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01x11 - Split Up

Posted: 07/23/23 16:37
by bunniefuu


-Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?


















CARMEN: A famous English poet, John Donne,

once said, "No man is an island."

But I say, this woman should definitely have one.

-Eat your heart out, Zack.

I'm busting Carmen on my own.



[clearing throat] Uhhh... Getting something, Zack?

-Good thing we evacuated Mont St. Michel, Chief.

Carmen just showed. And have I got a surprise for her.

-Well, well, a welcoming committee.

-Ooooo... She is so gooooood.

-But not as good as my new

"Zack-Attack , Security System."

-Yes! Caught by the Zack-Attack , !

Chief, my system's going to make Acme

the most famous Detective and crime prevention agency

in the world!

-Player! C- me to Mont St. Michel, France.

[angry exclamation]

-Ivy?! Oh, boy ...

-Nice going Zack! Your "lame-brain-main-frame"

trap made me miss Carmen!

-Hey, I would have nailed her.

-I would have if you hadn't gotten in the way!

-Hey! Hold! Time for break. Call waiting!

C'mon, now ...



-Au revoir! It was a nice try, detectives.

But face it, both of you together are no match

for the greatest thief of all time.

-Your new computerized security system

has been installed to protect priceless objects

at the Louvre Museum in France...

... the Forbidden City in China,

and other worldwide historical landmarks.

-But how can you ensure there

will be no more "mistakes" like last night?

-I personally guarantee the Zack Attack ,

will capture Carmen Sandiego red-handed.

-As long as my sister Ivy doesn't... uh...

get in the way again.

-When you're ready to get back to work,

I'll see you at Acme, little bro'.

I hope your head still fits through the C- Corridor.

[chuckles] Hey, big sisters...

Can't live with 'em. Can't re-program 'em.

-What were your inspirations for

such an original security system?

-Well, when I was ten,

my parents took me on a trip around the world.

-I'm tellin' you, it was like I opened a window

into my imagination, and VOOM,

uploaded an infinite number of possibilities.

-I've devised a system that Camen Sandiego

will never crack.


-C'mon, team. Where's that old detective agency

rah-rah-rah, we'll catch Carmen, sis-boom-bah?

She's stolen Mont St. Michel!

-Gone! Vanished from the Bay of Mont St. Michel,

where it sat in the English Channel,

only a mile off the coast of Normandy, France!

-Let's go find it!


-Tell it to the compu-kid, Chief!

I'm ready to hit the C- now.

-Chill, sis. With my Porta-Zak ,

I can track Carmen from anywhere.

-All right. If your computer's so smart,

then where would it hide an island?

-Easy. Since an island's a mass of land

surrounded by water...

the Zack Attack , says

the best place to hide one is...

Whoa perfect... In an archipelago!

-Good answer! Good answer!

Survey SAYS... BING! archipelago is kinda like island camouflage.

-Leopards have spots, and they can hide

in jungle foliage.

-And Polar Bears are white so they blend in

with the ice and snow.

-But if you wanna hide an island...

... an archipelago is a great place,

'cause it's kinda like a family of Islands

all grouped together.

-And since Indonesia is the largest archipelago

in the world, it's the perfect place to start looking.

-Hold it! Zack, Indonesia has over , islands,

stretching , miles!

-Almost the width of the United States of America!

What, are you going count every island

to see if there's an extra?


The Zack Attack , can tap into

weather satellite photos of the area and count

the islands for us!

-Hot Tip! This just in from Crime Net!

Carmen Sandiego's henchwoman,

Professor Sarah Bellum, was spotted near

the Leonardo Da Vinci museum, in Vinci, Italy.

-With her scientific expertise,

she might have engineered the theft of Mont St. Michel!

This could be the break we need, Zack!

-Player, C- us to Vinci, Italy!

-Okay, my quibbling siblings, listen up.

You're kickin' it from U.S.A. to Italy,

the country that's part peninsula, shaped like a boot!

Something in a high heel.

-Ah, Italia! Home of the Roman Coliseum,

the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the city of venice,

built on islands connected by canals.

-Hey, Leonardo Da Vinci!

I spent part of one whole summer studying

all his famous works, Chief.

-Then you know this dude was like the main brain

of the late and early hundreds in Europe.

The original Renaissance man.

-Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa,

engineered a bunch of neat inventions, was a scientist,

architect, sculptor, inventor...

-Quarterback for a pro football franchise.

-Chief ...!

[chuckles] Just wanted to see who's listening.

-But if he was around today,

Da Vinci might have even tried that!

This guy played all the possibilities, Chief.


-Leonardo, he's our man!

If he can't draw it, paint it, sculpt it,

build it, no one can!


-Too bad he was so busy he never actually got around

to building that flying machine of his.

-I think the Chief's hot tip fizzled.

-This place is full of models of Da Vinci's inventions,

but nobody's stealing ...





-If I can scope out the exact electrical impulse

of that machine generator, I can stop it in its tracks.

-You hack, Zack! I'll attack!

-Ivy! Wait!

[exertion] Hurry, Zack!

-Ivy! The Zack Attack ,

can track this Hovercopter if...

-Forget the computer!

We'll see who catches Carmen first, little bro'!

-Fine! Then it's you against

my Zack Attack , , Ivy!

And may the best detective win!

-So you want to go solo, little bro'?

Go ahead. Work your computer...

Meanwhile, Professor Sarah Bellum

is taking me right to Carmen.


-Hmmm... Wish I knew my Italian.



-Looks like we have a stowaway.

-Well, well, an Acme Detective.

[gasp] Wha?


-Hate to flip and skip, Professor...

-But this is one class I'm cutting!


-Oh, no!


-Uh... Player...

Look, if you really want to capture Carmen...

... get me some help.

Hook me up with a detective who speaks Italian...

other than Zack.

-Oh, oh, oh. Great, great. great.

Thank godness you're back.

-Every place you've installed your Zack Attack ,

Security System has been calling in for

a final systems check before they go on-line tonight.

-I mean, after Carmen stole Mont St. Michel.

Uh, 'scuse me? Where's Ivy?

-Listen, Chief, I've got a great future working solo.

-Hey! There is no "I" in team, Zack.

You and Ivy are supposed to work together.

Now where is she?

-This dirt came off Sarah Bellum's robot claw

in the museum.

I've gotta do a soil analysis

-Are you listening?

-Hmmm... the usual microorganisms.

Player, access data on nitrogen,

phosphorus and potassium.

CHIEF: Okay. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium

are the three basic elements that help plants grow.

Happy now? I'm not.

-There's something else here.

Particles of a tree leaf.

-Carmen's definitely not into gardening,

so my guess is she stole a tree out of a garden.

But where?


The brain surgeon called, your parts are in.

Pay attention. Ivy, where is Ivy?

-I told you, I'm going to prove to my sister

that techno-tracking beats her old fashioned

leg work any day. End of story.




-Italians crush millions of pounds of grapes

a year to make our world famous wines...

... but I've never seen it done with a backside before.

-It's a long story.

-And it's been too long since that time

we chased Carmen down the Amazon River together.

Hop on, we'll go catch up on old times!

-Perfect choice, player. Thanks.

I need a little translation, Marco.

And don't ever tell Zack I asked.

-Player, start a broad-based search and info-scan...

say... on famous trees Carmen could have stolen.

-The General Sherman giant sequoia is

the most massive tree on earth.

It's over feet around, and almost feet tall.

Big tree.

-There's enough lumber in that baby

to make billion matchsticks.

-Nah. Professor Sarah Bellum's robot suit

couldn't have lifted something that massive anyway.

-Okay. How about one of a kind tree?

-There's no such thing... is there?

-Famous Indian philosopher and all-around wise man Buddah

sat beneath a certain tree over , years ago,

meditating in search of true wisdom.

-The Bodhi Tree!

Hey, I studied Buddha's famous teachings under...

Whoah, Chief! I'm getting a bad feeling

about this case.

-Zack, wait! Zack! You can't skateboard to India!


-A little translation from a friend

and I found it without you, Zack.

-But it looks like I'm too late.

There's no Bodhi Tree.

[gasp] Hunh?! Let go!

-But where's the wise guy that usually works with her?

-He could still be on Carmen's trail.

-Hah! I knew it!

-Knew what? What, what, what, what, what?

-Chief! There are pages missing from my photo album

of the summer I spent studying abroad.

If my hunch is right, Carmen stole it.

-Ah... No offense, now, Zack.

You're a true stud muffin.

But why would Carmen want pictures of you?

Instead of ... say, me?

-They were photos from my trip to the Da Vinci Museum,

the Bodhi Tree in India, the ...

[RINGTONE] -Yes! Ivy's checking in.

-Chief! Carmen has stolen the Bodhi tree and...


[gasp] Carmen's got Ivy, Chief!

-But it's you I wanted, Zack.

There are so many great thinkers we both admire.

Come, find me. We'll speak of things to come.

-Ivy!! Ivvvvyyy!

-I've got to find Ivy!

Maybe my Zack Attack , can...

-Forget the computer, Zack!

Think! Where else did you go that summer?

-Okay, okay ...I studied Jules Verne's

original manuscripts at his Museum in France.

-Ah! Didn't Carmen say,

"Come, let's speak of things to come."

-She could have meant Jules Verne!

He's the father of modern day science fiction!

-And science fiction is writing

that "speaks of things to come."

-Famous voyager of the imagination,

Jules Verne lived in France more than

a hundred years ago.

-Yo! Step back Spielberg, we're talkin' major fantasy.

-Whatever Carmen's up to,

it has something to do with

your all time favorite main brains, Zack!

-But what could she be after?

...Wait a minute!

-Player, scan news tape files of my interview

outside Mont St. Michel.

-I've used ideas from all the great inventors

and thinkers I've studied.

I won't bore you with names, but I've devised

a system Carmen Sandiego will never crack.

-Oh no. What have I done?

-Ahhh... [clears throat]

Is Carmen stealing all the items that inspired

your Zack Attack , Security System?


-And with Professor Sarah Bellum's help,

she can design the perfect counter-attack system,

and gain access to every place that's installed

the Zack Attack , !

-You know, why is it,

just when I think I'm about to hear the recess bell,

life throws me one of those little pop quizzes?

-Where are they? What are we missing?

The satellite search showed

no extra islands anywhere in the world.

Wait a minute!

-Chief, bring up Ivy's message again.

-Snow! And an ice cavern!


-Major brainwave, Chief!

Where better to hide a floating island

than inside one of the biggest icebergs in the world?

-That's bigger than the whole state of Rhode Island.

-Hidden inside one of those babies,

Mont St. Michel would never be visible to a flyby search!

-But icebergs drift to warmer waters and melt.

-Player, show me satellite photos

of icebergs over the last month.

-Hey! ... Ahhhh!

-Look! That one hasn't moved at all

in the last twenty-four hours!

-You think Carmen could have anchored it in place?

-Only one way to find out, Chief.

Player, C- me to Antarctica.

-I hope you know what you're doing Zack...

'Cause you're travelling from San Francisco to Antarctica,

the coldest place on earth, where it's been known

to go down to minus degrees Fahrenheit.

[chattering teeth]

-Antarctica is home of Ice... ice... and more ice!

In fact, it's almost not a continent at all,

just million square miles of the frozen stuff,

over , feet thick in some places!

-Oooofff! ... Yahhhhh!


-Ivy! -Zack!

There's some kind of electromagnetic locking system

holding me in!

-Not a problem for the Zack Attack , .

I guess you now have to admit the superiority

of my Zack Attack , Crime System

-Except that Carmen's here!

She's going to hack into your system tonight,

and steal anything she wants around the world.

-Oka Crime Systemy, a minor glitch!

-C'mon! Carmen would never expect us

to climb a straight wall of solid granite.

[struggling] Right!

She's got to figure nobody's that dumb

-Ah! Right on schedule.

-Monitor his every reaction, Professor.

Then input it into the final program.

-I'll know more about how he designed

his Zack Attack , than he knows.

-You can't always rely on machines, Zack.

Everything that's protected by your system is in danger.

-So are we!


-Ivy! Hold on!

I'll hack in and take over that bird by radio control!

-Yes! She's mine!



-I owe you one, Zack!

-Hey, what are brothers for!?!

-Time to clip your wings, detectives!

-There's the Bodhi Tree!

-They've even got Leonardo's catapult wired for attack!

-Jump for it, Zack!

-Woahhhh... Ivy!

-Got ya!

-Oh, no! My computer!

-Hmm. That kind of stunt is unusual for Zack.

-We've got to find Carmen's computer banks!

-Nice try, detectives.

But I'm afraid you're just a little late.

-If you hadn't made me jump,

I could get us out with my computer.

-Never mind the computer, Zack.

With your brains and my speed, we can do it ...


-Five, four, three, two, one --


-We're crashing your hard drive, Carmen!


-Carmen's getting away!

-I've got to hand it to you

for using Sarah Bellums' Robot against her, detectives.

Turnabout is fair play, kids.

-Just goes to show, sometimes it's not

what you already know that counts...

-But what you can think of right on the spot!


-Oh, no. We lost her again.

-Well, at least we shut her down.

-Yup. And together...

We really do make a great team, Zack.

Even if you did let her get away...


-It was you. -No, it was you!

-No way!

[bickering continues]