02x05 - Chuck! / Down With Word Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x05 - Chuck! / Down With Word Up

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's word girl

♪ Word up, it's word girl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime will pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's word girl

♪ Word up

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

Announcer: psst. Listen for
"traditional" and "confusing."

Narrator: it's a typical day
here in the city.

[Man screaming]

Don't worry.
That's typical.

Inside u buy gold,

A villain threatens the peace
and the gold. Obviously.


Just fill this big bag
up with gold

And I'll be on my way.

Yes, whatever you say,
mr., Um...

I'm chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy.

And I'm here
to show--

Wait. Your name is chuck
the evil sandwich-making guy?


Then why are you
stealing gold?

Shouldn't you be stealing
bread or something?

What? No. Why
would I steal bread?

You tell me.

You're the one who chose chuck
the evil sandwich-making guy.

Yeah, but--
if you're not
gonna steal sandwich stuff,

You should have picked
a different name.

I, uh--
be quiet!

I'm just saying
it's a little confusing.

Oh, yeah? Let's see
if you find my mustard
ray confusing.


Ha ha!

Narrator: meanwhile,

In a nearby
shopping plaza...

Um, dad, I love the grocery
store as much as the next kid,

But why did you
bring us here?

Because we need
the ingredients

For an old
family recipe.

It was my
great grandmother's,

And it's
been passed down
for generations.

It's a family, um--

A family tradition?

It means
to pass something down

From generation
to generation.

Yes, that's it,
of course.

It's a family tradition.

Why, you're like my own
personal little word girl.

Word girl?
Nope. I'm nothing like--

Uh, so what's
the recipe?

Oh, it's a delightful dish
called beans a la botsford.


Let's see, anchovy paste,
cheese paste,


It provides the zing.

Help! Chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy

Is robbing the gold store!

Sweet cotton candy,
that's awful!

But why is he
telling us?

Isn't this
the police station?

No. That's
two buildings down.

Oh. Thanks.

Chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy!

We have to get out of here
and stop him.


Um, dad, bob and I
have to go to the yarn store

To get some yarn
for a yarn project.

Uh, sure, sweetie.
I'll see you at home.

Hmm. It's not rice.

Well, if it's not rice,
then what is it?

Word girl:
word up!

Narrator: meanwhile,
back at the scene of the crime.

I'm taking this gold
and you're not gonna
stop me.

Ok, but at least
take my sandwich, too.

No. What am I
gonna do with
your sandwich?

What is that?

Yeah, with lettuce,
bacon, a splash of mayo.

You know, for a guy
that I've just frozen
in mustard,

You don't seem
very scared of me.

I'm too confused
to be scared.


Up to your
old tricks,

Chuck the evil

Word girl!

Word girl?
You're shorter
than I thought.

I look taller
on tv.

Your time is up,

There's no way
you're leaving here
with any gold.

Um, excuse me.

Don't you think
it's confusing

That an evil sandwich guy
is stealing gold?

Hmm. Now that
you mention it,

It doesn't make
much sense.

That's what
"confusing" means.

Yeah. You see?

Enough! You think
you can stop me, word girl?

Well, I have
a question for you:

Do you like honey butter?


Ha ha! So long,
sticky girl.

Narrator: later,
at the house of botsford...

Uh, you still have
a little butter...

Got it.

We have to figure out
where chuck's going
to strike next.

It could be anywhere.


The book store?
Sure. Yeah.


The toy store?

I guess.


Who robs
the post office?


Oh, don't be
like that.

I just want to catch
chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy

he strikes again.

Father: why on earth
would you want that?

Isn't that something
word girl should do?


I was just saying,

I'm sure that's
what word girl

Is saying to her sidekick,
captain huggy face,

Right now.

Why, that's quite
a word girl impression.

Whatcha got there?

Oh, just a fabulous pot
of beans a la botsford.

I have to agree
with bob.

That food looks
really nauseating.

Well, trust me,
it looks disgusting,

But it tastes great.

Want to lick
the spoon?
Uh, no.


Chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy

Is robbing
the used car dealership.

The used car

Sweet magic

Wait. Why are
you telling us?

Isn't this the
police station?

Oh, no,
you're confused.

It's the next block over.

Oh, thanks.

This is our chance
to stop chuck once
and for all.

Let's get out
of here.


Uh, heh heh,
just working on
that impression thing.

We're gonna go.

Have fun!

Now, give me the keys
to the super car,

Or you'll get
a ketchup bath.

Ah, don't hurt
my suit!

From now on,
everyone in this town

Will fear the name
chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy.

Wait a minute.

If your name is chuck
the evil sandwich-making guy,

Why are you
stealing a car?

What is it
with you people?

I'm just saying.

Yeah? Well, you're
done just saying

Because now
I'm a-spraying.

Aah! No!

And now to steal
the super car.

You should drive it
to the bakery.


Well, well, chuck,
you just don't quit, do you?

You know, I'm getting
pretty tired of you,
word girl.

Here comes olive oil!


Ha ha!


So long, word girl.

[Starts engine]

[Music playing]

Ha ha!

later that night

At chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy's evil
sandwich making lair...

What's the matter with people?
I'm evil.

I'll walk outside on a hot day
without shoes.

I'll walk right on the hot
cement for, like, seconds

Before I hop onto the grass.

Oh, and sometimes I use
hand soap to wash my face.

I'm out of control.

And if people want
a sandwich crime,

I'll give them the sandwich
crime of the century.

chucky, can you bring up
some more beets?

Mom, I'm having
a moment.


Yes, ma.

Thank you, pumpkin.

later, across town.

I can't believe chuck's
gotten away from us twice.

We have to figure out
where he's going to commit
his next crime.


He's not going to rob
the ocean.

How could you
even rob the ocean?


Narrator: well, our family
tradition is all done:

Beans a la botsford.

Who wants
the first bite?

Is it part
of the tradition
to hold your nose?

Oh, come on.
It smells worse
than it tastes.

Ooh! Oh, my.
I'm a little nauseous.

Excuse me.

I don't know
how anyone

Could put
those disgusting
beans in their--


Help! Chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy

Is robbing
the grocery store!

Ooh, that's terrible.

But why are you
telling me?

Isn't this
the police station?

No. This is your house.
I am your wife.

I thought you
looked familiar.

Where's the
police station?

Next street over.

Oh. Thanks, sweetie!


Woman: hey,
bring home some eggs!

Come on, bob,

We have to go stop chuck
the evil sandwich-making guy

Once and for all!

Word up!

Put those down.


Narrator: meanwhile,
at the grocery store,

Chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy

Is robbing the, well,
the grocery store.

Listen up, I'm chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy,

And sandwiches
are what I'm about.

got it?

Tell your friends.

Now you,
give me all your bread.

Bread? Sure,
no problem.

We've got bread.

Why, we've got
the finest selection
of breads

In the whole city.

You want white?
We've got white.

You want wheat?
I hadn't really--

We've got wheat.

You want

I guess.

We're fresh out
of pumpernickel.

How about some rye?

Listen, pal,
I just want a regular
old loaf of bread,

And I want it now.

I'm a menacing crook,
you know.

That's why you're
going to prison.

Who's gonna put me
in prison, you?

I've gotten away
from you twice
and I'll do it again.

Piece of cake,
or should I say,
piece of bread.

Clever, chuck,
but you're not
clever enough

To once again escape
the unstoppable duo

Of word girl
and captain huggy f--

Did you have to
bring those?


They're not
gonna go bad.

Just put them
in the refrigerator.



What is this thing?

This is my evil
bread maker of doom.

Narrator: catchy name.

Now, wordgirl,
you're about
to finally meet

The end--of a giant
loaf of bread!



Wordgirl and that
weird monkey guy

Are now encased in a giant loaf
of pumpernickel bread!

How's that for a sandwich crime?
Huh? Ha ha ha.

Say, I can't hear a peep.
I think they're done for.

Yes! I did it!

Narrator: is this
the end of wordgirl
and captain huggy face?!

Has chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy

Actually become menacing?!

Will the smell of

Ever come out of my clothes?

Ok, listen up!

I want all those breads
you talked about before,

And the croutons, too!

Ooh, and english muffins!




What was that?


Please tell me
that's an earthquake.

Well, well, chuck.

It looks like
it's true what they say:

The bean is mightier
than the sandwich.

Narrator: who says that?


Now, chuck, I think it's time

You "check out"
of this crime spree.

Get it? "Check out"
of this crime spree?

Narrator: oh, we got it.

Now, huggy!


Aww, come on.


Narrator: so, once again,
wordgirl and captain huggy face

Risked life and a pot of beans

To stop the evil,
and not-so-menacing,

Chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy

From stealing...
Wait, I'm confused.

What was he stealing again?

$ Dollars in baked goods
and fresh produce.

Was that all I had?


not worth it.

Narrator: no, not at all.

Someone should have
said something,

I don't think
I would have done
all that.

Narrator: join us again
next time,

On another fabulous episode
of "wordgirl"!

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is--

All: may-i-have-a-word!

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play...!

All: may-i-have-a-word!

Yes, you may!
Today's featured word
is dazzling.

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.


Tommy? Did you
want to buzz in?

I was just thinking
of all the examples

Of dazzling
in "wordgirl."

There's the hoboken diamond,
of course,

And all the jewels
in the jewelry store.

You sure seem to know
what dazzling means.

Why don't you just buzz--

Also, the eyes of wordgirl
are dazzling.

Her eyes?

Yes. Do you dare
to disagree?

Instead of answering
that question,

Why don't you
answer mine?

How do you define dazzling?

[Ding] dazzling means
bright, almost blinding.

That is correct!

Congratulations, tommy,
you are today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won!

An official wordgirl
giant disco ball!

All: ooh!

Yes, now you can
boogie on down
and feel the beat

Under the magic
of a spinning light!

A pretty dazzling prize,
eh, tommy?

Meeting wordgirl
would be better.

See you next time on--

All: may-i-have-a-word!

♪ Wordgirl!

Announcer: listen for the words
"deceive" and "idolize."

becky "wordgirl" botsford

And her little brother,
tj "has no idea his sister
is wordgirl" botsford

Walk down the street
with their pet monkey bob.

And one time,
wordgirl lifted up

An entire mountain
with her pinky!

And she didn't even
chip a nail!

"did you?" Noise]

But that was nothing
compared to
the time that

Wordgirl dove
under the ocean,

Grabbed onto
an abandoned

And heaved it
into space!

That sub is circling
mars as we speak.


What? Oh, ok.

Bob wants to know
what your favorite

Captain huggy face
story is.

Huh? Whatever.

Oooh! But what about
when wordgirl--

Okay, tj, we get it.
You idolize wordgirl.

Can we change
the subject? Please?

You're just jealous
because wordgirl
is so awesome

And you're so...
Not awesome.

"Not awesome?"

You think wordgirl would be
impressed with "not awesome"?

How about
unimpressive, inadequate,

Ordinary, run-of-the-mill--


You're totally


Narrator: meanwhile,
across the street...

Well, it sure is shiny.

Yes, "shiny."

And it's so valuable that
we've taken the extra step

Of guarding it
with this sweeping laser.

Beeping phaser?

[Louder] no, ma'am, I said
"sweeping laser."

It protects the tiara
from being stolen.

Oh, I just love tiaras.

They're so bright
and classy...

Just like these

Look at my babies!

Whoops! Oh, why,
look what I've done.

Could you lend
an old lady a hand?

Oh, thank you, sweetie!

Well, I best be off
to my bingo game.

It's ladies' night!

[Gasp] that's granny may!

And she's up to her old tricks!

...and wordgirl
can eat tamales
in one sitting!

That's great.

Uh, tj, why don't you go home

And see if you can
eat tamales?

That's sure
to impress wordgirl.

Good call!

wherever you are,

Prepare to be
impressed by tj,

The amazing
tamale eater!

Come on, bob, we've got
a sneaky senior citizen
to stop!

Word up!

Not so fast, granny may!

Ahh! Muggers!

Huggy, watch out!



You may have deceived
the jewelry store clerk,

But you're not
getting past me!

Believe the clerk?

Of course I believed him.

Oh, drop the deaf
old lady act!

You distracted the clerk
and swapped tiaras

When he wasn't looking.

No, I didn't.

Yes, you did.

[Sighs] I guess you got me
there, wordgirl.

You'd better take me
off to jail.

Oh, my leg!

My little, old leg!


Wordgirl, why would you
push me to the ground?

Why would you use
your super strength powers

For evil instead of good?!


I didn't push her!

No, see,
she's deceiving you.

See, it's a trick.

She wants you to believe
that she--that i--

Ohhh. I didn't know
hair could hurt.

But it does, it hurts!

No, see, the tiara--
her purse--


But I saw her
put it in her purse!

How dare you accuse this sweet,
little, old lady of stealing?!

But I saw--
wordgirl has no respect
for her elders!

Now, now, I'm sure
it was an accident,

Pushing an innocent,
little, old lady
to the ground.

Whatever the case,
I'm certainly not

Going to make
a big deal about it.

And then, out of nowhere,

Wordgirl and her flying rabbit

att*cked me and threw me
to the ground!

You should have seen the hatred
in their little eyes!

But I will turn
this horrible incident

Into something positive!

Behold, the power
of positive thinking!

[Applause, cheering]

Y'all be good, y'hear?

Can you
believe this, huggy?!

The entire city
is idolizing granny may!

I mean, if you're going to
pick someone to look up to,

You might want to make sure
that person isn't a criminal!


Ooh, that's what
I'm talking about!

Ha ha ha ha! Whoo!

Is she putting on
a sombrero?


Where is she--?

The high falootin'
headwear museum!


That's right!
They're showing
the world's

Most valuable tiara!

We've got
to stop granny may
once and for all!

My, granny, what a big
hat you have!

[Gasp] wordgirl!

You may have deceived
the rest of the city,

But you're not fooling me!

And you're not
going to get away
with it anymore!

Now, huggy!


I can't thank you
enough, granny may!

Without your
generous donation,

This tiara would never
have been--cleaned--

going on here?

[All gasp]

Ha ha...i know
this doesn't look good,

was--i thought--ha ha.

[Indistinct chatter]

What about the hundreds
of other times

That wordgirl saved us?

And now the whole city
has turned against her?!

Yeah...ever since
granny may deceived them.

I don't know about that,

But she sure did
trick them.

No. Deceived
means tricked.

Also misled, taken in,
suckered, polluted,
double-crossed, humbug--

Well, it's not fair.
Wordgirl is treated
like the bad guy,

And granny may
is the city hero.

She was even asked
to be the official
greeter for today's

Visit by the
queen of barbronia!

The queen of barbronia
is coming here? Today?

Does she wear a crown?

Duh! She's a queen!

It sure is too bad
wordgirl can't be there.

What do you mean?

Geez, becky, you are
so out of it.

Granny may filed
a complaint.

Wordgirl will get in
serious trouble if she
goes anywhere near her.


Uhh...hey becky, how
about a rematch?

Narrator: later that day,
at city hall...

Now I've heard

That people in your country
put hot sauce in their tea.

Is that true?

Oh, yes! We love
our tea extra hot.

Woo-hoo! Well,
that'll wake it up,
won't it?

Ha ha ha!

You're all right,

I'm going to make you one
of my extra cozy quilts.

Just make sure
it's queen-sized!

Ha ha!
[Speaking indistinctly]

Did you hear the
latest about wordgirl?

You mean that she has
a picture of granny may
on her dart board?

No, that's the old news.

I just heard that wordgirl
wears an astronaut suit

When she's around old people
because she's afraid

Of catching their cooties!


Wordgirl puts old people
in space suits to contain
their cooties!

Wordgirl gave cooties
to granny may in space!

Wordgirl's going to knit a
pair of booties for granny may

And make her wear them
on her space walk!

Dad, what does that
even mean?

Well it means that wordgirl
is a fan of the knitting arts

And well...i...i don't
know what it means!

But I know wordgirl is
up to no good!

You're wrong, dad!

Wordgirl rules!


Let's all thank my new friend,
and fellow grandma,

The queen of barbronia,
for coming here today!


And let us also be grateful
that wordgirl and her
airborne rabbit

Didn't show up and ruin
the fun for the rest of us!

Oh, my goodness,
there's wordgirl now!

Whoops! My mistake!

It's just a chubby seagull.

My eyes aren't what they
used to be, I guess.

Well, I better be getting
home. Time for my nappy.

Bye-bye, babies.

The only napping you'll be doing
is in a jail cell!

How did you get
past security?

You're not the only one
who can deceive people,

Granny may!

No, but in this case it was
good that I deceived you.

I mean, well, see I had
to prove that granny,

I mean, I'm not supposed
to be here so I had to
trick you.

And...oh, queen, would you
please check your crown?





Hard candy!

I should go.

Oh, no, you're not
getting away this time,
granny may!

Well, i--what?

Granny's confused.


Wordgirl pushed me
down again!

No, she didn't!

Yes, she did!

No, she didn't!

Yes, she did!

No, she didn't!

Yes, she did!

Actually, no, I saw it.

Actually I felt it
and she did.

Well, we're at an impasse.

A what?

We can't get beyond
where we are because
of a disagreement.

No, she didn't.

Yes, she did!

Crowd: ooh!

That's the queen's
real crown!

Granny: this is all
just a misunderstanding.

If you'll just let me explain.

Take a whiff of this!

Oh, no, you don't!



Good work,
captain huggy face!

Now [cough] granny,

Sprayed your
[cough] last--

Wow, that's
strong perfume.

I buy it by the jug.

Well, it doesn't smell
so good where you're
going to be.


See? I told you wordgirl
was still one of
the good guys!

I was right all along!

Wordgirl does rule!


Wordgirl, the girl whom
I idolize the most,

This song is for you.

[Singing badly]
♪ wordgirl!

♪ With your awesome
powers ♪

♪ You're the
awesome-ist, girl! ♪

♪ Wordgirl!

♪ You're awesome and
pretty and awesome
too! ♪

Oh, hey!

break it down, tj!

♪ Oh, wordgirl, if you only
knew how awesome you were ♪

♪ How awesome
I think you are ♪

♪ You'd know that you are

♪ And will always be

♪ Awesome!


Narrator: and so, everyone
realized granny
had deceived them,

And wordgirl, once again,
restored order to the city...

♪ With her awesomeness

Hello. I'm beau handsome, and
this is the bonus round of...

May I have a word!

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word "dazzling."

Ready to play the bonus round?

I sure am!

Ok, take a look at these
pictures and tell me

Which one shows the
definition of dazzling."

Any guesses, tommy?

Hah. That's easy.
Number .

The butcher clearly
thinks the shiny hoboken
diamond is dazzling.

That's correct tommy!
You've won the bonus round.

Huggy, show him
his special prize.


What? Um, it looks like
we ran out of prizes.

That's embarrassing.

See you next time on...

May I have a word!

want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your
local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite
word is cr*cker.

It was my first word
when I was a baby

And it's just
a fun word to say.


My favorite word
is exquisite.

This is because I like the
way it sounds in my mouth.

Starting in second grade, my
grandma was always saying to me,

"You look very
exquisite today",

So that's how I began
to like the word.

Captain huggy face,
show us what pensive means.

That's right! Pensive means
to think a lot about something.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]

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