02x11 - Shrinkin' In the Ray / Department Store Tobey

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x11 - Shrinkin' In the Ray / Department Store Tobey

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Wordgirl

Narrator: listen for the words

"Increase" and "decrease."

The flour is flying at the th
annual cheesecake celebration

As josephine's bakery puts
the finishing touches

On what will soon be the world's
largest cheesecake.

Oh, that smells good.

[French accent]
ladies and gentlemen,

I hereby present
josephine's bakery

With this handsome
commemorative plaque

Declaring this the world's
largest cheese--



Uh, forget it.


All my hard work!

Who would do such a--aah!

My mini cheesecake.

Oh, it's my mini
cheesecake now.

Ha ha ha ha!

Shrunken cheesecake,
mad cackle,
mouse-shaped blimp.

What does it
all mean?

Dr. Two-brains
is back in town?

Dr. Two-brains?

Leave the news to
the professionals,

You mean like the "news,"
the "post," and the
"coupon clipper"?

Holy toledo!
Dr. Two-brains is back.

What a story.

I guess those news
professionals sure know
what they're doing.

Oh, they do, becky,
but I'm going to
beat them all

To an exclusive.

I'm gonna figure out
the scene of his
next crime.

That would be
a great scoop,

But what would two-brains
try to steal next?


Hmm. We know he's
got a shrink ray,

So the target is
probably going to be
something big.

And we know he's got
the brain of a hungry
lab rat,

So the target is
probably going to be
something cheesy.

Something cheesy...

[Gasp] that's it!

The giant cheese wheel
down at the supermarket.

you're a genius.

You've got a great
brain for the news,
you know that?

Do you think so?

Sure. In fact, I could
use some help

Chasing down this story.

How would you like
to be this reporter's
official assistant?

Really? Your assistant?

Stick with me, kid,
and you'll go places.

He called me kid.


Narrator: meanwhile, in the lair
of dr. Two-brains...

Dr. Two-brains: who would
have thought it would
be so easy?

Step : build a laser beam
that shrinks even the biggest
piles of cheese

To the size of my hand.

Step : shrink and steal all
the cheese in the entire city!

But now the cheesecake
is so small.

Ha ha ha! The cheesecake
is small because I used
my shrink ray

To decrease
the size of it.

But why make it
so small?

So it would be
easier to steal.

But now there's
hardly any

That's because I haven't
used my grow ray

To increase
it to its full size.

So once you increase it,
it'll be big again?

Ha! Precisely.

So, what are you
waiting for?

Well, shrinking things
is easy,

But growing them
to their original size

Requires a very special
type of fuel--




A delicious garden

In order to increase
a shrunken cheese item
to full size,

I need an entire
crate of parsnips.

I've got crates
ready to go.

And you definitely
need all crates?

Yes. Parsnips are
incredible hard to find
around here,

Especially by
the crate.

So if somebody
was messing around
with the grow ray

And they used up
a crate,

That would be bad?


But that's not
a problem

Because I've got all
crates right here.

. --?

Henchmen, do you have
something you'd like
to tell me?

What about you?
Come on. Fess up.

Um, I got a new
pet bunny.


Narrator: meanwhile,
at the grocery store,

Scoops, becky, and bob
are keeping an eye out
for dr. Two-brains.

Hey, becky,
stay alert.

Dr. Two-brains
could strike
at any time.


Can I help you kids
find something?

Oh, no, thanks.
We're just trying
to decide

What kind of, uh,
croutons to buy

For, um, salad.

You've been here
for two hours.

Well, the wrong crouton
can ruin a perfectly
good salad.

Good point.
Carry on.

Scoops, I don't get it.

Why can't we just
tell him why
we're here?

Reporter lesson
number one:

When you're on
a top-secret

It's important to
maintain your cover

So that no one
knows you're really
a reporter.

Oh. Of course.

Our cover is that
we're salad experts

From the french

See, most people
don't know that
the crouton

Was invented by
heimlich von

Admiral in the
german navy.

Say, kid, we've got
these great new croutons
from switzerland.


This looks like
a job for--



How'd you get
so big?

I hate to break it
to you,

But I'm the same size
I've always been.

Holy cow. That means
I've decreased in size.

Oh, I got to get this

"And as the vicious
villains reduced
this reporter...

[Wheels rolling]

My cheese!

My story!

[Bob screeches]

Word up!

Narrator: meanwhile,
high above the city

In a giant inflatable mouse...

At last-- of the
biggest cheeses in
town are mine!

One more and my plan
is complete.

And it's about time.
I'm getting
increasingly hungry.


All right, what's
your problem?

You are ruining
a really enjoyable
evil scheme here.

I'm worried
about flopsy.

Is he gonna be ok
by himself?

Well, maybe if you
hadn't used my
grow ray

To turn him into the
world's biggest bunny,

We could have
brought him along.

Well, you don't
have to rub it in.

Oh, never mind,
never mind.

The important
thing is,

Even though you
foolishly decreased
our supply,

We still have
enough parsnips to
operate the grow ray

Two more times.

Oh, now come on!

Whoa! Who is bopping
my blimp?

knock that off!

Not until you
knock off all the

Um, let me think
about it. No deal.

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha! You'll have to do
better than that.

No, I won't.
I don't want to
shrink you.

I want to shrink that.

I should have known--
the : cheese express.

[Huggy screeches]

Oh, forget it, wordgirl.

Over , tons
of delicious, creamy cheese!

And it's all going to
fit in the palm of my hand.

Ha ha ha!


[Huggy whines]


That tickles.

[High voice]
aw, man!


Ha ha ha!
Too bad, wordgirl.

Or should I call you
wee girl?




Thanks, huggy.
I owe you one.

But right now
I've got a friend
to rescue

And some cheese
to recover.

Word up!

Narrator: wordgirl and captain
huggy face take to the skies

In order to find dr. Two-brains'
secret lair.

Uh, how are you lifting
that giant monkey?

Dr. Two-brains may have
decreased my size,

But my superpowers
are as super as ever!

Narrator: I see.

Now if only we had
some kind of clue

As to where he was
hiding out.

Narrator: ok. How about
a clue the size of
an enormous bunny?

That would be perfect.


Narrator: oh, come on.

Ah, ok. That's
a pretty big clue.

Narrator: that's what
I'm here for.

At last! Time
to increase the size

Of my ill-gotten cheese.

Of course, thanks
to some people,

I am down to one
crate of parsnips

With which to fuel
my grow ray,

But if I line up
the items single file

And set the laser coordinates
very precisely...

Oh, come on!

That was the last crate.

Now what are we
going to do?

Wordgirl: you've got
bigger problems

Than a parsnip shortage,
dr, two-brains.

Huh? Who said that?
Is that monkey talking?

No. Down here. Hello!

Oh, hello.

Yeah. Good. We're here
to foil your evil plot.

Well, you're
too late.

Ha! That's what you think!

No, I mean
you're too late,

It's already pretty
much foiled.

These two--ahem--used
up my last crate
of parsnips.

Without parsnips,
I can't increase the size

Of all this cheese.

Not to mention me
or your captives.

Wordgirl, the shrink ray
got you, too.

Yeah. Are you two
all right?

All right? I'm getting
the best story
of my life.

Well, I'm not all right.

I've got a lot
of work to do.

We got a big shipment
of parsnips down at
the grocery store today,

And they're just
sitting there.

not for long!

Hey! Where's she going?

Oh, uh, flying back
to the grocery store

To get more parsnips.

Excellent. I'll use them

To increase the size
of this cheese.

Ha ha ha ha!


Ah, good work.

Well, wordgirl,
it looks like your
chances for success

Are decreasing
rather quickly.

Ha ha ha!


That's what you think.

Ah! Oh! Come on!
Get out of here!


Now, huggy! Emergency
plan number !

Look. Look! The cheese
is getting even bigger!

Bigger! Bigger!

My plan has worked
beyond my wildest

Uh, something
is not right here.

I think we've
been shrunk.

Shrunk? Aah!
We've been shrunk!

Oh! You'll never
take me, wordgirl!

Aw, put a lid on it.

Wait. No fair. Hey.

Huggy, catch.

Narrator: and so wordgirl
once again saves the day,

This time from a terrible
cheese shortage.

Increase your chances
for fun and excitement

By tuning in next time
to another episode of...

[High voice]

Hello. I'm beau
handsome, and this is...

May I have a word?

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

May I have a word?

Yes, you may. Today's
featured word is...dazed.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from wordgirl

That show the meaning
of the word.


Um, beau?
Aren't you gonna
call on me?

What's wrong with him?

Mr. Handsome?
Snap out of it, dude.

Oh, boy, oh, boy.

All: beau, wake up!

Beau: oh, my good--
where am i?

Sorry, everyone.
I don't know
what happened there.

I--i didn't get a lot
of sleep last night.

I guess I was in
some sort of daze.

Now let's get back
to the game.


Dazed means unable to
think or react properly,

To be kind of out of it,
just like you were, beau.

Congratulations, phil.
You're today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An all-expense-paid
trip to the moon!

Audience: ooh!

How good does that
sound, phil?

It's so good, it looks
like phil is now dazed.

See you next time on...

May I have a word?

Narrator: psst. Listen for
"malfunction" and "clever."

When we last saw tobey,
he'd been sentenced to
several weeks of house arrest

With no phone, no television,
and no robot privileges.

Oh, you think you're
so perfect, don't you?

Always trying to show me up
with your excellent grasp

Of vocabulary and your
dark, glossy locks.

Well, your cleverness
and beauty won't be enough

To stop me this time,

This time...

[Knock on door]

Mrs. Macallister:
you'd better have

Your coat on,
young man.

We are leaving
for the department store

In minutes.

Ready when you are, mother.


A shoe-shopping

What could be better
than spending

This delightful
saturday indoors?


Welcome to
store shoes,

Making feet happy
for over years.

Your size, please?


Oh. Let me get
my foot measurer.

Uh, hello, tobey.


Still grounded, huh?

Not that it's any
of your business,

But yes, I am.

Thankfully, nothing
so trivial

Could stop a brilliant
mind like mine

When it's intent
on destruction.

What are you up to?

Uh! Meet me in
women's casuals
in minutes

If you want to find out.

Just look at the selection
of brown loafers.

And is this a price
g*n malfunction?

No, that's no
malfunction, sir.

We guarantee the lowest
prices on brown loafers
every day.

Wow. Becky, at these
prices, you and I could
get matching pairs.

That's great, dad.
Super idea.

Uh, why don't you start
putting some aside

While I run over
to the, uh,
hat department.

I have to get a hat
for the, uh, hat club
at school.

Ah, yes. I remember
my first hat club meeting.

Really? Um, right.

Good. So I'll just
be off getting a hat.

Be right back.

Come on, bob.

Hey, how come becky
got to go off

On her own?

A little something
called hat club.


You'll understand
when you're older.

Tobey: psst. In here, quickly.

So, what--
how good of you to--

Please go ahead.
No, you first.

Absolutely not.
I insist.

ok, I'll start.

What are you up to?

I don't know why
I'm bothering

My ingeniously clever
plan to someone so
powerless to stop me,

But it goes like this.

I have a plan to
destroy this city
brick by brick.

Why would you do that?

Because I can,
of course, and also
to make wordgirl taste

The bitter taste of...

I know I used
taste twice.

Now, I have composed
a series of nearly

Brain teasers.

All wordgirl has to do
to stop the robots

Is to solve my riddles.

Ha ha ha!

Not likely. Impressed?


I knew you would be.

Let's get this party
started, shall we?

What did you
just do?

Dear, simple becky.
Look to the skies.

Ha ha ha!

Becky: looks like trouble.

Come on, bob.


How nice of you
to drop by.

I heard you have
a riddle for me?

News travels fast,

But my robots
travel faster.

Ha ha ha!

I don't get it.

It was a joke.

Never mind. Wordgirl,
look to the skies.

What does that say?

"A jace fat kite
pikes money?"

No. The robot
is malfunctioning!

You mean it's not
working right?

I don't understand.

It all worked
in the test run.

Well, can we keep
things moving here?

Fine. I'll just read it.

Not nearly as dramatic.

"A place like this,
you might find it funny.

One day they give you
cash, the next take
your money."

The bank.


All right, you big lug.

Huggy, hit him with
battle plan number b!

Word up!

Good work, huggy.


I'm back.

Oh. Uh, ahem.

You think you're
so clever, don't you?

Maybe, if by "clever"
you mean quick to understand

And exceptionally smart,

Then, yeah, I guess
I'm pretty clever.

And thank you
for noticing.

Grr. Well, get ready
for my next riddle!

I am not alive,
but i...i...i...



Sorry. Missed that
last bit.


Two robot malfunctions?

But that won't stop
theodore tobey
macallister iii.

Plan "b." Ahem.
"I'm not alive,
but I jnow."

"I jnow"? That
doesn't sound right.

Maybe that's a "p"?

I can't believe
I can't read my
own handwriting.

Let me take a look.

"I am not alive,
but I grow.

"I don't have lungs,
but I need air.

"I don't have a mouth,
but water kills me.

What am i?"

Ha ha! Give up? Good.




Let's go, huggy!

Secret takedown
plan number .


Remember last time
with the...



Whoo hoo!

Great teamwork, huggy.



Hold on.

Oh, tobey!

I've got something
for you. Tobey!


Hey, it's wordgirl!

Oh, ha ha. Hi.


It looks like we're
going to have to head inside.

Hmm. What do you think
they mean when they say

"Nearly leather"?

No idea, dad.

Well, sounds like
progress to me.

This will just
take a second.

Hello, mr. Average
man about town.


Is he ok?

Oh, sure. Happens
all the time.

As I was saying,
shopping for your
daughter, are you?

Ha! Well, I may not
be a -year-old girl

Since I'm clearly
an alien superhero,

But on my home planet,
we prefer shoes like this.

Not that I know
for sure that you're
buying shoes

For a -year-old

I mean, how could i,
seeing as how
we've never met.

Oh, right.
It's because I'm
a superhero

That I do know.

I'm superclever.

We should go.

Oh, there you are.

I'm surprised you were
clever enough to find me.

I'm full of surprises.

Defeated another one
of my robots, did you?

Well, no matter.

I've been working on
something that's
sure to work this time.

Wow. That must have
taken ages to put

How long have you
been standing here?

Oh, forever. I think
my mother is trying
on the whole store.

Yours, too, huh?

My mom once spent
hours trying on jeans.

Ask me how many pairs
she bought.

How many?


Absolutely maddening.

I--are we--

Uh, so, uh, you gonna
blow something up
or what?

Right, right,
right. Uh, blow
something up.

Of course.

Prepare to be amazed!

Ha ha ha!

It actually worked!

"My face is cold,
my eyes are glassy.

"Sometimes I'm cheap,
sometimes I'm classy.

"I never need food,
I never need water.

"But if you like me,
you'll change my diaper."

Huh. Pretty good. Yeah.

I've got you
this time.

You don't know
the answer.

Dolls? Do you mean
dolly dollerton's

Doll-ightful house
of dolls?

Ha ha ha!

No! I mean city hall!

What? That doesn't
make any sense.

What do diapers
have to do with
city hall?

Plenty. Not so
clever after--wait.

Yeah. Read for yourself.

Uh, that's not right.

I sent the robot
to city hall, not dolly

Dolly's was just
a backup.

So city hall, then?

Uh, did I say
city hall?

I meant, uh--

Too late.
City hall it is.


Well, at least I know
there's no way they'll
defeat my robot in time.

Plagued by malfunction!

Ok, fine. Well, you
won't solve my next
riddle so easily.

Are you gonna use
the doll one now?


Maybe. Yes, but
it won't matter.

You will taste
the bitter taste
of defeat.

And I for one will be
writing to the management.

This, uh, mannequin, um,
has been lying here

Just waiting for someone
to trip over it.

Uh, ready to go?
Good, because this
shopping trip

Is taking a lot longer
than you promised.

Or I suppose if you
had just a few more
things you wanted

To try on, a few more...

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

I just don't
understand how it happened.

One minute she's there,

And the next, she's gone.

you are, becky.

We were just about

To send out
a search party.

Oh. Uh, yeah. Um,
see, the escalators
were malfunctioning,

And we got stuck
on the second floor,

But it was ok
because they got
them moving again.

Oh. Well, that's good.

Meanwhile, young lady,
I think you are really
going to like

The shoes we picked out
for you.

I got some super advice
from a very special friend.

They were recommended
by none other than


Oh. Those aren't
the ones I picked out.

Ow! I mean, those
aren't the ones
wordgirl picked out.

Not that I would know--
I mean, I wasn't there,

So how could I know?

Ha ha. Ha!

I mean, thanks, dad.

You, uh, kept the
receipt, though, right?

Narrator: so once again,
wordgirl saves the city

From almost certain doom,

Using her snazzy
combination of cleverness

And style.

And tobey's malfunctions
didn't hurt, either.

Keep up the not-so-great
work, tobey.

Be sure to tune in next time
for another action-packed
episode of "wordgirl"!

Hello. I'm beau handsome, and
this is the bonus round of...

May I have a word?

Phil, you correctly
defined the word "dazed."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

I hope I don't
mess it up.

Love that enthusiasm.
Ok, take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "dazed."

Ok, what do you
think, phil?

Um, number .

Sorry, phil.
It's number .

Oh, did I say ?
I meant number !

I must have been dazed
like the butcher there.

Too bad, phil.
I guess you tuned out
for a second.

Huggy, show him what
he would have won.

Yes, it's all the astronaut
food you would have needed

On your trip to the moon.

See you next time on...

May I have a word?

Narrator: want wordgirl's
word power?

Fly over to your
local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

Singers: ♪ wordgirl

My favorite word
is "terrific"

Because it is very exciting
and it has a lot of junk to it.

"Space" is my favorite word
because it is the first word
I've ever said.

Whenever someone is too close
to me, I say "space."

And sometimes when
I have free time,

I just, like, dream off
and look into outer space
for a little bit.

And also, give me my space.

Singers: ♪ that's
my favorite word ♪

Captain huggy face, show us
what flabbergasted means.

That's right! Flabbergasted
means to be so surprised
you can't think or act.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]

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