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01x08 - Scanned Out/The Science Alliance

Posted: 07/23/23 08:05
by bunniefuu

[robot voice] Here we come!

♪ When Energon struck a Mall
nearby ♪

♪ We became more than meets
the eye ♪

♪ We're everyday objects,
Motionless parts ♪

♪ We burst to life to let the
party start! ♪

♪ BotBots!
We could be anything ♪

♪ BotBots!
Like a hot dog or ice cream ♪

♪ BotBots!
Mischief without a care ♪

♪ BotBots!
Secret robots everywhere ♪

♪ BotBots!
Here we come!

♪ BotBots!
BotBots! ♪

[Lady Macron] Ok, gentlebots,

remember to always pick up the
cup and saucer together,

unless you want to deeply offend
anyone in polite society.

Wow! Who knew holding stuff
could be so important.

Thank you for agreeing
to teach us

some social rules, Lady Macaron.

We're really hoping to reform
our image

with the other BotBots.


Right, and don't even worry
about how boring

this tea party is, 'cuz I'm
about to kick it up a notch!

Time for the premiere of my
six-hour, one-bot,

magnum opus puppet show,
"To Unclog One's Heart!"

Isn't there a ten-minute version
of the show

or a no-minute version...

It was a dark and stormy night.

All alone in the bathroom stall,

a lone bot ponders his DUTY.

[stifling laughter] DUTY!

- [obnoxious laughter]
- [screaming]

My beautiful stripes!

Wow. You're right!

They look so much better now.
You're welcome!

[dramatic sobbing]


[sighing] Sorry for all of his..

Em.. You know,
we're just gonna go

and pretend none of this ever

Great! Another attempt to
impress the other squads

ruined. Thanks, Clogstopper.

It wasn't that bad.

Besides, it's not like
I'm ruining stuff all the time.

[loud rumbling]


And don't even get me started on

birthday urinal cake incident.

Urinal cake! Mm-mmm!

You'll never guess what's in
the frosting!

You can't even put down the
puppet to get yelled at?!

I don't see the big deal. It's
not like we're trying to

get back in good with our

That is exactly what we're
trying to do!

But I don't see how that'll ever
be possible

with you always messing things

"Always" is a pretty strong

I know! That's why I used it!

You all believe I mess things
up always?

Huh. I see how it is.

I guess you're better off
without me then!

[Playgor Cardquest] ♪ Sadness
falls across these halls

What's up, Playgor?

You have not heard?!

♪ Earlier today ♪

♪ Clogstopper was scanned out! ♪

WHAT?! Oh no.

- Oh no no no no no!
- What's wrong, sir?

Is being "scanned out" a bad

It's the WORST thing!
You know how during the day

we transform and hide at the
back of the shelves

so all the flesh beings will buy
normal products instead of us?

Sometimes, a flesh being will
accidentally pick up

one of us bots! They become
"scanned out,"

never to be seen or heard from

[dramatic gasps]

So Clogstopper is gone forever?!

[dramatic crying]

This is all my fault.
If I wasn't so harsh,

he wouldn't have been out there,
roaming unfamiliar stores

We all pushed him away.

[dramatic sobbing]

It seems like the only thing we
can do now

is honor his memory.

[soft strumming, dramatic

Clogstopper said this party
streamer was probably mystical,

so we could read each other's
minds if we both held it

at the same time.
- What am I thinking of?

- Clogstopper?
- It works

I won this keychain from
Clogstopper in a challenge

to see who could meditate

He lasted . seconds.

And screamed the entire time

I'll miss you.

When I found this jewelry,

Clogstopper helped me test if it
was real or fake.

Turns out it was % real

candy, just like we hoped.

Rest in purchase, bestie.


He thought it'd be a
funny prank to hide

this disembodied doll arm in my
nest to see if I'd get scared...

Which I totally didn't,
by the way,

I was just seeing if he'd get
scared by me acting scared.

See you at the great inventory
in the sky, my friend.

We deserve this, don't we?

I saw him go that way!
If we hurry,

we might catch a glimpse of him!
- Woah, what's their deal?

I can't believe it no bot's
ever been scanned out

and returned to tell the tale!
- How did you do it? Tell us!

[dramatic gasps]

Well, after the flesh beings
purchased me and removed me

from the Mall, they decided to
return me

because I was, in their words

- [impressed sounds]

"Defective"? I've never heard
that word before.

[gasp] It must mean he's super

- The humans FEAR him!
- Wait, really?

Why else would a flesh being
bring a bot back?

You must have tapped into some
secret bot energy

and scared em away!

Could you teach us how to be
"defective," Clogstopper?

Yeah! Share your wisdom!

- We want to be just like you!
- [Bots cheering]

Well, if you really wanna be
just like me,

the first thing I usually do
every day is

dust-bunny bowling!
Follow me!

Clogstopper! You're back!
It is so great to see...

Ouch. Well, at least
Clogstopper's alive.

And the experience has now made

- Yeah.

And popular bots don't
hang out with us.

How are we gonna convince him we
should be friends again?

Hey, Clogstopper, we got you a

like friends do! Your very
own toilet cleanser tab!

Present? I don't care about

My real friends know that about

Plus, they already got me these
much cooler gifts.

[struggle noises]

Ew, toxic! Let's go, Clogs.

Now, shift into the Tortilla
Chip Triangle.

Today, I'm channeling into my
"spicy" chip flavor.

Why are we even doing this?

And why in mud?

Because the best way to become
"defective" is by doing

whatever the wise Clogstopper

YES! Time to impress Clogstopper

with our yoga skills, team!

Now, pupils: "The Plunge Lunge."

This feels unnatural.

[sigh] Just relax into the pose

No, we just gotta try harder...

[impact grunts]

Agh! Great! Another disaster

caused by the Lost Bots. Again.

Typical Lost Bots behavior.

And yet I'm the one who's always
ruining stuff?

So I took your "embrace the
inner and outer garbage"

message to heart and went
searching around

in the dumpsters and check out
all these cool things I found!

Ugh, you guys.

Haven't you done enough harm

Can we speak to you alone?


Look, we know we messed up.

But we just think you're
forgetting all the great,

wonderful things that come with
hanging out with us.

Oh really? Refresh my memory.

Like, you have your own nest
back at the Lost & Found!

I now have a dedicated shelf
with every squad in the Mall.

I mean, there's one with just a
bunch of chewed up

dog's AWESOME!

Cloggy! There's big news! Hurry!

Listen, brah, we all agreed that
you coming back

has literally changed our lives.

You've taught us so much about
being "defective"

in such a short time.

You are wiser than all of us

and the only way we can think to
thank you

is to make you
"King of the BotBots"!

- [shocked gasps]
- King?

[Bot Bots cheering]

All hail King Clogstopper the

Lord of the Mall

and Grand Duke of the adjacent
parking structure,

closed Mondays to for
street sweeping.

[Bot Bots in unison] Hail! HAIL!

So what's your first decree, oh
King of all BotBots?

After that chance encounter with
the honorable Lord Artichoke,

I had no choice but to study the
skills of knitting

under the wise wizard Winslow.

[excited noises]

[singing lightly]

Window. Noun. Pronounced

- An opening in the...
- I can't take it anymore!

I'm out!

Wait. Your King commands that

Maybe those flesh beings
returned him

because he wasn't awesome?

YOU'RE NO KING! Crown revoked!

[crowd booing]

Don't go! The next hour really
brings it all together!

Just wait!

You're still here?

We know we made a mistake.

We just really wanted to hang
out with you again.

Even if it means only watching
you on stage.

Having you gone made us realize
how much we love you

puppet and all!
- Oh it doesn't matter

if no one else appreciates how
defective you are.

We do.

And I'm really sorry for saying
you always ruin everything.

That's not true mostly.

But even if you can't forgive

we'd still like to see the end
of your puppet show.

Ready to bring it home, buddy?

[Clogstopper as puppet]
Tastes like the moon!

And after that, no one minced

in a zero gravity chamber ever

- The end!
- [Lost Bots applaud]

Wow, you're right.

That last hour really did pull
it all together.

Now who wants to go to the
Lost & Found

to help me on the sequel?

[Burgertron] Don't push it,

[funky beach music]

Yo yo yo! DJ Brock O'Lonely
comin' atcha live

at the BotBots Beach Bonanza!

It may be hotter than a deep
fryer up in here,

but that won't stop me from
sizzlin' up

your daily serving of SICK


I can't believe we've been shut
out of parties in a row!

It's an impressive streak,

And also terribly,
terribly sad.

Aww I'm sure our invites just
got lost in the mail.

Hmm that's unlikely,

especially since we don't have
mail in the Mall.

They've been throwing these
beach ragers every single night

for weeks!
This really burns my buns.

Speaking of burning buns,

has anyone else noticed how hot
it's been getting lately?

My leaves are starting to wilt.

Huh tell me about it! I haven't
sweated this much since

Dave discovered discount chili
at the gas station.

[shuddering] I've seen things

Now THAT was a part-ay!

Whaddaya say we do it all again

[Brock O'Lonely] Same time, same

same list of bots who are NOT
invited! KIKMEE

Looks like everyone's leaving.

Maybe we can get some sand
between our toes after all!

Whelp, back to the Lost and

where we can keep dreaming of a
future where we're considered

much cooler than we are now.
- Agh!

Lost Bots! It's me, Burgertron!

This is a message from the

You're me?! Why is my arm a

Things in the future of your
timeline have taken a dark turn.

If you don't solve the problems
caused by the increasing heat

in the mall, there will be dire

Dire consequences? That sounds

- What do we do?!
- Heed my warnings!

Find the Science Alliance!
They are your only hope!

- [malfunctioning garbling]
- Woah woah, wait! Wait!

What's the Science Alliance?!

[unintelligble garble]

Cryptic. And I have never heard
of this Science Alliance.

And we have no way to find them!

Sorry guys, bad signal, had to

Anyway, the Science Alliance!

They're in the science education
store on the nd floor

of B-Wing... You're gonna wanna
make a left at the mutant hive,

- I-I mean, what you guys call
the "novelty t-shirt kiosk",

haha, anyway, then another right
and you'll see it.

Good luck! Ouch!

And may the radioactive frog
king always bless your path!

Just one more drop

and the solution should be
stable enough...

Agh! Oh! My eyes!

It burns! [chuckling]
I'm just kidding.

I'm literally a pair of safety

Your hypothesis that the
frequent use of that joke

causes amusement has been

Anyone here named "Science

That esteemed distinction

is indeed the designation for
the four of us.

Speak your business,

Woah woah woah! Easy!
We come in peace!

We received a warning from a
postapocalyptic future version

of myself with a pretty scary
scar and eyepatch combo,

but also a sweet
salt-and-pepper-packet beard

that embraces my age gracefully.

Alliance, do you know what this

Our trans-time-stream
communicator works!

Or will work, eventually.

A credit to our brilliance,

Please stop calling me that.
It's demeaning for us both.

Uh sorry, but I feel like I
really need to pivot back

to this whole "dire
consequences" thing?

Ah yes. The prophecy this
burger's future self foretold

refers to the rapidly escalating
Mall-wide warming

that will soon destroy us all,

returning us to the stardust
from whence we came.

For the galaxy is a vessel,

and we but passengers on this
ship called "time".

I have never heard more words.

Our research demonstrates that
the consistent sweeping

of "Beach Party Sand" into the
air conditioning unit

is causing it to clog and
overheat. Given time to adjust,

the vents would eventually clean
themselves out,

but if the parties do not cease,

the damage is on track to
become permanent!

[Face Ace] We're talking record
Mall temperatures!

Face melting heat waves!

The candle store won't stand
a chance!

Agh! Not Candle Cradle!

Those are the most delicious

This is terrible! Are you sure
your calculations are correct?

I'll have them peer reviewed.


So if we just get you
smarty-pants-bots to explain

what's up to the rest of the

then they'll stop dumping sand
in the vents,

and our overheating problems
will be over!

Emmm You see,

we've never been very good at
social interactions.

- [creepy deep breathing]
- That surprises me.

Really. But don't worry...

you've got science on your side,
my friends!

There's no way every bot in
the Mall

can deny hard facts!

[loud booing]

and so, in summation,

we can prove there is a direct
correlation between

the mall's overheating...

Wrap it up, Dr. Buzzkill!

But what we're saying is true.

The chocolate dude is melting
right before our very eyes!

I don't know what you're talking
about, I feel fine!

You gotta listen!
These aren't just any Bots!

- They're scientists!
- Science?! Pfft!

Since when does science know
more than we do?!

Yeah! Our feelings are just as,
if not more,

valid than "facts".

And right now my feelings are
telling me

it's time to party even harder
than before!

[Bots cheering]

Take that, science!

See? Nobody cares about

your "verifiable data".

Now hit the bricks, dweeb-trons!

That could have gone better.

What happened?!

Ahh! Two fork arms!

It appears our presentation has
led to an even more

negative impact on the

The only way to save the future
is to embrace

what you do well.
Use your strengths!

Use your strengths...

"Use your strengths"?
What did he mean?

Well I... I have been studying
tonal shifts

and octave differentials!

And I've been examining how
steady streams

of percussive sounds induce

rhythmic consequences, master.

Seriously stop calling me that.

And I'm always ready for any

to break out my sick keytar
skills! Woohoo!

What we're saying is perhaps
a musical presentation

will appeal to the masses!

With a rapid lyrical
interstitial about

the internal machinations of the
mall's cooling unit!

A rap about the Air Conditioner?
I love this!

Let's make learning fun!

"Learning"? "Fun"?

Those words don't go together!

Obviously when Future Me said
"use your strengths",

he didn't mean your strengths.
He meant my strengths!

What strengths now?

My unparalleled skills of

I always know just how to talk
to people. Its a gift.




Knock it off!
We're vibing in here!

I say we let the Science

do their musical number!

What?! No! If Future Me wanted
that, he would have said so!

Thankfully, I see now that he
was referring to

my REAL strengths!

And those strengths are?

OK. My strengths of uh,
underwater scrap-booking!

Uhh no. My ability to uhm,

hang on lemme think for a second

Time is relative,
and we are running out of it.

Dimlit, execute "Operation Night

[confused grunts and gasps]

♪ Yeet, yeet
Droppin' the beat ♪

♪ Science Alliance feelin' the
heat ♪

♪ Refracted convection, left
without protection ♪

♪ Our climate's gonna burn if
you don't stop messin'! ♪

♪ Temperature? CLIMBING!
Climate? DYIN'! ♪

♪ All these clueless bots?
They be DENYIN'! ♪

♪ We just want to party,
leave us be! ♪

♪ Not when your party hurts you
and me! ♪

♪ But won't all this heat just
go away? ♪

♪ The laws of thermodynamics
don't play that way! ♪

♪ Heal the habitat, keep the
party goin' on ♪

♪ Don't go extinct like the
Mastodon! ♪

♪ Gotta save the mall, so the
party never stops! ♪

- Gotta save the mall...
- So the party never stops!

- Save the mall...



Wow! How come nobody ever tried
to explain it to us before?!

I say we clean up our sand every

and reuse it instead of dumping
it into the vent!

Agreed! This song just showed me

that environmental awareness

I love you, Starscope!

And I love the ever-expanding
reach of our majestic,

yet mysterious universe.

Wow! That includes me!

Congratulations, Science
Alliance, on a job well done.

You used your strengths and
saved the future!

So wait, "use your strengths"

was a message for them, not me?

Oh, young, egocentric

You'll learn to reign in your
hubris some day

[Assistant] President

the BotBot Council is awaiting
your decision.

Whup, gotta go! It's all up to
me once again!

Thankfully I'm incredibly
awesome. And humble.

I'm just happy we stopped the
catastrophic Mall-wide warming.

And that's just the beginning!

With us and the Science Alliance
working together,

there's no telling how much more
change we can accomplish!


Ehhhh, about that.

This whole concert thing kind of

our social status around here.

Yeah! We don't have to hang
around in the back

of that old dingy store anymore!

We're cool now!

As cool as a red star.

The Hunger Hubs even invited us
to an exclusive after party

of galactic proportions!

Which means, of course, that we
can't be seen with outcasts

like you Lost Bots anymore.

And so with a heavy heart we
bid you farewell.


[Science Alliance cheering]

So the Lost Bots helped save the
mall AGAIN

and still got no credit?!

But hey, on the bright side,

at least one day you become

Yeah, "President Burgertron"!

Gotta admit I like the sound of

If you get to be President,

I call dibs on Secretary of the

Don't you mean Interior?

I know what I said.