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02x04 - Overlord and Emissary

Posted: 07/23/23 07:44
by bunniefuu
O great Primus, our father of sparks,
please guide our prayers...

so that we may find the wisdom
of one of your children...

Sentinel Prime.

Grant us this wisdom to
understand the plans of the ...

the holy ones who came before us,
and guide our destinies.

Our need is desperate and we beseech
you, for the Titans have risen anew...

and we know not why.

Give us the clarity
of Alchemist...

the dreams
of Quintus...

the sageliness
of Alpha Trion.

Grant us the fluidity
of Amalgamous...

the kindness
of Solus...

and the strength and the light of
Prima, the one who leads us all.


Nope. Not Megatron.

I'm gonna hold
you up better.

You have not been invited to
these most sacred chambers.

How did you get--

Oh, I'm really sorry I had to
do that, Your Mistressness.

I don't need your
permission to go anywhere.

I'm Overlord. Hi.

Those who forget the past
are doomed to repeat it, right?

Now you're catching on, yes.

So I've been watching all this, cuz
you know, I do love a good fight.

And so, it appears, do you.

Oof, you all really wrecked
this place, didn't you?

I'll bet you'll lose
your security deposit.

Good for you. Yeah.

Because all this societal, political,
religious mumbo-jumbo...

it's for the jokers.

Hey, did I see Devastator and Victorion
fighting around here a little while ago?

You see, I was a ways away,
so it was hard to tell.

And then there was all
this lightning and noise.

And call me crazy, but did I see a
giant Starscream in there, too?

I mean, what was
that all about?

So of course I had to come
and get a closer look.

And no sooner do I look closer that
I see Metroplex is up and around, too.

How old is that
guy, am I right?

Just what's he up to?


Who are you? And what are you
doing in my inner systems?

Emissary, Titan Master
of Fortress Maximus.

I'm here to help.

You are too late, Titan Master.
My functions are rapidly failing.

This battle is lost.

You're gonna use my power!

- To what end?
- Cut that chat!

I love it!

Hmph, like most priestesses
and politicianesses...

you're not very
convincing as a fighter.

Do not underestimate me!

Yes, ma'am. I promise to give
you all the respect you deserve.

You thought I was Megatron.
In fact, you were expecting him.

So he's still around.

- Where is he?
- Gone.

Then what good are you?

Report your findings.

Datum: Fortress Maximus retains both
his short and long range missiles...

but his transformation
cog is nonfunctional.

Who cares? We fight Trypticon!
I don't need missiles!

Missiles, you say?

Datum: Direct interface with
m*ssile firing mechanisms achieved.

Are the coordinates to
Trypticon locked in?

- Affirmative.
- Hey, wait.

Ain't Metroplex still
fighting Trypticon?

He will not last. That is
a foregone conclusion.

I've always known it would be we
Combiners who save the galaxy...

not the Titans, but this is still
a heavy decision for me.

Don't we get to do
any of the deciding?

No, Trypticon must be destroyed.

Computron, fire!

Forgive me, valiant Metroplex.
This is for the good of us all.