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01x13 - A Date With Carmen Pt. 2

Posted: 07/23/23 16:34
by bunniefuu


-Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?



















IVY: In our last episode, Carmen Sandiego

broke into a top secret Russian lab...

-Timing is everything.

COMPUTER VOICE: You have ten seconds, Carmen.

ZACK: and made a clean getaway

with everything she needed to build her own Time Machine.

IVY: Which was all part of Carmen's greatest plot ever,

to travel back in history and steal things

that no longer exist.

[CROWD GASPS] -It disappeared!

IVY: But that began to change history.

-What the heck's that flag on the state house?

-It's the Queen of England's royal standard.

-Yeah! Like the United States never became

the United States and stayed part of the British Empire!

-I just can't seem to control this bally accent

slipping all over the place.

I'll do a system's check.

Back after these messages. Tally ho.


IVY: So, while the Chief started talking like Sting...

... we used Acme's very own time hopping gizmo,

the ChronoSkimmer, to zip through the ages

and try to straighten everything out!

-The ChronoSkimmer works! We've gone back in time, Zack!


-Colonial rebels! Seize them!


-I don't believe this!




-First we found out Paul Revere,

who was supposed to be a humongous hero...

... was now, thanks to Carmen's interference,

a total outcast!


-We trusted you! It was your responsibility

to warn us the British were coming!

-Carmen had somehow kept Paul from making his Midnight Ride --

-And you... FELL off your horse!

-I've told it neighbors.

My horse stumbled and I with him.

I could not warn the colonists as I promised.

--- and that changed the course of

the American Revolution.

IVY: But Carmen wasn't finished.

She time traveled back even farther in history,

crashing the Boston Tea Party!

-Look! There's a redcoat aboard!

-That's no redcoat!

-That's Carmen Sandiego!

IVY: Then Carmen headed to Philadelphia....

... just as Ben Franklin began

his famous experiment --

IVY: -- and stole the key right off his kite!

-Woman! I say! What's the meaning of this!?!

IVY: All modern technology started fading away...

including the Acme Mainframe.

[scrambled speech] Alarm, alarm...

[more scrambled speech]

IVY: And now, if we don't get that key back from Carmen...

-We'll be trapped in history. Forever!

-Carmen's getting away with Ben's key!


[horse whinny]


-Woahhh... Ivyyyy!

-Hang on, little bro!

-Whoahhhh! -Whoahhhh!

-She's all yours, Zack!

-Who, Carmen?

-No! The horse!


-Give back that key! Woahh!


[Grunts... Groaning]



-You alright, Ivy?

-Better than alright. Check this out!

-Great, now all we have to do is get it back

to you-know-who...

-Astounding! A carriage which does not require a horse...

a horseless carriage, as it were!

Truly, truly astounding...

... but certainly not as astounding as you two.

Who are you, where are you from...

why are you here?

-Chill out, Ben. We've got your key.

-Chill... out?

-Yeah, get with the program!

You've got to finish your experiment

before the storm passes.

-My research into the nature of electricity

hardly seems important just now but...

-It's more than important, Ben.

-If you don't fly that kite --

the future of America will turn out all wrong!

Trust me.

-Ivy's right!

See, you're part of a chain of famous inventors.

The future of all technology is based on

what you guys discover.

-But none of the others can invent

what they're supposed to invent unless

you continue your experiment...

... You're not following any of this, are you?

Well... actually... no.

-Never mind! Let's just get that kite in the air!



-Aha! My hypothesis was correct.

Lightning is a powerful form of electricity!

-Yes! Ben's done it! The Chief's back on- line!

-Yes! Technology's restored!

Come in, Chief.

-And -- And -- And -- And -- And, by Jove...

... the Acme Detective Agency is back in business!

Smashing, eh what?

-But it looks like the good old USA

is still very, very British!

-And it looks like

Carmen's back in the time traveling business!

-Remember, no matter how hard you try, detectives,

time conquers all... but Carmen conquers time!



-What are we going to do now?

-Well, I always say, if you would not be forgotten

as soon as you are dead,

you should either write things worth reading,

or do things worth writing.

-And in this case, I'd say the latter is best.

You must complete your quest --

and capture this Carmen Sandiego person.

-Ben's right, Zack.

And maybe we can get history back on track...

...if we travel to December th, again.

-The Boston Tea Party?

But Carmen's already stolen the tea.

-But what if we go minutes before she stole it.

Maybe we can stop her and make things right!

CHIEF: Well, con-grat-u-lations!

You have just won an all expense paid trip...

from Colonial Philadelphia... Colonial Boston.

-Hey, it's King George the Third.

-Uh, could we talk about our tea taxes?


IVY: Well, no wonder the Colonists were mad!

He didn't give them any say in how they were governed.

-Yeah. He made 'em mad enough to dump

all that English tea into the Boston Harbor.

-No taxation without representation!

No taxation without representation!

-Which was what the Boston Tea Party

was really all about.


-Quit fooling around, Zack.

We have to find Carmen's henchmen.

-No problem-o!


[grunts of exertion]

-All right!

We flashed back to the moment before Carmen

attached the turbines to the ship...

Whatever we're going to do,

we better do it fast.

-The Sons of Liberty are on the march!

-Follow me! [exertion]

-Ivy! Check it out!

-That horseshoe is...! Yeowww! Oof!

-Could you possibly make a little more noise?

-Ivy, if Carmen stole that shoe

from Paul Revere's horse,

that would explain why he fell

and didn't complete his ride!

-Wow! You could be right. We gotta get it!

-It's almost "tea time."

-Hold it right there, Ivy...


... just what do you think you're doing?

-Stop her!

-Time to rock and roll.



-Correction, Zack -- it's time to rocket and roll!


-That must be the signal. Let's go!

[enthusiastic sounds]

-Nice attack, Zack...

-You didn't do so bad yourself.

-Well done, detectives! That's one for you.

Maybe I'll give you a... ring some time,

and we'll play again.


-Whew... there goes Carmen, back into time!

-And here come the Sons of Liberty...

right on time!


-We did it... the Boston Tea Party is history...

like it's supposed to be...

-That's one down. But we still gotta figure out

where Carmen is headed and get

Paul Revere's horseshoe back.

-Well, we know she's returning to --

I saw it on the Time Machine's control panel.

-And so far, she's taken the key

from Ben Franklin's kite and the shoe

from Paul Revere's horse...

-Want to bet her next target is probably

another American icon?

-She brought Pearl Diver back to help hide

the tea in Japan.

Maybe there's a reason she brought Al Loy with her too.

-Player, access Crime Net files on henchman Al Loy.

CHIEF: Al Loy is a metallurgical menace

who began his criminal career at age ,

counterfeiting subway tokens.

He quickly graduated to hijacking ore shipments,

robbing steel mills, and burglarizing foundries.

He was into heavy metal.

But despite the fact Al earned a Ph.D. in metallurgy

while in prison...

... he still specializes in making off with metal.


the main things foundries produced in

were anchors, cannons, and bells...

[gasp] Remember what Carmen said about giving us a ring!

...Maybe she meant a ring as in bell!

-But what bell?

-Think! The symbol of American Independence, Ivy! --

the Liberty Bell!

-But the Liberty Bell still exists in the future.

Why would Carmen come all the way to the past

to steal it?

-Player, info-scan the Liberty Bell.

Check it out, Ivy. Today's Liberty Bell has a crack.

-But when it was first cast in ,

it didn't have a crack!

-Carmen could be out to steal the original,

uncracked Liberty Bell!

CHIEF: Hear ye, hear ye. When Philadelphia's city fathers

decided the State House needed a new bell,

they gave the job to the White Chapel Bell Foundry

in London.

-Let's check it out.

It could be Carmen's next stop.

-Chronoskimmer, get us to the Whitechapel Foundry

in London, .

CHIEF: Jolly good fun this time travel, eh what?

After all, how else could one travel

from Boston to London?

Which, incidentally,

was the capital of the British Empire...

quite the largest Empire of its time,

don't you know...

... and home of such landmarks as

Westminster Abbey...

the Tower of London... and St. Paul's Cathedral...

IVY: Looks nice enough...

How come so many people wanted out of England in ?

-If you couldn't pay your bills back then,

your whole family would be thrown into jail!

IVY: Yeah. That's right.

And if you didn't go to the right church,

you and your family could be in big trouble.

-Which is part of why so many people

wanted to leave England and move to America.

-The Whitechapel Foundry...

And Carmen's Time Machine.

-And here's the shoe from Paul Revere's horse...

Thank you very much.

-First we find the Liberty Bell and --



-That's far enough.

Let's tie it off and get the crate.

-Any ideas?

-Well, like I always say, when push comes to shove...

...shove hard! [exertion]



-Move that elbow! -Watch it!

-Zack... watch out! Zack...

-Whoah! ... Oof!... Oh!

[gasp, yelps]

-Whoahh! Ivy!

-One rescue coming right... up!


[grunts, exertion]

-Okay, so I lost the ChronoSkimmer...

I still got the shoe from Paul Revere's horse.

-No matter, detectives.


-While you're hanging around here forever...

...I'll just go through time and steal the horseshoe

all over again.

-Carmen's right --

now we're stuck in th century London!

No pizza, no videos...

what am I talking about?! There's not even TV!

-Zack, get a grip.

If I'm right, everything is... [grunt]



-Way to go, sis!

Now get us back to April , ...

[grunts, oofs, and yelps]


I don't believe it --

same thing happened last time we stole this horseshoe!


-Fancy meeting you here.

Well... maybe not so fancy.



-Leggo my brotherrrrrrrr!

[exertion and yelps]







-Yeah! Great work, sis.

-I agree, Ivy. Good work...

... you beat me this time...

but then I have lots of time.

All the time in the world.


-No, you don't!

-As you said earlier... wanna bet?

-Oh, that's perfect.

Now we have no idea where she's headed.

-Would you believe... back to the present?

-How can you be so sure of that?

-This is the chronochip Carmen stole in Russia.

She can only go one way -- straight home.

-The British are coming! The British are coming!

-Yes! We did it!

We beat Carmen, and Paul Revere is on his way.

-Uh, about that...

we still have his horseshoe, remember?

-And if Paul takes off without it,

history's just going to keep repeating itself!

Let's saddle up, partner.

-I hate the way you drive these things!

-There he is!


-And there he goes!

-Whoah, boy!

-Make sure he's okay!

-Please, come back! I must borrow your horse to...

-Hey! Easy there, Paul. That was some header.

Now I'll never complete my ride

to warn the Colonists the British are coming.

-Paul, buddy, you're gonna do it.

There's a lot more people counting on you

than you'll ever know.

-Trust me, horsie.

I know what I'm doing.


-Strange, I have the feeling I've met you both somewhere...

but I can't quite put my finger on...

-No time to reminisce now, Mr. Revere.

You've got to get history back on track.

-I beg your pardon?

-Uh... you've got to get back on the track to history!

-The British are coming! The British are coming!

-The British are coming, the British are coming!

-There he goes, headed off to Lexington --

and into history.

-Do you think this means American history

will return to normal, sis?

-Player, info-scan the location of

the Liberty Bell...

in modern times.

# Oh, say can you see, I'm the way I'm supposed to be #

Ho, ho! I'm back, I'm American, I'm alive!

... and the Liberty Bell is where it's supposed to be --

on display in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!

Ha, ha! Thank you very much.

-Well, everything looks okay.

-And the Chief sounds normal.

For the Chief, that is. Did we pull it off?

-Only one way to find out.

-Future, ready or not, here we come.

"Proclaim liberty throughout all the land

unto the inhabitants thereof."

-Yes! We can relax, Zack. Everything's back

the way it should be.

-Thanks to ACME's little ol' ChronoSkimmer.

-Like Ben Franklin might say, a stitch in time...

... saves the good ol' U.S. of A.!

-Ivy! The ChronoSkimmer... it's gone!

-Uh-oh. I have a real bad feeling about this.

Or maybe... In another time...
