02x15 - Mr. Big's Dolls and Dollars / Great Granny May

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x15 - Mr. Big's Dolls and Dollars / Great Granny May

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Word girl

Narrator: hey, kids, listen
for the words "constantly"
and "indignant."

Just another typical day
in the life of our heroine,
becky bots--

Shh! You're
the best part

Of "the pretty
magical princess

And sparkling pony
power hour."


It's a very special

We're finally going
to find out

Where the nasty
count cloudy has
taken penelope pony.

Where have you hidden
penelope pony, count cloudy?

I'll never tell you!

Tell me!

All right, fine.
I will tell you,

And after I tell you,
you will finally
at long last

Know where penelope pony
is hidden.

Becky: aw, no way!

Why do they
constantly put

Right at
the best part
of the show?

Announcer: it's
walk-and-talk word girl!

word girl?

Yeah! The doll that walks
and talks just like
the real word girl.

[Robotic voice]
stop right there, butcher.

I will use my strategery
to defeat you.

That's not a word.

She should say

Some assembly required.
Extra outfits, equipment,
and accessories sold separately.

That doll is
nothing like me!

I don't mispronounce
words or use
poor grammar.

I mean, come on!

Narrator: whoa!
Someone's indignant.

What kid would want
a walk-and-talk
word girl doll

That is so clearly
not like me?

[T.j. Panting]

It was a battle,
but I got one.

Move, t.j.!
My show's back on!

Check it out! It talks
just like on the commercial.

I want the walk-and-talk
word girl umbrella
before it precipitates.

Oh, please.

I would never--
I mean, word girl

Would never use
a complicated word
when a simple one

Like "rain"
would suffice.

How would you know?

Trust me.
The doll is wrong.

Now please move.
I'm missing
the best part.


[Music playing]

No! I missed
the ending!

I want a walk-and-talk
word girl barbecue set.

Ugh! T.j.,
Turn it off!

I want a new outfit.

Buy me one.

Let me see
that thing.

"Mr. Big

T.j.: ♪ Word up

Come on, bob.
Let's get to the bottom
of this. Word up!

Heh! That's how
it's done.

Narrator: meanwhile, across town
in mr. Big's penthouse lair...

Progress report.
The citizens of the city

Are going crazy for
the walk-and-talk
word girl doll, sir.

The dolls are
only the beginning.

Every walk-and-talk
word girl doll is implanted

With a powerful
mind control device,

And once we switch on
the mind control,

We can use the doll's voice
to make people buy

The extra outfits,
equipment, and accessories

Which are sold separately.

So when the doll talks--

People do what
the doll tells them to do

And they buy, they buy,
they buy, buy, buy!

Buy, buy, buy what,
mr. Big?

Word girl! You're--
you're constantly
flying in uninvited.

Ahem! Remind me
to keep the windows to
my skyscraper closed.

You got it,

How much have you
and colonel
hairy face heard?

Just that last part
about the buy, buy, buy.

Uh-huh, uh-huh.
Nothing before that?

No. Why?

Uh, no--no matter.
How can I help you?

I want to know why
you're selling
word girl dolls.

What's your
evil plan?

Evil plan?

There's no evil plan.
I'm selling these dolls

Because you are
constantly fighting crime
and righting wrongs,

And I wanted to...
Honor that.

Ok. But the doll is
so annoying.

It uses words
incorrectly and has
poor grammar.

That's not like me
at all.

No need to be indignant.
We'll take care of it.

Leslie, uh,
fix the doll's words

Speech, uh, things,


So there's really
no funny business
going on?

None of your usual
mind control
or anything?

Ha ha ha ha!
Word girl!

You're so popular
that I don't need

Mind control
to sell these dolls.

Hmm. While flattered,
I'm not buying it,

But I guess
there's nothing
illegal going on.

You're off the hook
for now,

But I'll be
watching you


You fell for my lies,
word girl!

Ah, sometimes being evil
is just too easy.

Initiate mind control!



I'm on it, bigsy.

Buy me the word girl
mega-humongous doll house.

I want the limited-edition,
gold-plated word girl
back scratcher.

Me want the official
word girl cruise ship

And caribbean island
play set.

Me wants it now.


Ow. A pile of money isn't
as soft as it looks.

No matter, leslie!

The mind control is working.
I'm richer, rich, rich!

So, since you have
so much money,
can I get a raise?

That doesn't seem fair,

Considering all I do.

Oh, don't be
so indignant!

I've got big plans
for this money.

All my life I've heard it said
that you can't buy city hall.

Well, I plan
to prove everyone wrong

By buying city hall.

The expression is
"you can't fight
city hall."

Oh, whatever!
This mind control doll
is making me so rich,

I'll buy city hall
and then I'll fight it!

I can do both!

Not sure that makes
sense, sir.

Oh, who cares?
Soon city hall will be mine.

It will be mine,
all mine!


Ha ha ha!
Ow, ow, ice pack.

Remind me not to dive
into piles of money anymore.

Piles of money.
No diving.

Doll: go buy me
an official word girl
toothbrush protector.

Honey, remind me to go
to the store tomorrow

And pick up a word girl
toothbrush protector.

Good idea, hon.
Let's get two.

Why not ?
One for each

Yay! Sounds good.

Uh, aren't there
better things to
spend our money on

Than silly toys
and accessories?

Buy me the word girl
pickle jar.

First thing
in the morning.

Ooh, pick one up for me
while you're at it.

Oh, pickle one up
for me, too.

Everybody stop!

Mom, dad, you're not
acting like yourselves.

You're constantly
spending money on
frivolous, silly things

Just because
the doll tells you to.

Yes, constantly.

You're doing it again
and again,

As in constantly buying
walk-and-talk word girl

But, honey,
this is word girl,

And word girl never lies.

If she says we need
something, we need it.

Do you need it
or just want it, dad?

I mean, shouldn't we be
spending our money on
more important things,

Like, I don't know,

Oh, don't get
indignant, honey.

What's so great
about food, anyway?

We're buying
the word girl
tree shaker instead.

Tree shaker?
What does that even do?

Shakes trees!
Trees sold

Buy the word girl
glow-in-the-dark suntan lotion.

suntan lotion.

Ok, something's
going on here.

It's like the dolls have you
under some sort of--

All: suntan lotion.

Mind control!
Come on, bob.

Time to pay another visit
to mr. Big.

Narrator: later, back
at mr. Big's penthouse lair...

Leslie, when you get
a chance, I need you

To get these new word girl
products programmed

Into the mind control

Right away, sir.

I have to get
some sleep.

Tomorrow morning,
I'm buying
city hall.

♪ Buying city hall

I want the word girl

I want the word girl


Now just more
to program in.

Word girl:
hold it right there,

Mr. Big's assistant!

It's leslie.

So you've been
using mind control
after all.

Of course.
It's spelled out

In our company's
mission statement. Here.

"We strive to constantly
use mind control." Huh.

Well, I'm here
to put an end to it!



You're too late,
you know.

Mr. Big already has
enough money
to buy city hall,

And I will be
his deputy secretary

Of communication
and internal policy

Relating to governmental

Which is just
a fancy way of saying

You sound pretty indignant.

Well, I am mad.
It just doesn't
seem fair.

That's the definition
of "indignant."
You do know your stuff.

Would you mind
telling that to my boss?

First things first.


If I turn off the mind control,

The citizens will stop buying
silly doll accessories,

But mr. Big will still have
enough money to buy city hall.

But if I can find a way to get

Everyone their money back--

That's it!

I'm defective.

Take me back to mr. Big
and demand a full refund
right away.

I'm defective.
Take me back to mr. Big

And demand a full refund
right away.

And while you're at it,
why don't you go
play outside?

And go read a book.

Narrator: the next morning,
on the steps of city hall...

And with this check

For a truly outrageous
amount of money,

I, mr. Big,

Declare myself to be
the official owner

Of city hall.

Doll: I'm defective.

Take me back to mr. Big
and demand a full refund

Right away.

Dolls: full refund right away.

Full refund right away.

Full refund
right away...

Uh, I got to go.

[Crowd shouting]

Oh! Oh!

Word girl,
just in time!
Save me!

And why
should I save you?

This is no time
to be indignant.
Just do it.

Not until you refund
everyone's money.

But if I give everyone
their money back,

How will I buy
city hall?

Fine. I guess I'll be going.

Good luck with
the angry mob.


They can have
their money

[Crowd cheering]

Narrator: and so city hall
is saved from the clutches
of mr. Big,

While back in the botsford
living room...

For the last time,
count cloudy,

Where have you taken
penelope pony?

I have taken her
to the land of...



I knew it! Yeah!

♪ Mmm mmm mmm
mmm mmm! ♪

oh, it was an accident.
Don't be so indignant.

And you out there,
audience member,

Be sure to join us next time
for another constantly
exciting adventure

Of "word girl!"

♪ Word girl

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "fatigued."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.



Poor word girl
and huggy.

They look
so fatigued.

Which means...?
When you're like

Word girl and huggy
are in the clip.

Right, and how would
you define that?



I'm really starting
to become fatigued.


Yes, tommy?

To be fatigued is to be
extremely tired, exhausted.

Even the great word girl
can become fatigued.

She's only human.
Actually she's not human

Because she's from
the planet lexicon.
I guess she's lexiconian--

That is correct!

Congratulations, tommy!

You are today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An official word girl
trampoline bed!

Perfect for when you want
to get some exercise.

Also perfect for when that
exercise or hosting a game show
has made you fatigued.

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl

Narrator: listen for the words
"doting" and "evidence."

Today is "bring your daughter
and her pet monkey to work day"

At the county courthouse,

Which means becky botsford
gets to watch her mom,

District attorney
sally botsford, in action.

Are you having fun,

Are you hungry?

No, thanks.
I have
granola bars.

Mom, you don't have
to dote on me. I'm fine.

All right, kiddo.
Now, stay here

And watch mommy pin
- on granny may
for robbery, ok?


Go get her, mom!

Ha ha!
I love my work.

Granny may,

In spite of all
this evidence,

You claim you
did not rob devin's
salon last thursday?

You must have me confused
with someone else.

Even though you were
caught by word girl
outside the front door,

Sporting a new hairdo
and holding
the cash register?

Bath register?

I only take showers.

Oh, I think
you heard me, granny.

What about the fact
that word girl found
devin himself

Pinned to the wall
with these?

Oh, those pins could have
come from anywhere.

Marked "property
of granny may"?

Oh, uh--

The very same
hair pins

That you're wearing

Right now!
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