02x12 - A Vote for Becky / Class Act

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x12 - A Vote for Becky / Class Act

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ We need
the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect

♪ Keeps the crime world
in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

Narrator: hey, kids,
listen for the words

"Elect" and "candidate."

After dinner one evening
at the botsford home,

Becky and her family are working
hard on an important project.

Well, my wife's term
is about to end,

And we'd really like
your support

So she can be re-elected
district attorney.

If you vote
for sally botsford,

You'll be voting
for the best...hmm...


Yes, tj.
Your mom is the best candidate.

Oh, no. Not your mom.

My wife is the best candidate,
so vote for her, please.

I'm someone who's
trying to convince
enough people

To vote for me
so I can win
the election.

That makes me
a candidate.

That's why
if I'm re-elected,

I promise to make
you all very--

Oh, what's a good
word for proud?

How about "proud"?
Yes! Proud.

Oh, doing speeches
makes me nervous,

And I forget
my vocabulary.

What did
you say again?

Proud! Exactly.

Gosh, becky, you're
a regular wordgirl.

Yeah. Becky wishes
she were like wordgirl.

Mom, do you like
being a candidate?

I do, but you know
what I like even better?

Helping people
understand that if they
don't like something,

They can vote for
a candidate who can
help change it,

Or they can try to get
elected and change
things themselves.

Hmm, I'm impressed.

But take it from me,
she is the best candidate.

If you--
he hung up.
[Dial tone]

Narrator: the next day...

It's really fun working
on my mom's campaign
for district attorney.

Maybe you'd like
to help out.

Not likely.

Well, I think being
part of an election

Is a great way
to help change things
and make them better.

Like, remember when we
were talking about how
recess should be longer?

Yeah, and how
great would it be

To have a class
in pillow-fighting

Or to have much
better-tasting food
in the cafeteria?

I would vote for
that in a heartbeat.

Bump bump.

If I were elected
class president,

The first thing I'd do
is outlaw soy butter
and jelly sandwiches.

Attention, please.

Student elections
are coming up,

So if you want to change things
for the better for our school,

Make sure to sign up
to be a candidate today.

Wow, becky, here's
your big chance.

You should be
a candidate.

I don't know.

Also, tomorrow is soy butter
and jelly sandwich day,

So don't forget
your lunch money.

Yum yum.

I think
I will sign up.

Becky botsford, going
for class president, eh?

Oh, too bad only one
of us can be elected,

Since we're both
terrific candidates.

Well, at least I am.

Hey, I'm
an excellent candidate.

Besides, why are you
even trying to win
this election?

You're more interested
in destroying things
than helping the school.

Not true.

There are many things
about the school
I intend to improve.

Give me one example.

Oh, there's so many things
I'd like to change,

Like, you know...
School stuff.
I knew it.

You have
no interest in being
on the student council.

What's the real reason
you signed up to be
a candidate?

When I become
class president,

I'm going to impress wordgirl
with my newly elected power.

That's ridiculous.

Why would you possibly
think that wordgirl

Will like you more
if you win an election?

You wouldn't
understand, becky.

Superheroes like wordgirl

Are totally into guys
with power.

No, I'm not.

I mean, you know,

I have more in common
with girls like wordgirl
than you'd think.

Ha ha! Oh, becky.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have an election to win.

Vote for tobey.

Mrs. Botsford:
...and finally,

If I get the most votes
and win the election,

I promise to work my hardest

To make this town
better and better.

Thank you.

Whoo hoo!

"Better and better."

You got my vote, hun.
You're my wife.

Wow, that was
really good, mom.

Ooh, I did well.
Oh, thanks, tj.

Let's hear
your speech, becky.

Ok. I'm still
working on it, but ok.

Fellow students,
my name is becky botsford,

And I'm the candidate
for class president.

Heh, yeah.

Every student must decide
for themselves

Which candidate they think
will do the best job,

So if I'm elected,

Here are some of the changes
I would like to make.

I would add an art class...

Whoo hoo!

Make the food
in the cafeteria more tasty...

Oh, that's been
a long time coming.

Get new benches
for the playground...

Tobey: mm-hmm.

Becky: and plant a shade-giving
tree at the bus stop.

A tree. Ha ha ha!

If you elect me,
I promise to add an art class,

Make the food
in the cafeteria more tasty,

Get new benches
for the playground,

And plant a shade-giving tree
at the bus stop.

Those are my ideas.

I also promise to make my best
robots available on election day

To help count all the votes...
In my favor.

Ha ha ha!
Ooh, yeah.

So, vote for me,
and, speaking of voting for me,

I've just learned that wordgirl
is officially supporting me

As her favorite candidate.


Girl: yeah. I relate
more with robots.

What do you think
of that, becky botsford?

I think you are being
an unfair candidate.

Boo hoo,
that hurts my feelings,

But now that these students
have heard all my great ideas,

Do you have
anything to say?

Well, i--

Tobey is going
to get us new benches
for the playground.

What are you going
to get us?

Actually, those
benches were my--

Becky botsford, you obviously
don't have any good ideas.

That's why
I'm the best candidate.

Right, everyone?

Tobey! Tobey! Tobey!

Uh! This is
so unfair.



Becky: you're not
going to get away
with this, tobey.

What are you talking
about, becky botsford?

I'm just
sitting here eating

These delicious soy butter
and jelly sandwiches,

Which will be served
every day once I'm elected.

I just spoke
to wordgirl,

And she told me
that you're not her
favorite candidate.

She's going to show up
here on election day

And tell everyone
to vote for me.

I don't believe you.

Why would wordgirl
tell you anything?

Because she knows
that I'm the candidate

Who wants
to help students
by changing things

And you're the candidate
who wants to help robots
and destroy things.

Oh, we'll see if wordgirl
shows up on election day.

Ha ha ha!

Narrator: it's election day
at the botsford home.

Mrs. Botsford:
well, becky,
win or lose,

At least we both did
everything we could
to get elected.

Well, I tried my best,

But tobey is not
running a fair campaign.

He even told everyone
that wordgirl wants them
to vote for him,

But luckily,
I'm going to--

I mean, I heard wordgirl
is coming to school today

To tell everyone
to vote for me.

Great news.
Man on tv:
this just in.

A huge army of robots
is creating chaos downtown,

And great recipes
for raisin muffins.

Oh, no. If we go battle
the robots--oh, right.

I mean, if wordgirl goes
and battles the robots,

She won't be able to go
to school and tell everyone

To vote for me
instead of tobey.


Oh, you're right, bob.

Robot army beats out
school election.

Let's go.

Word up!

Did tobey send his entire army
of robots here?

Uh! Huh! Hwah! Ooh!

Made it impossible for me to get
to the election in time.

...and time.
Polls closed.

The election
for class president

Is now officially over.

Ha ha! Wordgirl
can't save the day

For poor little
becky botsford,
after all.

My robots are simply
too powerful.

When do I give my
acceptance speech?
I have it right here.

Well, first we need
to count the ballots.

Where are the robots,

The ones who volunteered
to tally the votes?


Why me?


I sent all the robots
to destroy the city.

I mean, heh,
small problem.

It seems my robots
are indisposed.

Perhaps I should count
the votes myself.

I don't think so, tobey.
There's too many.

We'll be here all night.
I have a better idea.

Let's do it
the old-fashioned way.

Narrator: moments later...

Principal: ok. Well,
we have two candidates here,

But only one of them
can be your next president,

So by a show of hands,
who wants tobey?

Robots can't vote.

That makes two votes
for tobey.

Now let's see
a show of hands for becky.

And I see two votes
for becky.

It looks like we have a tie.
Oh, my.

how about violet?

Well, she wasn't
an official candidate,

But I'm willing to make
an exception.

And now may I have a show
of hands for violet?

Ooh, ooh,
ooh, ooh!

What? This
is an outrage.

I was going to
be the winner.

Well, violet, it looks like
you're our new class president.

[All cheering]

Violet! Violet!

Oh, gee, that's my name.
Thanks, everybody.

Becky, will you be
my vice president?

It would be
my honor.



I am so proud that you got
elected class president.

Well, vice president,
but thanks, mom.

I'm happy for violet.

And congratulations to
you on your re-election.

Oh, more years
as district attorney.

I couldn't have done it
without my favorite
campaign advisors.

Well, as long as
we're voting on stuff,

I vote that
the botsford kids
get to stay up

As late as they want
every night.

Who's with me?
Hear, hear!

And I vote we get to eat
ice cream for breakfast.


Nice try,
you two.


Bob is
a crazy monkey.

Who gave the monkey
the confetti?

Ok. I did.
Ha ha ha!

Oh, what
a fun family.

Narrator: and don't forget
to tune in next time

To elect your favorite candidate
for adventure--wordgirl.

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "pounce."

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.





Ha ha ha!

What is going on
with you, emily?
Ha ha ha!

It's just so cute,
the way huggy
pounces on people.

Ok, but can anyone--

I'll define it,

But can huggy
pretty please pounce
on something first?

I really don't
think that's--

Ha ha ha!
Thanks, huggy.

To pounce is
to spring on something
or someone suddenly.

That is correct.

Congratulations, emily.
You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what's she's won--

An official "wordgirl"
hot air dr. Two brains balloon.


Nice pouncing, huggy.

Ha ha ha!
He's so cute.

All right. Well,
that's it for today's show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: psst,
listen for the words
"ramble" and "articulate."

In the middle of
the national national bank,

A battle rages on.

Hey, wordgirl,
here's meat in your eye.

Corned beef mash.


Nice one, huggy.

So, butcher, thought
you could rob a bank
in broad daylight?

Well, yeah.

Can't rob it at night.
They're not open.

He's right.
We close at :.

Yes, but--
oh, forget it.

I'm sending you back
to jail, butcher,
and quickly.

Why? What's the rush?

Well, I've been
asked to be a guest
speaker at a class.

Oh, that's nice.

Yeah, but I still
have some preparations
to take care of.

Well, it's gonna be
hard to prepillate

When your covered in--
hold it. Hold it. Hold it.

I'm gonna
stop you there.

What'd I do now?

The word is
not "prepillate."

It means to get
ready for something.

Like I said, I have
someplace to be,
so could we just--

I'm sick of being
wrong all the time.
Uh, ok.

It's just,
I love words,

And I want to use them
more rightly.

Actually, it's not
"more rightly."

Like, last week, I was
robbing this bank, right,

And I ask the guy
behind the counter

For everything he's got,
"and make it click."

He hands me
a bag of these.

What kind of bank
has a bag of--

Don't even
get me started.

So, I'm trying
to tell the guy that
I don't want these.

I want the loop.
"Loot," meaning money.

Right, but he can't
understamp me.


So, the teller
cuts me off and says

He's not gonna help me
if I keep bambling.

You mean
I think so.

I don't know.
I need help.

Well, butcher, it's nice
to see you want
to improve yourself.

Who knows? Maybe it'll
inspire you to give up
crime altogether.

Ha ha ha!
I don't know about that.

In fact...
Chicken pot pie-phoon!

So long, wordgirl, oh,
and thanks for listening.

Don't say it.
I know. I know.

Narrator: later,
in an adult education class...

Welcome back, class,
to "the art of speaking."

Before we get started
on this week's lesson,

I'd like you all
to welcome a new student--

Mr. T.h. Butcher.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's pronounced "bouchere,"
not "butcher."

Oh, I'm sorry.

Ok. Bouchere.

Hi. I'm not
the butcher.

So, let's get started.

This week's lesson
is on how to articulate.

Say it with me class--


Part of being well-spoken

Is making sure that people
understand what you say.

That's why it is very important
to articulate your words.

Mr. Bouchere, would you
stand up, please?
Oh, man.

I didn't even say
anything yet, and
I still messed up.

No, no, no.
I just want you to help me

Demonstrate to the class
how one articulates.

Oh. Ok.

Repeat after me--


Now say it
a little faster,

But pronounce all the sounds
just as clearly, like this.




Oh, right,
right, right.

Uh, thank you.

This is easy.

Come on, everybody.

Narrator: meanwhile,
flying around the city...

Well, I was hoping
to have the butcher
wrapped up by now

So that
I could concentrate
on my speech.

You really want
a little sample?

Ok. Here goes.
Hi, everybody.

My name is wordgirl,
and as my name implies,
I love words.

I mean, I also
love geography,

But I think geography girl
was already taken.

So, I bet some of you
are wondering,

"Wordgirl, even though
you seem to love all words,

You must have
some favorites."

I do.

I like "dazzling"
and "sparkly"

And "abundance," ooh,
ooh, and "victorious"

And "shenanigans"
and "elega-"

I wasn't rambling.

No, I wasn't.

Fine. I'll ask him.
Excuse me. Narrator?

Narrator: uh-huh?

Were you listening
to my speech?

Narrator: sort of.

What do you mean,
"sort of"?

Narrator: I'm sorry.

It's just, you were
talking on and on and on,

So I kind of tuned out.

You seemed to, uh--

Narrator: that depends.
What does "ramble" mean again?

"Ramble" means to talk
on and on without really
having a point.

well, then yes. Ramble.

That doesn't
prove anything.

He said he was only
sort of listen--

Oh, no.

Fine, but we'll
discuss this later.

I'm just saying,
it's not fair.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I usually say the first meat
that comes into my head.

why'd it have
to be bologna?

I hate bologna.

And how come he
got roast beef?

Look, buddy.
I don't know what to tell you.

Tell him you'll
see him later,

When you get
out of jail.

[Articulating] aha! Wordgirl.
I see that you found me again.


Well, let us commensicate
with our battle forthwith.

What's going on?

Whatever do you mean?

Well, apart from

You're speaking
very clearly.

Am I to understand that you
like the way I articulate?

Yes. Yes, I do.

Thank you, wordgirl.

I am pleased
that you have noticed.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I must take my good-bye.

Chicken pow mein!
Aah! Uh!

Ta-ta, wordgirl.

I got distracted.

Butcher: excuse me,
kind store clerk,

But this is a robbifery,
so if you would--

Oh, robbery.
How exciting.

Well, you'll
probably want all of our
most valuable things--

Right, so if you
would please place--

Let's see--like
this gold paper clip

And this gold
potato peeler, ooh,

And this is
a gold keychain

In the shape of
rutherford b. Hayes.
Yes. Ok.

So if you
would please--

Hold it right
there, butcher.

Once again,
you have found me,

And once again,
we shall battle until--

Yeah. Hey,
before we start,

You know, I have to do
a speech for this class,

And hopefully,
I'll be able to teach

A little something
about words,

And maybe they'll
learn something,

Just like
how you learned,

Not that I think
I'm a great teacher
or anything.

I mean, it's hard to
teach people how--

Butcher: whoa, hold on.

Sorry to cut you off,

But you're really
starting to ramble,

And I should
probably get going.

Me? Me ramble?
Uh, yes.

I do not
believe this.

Well, you were
talking a lot

And not really staying
to one topic, right?

Wasn't she?


I taught wordgirl
a word!
Well, no.

I already knew
what "ramble" meant.

I just didn't think
it applied to me.

Hey, everybody--
you, you--

Well, you're
the only one here.

I taught wordgirl
a word! Oh, man!

I can't wait to tell
the teacher she fixed me.

Not so fast, butcher.
You're not going any--


Oh! Oh... You...


What just happened?


Oh, right.

I guess catching the butcher
will have to wait.

It's time for my speech.
Hopefully, I won't ramble.

Narrator: a few moments later,
at the adult education class...

Ok, class.
Shall we get started?

Butcher: teacher!
Hey, teacher!
Hey, teach.

Mr. Bouchere, I'm so glad
you could make it.

You did it!
You fixed me!

My vocabulation is
no longer fiduciary.

I even rightified

I have no idea
what you just said,

But you sound excited,
so congratulations.


Thank you, and also,
I'm quitting the class.

You fixed me.
I now articulate perfectly.

Yes, you do,

But that's only part
of being well-spoken.

There's much
more to learn.

Oh, really?
Can you examplate?

Why don't you
stick around?

We have a special
guest coming in

Who can it explain it
much better than i.

In fact, here
she comes now.

Wordgirl? Her speech
was for this class?
Oh, boy.

Everyone, it is my pleasure
to introduce wordgirl.


Hi, everyone.

My name is wordgirl,
and this is my sidekick
captain huggy face.

We're here today
to discuss the importance

Of having
a good vocabulary.

Now, it has recently been
brought to my attention

By some that I have
a tendency to ramble.

Now, I don't think
I ramble.

I just get really excited
when I talk about words.

It's funny because
when I was a little girl,

People used
to always tell me...

Oh, boy, don't
look over here.

Don't look over here.
Please don't see me.

Please don't--
oh, those are
nice shoes.

...and that's why I've always
enjoyed a good potato,

But I have to admit
that I'm pretty upset

That the butcher,
of all people,
said I was rambling.

He has no right.

Now hold on
just a minute.

What do you mean I have
no right to say you ramble?

Aw, forget it.

It is i, the butcher...


And I have to say,

You're being
a really sore loser.

You are just upset

Because I am all fixed,

And you don't
have anyone
to correctify anymore.

The word is "correct,"
not "correctify."

Ha ha!
I don't think so,

And who would know
better than me?

Oh, sorry, dear, but
wordgirl is correct.

The word is "correct,"
not "correctify,"

And it's "better than i,"
not "better than me."

Oh, no! The effects
of the class,

They're wearing off.

I'm all
broken again.

No. No. No.
Pull it together.

I have to
ar-tic-u-late. Yeah.

Well, butcher, articulating
may help your speech,

But it isn't going to
help you stay out of jail.

Oh, yes?
Well, maybe this will.

Chicken parme-stomp!

Lots of chicken att*cks
this episode.

Yeah. Chicken
is good for you.

Well, let's see if these
books are good for you. Ha!

Hey! Hey!

Back at you.

Looks like we have
a staplemake, wordgirl.

Oh, dear, I think
you mean a stalemate.

A stalemate
is when two opponents
are evenly matched.

Right, and
neither one of them

Can get an advantage
over the other.
I know.

What a great word,
Love it.

It reminds me
of riding horses
when was a young girl.

Really? Why?

Well, there was
this one horse...
Ok. Ok!

Stop. Stop!
That is it.

I am tired
of all this

Roast beef--ooh!

Ok. That was
a cheap shot.

Somebody help me
out of here. Hey!

and so, once again--

Wait. Hold on.
That's it?

Narrator: you're stuck,
aren't you?

Oh, ok.

Just seemed to wrap up
kind of quickly.

Narrator: maybe that's because
you were rambling on

About the word
"stalemate," and--

Narrator: heh, and so,
the butcher learned

To articulate better
but was still no match

For a monkey
and a one-piece desk.

Join us again next time for
another episode of "wordgirl."

And cut.
Stop looking at me like that.

Hello, I'm beau handsome, and
this is the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion

Correctly defined
the word "pounce"

And will now go
for another prize.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

mr. Handsome.

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "pounce."

Ok, emily.
What's your answer?

Ha ha ha!
Oh, I know.
I know.

He's so cute when
he pounces like that.

Sorry. The answer
is number one.

You are correct,

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

Yes. It's an official "wordgirl"
captain huggy face balloon.

Too cute. Ha ha!

no more pouncing.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Second announcer:
want wordgirl's word power?

Second announcer:
want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

One of my favorite words
is "adventure"

Because it makes me think
of a beginning

Of a big, long memory
full of laughter and excitement

And a great journey to remember.

My favorite word is "pugnacious"
because it sounds really funny.

It means when someone
enjoys fighting.

I'm a little pugnacious.
Well, that's what my mom says.

My brother
is a little pugnacious.

So is my other brother
and kind of my sister.

♪ That's my favorite word
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