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01x08 - Decoy

Posted: 07/23/23 06:35
by bunniefuu
- [snarls]

- Hand over the badge, Ravage.

[axe whooshes]


[w*apon pulses]

Plan on helping, Megatron?

- I have my own burden.

- [screeches]


[electric guitar blares]

- Too loud for you?
Frenzy likes it loud.

- That one's on you.

- [laughs]

- Stop pulling your punches.

These Decepticons
are criminals.

- These Decepticons simply
wish to live in peace.

- Which is why
they ambushed Schloder

and stole his badge?
- A childish prank.

These Cassette Bots
wouldn't hurt a fly.

- You were saying?

- Cassette Bots,
Tri-Tone activate!

[pulsating tone blares]

- Ugh!

[pulsating tone blaring]

- Field report,

Twitch still hasn't fallen
for my amazing decoy.

Fluffy Ears remains cute.

- And a horrible source
of cover.

- Thrash!

Robbie needs you to test
his new bike ramp!

- Who has three wheels
and zero fear?

[engine rumbles]

This guy!
- No, remember the lesson!

It's a--
- Decoy!

[electricity crackles]

- [grunts]

-Easy EM-Peasy!

- Ah!
- Ha!

I totally decoyed you!

[humming melody]

Ah, hey!

- I decoyed you first.
- Nuh-uh!

- Yeah-huh!
- You saw me decoy you!

- Nuh-uh, ugh, please.
- I hit you with my wheel!

- [sighs]
I miss adults.

[pulsating tone blaring]

- [screeches]
- [snarls]



- [grunts]
Megatron, use your cannon!

- It is not for swatting flies.
- [screeches]

- [snarls]
- [grunts]

- [hisses]

- Final warning, stand down.

[pulsating tone blaring]

- Remember, the key to decoys

is to draw
the enemy's eye away, then...

boom, bang,
ruin their day.


- Nice rhymes.

I think you just invented
a mission theme song.

- ♪ Draw the enemy's eye away ♪

♪ Then boom, bang ♪

♪ Ruin their day ♪

♪ Draw the enemy's eye away ♪

♪ Then boom, bang,
ruin their day ♪

- Uh, I don't care
how you learn this,

so long as you learn it.

[phone rings]

- Optimus Prime
has your number?

- Hi, Mr. Optimus.

Are you calling to wish me
a happy half-birthday?


Okay, got it.
I'll let Bee know.

- So you're
on Team Optimus now?

- He's in the middle
of a fight,

and his comm doesn't work,
so he asked me

to tell you to send him backup.

- Finally, a chance to use
our training on a real mission.

- [laughs]

I was born
to back up the big guy!

- [laughs]

Oh, you're not joking.

Okay, look, in a real fight,
there's no do-overs.

You're not ready yet.

If Optimus needs help,

I want to make sure
I send him the best there is.

- Elita- ?
- Wheeljack is a solid choice.

- No, me!
I'm talking about me!

[engine rumbling]

- Arcee?
- [gasps]

It really is her!

- Arcee, what are you--

Arcee, great to see--

no, no, no, no!


- Wait, she's a good guy?

- [laughs]
Miss me?

- Yeah, but you didn't miss me.


- Just thought I'd check in
on my favorite Autobot.

- Twitch Malto,
huge fan of your work,

the humiliating stuff

you just did to our teacher.

- Meet Mo, Robby,
and the Terrans.

Arcee is, uh, gonna be your
substitute teacher for the day.

- Wait, what?
Sure, I could teach 'em plenty.

- What are we
gonna learn first?

- Hand-to-hand combat?
- Trick sh*ts?

- Or teach us your awesome
berserker battle rage?

- Oh, you're gonna love this.

[engine humming]

- [humming melody]

- [laughs]
Well, you excited yet?

- Yeah!

We're learning
how to fight the ground?

- Better!
You're digging trenches!


[both gasp]

[pulsating tone blares]

[both grunt[]

- Get back here,
you deranged pigeon!


[pulsating tone blares]

- [laughs]

[w*apon pulses]

[metal creaks]

- [growls]

- Bumblebee?

Why aren't you
with the Terrans?

- You wanted help,
I wanted time with adults.

Where's the fight?

- Ugh, get off my face!

- [laughs]

- You need me
for Cassette Bots?

- I expected you
to send someone else.

If GHOST learns you're alive,

they'll have
big questions for me.

- I brought restraining bolts.

[bolt whirring]

[bolt whirrs]

- [sighs]
You can stay for now.

- I will never touch

- A means to an end, Megatron,

safely transporting
our quarry to GHOST.

- Optimus,
does it not concern you

that our human allies
control where Decepticons live

and what form they take

even in times
of so-called peace?

This is not freedom.

- GHOST made a bargain with us.
That stands.

You do remember what it means
to give your word?

- [laughs]

You think GHOST
has been keeping their bargain?

- [metal clanking]
- Get away from him!

- He's just doing his job.

- These do not deserve
a lifetime of imprisonment!

- You forget
your oath, Megatron.

- I gave you my fealty
to save our people,

not to be GHOST's lackey.
- Lackey?

- Well,
it's getting pretty late.

We should probably
hit the road.

[thrusters whooshing]

- Ha!
- Oh!

Uh, requesting
trench inspection, ma'am!

- Yep, you're done,

but you know
what they say about trenches.

The only thing better
than digging 'em

is fillin' 'em!

- I'll just get right up.

- What's the point of making us
undo what we just did?

- You'll thank me later.

Time to patrol the perimeter!

[cow moos]

Time to stack the hay!

Now clean and polish
that tractor.

[raccoon hisses]

- No.
- I'm sorry.

What did you say?

- No, we're not doing any more
of your pointless chores.

If you won't train us
as warriors, we quit.

- And you all feel this way?

- You seem different
in the comics.

- You're not
teaching us anything.

- Bumblebee
might not be perfect,

but he's a better leader
than you are!

Okay, might've gone too far.

- [laughs]

You pass!
Took you long enough.

- Hold up,
you're happy we complained?

- This world
will take advantage of you

any way it can.

If things don't feel right,
you gotta speak up.

- So this was a lesson?
You actually were teaching us?

- [chuckles]
More than you know.

- There's still time
to show us your battle moves

before Bee gets back
from his mission.

- His what now?

- You know, the thing Optimus
called him for.

It's why you're our sub.

- We wanted to go with him,
but he said we weren't ready.

- Enough training.

Who's up
for a real Autobot mission?

- Nothing like the open road

after a hard day at work,
huh, guys?

- [sighs]

- [chuckles]

Like the other day
after training,

Thrash wanted to try
drag racing against me.

I mean, obviously I won
with my energon boost...

- [crackling and whirring]

- My energon boost,
but he called that cheating!

I mean, can you believe that?

Guess you had to be there.

[humming melody]

♪ Draw the enemy's eye away ♪

♪ Then boom, bang,
ruin their day ♪

- [sighs]

- We should part ways soon,

There's a GHOST checkpoint
a few miles ahead.

- [chuckles]

- Something funny
to you, Megatron?

- Just that you
cannot trust GHOST

with the knowledge
of your own scout,

yet you're content to deliver

every Decepticon you encounter
into their hands.

- Doesn't sound like he
actually thinks that's funny.

- Unlike you, Megatron,
I don't have the luxury

to throw a tantrum every time
things don't go my way.

- At least I do not
follow orders blindly

like a coward.

[high-pitched pulsing]

[electricity crackles]

- Target acquired.

[metal feet clanking]

Soundwave, destroy!

- [humming melody]

Curse that
annoyingly catchy tune.

[high-pitched humming]

[both grunt]

[metal feet clanking]

- Soundwave?

- Attack Megatron.

[beams whooshing]

- Do not make this personal,

- It already is.

[palms humming]

[blade rings]

- Autobot sympathizer.

- [grunts]

[w*apon hums]

[energy w*apon thundering]

[palms hum and pulsates]

[deep pulse]

- Still want
to give up teaching?

- Is part-time an option?

[engines rumbling]

Hi, Bumblebee!

- No, no, no, no, no, no!

- [grunts]
- Ugh.

- My arm.

[energy w*apon thundering]

[electricity crackles]

- [grunts]
- Thanks.

Wait, you left the kids
alone up there?

- With Optimus and Megatron.

No, no, no, no, no, no!

- Megatron.

- Soundwave, surrender,

and I will see
you are well treated.

- [radio crackling]

[as Megatron]
This is not freedom.

- You dare use
my own words against me?

- [palm hums]

- Try us, beak breath!

[pulsating tone blaring]

- I didn't know sound
could hurt!

- We need to block it out!

[pulsating tone blaring]

- ♪ Draw the enemy's eye away ♪

♪ Then boom, bang,
ruin their day ♪

♪ Draw the enemy's eye away ♪

♪ Then boom, bang,
ruin their day ♪

♪ Draw the enemy's eye away ♪

♪ Then boom, bang ♪

- ♪ Ruin their day ♪

Okay, that's catchy.

[beams whooshing]
-Woo hoo!

- Yeah!
- Get 'em!

- I'm gonna enjoy this.

- I just want to warn you,

I've watched hours
of pro wrestling.

[metals crashing]

[energy w*apon thundering]

- [palm hums]

[palms whooshing]

[cannon hums]

- Traitor.

[cannon hums]

Autobot scum.

- Megatron
is a better protector

of our kind
than you will ever be.

- We are more
than Autobots, Soundwave.

Would you like to see how well
I work with my new team?

[electricity crackles]

- No encore tonight.

- What even is
a cassette anyway?

- That was too easy.

I think you're losing
your touch, analog boy.

- [growls]

- That was easy?

- Will be
once I finish schooling you.

We'll do drills, sparring--

- Uh, Arcee,
you were just a substitute.

I'm their teacher.

- Yeah, I think
they like me better.

- These are my students,
my responsibility, my mission.

I'm the one that belongs
at their side.

- Congratulations, you passed.


- It was good
to work together again, Bee.

- [sighs]
Thanks, Optimus.

Guess I'd better be getting
back to my real assignment.

Those catchy battle songs
won't write themselves.

- Of course, but since you
abandoned your post,

no matter how well-intentioned,
I'll need you

to update Teletraan I
with a full report

of today's encounter.

- Ooh,
not even I give homework.

Hey, race you on the rollout?

- [laughs]

- Bye, Megatron!
- Bye, Mr. Optimus!

- Thank you for having my back
with Soundwave.

I said some things you might
not have appreciated today.

- I needed to hear them.

If you choose to vouch
for these cons,

I will...look the other way.

[electricity crackles]

- Please let us go.

- You will only get
one second chance.

Do not throw it away.

- Perhaps your leadership style

is not so different
from my own.

- Or maybe you're growing
to appreciate mine.

- We're free now.

You don't have
to follow him anymore.

[lights on]

[locks open]

[laser door closes]

- Decoy successful.

[palms hum]


- [growls softly]

- [laughs]