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01x02 - Escape from Snackatraz/I, Cheeseburger

Posted: 07/23/23 08:01
by bunniefuu

[robot voice] Here we come!

♪ When Energon struck a Mall
nearby ♪

♪ We became more than meets
the eye ♪

♪ We're everyday objects,
Motionless parts ♪

♪ We burst to life to let the
party start! ♪

♪ BotBots!
We could be anything ♪

♪ BotBots!
Like a hot dog or ice cream ♪

♪ BotBots!
Mischief without a care ♪

♪ BotBots! Secret robots
everywhere ♪

♪ BotBots! BotBots!
Here we come! ♪

♪ BotBots! BotBots! ♪
BotBots! BotBots! ♪

[Burgertron] C'mon, pick it up!

We gotta get to the Food Court

How can we get there

[excited gasp] Do you have
a time machine?!

Time machines don't work,

Except mine that one time.

What's the hurry, Burgertron?

Oh, I don't know.

Just the most important event
in Mall history:


Rocket Pop Rollercoasters!
An Ice Cream Bobsled!

Cookie Sandwich Bumper Cars?!

And you got us tickets to this
event, coach?

Of course not.

Yet... but I'm sure if I lay on
some classic Burgertron charm,

we'll be knee deep in frozen
bliss in no time!

[Frosferatru] Help! Help!

Can no mortal soul hear my cries
for assistance?!

-It is I, Frostferatu!
-[dramatic music]

Master of glazed-toppings!

Sultan of Sugarcoating!
Dark Prince of Pastries!

And I am trapped in
this infernal prison!

Oh man. This weirdo.

How did you get in there?!

Every few days the flesh beings
restock this device

with fresh desserts from
our store!

And no cupcake is fresher
than I,

-[Dracula laugh]

But now I am stuck,
which kinda bites.

Yeah, tough break, buddy.

Welp, nice seeing ya,
gotta roll.

You will help me escape.

Look into my eyes.

I am using my vampiric skills
to hypnotize you

into doing my bidding!

There's a glare.
We can't see your eyes.

Let me try a different angle.

I really wanna be hypnotized.

Burgertron, this is a BotBot
in need.

-We can't just leave him here.
-He's a Sugar Shock!

None of us are Sugar Shocks.
Let them handle it.

The Sugar Shocks aren't here!

Because they're probably in
the middle of

Bon-Bon Bowling right now,
where we should be!

[distant carnival noises]

Tell you what, when we get
to the carnival,

I'll let the Sugar Shocks know
what's up with Frosty here.

It's not like there's a ticking
clock on this or anything.

Yeah, about that

I was in the bathroom earlier,
just minding my own business,

when I overheard Dave doing
his business,

by which I mean talking to
his Mom on the phone,

so don't be gross.

[Dave] Am I doing anything
special for my birthday, Mom?

Uh, of course I am!

I'm going to treat myself to
a cupcake from

that fancy new vending machine
on, on my break tonight!

It's time to live out loud!

-Yeah. Yeah that's all.
-[toilet flushes]

Okay, fine, there is
a ticking clock.

Dave's break's in minutes!

We gotta get Frostferatu
out of there!

Ok. Me and Bonz-Eye will break
Frosty out.

Kikmee, Clogstopper, Dimlit:
you gotta stall Dave.

-Heh. "Stall."

What we need to do is strategize
a plan of attack.

What we need to do

is get this over with so we can
get to Ice Creamapalooza

before all the rides melt,
and I have a brilliant idea how!

[effort grunts]

Ok, on the count of three...

By the power of cholesterol,
I will... pah!


"It is your Birthday.
Regards, Mom."

She always knows just
what to say.

You know what? Mom's right.

It is my birthday,
and I'm gonna treat myself.

I'm buying that deluxe vinyl
Mega Shogun Raptorsaur

figurine I always wanted!

That is expensive!

But hey, Dave's birthday only
comes once a year!

Well, once every four years.
Stupid leap day

We gotta keep him busy!

Should we lock the door maybe?

Flood this office with sewage?

I got it, guys. Listen.

Credit card info entered.

Raptosaur in my virtual cart.

Just hit "confirm" and this is
the best birthday I've ever had.

Huh? What was that?

[heroic action music]

[website beeping]

[purchase ding]

What?! I don't want
a thousand of these!

How did that happen? Undo!

Gah! Order confirmed?!

Oh no. Cancel, cancel!

Express shipping?!

Oh no, no, now I gotta call
customer service!

Thirtieth in the queue?
[dramatic groan]

-[generic waiting music]
- Oh, this is my favorite song.

- th time's a charm...

- Gah
- So we tried it your way.

Now maybe let's try using
our brains?

I used my brains!

Some of them are on the ground
over there.

We're coming at this all wrong.
We need to figure out how

this horrible snack cake
prison works.

I've observed the flesh beasts
extract items

by placing shiny discs into the
slot over there.

Shiny discs? Where are we
supposed to find those?!


So you're saying there's nothing
you can do then?!

Uh-huh uh-huh

Well you have a nice day, too!

-[defeated sigh]
-[stopwatch beeping]

Oh biscuits,
I'm late for my rounds!

-[Bonze-eye] Almost there!
-That disc was wonky.

Grand touchdown field goal.

Now all you have to do is
climb up to the number pad

and press B- !

It'll take forever to climb
all the way up there!

And we're late enough for
Ice Creamapalooza as it is!

Forget that, what about
the Mall Guard?

-He'll be here any minute!
-Ok, tell ya what,

I'll just hurl a few more of
these disc thingies

and hit the buttons from here!
All right!

[vending machine whirring]

Practice run.

Oh great! That mishap maxed out
my credit card!

Enjoy your birthday finance
charges, Dave.

[gasp] He's getting closer to
the vending machine!

We've gotta to think of
something quick!

Ok. I've got an idea!

What if we opened up
a restaurant that served soup

in a bag?!
-What? How would that stop Dave?

Does my soup bag restaurant
need to?

Where am I even going to put
a thousand Raptosaurs,

they're too scary to go in my
bedroom huh?

"Automated massage experience"?

I could use a relaxing back and
shoulder massage.

It is my birthday, after all.

[massage chair whirring]

[voice vibrating] Ohhh yeahhh


He might get bored.
We gotta play it safe here.

[vibrating intensifies]

Hey! No!

[panicked screams]

He's getting closer.
We're running out of time!

That's it, going in!

-You coming or not?
-I have a choice here? Gah!

Hey! It's me! I'm up here!

How are we supposed to get
all the way up there?

Oh yeah,
with the liquorice rope!

I knew I bought that
for a reason.

[heroic music]

[distressed yelling]

Oh! Woah!

Oh man!
[stressed inhale]

Okay, time to turn this
disastrous birthday around.

I'm getting me that luxury
cupcake right now!

[dramatic gasp]
Oh no! We gotta warn them!

On it!

[frantic clicking]

[effort noises]

[dramatic scary music]


What is this?

It must be some kind of a
mystical sign

from the nether realm!

Speak to me, oh spirit caught
between worlds! Huh?

Oh no! The living flesh
nightmare approaches!

[panicked gasp]

-[surprised yelp]

Birthday cupcake,
you're about to be Daved.

[nervous trembling]

Oh no! This is terrible.

What do you think I've been
telling you?

Saving a life is way more

than the ice cream party.
-Harsh, but true.

[nervous noises]

[nervous trembling]

[tense music rises and falls]

Oh, come on!

[relieved sighs]

[angry cry]

Ok, my therapist told me
I need to accept rejection.

but no way I'm doing that
on my birthday!

[malfunction noise]

-[frustrated banging]
-[success ding]

-[Dave humming]

-[dramatic, tense music]
-[Dave] Huh?

[tense music rises
and falls abruptly]


[distressed cry]

-[alarm ringing]

Oh, great. Now I gotta go all
the way to security

and shut this off.
This is a real great birthday.

Real great.

That was too close!
Bonz-Eye, you're right.

Saving this bot is a priority.
Let's go!

-I didn't think this through.
-[falling cries]

That was AWESOME!

I woulda been dropping
my batteries if that was me

up there!
- I like not being eaten.

Yes, and it was all thanks to my
brilliant hypnosis powers,

which commanded you to save me!

What? No, no, no, I went on
a whole heroic journey

and had a change of heart
and everything.

Eh, agree to disagree.

Thanks for your help up there.
But I'm sorry we never got to go

to that party thing.
-Oh, it's okay, I get it.

Some stuff is more important
than having the most fun

you could possibly have in life.

I was being selfish.
I truly realize that now.

Really? Because I happen to have
six tickets

for Ice Creamapalooza if you
guys are interested?

-[carnival music]

Woah! That was the most fun

I could possibly have in life!

-And now it's over!
-You got that right!

And thank goodness for the
wonderful memories,

because it'll never happen


Something's gotta be open
in there.

Hey, sorry, bro.
You missed your shot.

What?! No!


[out of breath]
Finally! Birth celebration.

What?! No!


[Dave] What do we have here?

A bran muffin, for free?!

Birthday rescued.

Mmmm, bran.

-[dramatic gasp]

[content munching]

[upbeat pop music]

Are you sure we won't get
into trouble?

Of course, we won't.
Now, hurry up and have some fun

before the Hunger Hubs get back,
find us,

and we get in big trouble.

Kikmee and Bonz-Eye are focused,

the competition fierce.

Three, two, one!

[dramatic action music]

[excited giggling]

You weren't lying, Burgertron.

This place is as sublime
as you told us.

- Love this gooey water!

Fun and delicious!

[ravenous gargling]

[satisfied sigh] How I've longed
for this place.

The Mall Guard has a heat ray!

Run for your lives!

It's just me, sir!

You got any French fries you
want to keep warm?

The reason I'm saying that is
because I have a heat bulb

on my head!

See, it's right here.
The Food Court rules!

You must really miss this!

Trust me, I know this is
the best place in the world.

As the former leader of the
Hunger Hubs,

all of this was my domain!
But now

-[dramatic orchestral music]
-Home? I have no home.

Hunted, despised.

I... hey! What's that?!

[Dimlit] What's what?

[excited gasp]
YES! "I, Cheeseburger"!

I, plunger!

This is fun, who's going next?

No, no, no, "I, Cheeseburger"
is the name of a play I wrote.

A musical about a handsome young
lunch item

who takes the Mall by storm!
-[crowd gasps in awe]

[crowd applauding]

[distant yell]
[impact grunt]

You wrote a musical about

What? How much of an egotist
do you think I am?

This play; written by me,
music by me, and starring me,

could be about any
Cheeseburger Robot

in the entire Mall!

The Hunger Hubs must be bringing
it back!

The play was a smash hit in
its initial run,

so it makes total sense they'd
revive it!

If it's as good as you say,
maybe we can get tickets.

Tickets?! You don't get it!

Only I can possibly play
the lead!

I thought you said this play
could be about anybody?

I can't help it if
I'm the only actor in the Mall

with enough talent to play the
role I wrote!

They can't do this without me!

And an encore performance will
remind the whole Mall

how much they miss me!
All will be forgiven!

We'll be back in our squads
in no time!

Now, come on!

[struggle noises]
[impact grunts]

Hey I might have gotten
myself into a situation.

[Burgertron doing vocal

The Bots in the Cots have mostly
got the trots.

The Bots in the Cots have mostly
got the trots.

What's going on with this?

Oh, I'm getting my instrument
stage ready.

What instrument? The kazoo?

Please say the kazoo,
I love that.

No! My voice! My body!

These are the tools of an
actor's trade.

The Hunger Hubs could be here
any minute to invite me back!

Dimlit, I don't want my bun to
shine under the stage lights!

Powder me down.

Perfect! I must limber up.

One, two, three.

What is taking them so long?

Don't the Hunger Hubs know if
they don't make an offer soon

I might accept another role?

You haven't been offered any
other... gah!

Come on, let's just find out
what's happening!

Huh. A decent stage.

I would've done a few things
differently myself,

but you know, it's fine.

Ok, cast. Let's block
the big duel scene.

Ulf, feed the star his cue babe.

What's your name,
you ground beef?

What's your name, if you will?

Well, they call me TronBurger,
prince of the grill!

They've replaced me with
broccoli? This is an affront!

I'm a delicious,
juicy cheeseburger!

He's a vile-tasting plant
with a bad haircut!

And it looks nothing like me...

Eh, I mean the character
of TronBurger!

Ugh! You forgot your costume!

Are you kidding me?!

Seriously! How'd they get him to
look so much like you?

[impact grunts]

SPEAKER: Cue the blood!

And so, the cheese of justice
melts over the...

uh, line?

-"Side dish of Evil."
- Side dish of Evil!

[boiling whistling]


At least you'll still get credit
for writing it, won't you?

Nobody cares about writers!

Acting is the only thing that

and I deserve to be the lead!
-Yeah, but waddaya gonna do?

It's not like you could use us
as a cast and crew

to put on a rival production
at the exact same time

as the Hunger Hubs or something.

Audiences are smart!
They'll be able to tell

the difference between a rip-off
and the genuine article!

It's time for us to put on:

The REAL "I, Cheeseburger"!

Now we only have three hours to
prep an entire show,

so let's get to work!

What? Is something happening?

♪ Not gonna give up my chance! ♪

♪ I'm a cheeseburger so I don't
wear pants! ♪

♪ Lots of brains, lots of
cheese, and special sauce! ♪

♪ In the fast food world,
I'm the boss! ♪

♪ Move against me,
you'll meet my cholesterol! ♪

♪ Rumbles in your tummy
and abdominal wall! ♪

♪ Ain't no conspiracy,
ain't no cover-up ♪

♪ But if you mess with the
burger, your order is up! ♪

Okay, the audience has got to be
showing up right now,

and I don't want to put any
unnecessary pressure on us,

but I'm pretty sure that after

history will be divided into

before The Real
"I, Cheeseburger"

and after The Real
"I, Cheeseburger".

-You've memorized your lines.

Okay, well,
you have your costumes,

and best of all,
you have your talent.

Now go out there
and break a leg.

-That is terrible!

No, it's just something
people say before shows.

It means good luck!

Then why didn't you say
good luck?

Words make no sense to me.

-[alarm tone ringing]
-It's time! Places!

[audience applauding]

Go, don't miss your first cues!

[upbeat pop tune]

[audience wooing]

♪ How does a brilliant, genius,
greasy meat bot ♪

♪ Become a beloved, handsome,
leader at the top? ♪

Uh, in the pressure cooker
of love and


What's your name,
you ground beef?

What's your name, if you will?

♪ They call me TronBurger,
Prince of the Grill! ♪

[audience cheering in distance]

-Bot Bots.

♪ Like my lettuce,
my beats stay super crisp ♪

♪ And the rhymes that I spit
are the tastiest! ♪

Turn up our speaker!

♪ When he was mere ground beef
his destiny was charred ♪

♪ Now he keeps the club poppin'
like a party bodyguard! ♪

[intense microphone feedback]

[zapping, speaker blows]

Um. I might have gotten
myself into another situation.

[panicked gasps]

I expected the play to be hot,

but not because our stage
manager lit himself on fire!

That's it, we're shutting down!

Sorry I wasted your time

but we're calling curtains.

Yeah, that was fun but maybe
we're not good enough

to be stage performers.
-Is that what all this was?

It's probably best we quit.

Quit? I said we're shutting

that doesn't mean I'm giving up.

♪ Let me tell you something now
from the top of my bun ♪

♪ When I was fresh and wanted
power, I should...♪

...should have dreamed of fun!
-What are you doing?!

-It's called wowing an audience,
you should try it some time.

[in unison] ♪ Do I write my
tale in ketchup ♪

♪ To be wiped up like a spill ♪

♪ Or do I scorch it in char
lines with my lyrical skill? ♪

This is not happening.

Why are there two completely
identical cheeseburgers

on stage?
-Maybe it's a comment on the way

we, as individuals, often feel
we're fighting against ourselves

for control of our own

This will not end well.

♪ Betray your friends,
you meaty fool ♪

♪ Or face me in a final duel! ♪

[in unison]
♪ Then a duel it is ♪

♪ For if friendship's like a
fountain drink ♪

♪ I'll never pour mine down
the sinky sink! ♪

[struggle grunts]

-No that's mine.

[fighting grunts]

-[impact grunts]
-[dramatic crash]


And so, the cheese of justice
melts over the

side dish of evil!

[rapterous applause]

The best acting in the history

of the Mall!

[emotional piano music]

Oh, uh... Spud, buddy.
Hi! I was just, uh...

I know what you were trying
to do, bro.

Not cool, man. Not cool.

Ohhh. That broccoli is the best
cheeseburger I've ever seen.

[emotional piano music]

[defeated sigh]

Hey, sir.
Can I show you something?

-Coach, we know you took it

personally when the Hunger Hubs
didn't invite you back

to the play, but it wasn't just
you that wanted to do it.

The short time we were onstage
was actually very exciting

for us. We've never done
anything like that.

And we'd really love to try it
again. Would you help us?

I'm really glad you enjoyed it

at least my stupid self-centered
plan was fun for somebody,

but I just can't do that again,

it's too painful.

[musical tune plays]

♪ How does a brilliant, genius,
greasy meat bot ♪

♪ Become a beloved, handsome,
leader at the top ♪

♪ In the pressure cooker
of love ♪

♪ In the microwave
of integrity ♪

♪ What's your name,
you ground beef? ♪

♪ What's your name,
if you will? ♪

♪ They call me TronBurger,
Prince of the Grill! ♪

-Who's the Cheeseburger?!
-I, Cheeseburger!

-Who's the Cheeseburger?
-I, Cheeseburger!

Who's the Cheeseburger?!

[in unison]
We're ALL the Cheeseburger!

Eat that, Brock O' Lonely!