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01x03 - Phoning It In/The Lost Bots and the Claw Crusade

Posted: 07/23/23 08:02
by bunniefuu

[robot voice] Here we come!

♪ When Energon struck a Mall
nearby ♪

♪ We became more than meets
the eye ♪

♪ We're everyday objects,
Motionless parts ♪

♪ We burst to life to let the
party start! ♪

♪ BotBots!
We could be anything ♪

♪ BotBots!
Like a hot dog or ice cream ♪

♪ BotBots!
Mischief without a care ♪

♪ BotBots!
Secret robots everywhere ♪

♪ BotBots!
Here we come!

♪ BotBots! BotBots!
BotBots! BotBots! ♪

[male announcer]
Hey you! Yes, you!

Do you love the Mall?
Love to shop and hang out?

Well what if you got PAID
to do it?! No joke!

- Get ready to become a...
- [female voice] MALLFACE!

[male announcer] We're casting
for on-screen talent

to appear in video ads for this
very Mall.

And we want YOU!

Upload pics of yourself around
the Mall to our app:

MALLFACE! The user with the
most liked selfie

will star in a future Mall

[female voice] You're one pic
away from being

the best kind of famous:


It does not get better than
that, ok!

Calm down, Dave. Focus on the
quality of the work.

[shutter clicking]

Okay, uploaded.

Now gonna play it cool and not
check my phone for a bit.

ZERO likes? Awww!

There's no greater
measurement of love

than "likes"! Ugh.

Wait, I know what'll work...

[Dave] Action pose! Action pose!
Action pose!

Ugh! Clogstopper, why do you
keep doing stuff like this?!

It's my hobby. I look for the
most difficult surfaces

to get unstuck from,
then I stick myself to them!

That seems like a bad idea.

All my best ideas are bad ideas!

[smug chuckling] Outdid myself
this time.

[effort grunts]

Uh, guys?

All we have to do is
give it


Wait. What happens to us
if he suddenly gets free?

[panicked yelps]

[in slow motion] Oh, come on!

- [shutter clicking repeatedly]
- [impact grunts]

I bet those pics were gold!

[alarm beeping] Hold it!
Midnight snack alarm?

My favorite alarm!
Ah, the pics can wait.

He doesn't know it yet, but
there is proof of our existence

on his flesh-being-ama-phone.

I wonder if he got my good
side Kidding.

All three of my sides are good.

This is game over!

If our squads find out he has
pictures of us,

they'll never forgive us!
- Forgive us?

It'd be way worse than that.

They'll probably throw us all
into the fiery dumpster

from which none return!
- No, please!

- Anything but that!
- [dramatic screams]

Come on! We've got to delete
those pics

before the flesh being realizes
he has them!

Ohhh, maybe Dave's office has

I can stick myself to. Let's
hurry, this is important work.

[Dave] Don't go, there's space
for the both of us

on this floatie.
It's too late for me,

but I want you to live

[Dave mumbling]

It's so sad!

Kikmee, you good with the plan?

We might only get one shot
at this.

On-it. Clogstopper will launch
me right next to

our opponent's pocket, where
I'll grab the phone.

Eh, a little to the left.
Uh, my left. Wait, hold.

Hold it. OK-FIRE!

This was not the plan!

If he leaves, we'll never get


He follows each of his snack
breaks with a nap break.

I believe his mantra is "It's
always nap o'clock somewhere."


Good job following my
leadership, Bonz-Eye.

Now let's see How to delete
those pics?

[Burgertron] Agh! It has some
kind of ingenious,

high-tech security mechanism.

Let's get this back to
the Lost & Found.

Hurry, before he wakes up!

Before we start, just a warning.

Cracking this will not be easy.

The potential combinations
are endless.

Lemme try;

- Wow.

Dave's terrible at passcodes.

Do not diminish my hacking

[Burgertron] The trash can is
exactly where these belong and...

mission accomplished!
Now let's get this phone back

before he even notices it's

[excited squeal]
How adorbs!

It's just like my dreams!

[excited, hysteric laughter]

So delicious!

[excited laughter]

Dimlit, stop messing around!

We have to get that back before
the Dave creature wakes up,

finds it missing, and stomps all
over searching for it.

Every bot will lose it on us
if that happens!

But the cookies must find
their twins!

their only purpose..
[manic laughter]

Phone games are dumb,
snap out of it already.

They're not all dumb, I saw an
app on here you might like!

Yeah, right. Like I'd ever...

[Kikmee groans in excitement]

[whistle blows]

[excited chuckle]

Coming at me?!
Nice try, scabs!

Ha! Time to bring the heat!

Touchdown! Touchdown!

See? This phone probably has
something for everyone.

The only way to prove that
is for me to try

every single one of these apps.

[Clogstopper] Hmmm.

"Welcome to Mer-chants.

Dive into deep savings on

and remaining merchandise."

You can buy random leftover


Fake mustaches?
Plastic spiders?

Spray cheese?
I need this stuff!

[excited cheer]

Free shipping unlocked!

[excited yell]

How can they afford to sell
a used case of creamed corn

that cheap?!
- Loyalty point bonus awarded!

Point zero one percent discount

[excited giggle]

This phone is making all of our
lives better!

- Can't we keep it?
- Ugh. No!

Bonz-Eye, can I at least trust
you to shut this down?

I dedicate myself to discipline.

This flimsy illusion of reality
could never entice me.

[pained cry]

"Mindfullness: an app for
Mindful Meditation."

[relaxing female voice]
Breathe in

Breathe out

Find your center.

You are a warrior in a battle

a battle of calm.

The whale song teaches peace.

Become one with the whale song

[out of tune whale noises]

What is happening to all of you?

Dave will be looking for this so
he can put his pictures into,

whatever thing it was,
this MallFace thing.

Ugh. All these pics are

This one... he didn't even change
the contrast.

The filters are right here!

Look I just apply this,
then move this here,

and well maybe a little shading,

and wow I absolute control
over these pics!

I can put... uh no, no, no, undo,

but use a bit from here,
and a bit from here

There! We'll submit this!

- Hypocrite much?
- [surprised gasp]

Whoa! That was sublime.

Everything was at my fingertips.
Reality was mine to manipulate.

All I want to do is bring
cookies happily together.

They NEED me.

Maybe we could borrow this
a while longer.

We could hide the phone in
my cubby-hole!

No way! It'd fit better in mine!

I was the first one
to use an app!

I'm the one who retrieved it!

- I'm the one who hacked it!
- I'm leader!

Give me my precious!

[overlapping arguing]

[Mindfulness app voice]
With every deep breath focus

your unending rage
- Free shipping!

[impact grunt] Returns
or exchanges are no problem...

[Mindfullness app voice]
Only sweat the big thing,

and they are all big things.

[overlapping arguing]

[shocked gasps]
What have we become?

We're acting selfishly

but this isn't our fault.

We have moral centers
and solid attention spans!

It's obviously the phone's

Burgertron's right. We were fine
until we opened those apps.

What should we do now?

[dramatic demonic music]

Into the fiery dumpster from
which none return,

where you belong!

Okay, ou know what?!
I've had about enough of this!

I kept hoping you'd figure this
out on your own,

but I guess that ain't

- But, but, but you're
- Don't "but-but-but" me!

Alright, I've done nothing but
help you all night!

I set off the snack alarm
to distract the guard,

I opened my lock when you put
in that dumb passcode,

I even faked being out of
battery so you could see

the reflections of how terrible
you were acting!

But you Lost Bots are just
beyond help!

Why didn't you say anything?

I shouldn't have to!
I'm the most powerful tool

for communication and
entertainment ever made,

not just something used to get

You're responsible for setting
your own boundaries!

Yeah, you know what, I'm outie!

[shocked gasps]

[defeated grunt]


[electric guitar music]

[alarm beeping]
I wasn't napping,

you have no proof! Oh, just the
wake-up alarm.

My least favorite alarm.

New notification from MallFace?

Wait I got how many likes?

You know, I've been thinking
about what that phone said

and I think she was right.

I agree. It wasn't her fault
we got so caught up.

[Burgertron] No, it wasn't

- It was Dave's.
- It was ours.

- Wait. What?
- Totally Dave's fault.

If he didn't own the phone,

we wouldn't have become obsessed
with it.

Don't you think we maybe had
some responsibility

for how we acted?
- No! Dave's fault!

Conversation over! Oh, it's
almost Mall opening time.

See you tonight.

[soft twinkling music]


I think the phone was a bot
the whole time!

[jazzy music]

Hey foodies, there's something
at the Mall for you, too!

Come discover dozens of fine
dwining opportunities...

duh, did I say "dwining"?

Get it together, Dave!
[frustrated grunt]

I got this, I just need to take
a small walk and... gah!

[impact grunt]

[director] CUT!

How'd this guy get the most

[crew member] Yeah, he looks
nothing like his photo.

[Kikmee] Eat my phasers,

Come on, come on!

- Kick button doesn't work!
- [splat noise]

Who knew a spine could
bend like that?

[arcade game noises]

Woo-hoo! Another victory for the

I am on fire today!

Oh yeah! You got that right,

And it's all thanks to ME,

Oh, oh, oh, oh yeah.

K-Bit, the golden token who
makes it rain

Now who's down for another?!

Yawn. Call me when there's
a real challenge.

I've beaten everything there is
to play in this arcade!

Not everything

- [dramatic music]
- [Kikmee] Holy soccer balls!

Is that

a game I haven't conquered yet?!

[Kikmee gasps]
What's that?!

I must win it!

You think that's cool,
check this out!

- The legends are true!
- "Costa Pasta"?

I don't get it.

You see, back when I was still
a member of the Hunger Hubs...

Wait, you were in the Hunger

...Spud Muffin would regale us
with tales

of the long-fabled food court
hot spot,

the Costa Pasta

Costa Pasta was like, one of a
kind, brah.

At least, that's what I heard.

And sure, they had pasta that

but they also had cannoli.
Biscotti! Panettone!

And those little rainbow
cookies with the chocolate on it

that the flesh beings devour.

But then one day, it all
suddenly disappeared

But legend has it, one sweet
artifact remains:

the mythical Collector's Cup,

which is said to give its owner


Wow, special powers?!

The Collector's Cup is believed
to be guarded by a series of

booby-traps that can only be
thwarted by a great

and noble hero adventurer!

Hello?! This flyer means the
legends are true!

The Collector's Cup is real
and we gotta find it!

Look, we all love your big,
lifechanging shenanigans,

but we were kinda hoping to
just chill tonight.

You might say we're pretty

Ha! Nice. Clogstopper, up top!

And let's face it, nothing is
going to tear me away from

this claw machine.
I'm winning that snake!

Sounds like that's a "no",

- Rejected.
- Are you serious?!

If we can find the Collector's
Cup and get it to Spud Muffin,

we'll be heroes! It could be our
ticket back

to our squads! And you want to
play a claw machine?!

I have four words for that:


This cup could change our lives!

That stupid snake could never
help us!

Don't be so sure.
You never know!

Why the snake? Those dusty old
bears look almost huggable.

That snake is one of a kind.

Something only the best player
could win.

That player equals me.

K-Bit, hook me up!

That's what I do!

[arcade jingle]

I'll go with you, sir!

Let's get that nice juicebox
or whatever!

All right!
This guy gets what's up! Yeah.

Now c'mon. Untold powers await!

One last chance to join us on
the adventure of a lifetime?

Navigating a path littered by
the failures

of her predecessors,
Kikmee is about to teach

the world the "law of the

[BotBots cheering in the

While nobody knows the exact

of the Collector's Cup, this old
flyer has our first clue,

Costa Pasta's former mall store

C- .

There is no C-

and there never was!

Uh, no no, there was,
it says it here.

Oh, oh right yeah.
You just said that.

Maybe it was sealed off
years ago.

But there might still be a way
to get there

Wow you were right,

these employee halls hold all
kinds of secrets.

[Dimlit] C- exists!

It's even more beautiful than
I imagined!

In fairness, I didn't actually
imagine it before this.

Hmm. It appears we must solve
some sort of puzzle to enter!

But we don't possess the
knowledge of the Ancient Ones

who created this place.

How can we possibly unravel
their cryptic web?

Try pressing, I dunno C- ?

Oh come on! You really think the
Ancient Ones would've made

something that simple?

However I brought my
fingerprint dusting kit

and infrared goggles, which will
help us determine which buttons

have been pressed most often!

I never think to bring that

[Burgertron] C . . .

What's the secret code?

Some other number. Very
ancient. Now let's move!

[stealthy music]

Just a bit more

UGH! This doesn't make sense!

I'm a natural at every game
I play!

What is this feeling?!

This feeling of not instantly
being the best at something?

- Humility?
- The lingering sense

you've already peaked
and now it's all downhill?

No, that's not it.

Lemme drop some knowledge on ya,

These machines are super

Rigged, even! They don't always
put enough pressure

in the claws. Chances of
winning that rad reptile?

Slim to ZIP!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Rigged, huh?
[evil laughter]

Sounds to me like more
of a challenge!

K, get back in the slot.

I am winning that snake!

Sage advice DENIED!

Careful now,
we can't let our guard down.

According to legend, finding the
Costa Pasta's location

is only the beginning.

Once we traverse the deadly

that Collector's Cup, and its
potentially unlimited powers,

is as good as ours.
- All right!


Did you say challenges?!

- [heroic music]
- [effort grunt]

[panicked yells]

[stealthy music]

[frustrated cry]

[suspenseful music]

[panicked yelp]

- [panicked yelp]
- [impact grunt]

[suspenseful, dramatic music]

[relieved sigh]

[frustrated yell]

[angry grunts]

Uhh, you okay there, Kikmee?

Maybe it's time for a mental
health break!

Ain't no shame in pausin'
that game!


Yes, ma'am. Wa. hoo.

[effort grunts]

Ha! We did it.

All challenges!

if you count the mold

we're probably breathing right

[slow clapping]

noble adventurers!

You have conquered the many
challenges of the Costa Pasta.

Hey, eh,
if you're taking feedback,

you could probably cut down on
a few of those challenges.

After like three, it starts to
feel excessive. Just FYI.

Not a bad note, but it is
necessary to ensure that

the champion is true of heart!

I have guarded yon grail for
what feels like an eternity,

waiting for someone worthy of
its immeasurable powers

to arrive and claim it!

But it seems like that guy's
never coming

so you two can just have it.

Thank you, oh wise-but-lazy

We shall respect this chalice's
great power,

and wield it only when compelled
by the forces of good!

Also when we feel like
showing off.

Yeah sure. Whatevs.
Not my problem anymore.

Peace out, y'all!

Now let's nab that Collector's
Cup and get outta here!

Ooh! Hmmm

[ominous rumbling]

[Burgertron] Oh no!
It was a load-bearing cup!

[suspenseful music]

[music intensifies]

Uh-oh. That's a lotta ricotta!

We're almost there! Survival!

[panicked yells]

[struggle grunts]

Any idea how to escape
a rainbow sprinkle doom, sir?

I... I don't know.
WAIT! Of course!

We can use the Collector's Cup's
special powers!

Quick, read the inscription on
the side!

"The bearer of this souvenir cup
shall be entitled to

free soda refills during the
entire month of February ."

That's it?! THAT'S the special
power of the cup?!

- Yeah.

And only in February?
That's the shortest month!

So this whole journey was for

We'd have been better off
playing with the claw machine.

And now we're gonna be buried

in multi-colored sprinkles.

It's been an honor, s...

Somebody call for a heroic

- Kikmee!
- [gargling] Kikmee!

I prefer Claw Machine Champion,
thank you very much.

[dramatic gasp]

[effort grunts]

- But how did you find us?
- We heard ya through the vents.

Turns out this old restaurant
shares a wall with the arcade.

So we just went next door?!

[ominous rumbling]

Uh-oh. When the ceiling starts
to rattle,

it's time to skedaddle.

[suspenseful music]

[panicked screams]

[effort grunt]

Well, I hate to admit it,
but I was wrong.

Turns out that stuffed snake of
yours was useful after all.

Unlike this stupid,
worthless cup.

I think you should hang onto it.

Might just come in handy
someday. You never know.

Now that's what I call
a satisfying conclusion!

Yeah, yeah, yeah!