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01x09 - Agent Smartlit/Shopping Brawl

Posted: 07/23/23 08:06
by bunniefuu

[robot voice] Here we come!

♪ When Energon struck a Mall
nearby ♪

♪ We became more than meets
the eye ♪

♪ We're everyday objects,
Motionless parts ♪

♪ We burst to life to let the
party start! ♪

♪ BotBots!
We could be anything ♪

♪ BotBots!
Like a hot dog or ice cream ♪

♪ BotBots!
Mischief without a care ♪

♪ BotBots!
Secret robots everywhere ♪

♪ BotBots!
Here we come!

♪ BotBots!
BotBots! ♪

For the jillionth time, Mom...
I'm not a vampire!

My skin's so pale because I work
nights and never see the sun!

So please stop rubbing garlic
into my clothes!

I smell terrible! Its a good
thing I never have to see anyone

on night shift!
[deep sigh]

Don't worry, I'm not even deeply

Oooh, leftover bagels from the
day shift!

- Ok! [loud crunch]
- [yelp]

Owww. Like a rock
with schmear! That's bad.

Hey, what's this?

"Day Shift Position Available:
Apply Now!"

This is it, Dave! Your big
break! Sunlight! Other people!

Bagels that don't lead to
replacing tooth crowns.

Yah, as if, Dave!

Always ranting about "little
robots" in the Mall?

- Have you forgotten?
- Aw, fish sticks!

You're right, me. The boss
thinks I'm smacker-beany!

He'll never promote me unless
I fix that

by catching those robots

to PROVE that it's not all in
my mind!

And that I'm not smacker-beany!

No, wait. Dave! Just stop
ranting about...

[interruption efforts]
I've figured it out already!

Inspiration has struck! I've got

to finally catch those bots!

Thank you, me! You're not doing
what I wanted...

Let's hear it, team!

♪ L. O. S. T. We've got spirit,
you will see! ♪

♪ B. O. T. S. Lost Bots, Lost
Bots are the best! ♪


Excellent! Now, BOT PYRAMID!

Are you sure this is gonna work?

Trust me! A solid cheer routine

will absolutely convince the
other squads to let us back in!

Hmmmm, love your foot smell.

Why are you here anyway?
You're not a Lost Bot.

We needed six bots to be a

And I, Frostferatu, the creepy
carb from the crypt,

LOVE pyramids, mystical shapes

known for their ability to
summon dark magic!

Uhhh, yeah that's totally what
we're doing here

OK, Dimlit... on top!

I still don't know about this!

You got it this time! Balance.

- Pull up from your center.
- But all I am is center!

- You got this, buddy!
- Believe in yourself, Dimlit!

[effort grunts]

[relieved gasp]

[impact grunts and thuds]

Eh, no offense, but I'm not sure
you bots really understand

dark magic. I'm gonna bail.

The shadows of the night beckon

I warned you, Kikmee.
Never count on me

for anything important, ever.

You just need more practice!

Yeah! Don't be so hard on

It took me forever to get my
first toilet unclogged.

But after many messy tries,

I finally did it!

And you wouldn't believe what
was down there!

- It was poop.
- [defeated sigh]

I know you're all trying
to make me feel better,

but the best way for you to
succeed is without me.

[Agent Smartlit] Sorry to

but we have an urgent matter to

Another flashlight bot?

- Are you my evil twin?!
- Negative.

I'm a Secret Agent from an
undercover squad that protects

BotBots from threats to the

- What's the name of this squad?
- It's classified.

"Classified" isn't a very fun

I mean our existence is
Top Secret.

Need to know only.

But remember the raccoon
invasion of the food court?

Of course not.

Because we stopped it before it
even happened.

[impressed noises]

If you're Top Secret,
why tell us?

Because you "need to know."

Your HQ has been chosen as the

for a covert operation.
"Flesh-Being- " has a new plan

to trap us BotBots.
- Dave?

Don't worry.
His plans are terrible.

Yes, according to precedent.

But we suspect his latest trap
may be an actual threat.

He's been seen carrying rocket
parts into a secret storeroom.

So I'm going undercover.

Hiding under the covers doesn't
get rid of Daves.

Things don't disappear when
you can't see them.

Sorry to ruin your innocence.

[Agent Smarlit] I've hidden
Dave's flashlight.

We expect he'll grab a

from the Lost & Found.
I will be that replacement,

enabling me to
spy on his plans.

Sound operation, but you should
probably turn your light on

to make yourself more noticeable
to Dave.

That seems unnecessary.

I know Dave like the top of my
own bun.

He really likes shiny things.

The overpowering smell of

He's almost here. HIDE!

Lost & Found! An endless bounty!

Ah. Just what I was looking for!

Left on? Oh, you're batteries
are probably almost all drained!

Hey. Sounds like new batteries
to me!


What happened to knowing Dave
like the top of your own bun?!

To be fair, I rarely see the top
of my own bun?

[sleep-talking mumble]

Oh thank goodness you're here!
Now we can switch places and...

Negative, rookie. Dave thinks he
lost one flashlight,

but two in the same night?
No one's that gullible.

You might be overestimating

New plan. Dimlit, you're taking
my place on the mission.

Me? No way!

I don't know the first thing
about secret-agent-ing!

- You're right.
- [sigh of relief]

That's why I'm going to train

What?! No! Never count on me

for anything important, ever!

You can do this, Dimlit.

I'm pretty sure I can't.

Listen up, rookie! The BotBots
must be saved from discovery!

And if that means training your
bulb off to get agent-ready,

then that's what you're gonna
do! Clear?

Yes, Ma'am.

The first lesson in Secret Agent
training is physical fitness.

[effort noise]

- [effort noise]
- [impact groan]

[Agent Smartlit]
Let's just move on.

The second lesson in Secret
Agent training is mastering

your mind. Your task is to

these briefing documents.

But a lot of sentences in a row
always puts me to sleep!

It's up to you to focus on the

Get to work!

Final Lesson!

Inside this canister are several

Your job is to cut the correct
wire, red if it's curvy,

blue if it's straight, to
disable the timer.

What if he cuts the wrong wire?

Hopefully, you won't find out.

Red, blue, curvy,
straight What if I can't tell?

Then that's when you need to
rely on your instincts.

Ready? Go!

[nervous grunts]

Instinct instinct

[gasp] Did I actually do it...

Congratulations, Dimlit. That
concludes your training.

You mean, I'm ready for the

Not even close. But we're out of
time, so good luck.

Stay alive!

Must've dozed off

for a few hours.
[stretching] Guess

flawless plans tire a person

Welp, back to it!

Oooh, its like I'm an undercover

I'm espionaging.

[Dimlit] Dave's notebook!

That's gotta have
the info I need.

[struggle grunts]

"Dave's Flawless Plan That Has
No Flaws."

Ugh. So many words to be read.

Feeling sleepy...

No, not again! Focus!

Now to decipher this incredibly
childish handwriting, and...

That's what he's planning?!

Good news! I know Dave's plan!

[Dave in robotic voice] Hello
little robots, I am one of you!

Does it have anything to do with

Come hang with your buddy, the
Dave-O-Matic !

I am also robotic.

We are Equals!

He's posing as a robot to trick

but you just found out on your

Guess everything I did
was worthless..

That's his big plan?

Guess my agency was worried
about nothing.

It's clear Flesh-Being-
represents no legitimate risk.

Come, fellow robots.

Let us program software updates
and dot-com!


Stop it! Stop it! Aghhh!

Whooooah sn*per-snaps! Why isn't
it responding?

Well my wiring work was perfect
so that can't be the reason!

AUGGGGGH! I played with
forbidden technology

and I'm paying the price!


That looks awfully unsafe.

You're right. We should shut
this down before

he damages the mall or himself.

If only we had a copy of his
plans for those rocket skates,

we could disarm them.
- We don't need a copy!

I-I-I just studied them!

The rockets are connected to a
controller on Dave's belt.

I can walk you through disarming

There's no time! Dimlit, you're
going to have to do it!

I-I-I can't!

I told you, never count on me
for anything important,

- Despite my doubts,

you've done quite well up to
this point.

Yeah. You went undercover and
found Dave's plans.

And you focused to the point of
memorizing those plans.

And you didn't give up, even
when you got slimed!

No one asked me if I wanted to
be slimed I did.

You're braver than you think,

But it's up to you to believe

- I guess I can try
- Great!

Now how do we get you
all the way up to Dave's belt?

We're almost in position! Stay
on target,

stay on target!

[Dimlit] GAH! WHICH ONE!

Ok. You can do this.

Trust your instincts!

[deep exhale]

[charging cry]

Huh. In retrospect I see my plan
was flawed.

I wonder if this'll affect my
promotion to day shift?

You were awesome, Dimlit!

You aced the pyramid!

And you even saved a life!

I guess I don't ruin

Impressive work. I may call you
if I have another mission


Of course I can see myself in
mirrors, Mom! I...

Oh, hold on. My boss is on the
other line

Uh, hi, Randall.

Look, I can explain about the

See, I was being a
roller-skating robot and..


Oh cupcakes

[Clogstopper] Look!
I'm Burgertron.

Hey everybody,

come on down to the rodeo with
me, Burgertron!"

Clogstopper, that looks and
sounds nothing like me.

Wow, someone has no

What about these, sir? Do they
coverup my Dimlit-ness?

Amazing! g*ng, I think this is
gonna work!

If we put on these disguises and
pretend to be from

"The Squad No One Has Ever Heard

Who Definitely Never Broke The
Sacred Rule Of The Mall",

we can sneak back into our

But once they accept us, can we
reveal who we really are?

Of course! Pretending to be
someone you're not

has never caused any problems
and will never backfire!

[Dave] No, Mom, I can't just
grow a mustache

and reapply for the job with a
new name! Be reasonable!

It's over! I've been fired!

My boss, for some reason,

doesn't believe those little
robots exist and says it's safer

for the Mall if I wasn't here

And I guess blowing up the
fountain with my rocket skates

didn't exactly go in the plus
column either.

Wow, that store will sell

This wasn't just a job!

I devoted my life to the safety
and protection of this Mall!

It's the only place I ever
really belonged,

among these gated-up stores with
no sign of other human life.

[Dave] Now I feel like I'm truly

Did the Mall Guard lose his job
because he keeps insisting

we're real and no one believes

Is this our fault?

I guess now I can focus
on some of my other dreams,

like becoming an astronaut, or a
living statue performer

No, Mom, I've always wanted to
be a living statue performer!

Why do you think I sit still all
day? I'm not being lazy!

Complete inactivity is living
statue practice, Mom!

Don't ruin my dreams!

I gotta clean out my locker.

♪ You said "Welcome Shoppers" ♪

♪ But I heard "Welcome Home" ♪

♪ The mall, the mall, he's
talking bout the mall ♪

♪ Two floors contained our
passion ♪

♪ But now I'm forced to roam ♪

♪ The mall, the mall, Dave's in
love with the mall ♪

♪ Cuz life's always handing me
lemons ♪

♪ It's handing him the lemons ♪

♪ I'm just eating all the
lemons ♪

♪ He's eating all the lemons ♪

♪ And the lemons taste so
sad ♪

♪ Love just may be blind ♪

♪ But your fluorescents shine so
bright ♪

♪ Industrial lighting ♪

♪ Makes Dave tear up ♪

♪ I gathered all your store's
collectors cups ♪

♪ Quite a sight ♪

♪ Except for one - Costa Pasta,
the rarest cup! ♪

♪ Cuz life's always handing me
lemons ♪

♪ So, so many lemons ♪

♪ And I'm taking all those
lemons ♪

♪ He really hates the lemons ♪

♪ I'm just eating all the
lemons ♪

♪ It's just non-stop lemons ♪

♪ And those lemons taste so sad

I really should get my own
backing singers.

Could Dave sorta be a human
Lost Bot?

It definitely sounds like he
doesn't have a squad either.

Dave is really gone

Do you know what this means?

You're gonna apply for his
job? Ooh, can I be your boss?

What? NO! This means

there is no more security!
No more rules!



- Let's party!
- It's BotBot time!

WHOOO! This soft drink's not so

when it's in the face, Brock!




[charging battle cries]

I always thought we needed
personal boundaries to have fun!

So foolish!

- [cheering]
- [impact yelp]

With the exception of
glow-in-the-dark toilet paper,

this is the greatest thing

any living creature has ever

No, it's not...
NOW it is!

Motion detected. Security bots
must investigate.

Investigation pending.

They replaced Dave with

Nice! Fellow bots!

Hello! We should be friend...

- Not friends!
- Rodents detected.


Agh! They don't recognize my

[laughter, screaming]

[charging cries]

[panicked screams]

[scared wails]

These bots are worse than the
flesh creature ever was!

Agh! Our very way of life is

We may never have fun again!
We'll all be like the

Lost Bots!
- Ok, hurtful.

But what if each squad comes up
with a plan and we'll all...

Burgertron, no one wants your
terrible ideas.

Ok, every squad needs to come up
with a plan

[happy giggle]

Verticality impaired.

Verticality restored.

Electronic intrusion detected.

Intrusion ended.
Have a nice day,

These bots are undefeated.

All enemies have a secret

We need to find it.

OK. Check this out. Flesh beings
have a ton of these books

they never open. They're called
instruction manuals.

Look it says that entering a
shutdown code

into one of the bots' control
panels would shut them all down.

It's the same code as the Mall's
"master security".

So how do we get this "master
security code"?

Only Flesh Beings know it.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

YES! Clone a new Dave!

A better one! With, uh,
balloons for eyes!

Or if we want to shut down
those Security Bots,

we need Dave back.

Has our long-time nemesis really
become our only hope?

Is he our enemy? Maybe in his
own fleshy and gross way,

he loves the mall as much as we

and he should be as free to be
here as we BotBots are.

In fact, maybe freedom is the
right of all sentient beings!

- What's "sentient"?
- Like a snake.

- No, that's "serpent".

No. Dave's our only hope.

I was his company phone for

and he only ever programmed one
number into me: "Dave's Mom".

I need to speak to this

[fake deep voice] Hello, is this
the Davesmom? Is Dave there?

I'm, uh, human friends with

Why is that funny? Dave has

Oh, uh, hi Dave. This is

Mr. Mall Worker Flesh Guy

You left without picking up your
"Donut of Service"

for your time at the Mall. The
only way to get it

is to come down now, tonight.

No, no this isn't a prank, this
is a real phone call

from a flesh being...
don't hang up!

Huh. Can't believe that didn't

Oh, now this is the work

of a true French Fried


Argh! They're coming! Now!

Emergency. Liquid immersion.


Thank you! Yes, it's true,

some BotBots are now saying I've
ushered us

into a new golden age...


Emergency defense mode

[panicked screams]

Sir, what are we going to do?
It's desperate! We need a hero!

HELLO? What's all the noise?!

My plan worked? I mean... ha!

Of course my plan worked!

Agh! What the cowhide?!

This doesn't look like the
"Donut of Service" ceremony!

Agh! They're busting up the

The only place I've ever loved!
They can take my badge,

but they can't take away my
civilian duty!

By the former authority that
used to be granted to me...


- Exterminate.
- [Dave screams]

Locate target.

They must only detect motion.

[gasp] My inactivity is a

Finally, Living Statue practice
will pay off!

Locate target.

- [effort grunts]
- Intruder! Intruder!

Oh, don't like me here?

Well, let's see how you like
the Mall Master Security Code!

- - - !

Code accepted. Shutting down.

Have a nice daaaay.


Also, I was promised a donut.

Mr. Mall Worker Flesh Guy
Esquire, are you here?!

Hello?! I'm looking for my uh

service pastry? Do feel like
I've earned it,

do feel like... I've very much
earned it.

[Dave] I can't thank you enough
for giving me my job back, sir.

I don't know where that video
came from,

but I'm glad it got emailed to

Thrilled being back home.

No, I wouldn't call me brave.

I just learned that passion,
and the promise of fried dough,

can make a man do incredible

Welp, Dave, I guess true love
wins in the end...

what's this? A fresh donut?!

And a Costa Pasta collector's

This is the only one missing
from my collection!

Filled with lemonade?

Made from the lemons that life
hands you?

But! How'd... sesame seeds?

Like from a burger bun...

Whoa! Did that little robot and
his friends get me my job back?!