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02x06 - Déjà Vu

Posted: 07/23/23 16:41
by bunniefuu


-Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?




















-Hmm? What... what was that?

-Excuse me. Can you help me find the kayak display?

[CHUCKLES] Oh. Certainly, ma'am.

But you've got the wrong building.

Go hack out front here...

...make a right there and, uh, oh,

it's the second huilding on your left.

And there's a large kayak hanging out in front.

You can't miss it.

-Thank you.

-You've heen more help than you'll ever know.

-Huh, what a nice lady.


-Time for your break, Sam.

[GASP] She stole the ivory!

-That's Carmen Sandiego!

Stop her!


-Mush! Mush!


-Corne on boys, get up there. Let's go!

-After her!




-That's it now! Now, mush!


-We got her now!


-Ah! she got away!


-Mush! Mush!

-Time to call the Acme Detective Agency.

-I still say this little clue Carmen left behind

looks a lot like a totem pole carving

from somewhere in the Pacific Northwest.

-Yeah, but Info -Scanning

all these possibilities could take hours.

-Okay, listen up, you eagle-eyed clue birds.

Crime Net's just learned that three other thefts

over the last twenty-four hours are definitely

the work of Carmen Sandiego.

-The largest blue diamond in the world!

-Some anti-crime sticky foam for

stopping criminals in their tracks...

and ten million dollars of gold from Fort Knox?

-But those aren't your typical Carmen crimes, Chief.

And what's she want with that goo stuff?

-Player, cross-reference these items with

the ivory spear she stole in Alaska.

There's got to be some connection we're missing.

CHIEF: Jackpot! Jackpot! Ding-a-ling-a-ling-a-ling...

Records indicate all of these items are things Carmen

once stopped other crooks from stealing,

back when she was a detective.

-Get outta town! -What!?

-Extry! Extry! Read all about it!


Wow! Gotta get a new paperboy.

"Detective Suhara and Sandiego Nab Ne'er-Do-Wells."

-Who's this Suhara guy, Chief?

-He used to be Carmen's partner back when she was

an Acme Detective.

-So, where is Detective Suhara now?

-Well, to tell you the truth, after Carmen went "bad"...

...Detective Suhara took it... kind of rough.

He quit detective work altogether,

and now he lives alone in San Francisco.

-See him yet?




-We'll be in and out so fast they'll never know

what happened.

-Do you get the feeling from talking to Suhara,

he hasn't left his apartment for a few years, Zack?

-Ivy, how's some old washed-up detective

gonna help us nail Carmen?

-If she's stealing items she once saved

from other criminals, her ex-partner may know something

that will help us figure out why.

-The ritual of taking tea is something people

have done for centuries.

Like Zen training, it helps one to slow down,

to think clearly, to become one with all

that surrounds us.

-Just makes me have to go to the bathroom.

-Ooofff! What?

-Suhara, is that picture of you and Carmen on a job?

-That one was a case in Barcelona, Spain...

Where we became trapped in a medieval castle

with no way out.

I had taught Carmen everything I knew,

but she went far beyond my humble abilities.

-Remember your Zen training, Carmen.

Hold to the point of most tension.

The arrow will fall from you when it is right to do so.


[SIGH] She was my most brilliant student.

Perhaps I did not provide her with enough challenges.

-It's not your fault she turned out to be

such a weakling, Suhara.

With her abilities, she could have heen

the greatest detective of all time.

Instead she chose to waste everything she had

on a life of crime.

-Don't blame yourself.

-Unless you're expecting the window washer,

we got uninvited company.


-Look out!


-Uh, w- we'll handle the legwork, Suhara.

You let your fingers do the walking.

Call for back-up!


-This way!

-We're from Acme! Follow those guys!

-Here is where we transfer!

-Ooooffff! Oh!

[SCREAMING] Ivyyyyy! Hang onnnnn!

-You get the one in the front.

I get the one in the back!



-C'mon, you!


-Carmen not paying enough these days, boys?

You have to pick up a paper route on the side?

-She said to deliver that to you. That's all I know.

-The Tokyo Rising Sun?

-Why is Carmen giving us a Japanese newspaper?

-Well, I've read this newspaper cover to cover

and I still don't see any connection hetween it

and the clue Carmen left us this morning.

-Carmen left you a clue this morning?


-When you didn't come back,

my curiosity got the best of me.

It's been a while since anything sparked my interest

like this case.

Now, you were saying something about a clue?

-So far the computer's Info-Scan hasn't

found a match.

But hey, only a couple million Native-American carvings

to scroll through.

Then I'll figure out the connection and nah Carmen.

-Then you will never find her, Zack.

-Why not?

-Because this is not Native-American.

It is Japanese.

-Like the newspaper!

-It's an ancient Netsuke.

I believe Carmen's secretly trying to tell me something.

-This very Netsuke was a special... from me to Carmen after she solved

a very difficult case.

-What case was it? Maybe Carmen's going after

whatever you saved that time.

-It fits the pattern.

-I believe it was an antique bunraku puppet.

-Yes. One that was stolen

from Doll Town in Tokyo.

-Player, Info-Scan Japanese bunraku puppets a second.

CHIEF: Nin-yo-cho or Doll Town, is a section of Tokyo

known for doll making.

-But what's this newspaper got to do

with some old Japanese puppet show?

-I.M. Sumo, the crook Carmen and I once arrested

for stealing those bunraku puppets

has since gone straight.

And it seems he is appearing in Tokyo this week.

-So you got lucky.

-Perhaps it is more than luck that

is leading us to Carmen tonight.

-A friend from World w*r II has an old transport plane.

He will gladly fly us to Tokyo.

-Whoaaa! Whoa, wait a 'sec.

Check in with the twentieth century, Suhara.

We have the C-Five corridor.

And what is this "us" stuff all of a sudden?

-He wants to go with us, Zack.

-Ivy, he's... well, look at him!

-I mean, he's old. He'll just slow us down.

-Another way to look at it is,

he's old and has a lifetime of experience.

I have seniority on this team and I say

we invite him.

-Ah! This old crate's going to take forever

to get us to Japan!

-Patience is the most important element

to heing a good detective, Zack.

-I'm sorry. I can't stick around.

Player, C-Five me to the Sumo Wrestling Arena

in Tokyo, Japan.


-Zak! Oh!

-This is a good day.

-Good!? How can you say that?

I... I can't believe the way he's acting.

-Well, I have made a new friend

and found a very needy new pupil.








-What happened?

-You want the good news or the bad news first?

-The good news.

-The good news is we found I.M. Sumo.

He couldn't imagine why Carmen might be after

the puppets we stopped him from stealing ten years ago.

-But he said if they were anywhere,

they'd be at the National Bunraku Theater

in downtown Tokyo.

-What's the bad news?

-You won the match and the title bout is tomorrow.

[MOANING] Ohhh....


-A closed theater is the perfect place

for Carmen to pull off a robbery.

We've got her this time for sure!

-I will go inside first.

You two wait until I give a signal.

-Zack, we're supposed to wait.

-No-- -Huh!?

...we're supposed to be detectives.

And Suhara hasn't been on a case in over ten vears!

-He could blow this Ivy!

-Zack! Zack!

-Zack, look! There she is!

-Greetings, Suhara-Sama.

-Carmen. It has been a long time.

Though I must say, it was easier finding you

than I anticipated.

-I'm disappointed, Suhara.

I thought you'd offer more of a challenge.

But I suppose you've lost the power and grace

you once possessed from too many years locked away...

in self-pity.

-You are the one who has lost somethinu. Carmen.



-Take my hand! -Ahhhhh!


-That's Suhara!

-Oh, I'm okay.


-But I am too old for this sort of thing.

I should have known better.

-Well, she got away! So what are we gonna do now?

-A teacher must teach, Zack.

So a student can do.

I think tea is what's needed now.

-Tea!? Tea!? How are we ever gonna catch Carmen

if we're always stopping for tea!?

-Just one cup, then we pick up Carmen's trail, okay?

-Chanoyu takes four hours, Zack.

-Four hours? Wait, this is Chanoyu?

The famous Japanese tea ceremony?

-It teaches us there is time for everything.

Time to enjoy the color of the teacups,

the flowers in the garden, time to find peace.


-Ah boy, talk about super relaxing.

This Tea Ceremony was a great idea.

-Now, let us consider Carmen's clue.

-Huh? What clue? Another clue?

You knew she'd send a clue here?

-This tea garden is where Carmen and I

broke our first clue together.

This whole case feels like deja vu.

"A Sixteen-Ten h*m*" cake?

What the heck does that mean?

-Well, Player, Info-Scan cakes to start.

-Okay, okay, okay. You wanna talk piece of cake,

we got your double-douhle chocolate,

your pineapple upside down, your sponge cake...

-Wait a 'sec. Look.

If you hold the cake up at this angle,

it's shaped kinda like a rotunda.

-Translata-Scan, Translata-Scan.

-Yes, boys and girls,

it's time for the Translata-Scan pop quiz

"Rotunda" is...

[a] a crew team rowing across the Arctic tundra, or

"rotunda" is the name of Godzilla's girlfriend?

Or [c] "rotunda" is a word for a round building

covered by a dome.

-Yes! Ho-ho!

A "rotunda' is a round building covered by a dome!

Like the capitol building in Washington, D.C.!

-Whoa! Chief, the sign says this is a cake

that's shaped like the capitol.

Info-Scan "h*m*" for Capitol.

-Time to buy a vowel.

-Change the "O" for an "A," and you have a h*m*,

a word that sounds the same,

but has a different meaning.

-Bingo! Now Info-Scan capitols that were, say,

uh, founded in Sixteen-Ten.

-Santa Fe was founded in Sixteen-Ten,

and later became the capital of New Mexico.

-Ah! Carmen and I once stopped a theft

from the Santa Fe Museum.

-That could be the next one on her hit list.

Let's go check it out.

You call your friend with the airplane, Suhara.

I'll just have one more cup of tea.

[CHUCKLES] So, you have learned to slow down.

Then perhaps I can learn to speed up.

Player, I believe I'm prepared for the C-Fiye experience.

Get us to Santa Fe, New Mexico pronto!

-Hang on to your dentures, detectives.

Don't forget to floss.

You're blasting from Tokyo, Japan all the way to

New Mexico, U.S.A.!

[they grunt]

-That was exceptional.

-Suhara, buddy!

You help us bust Carmen and we'll give you

unlimited access to the C-Five for life!

-Now, let's put our plan into action.

-I wondered what was taking you so long.

What a shame you're too late to

stop me from stealing this ancient canteen

we once saved together.

-It has such sentimental value.

-You figured that my pursuing you

would make this caper all the more challenging,

isn't that it?

-Well, you must admit, it has had its moments, Suhara.

-You are drawn to the danger like a moth

is drawn to a flame.

Only this time you've flown too close.

-Much too close.

-There's no way out, Carmen!

-You haven't been listening to Suhara, Zack.

There's always a way out.

-I got it!!

[JUGGLING] Whoaaaa! Whaaaa!

-I got it!

-Look out!



-Hey, what the heck...

-We're stuck!

-I've got to go now, detectives.

But it looks like you'll be sticking around

for awhile yet.



-Zack, the bow and arrow!

You have the only shot.

-Oh man, I flunked archery at camp.


-Uhhh, yes! I can't sh**t the window from here!

-Now you can! -Huh?


-Hold to the point of most tension, Zack.

Let it fall from your grasp by itself when it must.

-This is nuts!

-Come on, you can do it.



-She's getting away.


-Yes! Great shot, Zack!

-But what good did it do to stop her

when we're still stuck in here?

-My pocket, there's a can of oil.

It will dissolve this high-tech foam.



-Nice sh**ting, Zack. Suhara's a good teacher.

But soon you'll realize, the wiser you become,

the more you have to learn.

-Whoaaaa! [GRUNTS]

-Are you okay?

-Grrrr! She's done it again!

-Yes. I'm to blame for that.

-Nawww, it wasn't your fault.

You couldn't have stopped her either, Suhara.

-I mean, it's my fault because I trained her to remember.

There is always more than one way to do anything.

-Including escape, I'm afraid.

-Hey, how did you know oil would dissolve that foam?

-Back in San Francisco when you told me

the things she had recently stolen,

that foam was the only one

that did not fit the pattern.

-Hold it! If you knew how to get us out,

why did you make me take that shot?

-How else would you know that you could?


-It's a Zen thing, Zack.

You'll get it eventually. Mavbe.


...and he almost busted you, Carmen!

-There's no teacher like experience, Player.

-And you'll realize that when you've logged a little more.

-Hey! Hey! How'd you...
