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02x02 - Our Heroes Respond

Posted: 07/23/23 07:42
by bunniefuu
Metroplex, we shouldn't
be communing now.

I have to see if I can find whatever
was making that sound I heard.

Wait, all of
your systems...

Your spark...

You were gonna
leave Cybertron.

But I...
I don't understand.

The purpose of the original Titans
is to carry Cybertronian life...

across the stars. Each Titan
chooses a habitable planet...

then becomes a city center from
which life adapts and reproduces.

Once life takes hold, Titans
sleep in their city form...

until it is their time to depart
and start the cycle anew.

My time arrived when I woke
to see Starscream's abuse...

of the Enigma
of Combination.

Metroplex, the sound I heard,
the tremors we're feeling...

I think they're being caused
by something called Trypticon.

Yes. I sensed the presence
of another Titan as well.

Starscream's action very well may
have set this world on a course...

of ultimate destruction.

I might not be able
to alter that course...

but I must try.

Wait. Wait! You're too badly
damaged. You'll be destroyed!


I was forged to help
advance our species.

But I also swore an
oath to Optimus Prime...

that I would defend our species
to our last astrosecond.

I cannot abandon the
life I helped grow.

Leave me now. I must repair while
I can with the little time I have.


Oh, scrud.
Metroplex. Metroplex!


Windblade. Oh, I'm
so glad you're here.

I can't wait to
share what I found.

Aren't there any
fighters around?

I've been studying a unique atom
I noticed in the molecular structure...

of Starscream's corpse.

And my studies have yielded
an interesting result. Take a look!


Take a look.
Take a look.

Fine, fine! If it'll get
you to listen sooner.

The atom, which radiates an energy
I have yet to identify, is old.

By that, I mean it shows
no sign of decay.

Nor does it appear to have ever
undergone any kind of decay.

It could conceivably be
billions of years old.

Ok, I looked.
Now listen--

Given that the atom came from
the Enigma of Combination...

that opens the possibility,
the probability that the Enigma...

is older than the
Primes themselves.

What in the name of Red
Alert's lonsdaleite samples...

is going on out there?

It's what I've been
trying to tell you.


Another Titan has awaken?

But how?

Forget that! We need all
hands on deck! Who's around?

Mistress of Flame.

Not optimal, but I guess
she'll do for a start.

Come on!

Wait! Wait! I'm really more suited
to a lab, not a b*ttlefield!


We have no time to hear of your
latest scientific obsession, Perceptor.

We want to know what is creating
these damnable tremors.

It's an old Decepticon battle
station called Trypticon.

And it's tearing
the city apart!

By the original ...

Hmm, it's really
quite remarkable.

Statistically, a second Titan awakening
so close to the first is highly unlikely.

There must be some common
casuality for these occurrences.

A second Titan. That's what we
need to combat Trypticon!

Windblade, will Metroplex
save us once more?

He is going to try.

But he shouldn't. Trypticon
will pulverize him.

We have to find other fighters and
tell Metroplex to stand down.

I am summoning the Elite
Air Resistance Squadron.

If they do not succeed
in driving Trypticon off...

and if your Titan partner
is as damaged as you say...

then there may be no
hope for Metroplex CIty.

Cybertronian citizens...

As I have done before,
I will battle Trypticon again.

Remove yourselves to safety.

No chance! Where
you go, I go!

Forgive me, Mistress, but there may be
another option besides Metroplex...

and the Air Defense Squadron.

Really, Perceptor? Perhaps you know
of another Titan who happens to be...

lying around?

Actually, yes.
Fortress Maximus.


He was built during the Great w*r,
and decommissioned shortly thereafter.

He's been dormant ever since.

Do you know where to find
this Fortress Maximus?

I'm sorry, Mistress, I don't.

But Computron should be able to
access historical battle journals...

and find him.

Then we will send Computron
and the other Combiners...

to the Titan's location
to try to rise him.

And if they can't?

Hmm... I am not
a military strategist.

But I know someone who is.

What's up, Mistress?

Rodimus Prime?
You sound... different.

Yeah, that'll happen when
you don't have to lug around...

the Matrix of Leadership.
Call me Hot Rod.

But... But where
is the Matrix?

Back with you in
the Primal Basilica.

Blasphemy! How dare you do
this without consulting anyone!

Cybertron needs the
wisdom of the Matrix!

Trypticon has returned!


That's gotta be
bad for someone.

Metroplex has
deployed himself.

He won't be enough.

Alright, I'll think
of something.

"I'll think of something"?
Do you have a plan?

I figure I'll show up,
see what happens.

Did he suggest a
course of action?

Not exactly.

The Elites.

Now what?

Now Perceptor...

We pray.