02x10 - Mr. Big's Big Plan / Vocab Bee

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x10 - Mr. Big's Big Plan / Vocab Bee

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Wordgirl

Narrator: psst! Listen
for "decide" and "opponent."

Narrator: just another
typical day in the city.

The sun is shining,
the birds are singing,

And wordgirl is about
to go head to head

With yet another
evil villain...

Unleash that statue,
amazing rope guy!

I'm taking you in!

Oh, no you're not!
I'm taking you and
monkey face down!

That's it?

Well, yeah.

I have to say,
not so amazing.

Good work,

For saving our fair town,
I present to you

The key to the city!

Thanks. My th key.

Wordgirl, I need to
ask you something very


At my victory party,
can we serve pasta
instead of salad?


Lettuce sticks
in my teeth.

Oops, I'm sorry.
Here we go.

Can I count on your vote
in the upcoming election?

Um, I'm too
young to vote.

Oh. Too bad.

I need all the help I
can get to beat the guy

Running against me.

Who's your opponent?



You know, the person
running against you.

Oh, uh...
That would be....

Woman over p.a.:
Ahem! Excuse me.

Mr. Big!
Vote for mr. Big!

He'll make
big, big changes...


Narrator: meanwhile,
in a spacious penthouse office,

Mr. Big hatches
his evil plans.

Soon the whole city will be
under my control!

No one will be able to stop me
once I'm crowned mayor!

Mwa ha ha ha!

Um, mayors don't
wear crowns...

Oh, they will.

About the big
debate tonight--

Right! Thanks to
my ultimate number one

Evil mind control device,
everyone who sees me tonight

Will vote for me!

Actually, sir, the
batteries are dead.

New ones haven't
come in yet.

Fine, then we'll just
have to use the ultimate

Number two evil mind--

Um, sorry.

Ultimate number three?



Yeah, we're out.

That's absurd!

I can't face voters
without my mind control device!

I'll cancel
the debate.

No. Maybe I'll try
to win this one

Without mind control.

You know, by giving
the people of this city
exactly what they want.

Mwa ha ha ha ha!

now, that's diabolical!

You better believe it!

later, at the debate...

I've never covered an election
for the "daily rag" before.

Unless you count the
one for hall monitor.

Wordgirl: hmmm.
Something's fishy here.

That's my new

No, not that. I just
don't trust mr. Big at all.

He looks ok to me.

You're right.
I'm voting for him!

You don't understand.

Mr. Big loves to use
mind control to get
what he wants.

I'm afraid he's
going to use it to try
to win the election!

You're right! I am
not voting for him...

Dad, you're going to have
to decide sooner or later.

Ladies and gentlemen,
re-elect me and I will

Continue to do a great
job for the city.

I'll clean up the
schools, build more

And improve the parks.
Thank you.

I've decided.
He's got my vote!

Greetings, fair citizens.

How would you like to
live in the greatest city
in the whole wide world

Without leaving
your front door?

[Crowd murmuring]

Well, if you want this
city to be number one,

Vote for me, your number
one candidate, mr. Big!


I've decided.
He's got my vote!


I want to give you
exactly what you want!

You, sir.
What do you want?

New schools?


I don't want new schools.


But he just promised
new schools --

I want a pony!

I want a new juicer!

Dad! Mr. Big is trying
to buy your vote!

You're right. I'm
voting for the mayor.

Can I still
get my juicer?

A flying skateboard!

My own


Done! Done! Done!

Mr. Big, just how do you
expect to make good

On all your promises?


Please. This is no time
for debate.


Anything is possible
if we all work together.

[Crowd cheering]

Mr. Big! Mr. Big!

Hmm. That looks
a little suspicious.

Crowd: mr. Big! Mr. Big!


Finally, as a token
of the great things to come,

I've installed a giant tv
in the downtown square.

Everyone likes tv, right?

I love tv!


Come on, we've
got work to do.

Word up!

Victory! Soon the city
will be mine!


Stop right there!

Wordgirl! Captain
hairy face!

Get them!

Now, huggy!

Hold it!

I know just what
you're up to, mr. Big.

That's a mind control
device, isn't it?!

You're using it to make
people vote for you!

Mind control?
Why, I'm insulted.

Aha! Just as i--
gummy yummies?

Top of the line
gummy yummies.


Mr. Big voters only.

Free gummy yummies
for everyone!

[Crowd cheering]

Mis-ter big! Mis-ter big!

Mis-ter big!

And I promise everyone
in the city free ice cream
for life...

And their very own
statue made of cheese...

X-ray vision...

[Crowd cheering]


I know!
I'm frustrated, too.

Of course I think he has
something evil planned,

But I can't arrest him!

It's not like he's using
mind control...yet.

Today's the big day
as voters race to the polls

To make their fateful

Will they re-elect
the town's mayor

Or his opponent, mr. Big?

I want a train set
with floating tracks.

Actual size.

I want a purple
polka-dot poodle....

Done and done.

Mr. Big, please
stop making promises
until I can catch up!

Puh-lease! We have
this election won.

Actually, we've gotten
a little behind on our

And some of the voters
are turning against us.

Impossible! Buy more
sugary treats!

Order more clowns!

But, mr. Big--

People, listen to me!

Mr. Big is an evil

He's making a lot
of false promises

Just so you'll vote
for him!

Then he's going to
carry out some sort

Of evil plan!

What evil plan?

Uhh...i'm not sure.
He won't tell me.

But I'm sure he has one!

I don't know. Mr. Big
seemed ok to me.

Wordgirl's right!
We can't trust him!

[All talking at once]

The voting polls
are now open!

Hmm. The mayor.
No, no, no, no, mr. Big.

No, the mayor.

I wish I could decide!

What an exciting election!

The results are in
and it's a tie!

Only one citizen has yet
to cast his vote.

The mayor...mr.big...
The mayor...mr. Big.

Mr. Tim botsford,
the entire fate of this town

Hinges on your vote!



Every citizen in town
is counting on you,

Waiting, watching...
You chew your nails.

I can't decide!

Listen to me, dad--
uh, da da da...mr. Botsford.

You've got to vote
for the mayor.


Because mr. Big
is up to no good.

He'll ruin the city!

Are you sure?

Trust me,
I'm a superhero.

We know these things.

Oh, well. If you say so,

You've never let
me down before!

I'm going to vote for...

Mr. Big.

mind control!

Yes. I'm tired
of trying to win

The old-fashioned

Plus the new

Came express mail
this morning.

[Robotic voice]
press here for mr. Big...

Narrator: is this
the end of our fair city
as we know it

And the beginning of mr. Big's
big bad plan?

Is mr. Botsford really
going to vote for mr. Big

And his big bad plan?

Can we drag this moment
out any longer?

Mr. Big: hey!


Whew! Where do I vote
for the mayor?

Oh, here.

Mr. Big.

The mayor.

Mr. Big. The mayor.

Hey! What
just happened?

Sorry. Poll's closed.

But it's a tie!

Not my problem sister.

Mayor: a tie?

What do we do in a tie?

Narrator: um, why is
everyone looking at me?

Oh, I have the
rule book, right.

In case of tie... Town
law says that everyone

In the city has
to vote again.

It does?

You mean I have to go through
this whole thing again?!

Narrator: that's
what it says here.

More b-buying
people s-stuff.

Well, forget that!

This time I'll just use
my mind control device

To get every vote
in the city!

Right! And then
you'll finally
be able to carry out

Your evil plan!

Yes! Finally every citizen
will have to dress

Like a giant, fuzzy
squishy bunny-bunny!


That's the plan?

It's a little weird.

I gave everyone else
what they wanted!

Now I want a squishy
bunny city!

And with mind control,
I'm going to get it!

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, help!

Um, huggy, did
you get all that?




Oh! Oww!

Looks like this election
is all wrapped up.

Ha ha...yeah.

Narrator: and so, the mayor
beats his opponent,

Wordgirl saves the city
from another evil villain,

And mr. Botsford
makes a decision

To brush his teeth
in public!


Be sure to join us
next week

For another exciting episode
of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...

May I have a word!

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

May I have a word!

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "enormous."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From wordgirl that show
the meaning of the word.

Ok. Perhaps if we showed
the clip in slow-motion?

[Nervous laugh]

You've got to
be kidding me!

We've had far harder
words than enormous!

I know what it means.
Even the monkey knows
what it means!

You know, in fact,
you are all giving me

An enormous headache!

[All buzz in at once]

Enormous means huge,
gigantic, very big!

Yes! Miracle of miracles,
you've done it!

You're all winners!

Oh, huggy, show them
what they've won.

Your very own official
wordgirl enormous ball

Of rubber bands.

Crowd: oooh!

Yes, it's a ball
and it's en--

Can someone get me
an enormous ice pack?

That's all for this
episode, thank goodness.

See you next time on...

May I have a word!

Narrator: listen for the words
"perfect" and "suspicious."

Narrator: at the city
convention center
and back-up aquarium,

The annual "words are nifty"
competition is underway.

All right, ms. Botsford,
your next word to define

Is "suspicious."

Suspicious means having
the belief that someone

Is involved in a
dishonest activity.

For instance, that boy's
bulging pockets

Make me suspicious of him.

Oh, well done.

I...i just really like
words a lot. Thank you.

That concludes round one.

The competition will resume
in precisely , seconds.

Sorry. I mean , seconds.

No, my mistake.
, Seconds.

It seems like it keeps moving
every sec--right time!

I underst...
We're at , seconds.

Hey, becky.
Oh, hey, scoops.

Congratulations on
a perfect first round.

You really aced it.

Well, it's no big--
I mean, you know
anyone --

I just really like
words. Thank you.

Hey, how'd you
get lucky enough to cover
such a word-friendly event?

Well, actually,
I'd rather be reporting
on almost anything else.

Why? What's better
than defining words?

Oh, I know, nothing.
[Snorting laugh]

Anyway. It's just,
I've worked for this paper
for so long

That by now I figured
I'd be getting some meatier
assignments, you know?


If I could do something
like expose wordgirl's
secret identity,

Why, it would take my career
to the next level!

Some day

hey! What's that smell?

Is that ground beef?

Man: just set
the beans over there
by the big pot.

Oh, yeah!

That's the butcher.
I wonder what he's up to.

We have a few minutes
before the next round.

Come on, bob.

Why is becky leaving
in the middle of the

And why am I not
eating that corn bread?

Word up!

Narrator: meanwhile,
across town at the bank...

Stop right there,


You're not robbing this
bank on my watch, butch--

What's all this?

Oh, this is just part
of my perfect plan

To robbify this here bank.

You mean to rob
this bank. But how?

Well, that's for me to know
and someone else to find out.

Someone else being you.

Well, uh, when will
this all be done?

Oh, yeah, not for
a little bit.

I mean, I just
started the chili.

I mean, that's
an all day thing.

Oh, well, good!
That actually works

Because I have to be

Oh, great. See you in a few.

Did we actually fight
any crime just then?

And with seconds
to spare.

Hey, where have
you guys been?

And why do you smell
like pounds of chili?

I went, um, across the street
to the chili place during break.

There's no chili place
across the street.

I'm here live at the bank
where local super villain,

The butcher, is preparing
pounds of chili.

Say, what's all this
chili for, mr. Butcher?

Please, just butcher.
Mr. Butcher's my dad.

Uh, but don't worry,
I'm leading up to

Just bear with me.

Why are you looking
at me that way?

What way?

You know, suspiciously.

Am i?

I have to go define
more words.

Excuse me.

Excuse you.

All right bob, the butcher
could strike at any moment,

So I have to get out of here.

One second...zero.

And we're back.

Um, excuse me, sir.

Is it ok if I define
my words for the next few
rounds all at once?

I'm in a bit of a hurry.

Well, that's totally
against the rules,
ms. Botsford.

But I've been known
to get a tad crazy,

So, yes, you may.

Your words are "frantic,"
"drudgery," and "confident."


Frantic: wild or distraught
with fear or anxiety.

Drudgery: hard, menial,
or dull work.

And confident: having
no uncertainty about
one's own abilities

Or correctness,

Like knowing that I defined
those words totally right.

Perfect! Next round.

Wow, that was an
amazing display.

Uh, yeah, thanks.

Suspiciously amazing.

You know what
"suspicious" means,
don't you?

Sure. It's when you believe
that someone may be

Doing something wrong
and trying to hide it.

That's right.

You know, you're
very good with words.

And, you're a girl.

All right. Well, uh,
I have to go somewhere else.

So, uh...


Don't worry
about scoops.

We have to go
stop the butcher.

What is becky up to?

Huh. Ok, I'll bite.
What is going on here?

Ah-ah-ah. It's all part
of my perfect plan.

You'll have to wait
and see, wordgirl.

I don't want to
spell the surprise.

I think you mean
spoil the surprise.

Good, 'cause I'm not sure
I can spell surprise.

P.a.: All contestants
please return to the stage
for the final round.

You know, that
really important one.

No pressure.

Uh-oh. I have to get back
to the competition.

Um, hey, do you mind
just giving me a few
more minutes?

Oh, yeah, no problem.

I'm still waiting for the
spotlights to get here.

I got , metal springs
for a "b. Utcher."

Oh, great. Put 'em on
the giant trampoline.

This is going
to be some crime.

Oh, just made it!

Ok, becky,
why do you keep
sneaking away

And what is that?!

Oh...yeah, that.

That's a, uh...
Birth mark?


You've been
acting suspiciously

Wait for it...
You're wordgirl!

Ha! Wordgirl?
That's ridic--ha ha!

It all fits: your
perfect word-defining

Smelling like
ground beef,

Dressing as wordgirl
every year for

Narrator: really?
What? I already have
the costume.

Ha! I am going
to tell everybody

That you are

Oh, my, I wish
I had a megaphone!

I am not wordgirl!
No way! I mean,
I can't fly.

The final round
will commence
in , milliseconds.

, Milliseconds,
, milliseconds,
, milli...

Ooh, I got
to go back on stage.

Good talking to you.
Let's get some
pizza later. Bye.

I don't know what
I'm going to do, bob,

But I have to convince
scoops I'm not wordgirl
and fast.

Oh, "wordgirl's secret
identity revealed!"
By todd scoops ming!

I can't believe scoops
figured out my secret identity.

Narrator: I know.
Weird, huh?

How can you hear
my thoughts?

Narrator: well,
I'm the narrator.
I hear everything.

Oh. Well, there's only
one thing I can do.

I'm going to have
to get my next word
wrong on purpose.

[Narrator gasps]
oh, I know.

This goes against
everything I stand for,

But it's the only way
to protect my secret identity.

And it won't look
suspicious because
it's the final round,

And the words are
really hard.

Ms. Botsford,
your final word

oh, come on.

Not only do I have
to mis-define a word,

It has to be a word
I could define in my sleep.

I don't know
if I can do this.

Ten seconds.

Here goes.

"Perfect" means...

Something that has
no mis...

oh, who am I kidding?
I can't do it.

Narrator: will becky actually
be able to mis-define
the word "perfect"?

Will scoops reveal
her secret identity?

Is that corn bread
really that good?

Perfect means...oh!

To massage a duck's feet
while wearing rubber shoes.


Is that ever wrong.

"Perfect" means having
no mistakes or flaws.

That means, jeremy,
you've won.


Oh, well,
I'm sorry, becky.

You are obviously
not wordgirl.

I mean, wordgirl
never would have
gotten that wrong.

Oh, hello, bob.
I was just about to leave.

Perfect timing.
You see, becky?

Now, that's how you use
the word "perfect"
in a sentence.

Hmm. Thanks.
Well, see ya.

Save it, bob.
Come on.

Let's go stop
the butcher.

you have to follow her.
It's in your contract.


My, what a perfect day
to stop a crime.

And by "perfect,"
I mean without any flaws.

Narrator: don't worry.
We know you messed up
on purpose. We were there.

Ok, well, just in case anyone
wasn't paying attention,
I just want to make sure.

Wordgirl! I'm glad
to see you came back.

Ok, this is
a little much.

Polar bears, garbage trucks,
a giant parakeet?


My plan is perfect!

Say good-bye to all
the town's money, wordgirl!



Ha ha ha ha!

We have to stop
that hippo!

Oh, no! We're too late!

Uh, your hippo
is just licking
the chili off the bank.


Is that what you
expected to happen?

Well, no, no,
not at all.

Why don't you walk us
through this?
Ok. You see,

I was going to pour
the gigantic pot
of chili onto the bank,

Then the very hungry
hippo was supposed
to run over

To said chili
and eat it up,

Also eating the building

Giving me easy access
to the loot.

Ok. So, what's with all
this other stuff?

Well, the hippo was
getting bored, see,

So I brought in
the clowns
to entertain him.

But the clowns wanted
some free advertising
in exchange,

So I brought in
the skywriter, but the
skywriter only works

If there's
a giant trampoline
beneath him

Because he doesn't
like landing
on hard surfaces.

He's kind
of superstitious.

You know,
to be honest,

This whole thing
just kind of
got away from me.

Well, butcher,
your perfect plan has been
foiled by the unstoppable duo

Of wordgirl
and captain huggy face!

Actually, the hippo's
really the one
who ruined the plan.

Oh, well, I guess
you're right. Huh.


Hello there, wordgirl.
I'm todd scoops ming,

Ace reporter
for the "daily rag."

I know who you are.
We've met, scoops.

Oh, sorry.
Hey, funny story.

Earlier I thought
my friend becky was you,

Because she kind
of looks just like you

And has a pet monkey
and was wearing a cape,

But then she didn't know what
the word "perfect" meant.

Can you believe it? Ha!

Well, not everyone
is good with words.

Narrator: so, once again,
the city is safe,

Thanks to wordgirl
and captain huggy face.

And once again, wordgirl
has avoided suspicion

And kept her secret identity
perfectly safe.

Thank you.
I worked on that.

Join us again next time

For another perfectly
entertaining episode
of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"may I have a word!"

All of our contestants
correctly defined the word

So the first person to buzz in
and give the correct answer
wins the bonus round.

Look at these pictures
and tell me

Which one shows
the definition
for "enormous."

yes, tommy?

The jewelry store
clerk's diamond is

But bob's sandwich
is also enormous.

And wordgirl has
an enormous heart.

See? She's saving
that kitty.

A bit of a stretch
but, ok, once again,
you're all correct!

Huggy, show them
what they've won.

An official "wordgirl"
shetland pony!

Can't really all fit on it.

Well, you'll think of something.
See you next time on...

"may I have a word!"

want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over
to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word
is "sweet."

If I get a good remark
on a test, I'll say,

If I get a good score
at a dance competition,

I'll say "sweet!"

If something good
happens in my family,

I'll say, "sweet!"

When it comes to
my favorite characters
in "wordgirl,"

Wordgirl, "sweet!"

Captain huggy face,

The butcher, "not!"

The word "sweet" fits
so many things.

♪ That's my favorite word

That's right!
Glum means to feel sad.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]

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