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01x06 - The Ruckus Rally/Crime and Bun-ishment

Posted: 07/23/23 08:04
by bunniefuu

[robot voice] Here we come!

♪ When Energon struck a Mall
nearby ♪

♪ We became more than meets
the eye ♪

♪ We're everyday objects,
Motionless parts ♪

♪ We burst to life to let the
party start! ♪

♪ BotBots!
We could be anything ♪

♪ BotBots!
Like a hot dog or ice cream ♪

♪ BotBots!
Mischief without a care ♪

♪ BotBots!
Secret robots everywhere ♪

♪ BotBots!
Here we come!

♪ BotBots! BotBots! ♪

[Ulf the Orange] I don't
believe in making extreme,

bold claims, Fottle Barts,

but the Lost Bots ruin
everything. Always!

Bot Prom should have been the
best night of our lives,

but now it's just a sad memory.

I know. And I thought that
Clogstopper guy was kinda cute.

I'm going to pretend you did not
even say that.

See you at the burger joint.

- [Burgertron] Whistle.
- Huh?

[Burgertron] Whistle. Whistle!

Uh. Burgertron, what are you

Whistling to get your attention.

By saying the word "whistle"?

How else would I whistle?

Look, Ulf, I know you blame the
disaster at Bot Prom on me

and the Lost Bots, which I kind
of get because sometimes

we do mess things up...
- Sometimes? Really?

Ok, rarely.
I was trying to be humble.

But what if I told you I don't
think Bot Prom was our fault!

I'm pretty sure we were set-up
by someone cunning

and salty. Spud Muffin.

Ugh. Stop it!
Spud would never do that.

You two were best friends!

I know it sounds strange but,

I found French fry grease on
the rope the Mall Guard used

to get out of the ball pit we
trapped him in.

Burgertron, Dave's almost
always covered in French fry

and other grease. Half his food
misses his mouth hole.

I can't deny the science of

- You make a very good point.
- Spud might be upset

you broke the sacred rule of the

but he'd never sabotage you.
You're being paranoid.

Ever since you fell in with
those Lost Bots,

you've really gone off the

Take responsibility for your

I don't even know you anymore.
If I ever did.

Ulf! Wait, I...

[defeated sigh]

[Burgertron] The Ruckus Rally?

- Huh.

Is this a race?

Ooh! Please tell me it's a race!

I haven't competed in anything
in like minutes

and I am losing it!

Then you're gonna love this!

The Ruckus Rally is a wild
vehicle demolition race

across the Mall.
They only schedule it when

the flesh being has the
night off.

Dave is definitely off tonight.
I overheard him talking about

something called "food

[stomach gurgling]

Yeah, boss, it's bad.
I really thought

"expiration dates" were kinda
just suggestions.

Also, I need new pants, so

Yeah, I was in the bathroom when
Dave came in.

Nothing will ever be the

We want to show the other squads
how cool we are?

We enter the Ruckus Rally and
win it!

No one, I mean NO ONE,

gets more respect and admiration
around the Food Court

than a Ruckus Rally trophy

This sounds fun, sir, but we
don't even have a car.

Oh, we have a car

I built this when I was in the
Hunger Hubs

and stored it in here.
Say hello to the "Racer-Roni"!

- Wow!
- Woah!

The rules of the rally say there
can only be two bots

in the vehicle. One driver and
one launcher

handling the defense, and with
me as the driver, that means

we hold launcher try-outs!

[Burgertron] And I'll be the

[excited squeaks]

[engines revving]

[impact crash]

Not bad, huh?

[engines revving]

[manic laughter]

[engine revs, tires squeak]

Bonz-Eye is on fire!

And Kikmee's an even better
driver than you, sir!

Much better.

Well all right!

Looks like the top launcher
was Bonz-Eye!

And Kikmee, your driving was
so, so, so impressive!

It was, sure but we already
have a driver.

Me. I'm the driver.

Are you sure? If we really want
to win the race,

Kikmee should drive, she's the
best out of all of us.

True. She is amazing

But it's my car so obviously
I'm driving,

the end no more discussion, bye.

[crowd cheering]

Wa-wa-wa-waddup race fans?!

Ya boy Fomo, that's me,

coming atcha with play-by-play
drone coverage

to blow your minds!


That's the Gamer Geeks' hover
racer, the "Outta Controller".

It's living speed.
Look at those flames!

Their driver is Steer'd Wrong.

She's a racing game so she
trains all the time,

on her own face!

Her launcher is Chitter Click,
whose precision was honed by

hours spent clicking att*cks at
the enemy!

Don't be fooled! The Sugar
Shock's "Sugarsonic Speedster"

is delicious but deadly!

Especially with Lolly Licks

On hairpin turns, she sticks to
the road

like a wet lollipop sticks to

Her launcher, Freezewich, might
look cute,

but if you get in his way,
he'll freezer-burn you!

Got it. So what are the rules of
the race?

Rules? Oh... [chuckling]

There are no rules!
Only the strong survive!

Just the way I like it.

[crowd cheering]

My gosh, I'm so excited,

I can't even keep my light
under control!

Me either.

Clogstopper, you don't have a

Agh! Who stole my light?!

Hello, ball-bot. I, Frostferatu,

the venomous baked good of

am surprised you are not racing.

Are you not always the
competitive one?

Yeah. I tried out and didn't get

which is fine, because it
doesn't bother me

and I'm not jealous or anything.

I'm just here to cheer my team

Go Lost Bots!


[Fomo] Looks like the racers are

The geek shall inherit the

We're gonna lick the

Our catchphrase is totally cool

but we're still work-shopping

so we'll get it to you when it's

On your marks.
Get set!


- [Fomo] Aaaa-and they're off!
- [cheering]

Hey Steer'd Wrong, EAT OIL!

- We're in the lead!
- All right

[Fomo] Whoa! The Sugar Shocks
are unleashing

a withering sprinkles as*ault!

So vicious, yet festive!

[Burgertron] Return fire!
Anchovy cannon!

Worst pizza topping ever!

Yo! Thought it was game over
for us?

Time to own you newbs!


[Bot Bots cheering]

[tense rhythmic drum music]

[Bot Bots cheering]

[Fomo] Boo-bo-bo-yah!

Oh, the most dangerous part of
the course,

the Fountain Rim Drift!

[Burgertron panting]

Come on, you got this!

- Nooooo!
- [impact thud]

[Fomo] Ohh and the Lost Bots
lost it again!


Yep, they just didn't have a
driver that could handle

the Ruckus Rally!

[Burgertron] We DO have a driver
that can handle this race.

But I'm not her.
Kikmee, get out here!

[Kikmee gasps]
Holy field goals! Is he serious?

Am I going to get to race?!

But how do we get you down

[Clogstopper] I got an idea.


[tense action music]

We'll never catch up!

Not with that attitude!
Let's go!

Ha! Yes! Leadership achievement

[engine accelerating]

- [crowd gasps]
- Bot Bots!

[Fomo] What the what?!
From an impossible position


Woah, we might be seeing the
best driving of a pizza slice

ever known to bot-kind!

But will it be enough from the
home stretch to finish line?

Come on! COME ON!

[music intensifies]

[Bot Bots cheering]

[melancholic piano music]

And now, settle down,
settle down,

the moment we've all been
waiting for!

The Ruckus Rally trophy goes to
tonight's winners...

- What?!

[crowd cheering]

HEY! The Lost Bots won!

Spud Muffin and the Hunger Hubs
weren't even in the race!

Aye, hold your horses there,
bro. Yep.

Your vehicle is still registered
to your old squad.

Kinda guess you forgot to change
it over. Epic fail, my friend,

'cuz according to the by-laws,
the Hunger Hubs get the win.

- But, but...
- Not "but"- it's "BY".

As in by-laws, as in, those are
the laws,

so BYE!

- Ugh. Lame!
- Still. I had fun.

No doubt.

What's with the smiles?
We didn't officially win.

All that respect from the other
bots we hoped for,

it's not coming.

We don't know what the "bylaws"

or even what "bylaws" are,

but we know you're the real

And it's not fair your special
salad bowl was stolen.

He means the trophy.
You deserved it,

so we made you one.

Fancy, right? It was awesome
seeing you on the track, Kikmee,

where you should have always

Now, any chance we could all go
for a ride?

[dramatic action music#

[Lost Bots cheering]

[Narrator] In a mall riddled
with lawlessness and villainy,

only one elite squad of BotBot
crime fighters

is up to the task.
They are


Starring Beefpatty Jones

as Lieutenant Johnny Beefstain!

Pamela Morita as Detective
Cherry Branch!

Maria Delgado Herrera

as Officer Lana Sportsgood!

With Sir Lawrence
Attenborough III

as Police Chief Fartbottom!

And introducing, Madison Tyler

as Deputy Allbright!

No problemo is too big or too

for these defenders of due

One thing's for certain,

as long as the Crime Solvers are
on the case,

justice will be served!

Great work, Crime Solvers!

The other bots are really
starting to take to our

punch-first, ask-questions-later
brand of detective work!

We might be unconventional, but
we get RESULTS!

Man, I love results.

If we keep this up, we'll be
welcomed back to our squads

in no time!

Whoa. What are the Sugar Shocks
doing here?

Just follow my lead.
Play it cool.

- What can we do for you?
- Lost Bots! Thank goodness!

We didn't know where else to

Literally. We exhausted all
other options.

You are last on our list.

Well, tied with "giving up".

It's Sprinkleberry D'uhnut!

He's gone missing!

Huh. That is quite a

Mind you, it's not nearly as
riveting as the mysterious

"mustard packet mystery" we
solved earlier today...

The packets were expired.
Who knew?!

They didn't taste expired.

This sounds like a job for
Crime Solvers!

[sigh] I'm regretting this

These were Sprinkleberry's last
known whereabouts.

Fan out, team! Search for clues!

Ooh! I found something!
Over here!

Signs of a struggle

It's pink frosting and is that
a sesame seed?

Huh. Weird.

The trail leads this way!

Uh-oh. This case may be more
serious than we thought.

Hmm. But we can't just barge in

We'll need to bide our time till
the coast is clear.

Strap in, team. This stakeout
could last all night!

Oh, time to start my rounds.

Probably won't be back for at
least a few hours!

[Dave whistling]

Whew, bout time! That stakeout
was exhausting!

- Sprinkleberry!
- You here?

Are any of us really here?

[Dimlit squeals]
NO! I-it can't be!

Hmmm, that grease stain looks an
awful lot like

Holy donut holes!

Did Dave EAT Sprinkleberry?!

[dramatic gasp, sobbing]

It's entirely possible.
Dave definitely likes

shoving fried dough in his face

Perhaps security footage will
have the answers we seek?

[Lady Macron continues sobbing]

[Lady Macron]
There's Sprinkleberry!

[Dimlit] And Burgertron? Hey!
That looks just like you!

[nervous gulp]

What were you doing with Sprink?

OK! That is not me!

I dunno.
The resemblance is uncanny.

That's a word, right?

We're on to your little scheme,
Grease Boy,

and I bet you thought you'd get
away with it!

The Sugar Shocks demand justice!

And there's only one way to get

[Narrator] Welcome to

These Bots claim that Burgertron
led their friend,

Sprinkleberry D'uhnut, to his
greasy demise,

and they've got the video to
prove it!

Defendant Burgertron claims he's

But let's be honest.

He just looks so guilty,
doesn't he?!

- Hey!
- [Narrator] If convicted,

Burgertron will be placed on a
shipping truck to the outside,

never to be heard from again.

All rise for the honorable judge
Vomit Comet

of the Custodial Crew!

[hacking coughs]

[clears throat] Welcome.
Please be seated.

[phlegmy cough]

Prosecution, you may proceed

with your opening

Thank you, your honor.

It is my intent to prove today
that Burgertron,

fueled by jealousy and rage

from being cast out of the
Hunger Hubs,

set up our dear, sweet,

dough-eyed, and dough-everything
else, Sprinkleberry


- [dramatic gasps]
- Ohhh!

Don't worry coach, we know you
didn't do this.

and we'll find the evidence to
clear your name.

Just keep the trial going 'till
we get back!

Defense? You may spew up your
opening remarks.

[Vomit Comet gags]

Items of the court.

Yes, my client may seem guilty.

And sure, he has no alibi.

And we can all agree, the video
evidence is air-tight

- [crowd murmurs in agreement]
- Buuuut?

But! Oh boy, I know I was going
somewhere with that


"Bring this coupon for half
price Taco Tuesdays!"

[Burgertron groans]

It doesn't make sense.
The video is clear as day,

that definitely looks like
Burgertron leading Sprinkleberry

to his doom!
- Hmm

But what about the other
evidence? Like, the napkin?

The grease stain matches but...

Wait a sec. Is that a green

[Bonz-Eye] Sprinkleberry doesn't
have green sprinkles!

Which could only mean

That Dave the flesh beast ate
a different donut!

And Sprinkleberry might still be
out there somewhere!

Y'know, he says his pickles are
Kosher dill,

but if you ask me, they look
more like gherkins!

[crowd gasps in shock]

The defendant was once the love
of my life,

but now I see that deep down

he's not the medium rare bot
I thought he was.

He's well-done.

Which, to be clear, is not a

I dunno

He always seems like he's hiding
something, doesn't he?

- Hey! You're my lawyer!
- Oh right. Whoops!

I now call to the stand

Mr. Burger T. Ron!

[defeated sigh]

Burgertron, if that is your
real name

Is it true that you desperately
want to reintegrate

into the Hunger Hubs?
- Well, yeah of course.

I'd do anything to get back into
my squad!

Anything? Including

- m*rder?!
- [crowd gasps]

No! Of course not!

Bro, why are you flame
grilling me?

You don't really think I did

[whispering] Nah, 'course not,
old buddy!

I'm just doing my job here, you

Can't you see?! He's a monster!
A walking nightmare!

He'll wipe out the whole mall if
we don't stop him!!

He'll melt you! He'll steam you!

He'll replace you with a
third party controller!

- [crowd gasps]
- Ohhh!

If we overlooked that green

maybe there's some other clue we
missed, too

Seasoned salt? Kikmee, check
this out!

Coming...- WHOA! Waaaah!

[Kikmee screaming]

Whew! That was close!

Thanks for the save, Detective.

Ah don't mentio...
[dramatic gasp] LOOK!

[gasp] NO WAY!

After meticulously examining

every trunk [gags] of evidence

you've ralphed upon the court,

I have no choice

but to find the defendant guil...

Wait! Don't finish that

We've got undeniable proof that
Burgertron is innocent!

[shocked gasps]

Order! Order!

What kind of proof?

- Bot Bots.
- [crowd gasps]


Sprinkleberry D'uhnut?!

But how?

Well, ya see

Sprinkleberry was wandering the
mall aimlessly, per usual.

[Bonz-Eye] When he happened to
slip on some

conspicuously placed seasoned

- Bot-Booooooooots!
- [Kikmee] Then fell over

the railing to the daycare area

[Bonz-Eye] And landed squarely
on a child's ring stack toy...

where he's been trapped ever

We're calling this case

Nice work detective

- Is this true, Sprinkleberry?
- BotBots.

I see. Considering this new

I can no longer in good
conscience hurl Mr. Burgertron

away what with the victim not
being dead and all.

I declare this case dismissed!

- [relieved gasp]
- [Lost Bots cheering]

Oh, Sprinkleberry!

I thought we'd lost you!
Sweet relief!

Hey wait a sec!
But if Burgertron's innocent,

then what was up with that
security video?

And who left all that seasoned

for ol' Sprinky here to slip on?

Yeah! It almost feels like
somebody was trying to frame me.

That's an interesting theory

and something we should all
definitely look into


[celebratory cheers]

Wha...? Hello?! We still don't
know what...

Oh, come on, Crime Solvers!

It's Conga Liners now!

- Come on, sir! Get in line!
- Ugh!

Well I do make it my policy

to never miss a good conga line.

Got away with it
again - I mean, party'!