

Man on tv: we interrupt your
cartoons and afternoon snack

To bring you a story so shocking

I wouldn't believe it unless
I saw it with my own eyes.

I'm here at the city library,
and behind me is wordgirl.

Check it out,
wordgirl is on tv.

How is that possible?

Ok. See this box
with the screen
on it?

There's this
other thing called
a "video camera,"

And it's--
what's she doing?
It looks wrong.

That's right.

Former superhero wordgirl
appears to be

Robbing the city library
of all of its thesauruses--

more than one thesaurus.

Hey, can we cut that
and do it again?

I messed up.

No. We're
live, sir.

Oh. Ha ha!
I was only joking.

I am wordgirl,
girl of words.

I am stealing
because I am bad,

Evil, and malicious.

I'm going to steal,
rob, and thieve

All of the city's


The books that tell you
other words for things.

No. This is
not happening.

That's because
that isn't wordgirl.

What are you
talking about,

Tv doesn't lie.

I mean, it can't be.

Did you hear the way
she was talking?

"Bad," "evil," "malicious"?

The real wordgirl
would never be so redundant.

And there you have it,

Wordgirl herself admitting she
has turned to a life of crime,

And in this humble
reporter's opinion,

I think the only thing we can do
now is to stop liking wordgirl.

I'm tony burnetti,
outside the library.

That's not fair.

Why should everyone
stop liking me?

I mean, me hero,

My hero--
wordgirl, who I am not.

I wonder if this new,
malicious wordgirl

Plans on stealing
the special edition

That they keep
at school.

I hope not because I use it
to write all of my poetry.

Of course.

Lady redundant woman
must be behind this.

I have to go to, uh,
the paint store.

We're out of brown.

Nice pile of mud,

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

I hate word...

I can't believe
everyone hates wordgirl

And isn't suspicious
at all.

We should probably stick
to being becky and bob for now.

all right.

I think I know how
we can fix this mess.

Here's the plan.



I know there's no
reason to whisper,

But it makes the plan
way more mysterious,
doesn't it?

This is the best book
I've ever read.

It's the finest book
out there,

The greatest book
ever made.

Malicious copy

Get me
the last thesaurus

So I have all
the thesauruses--


In the city.

Yes, lady
redundant woman.

It is a pleasure,
a joy,

A pure delight
to serve you.

Hi, hello,
greetings, dave.

Oh, hey, wordgirl.

There she is,
the malicious copy of wordgirl,

And she's stealing
the school's thesaurus.

There's no one in sight.
Word up!

[People shouting]

Hey, it's wordgirl
the criminal.

So, you here to steal
some more stuff?

We don't like
you anymore.

Yes, you do.

That other wordgirl
doing bad stuff is a fake.

A copy?
You know, not real?

We don't like you anymore.

Fine. I'll prove it.
Wait here.


Oh, that's

I won't tell anyone.


I am wordgirl,
girl of words.

I will beat you
and defeat you and win.

No. I'm girl of words--
I mean, wordgirl--

And stop
being redundant.

It's so annoying.

You're annoying,
irritating and...


needling, and...

Ugh! No wonder
everyone turned on me.

It's time
to clear my name.

Word up!

I am wordgirl.

No, you're not,
and I can prove it


[Bell tolling]

Oh, yeah.

The clock is running
minutes fast.

Sorry about that.

I guess we'll
just have to wait.

♪ Huh doo doo
hmm hmm hmm ♪

Doo dee doo.
Hum, hum.

Doe doe doe doe.

Humming, humming.


Ok. Now I'll prove
I'm the real wordgirl...


Hey, wait!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Oh, n--

[All gasp]
see? I told you.

Now do you believe
I was set up
by a malicious copy?

I would if I knew
what malicious was.

What is malicious?

Oh, heh heh!
My pleasure.

It means
mean or wicked.

Someone who's
malicious wants
to do bad things,

Like steal the
school's thesaurus.

All right, wordgirl.

If you're really
not malicious,

Then tell us what happened
to all of the library's

It's "thesauruses."

More than one thesaurus
would be pronounced


Wow, who knew?
that's who.

Come with me.
I'll show you where they are.

[Captain huggy face whimpers]

Stop right there,
lady redundant woman.



Looks like you're
out of copies, huh? Ha ha!

That's because
captain huggy face

Removed your malicious
copy-making ink cartridge,

Which means your evil
copying days are over.

No! Nyet! Never!


Hey, looks like
you'll need a fourth chance,
huh, beatrice?

Hey, when you get out,
come and see me.

We love you,

Never doubted you
for a minute.

Love the hair.

Yeah, yeah.
All in a day's work.

I've got
an idea.

Why don't we
print out a
couple thousand

"We're sorry,

Free of charge?

All right!
I love posters.

Narrator: and so,
wordgirl once again foils

The malicious plans
of lady redundant woman

And also defeats her
and stops her.

Sorry about that.
It's kind of fun and pleasing.

Oop, sorry.

The thesauruses are back in the
hands of their rightful owners,

And all is as it should be...
For now.

Join us next time for another
thrill-packed episode

Of "wordgirl,"
"wordgirl," "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "crestfallen."

To give you a clue, here
are some clips from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.


Oh, no. I just forgot
the definition.


A crestfallen is a battle
that you lose.

No. That's not it.

Emily, do you know
what "crestfallen" means?

Everyone seemed
so upset in the clips.

I think "crestfallen"
must mean sad
and disappointed.

That's it.
I knew it.

I'm so--

Congratulations, emily.
You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won--

An official wordgirl broom,

Perfect for cleaning up
the garage.

A broom?

I thought it'd
be an orangutan

Or a giant
rainbow catcher.

I'm really

I'm sorry, emily.
What if I threw in a dustpan?

Better, I guess.

That's it for today's episode.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: psst,
listen for the words

"Contestant" and "permission."

One sunshiny day
at the botsford's...

Hi, mom.
What you...

Sorry, hon.

It's just that
this brand-new game show
is about to start.

It's called--

"Answer all my questions
and win stuff."

I'm your host
seymour orlando smooth.

Hi, everyone, and welcome
to the game show

Where the contestant is you.

If you received an answer sheet
in the mail last week,

Pull it out right now.

All righty then.

Here we go!

Please neatly print the answer
to each question

In the appropriately
numbered box.

Question one--

What is a word beginning
with the letter "p"

That means "agree to allow?"

For example, a parent signs
her child's hmm-hmm-hmm slip

To go on the field trip.


I'm just waiting for permission
to go on to the next questions.

Huh. Is answer number
one "permission"?

Yeah. I think so.
All right!

Chalk one up
for the "b" team.

Question number two--
what is my name?

Now, take your time.

I, seymour orlando smooth,

Will wait before I ask you
the next question.

Ooh! His name is
seymour orlando

But he just--
question number --

What is a word
beginning with the letter "w"

That means to remove money
from a bank account?

Oh, my, look at the time.

I hope I have a chance to get
to the bank before they close.

You know, I really need
to withdraw some money
from my account.

[Clears throat]

Ok. I think there's
something fishy--

Now, when you finish,
just print and sign your name

On the bottom
of your worksheet

And bring it right on down
to the tv station.

Any contestant who answers
all the questions correctly

Will win a fabulous prize
and have a chance to spin

The wheel of wonderful stuff.
The wheel of wonderful stuff.

Oh! It sounds
so wonderful.

Yes, wonderful.

Narrator: later at
the city tv studio...

Hello. Here's
my answer sheet.

fine sir.

Let me tell you
what you've won.

First, a lifetime
supply of air.

Ooh, I love air.

It's not just for
breathing anymore.

What else
is it good for?

You've also won the
home version of me.
That's right.

Now you can play
"answer all my questions
and win stuff"

Right from the comfort
of your very own home.

Wow, thanks.
It's really creepy.

Right. Get lost.

But i--

Here you go.

Let me tell you
what you've won.

Wow, look at
all these people

Who also filled out
answer sheets
for the game show

And are hoping
to win a prize.

Hmm, I know
there's a shorter
way to say that.

Yeah. It's
"contestants," mom.

People who participate
in a contest

Or game show are
called contestants.

I wonder who's going
to get a chance

To spin the wheel
of wonderful stuff.

Do you believe it?

I won this creepy puppet
and a lifetime supply of air.

Me, too.

Oh, I feel dizzy
and lightheaded.
Me, too.

Lifeme supply of air?
That's ridiculous.

There is definitely
something suspicious going on.

Uh, mom, bob, and I have never
been to a tv studio before,

And, gosh, gee,
it's so exciting.

Can we please
take the tour?

All right. You have
my permission.

Gosh, gee, thanks, mom.
Word up!

Now start looking
around quietly.

Narrator: meanwhile,
back on line...

Well, looks like I'm
the last contestant.

Well then, looks like
I'm off to the bank.



Let me tell you
what you've--

So, has anyone won
the chance to win

The wheel
of wonderful stuff?

Uh, no, but
congratulations, madam.

Let me tell you
what you've won.

Oh, my goodness!

This has never
happened to me before.

Ok. What has
never happened?

Well, I mean on tv,
you said, "any contestant

"Who answered all
the questions correctly

"Will win
a fabulous prize

And have a chance to spin
the wheel of wonderful stuff."


Well, since no one
else has won it

And I'm
the last one here,

That means I
automatically win.

Well, no.

You see, that happens
much, much later.

Oh! Is the wheel in there?
Can I spin it right now?

Oh, now you just
hold on there, my--

Let me go find my daughter.
She's got to see this.

Be right back.
No! No. Wait.

I was just trying

She's gone. Ok.
No problem.

There's nothing
that mr. Smooth
can't handle.

[Ding ding]

Huggy, did you
find anything?

Oh, no. Someone
is coming. Hide.

I'll just tell that
woman that the wheel
is out of order.

Then she'll leave,
and I'll be home free.

Ooh, seymour,
you are brilliant.

Mwah, mwah, mwah!

Game show

Ha ha!

Oh, the people of this
city are so gullible.

Hmm, let's see.

Mrs. Botsford,
your worksheet says,

"seymour orlando smooth,"

"Withdraw," and "money."

Alone, it means nothing,

But when I run my special pen
over the rest of the page,

Everything I wrote
in disappearing ink reappears.

Now, it says,
"I give my permission

"To seymour orlando smooth

"To withdraw all of my money
from this bank.

Signed, mrs. Sally botsford"

Oh...sally. Ha ha ha!

Oh, I just love standing
in an empty room

Explaining my whole
plan to myself.

You're not
alone anymore.

Now, huggy.

Ooh! Uh!

Sorry, but thanks
for playing.

Here's a little parting gift
for our contestants.

Aah! Teeth...
Ha ha!

Wordgirl, you've
met your match.

Match. You've
met your match.

One more time?
Oh, forget it.

Take this.
Ooh, what is
this stuff?

Hair gel, game show
host strength.

And now
prepare for--

Whoops, wrong lever.


This beautiful wheel
is made from

A titanium alloy
and -inch-thick glass.

It's completely
but that's not all.

It also spins at such
a high rate of speed

That you two will be
ridiculously dizzy.

By the time you
regain your balance,

I'll be on the beautiful shores
of puerto vallarta

With a prize package
worth over one million dollar--


Say, have you
any idea where
the tour might be?

I've been looking
all over for my--

Is that the wheel
of wonderful stuff?

You betcha.

Say, how about you
step on up here

And give this wheel
a big old spin, huh?

You have my permission.



We have to get out of here
before the wheel spins

And we get really,
really dizzy.

One of seymour's
diamond rings?

Narrator: good thinking, huggy.

Diamonds can cut through
almost anything.

Now, are you
ready to spin

The wheel
of wonderful stuff?

Huggy, move it.

Oh, no.
We're too late.

Narrator: will the defining duo
get dizzified by the dazz--

No time.
She's spinning.

Brace yourself. Ooh!



That's it?
That's your spin?


Porcelain kitty
figurines, come to mama.


Now, you can keep
the porcelain kitties,

Or you can spin
the wheel again

For the chance to win one
of the fabulous big prizes,

Like a fabulous cruise
around the world,

Oh, or how about
a gazillion dollars?

I'm going to keep
the kitties.

You're serious?

Fine. The kitties
are yours.

And because
you've been

Such an amazing

You have my
permission to take
a free bonus spin.

More kitties!

Right. No!

I mean, this time, the
wheel has to go around

for it to count.

Oh, ok.


Ha ha! Ha ha!
I won! I won!

What do you mean,
you won?

I thought I was
the contestant.

Yes. Yes.

Of course you are,
but for right now...

♪ I won, I won,
oh, yes, I wo-- ♪

Aah! Wordgirl!
You escaped.

Yup. Couple
of minutes ago.

We just wanted to see
you dance around

Like a goofball
before we took you down.

What's going on?
He tricked you, mom--

M-mama mia,
what a trick.

What do you mean?

Smooth here used
invisible ink

To try to swindle you
out of your money.

See for yourself.

"I give my permission
to seymour orlando smooth

"To withdraw all my money
from this bank.

mrs. Sally botsford"?

Permission means
for you to allow someone
to do something,

So he tricked you into
giving him permission

To steal all the money
from your bank account.

That's right,

And after I
take care of you ,

I have to go
to the bank to make
a few withdrawals.

I don't think so.
Oh, yeah?

Well, who cares
what you think?

Take this!

Think you can
trick me, huh?

Huggy fuzzy lumps,
here. Catch.

Aah! Aah! All right.

Why don't I tell you
what else you've won--

Another trip
to the hair salon.

Nope. Ha ha!

Ooh, that elastic
is tight.

Serves you right,

Tricking innocent people
out of their money.

Aah! Not my wheel,
not my wonderful wheel.

Nice job,

Back at you,
mrs. B.

Where'd you get
a shower cap?

Well, it's been a while
since I cleaned out
my pocket book.

Say, any chance
you could help me

Find my daughter
and her pet monkey?

Oh, whoops.

Oh. So long,

Well, there you are.
You missed all the excitement.

Oh, I don't know.

That tour was
pretty exciting.

Narrator: and so once again,

Wordgirl and captain huggy face
are our grand prize winners,

With a little help from
contestant mrs. Sally botsford,

And mr. Smooth wins himself
an all-expense trip to jail.

So, kids, get permission
from your folks

And tune in next time
for another amazing adventure

Of wordgirl.

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion will have
a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Emily, you correctly defined
the word "crestfallen."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Sure am,
mr. Handsome.

Take a look at these pictures
and tell me which one

Shows the definition
for "crestfallen."

Give it a shot, emily.

means to be sad
and disappointed.

I think
it's number two.

Huggy definitely
looks crestfallen.

That's correct, which means
you're our bonus round winner.

Show her what she's won, huggy.

[Audience gasps]


Beau: it was the world's biggest
bottle of bubbles.

Well, that's our show.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Announcer: want wordgirl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library,
cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word is "drum"

Because it makes music
and I love music.

I listen to blues, rock,

Jazz, church music,
country music,

And, well, I guess that's
all the music there is.

My favorite word is "guffaw."

It's funny to say. Guffaw.

Ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Captain huggy face,

Show us what jubilant means.

That's right! Jubilant means
to feel so happy

You want to jump up for joy.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]


Announcer: chuck e. Cheese's,
proud supporter of pbs kids,
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