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Over the Moon (2020)

Posted: 07/22/23 17:52
by bunniefuu
[woman] Scientists can tell us

many things about space.

They can tell us

how far away the stars are.

They can tell us that space starts

100 kilometers above the Earth.

But they can't tell us

about the space dog!


He likes to chase comets

and roll in the stardust!

As far as the space dog's concerned,

the moon is just a big, tempting ball.

And almost every night, he takes a bite.


And that's the real reason

the moon has phases.

So, when the moon is big and round,

that's when the space dog

doesn't take a bite?

That's when the Moon Goddess Chang'e

makes him spit it out.

-Blech! [laughs and snorts]


[Ba Ba chuckles]

All right, does anyone want to hear

the scientific explanation?

Sorry, Ba Ba,

I like the Mommy explanation best!


-[Ba Ba chuckles]

-Tell me about Chang'e.


Again! Again!

I love to hear about the Moon Goddess.

Tell me, Ma Ma.

Long ago, an ancient story

Beautiful and kind Chang'e

And a handsome man named Houyi

Were in love

[Fei Fei] True love?

[Ma Ma] True love

But she took a magic potion

Giving immortality

Then she floated leaving her true love

And she waits for him

On the moon above

And that's where she lives now.

On the moon,

with only Jade Rabbit to keep her company.


Because Houyi died here on Earth.

And when she cries,

her tears turn into stardust.

[Ma Ma] Longing, hoping

For her one true love

Now she waits for him

On the moon above


[Ba Ba and Ma Ma] Forever

[chuckles softly]

Ba Ba, do you think Chang'e is real?

If your mother says she's real,

then she is absolutely real.

[chuckles] Thank you.

Look up. Can you see Jade Rabbit?

He's making a potion.

I can see him.

What do you think he's making?

[all] Moonmush!

[Ma Ma and Fei Fei laughing]

[Fei Fei] Bunny rocket comin' through!

[imitates rocket whooshing]

Look at my rocket ship!

Slow down, little astronaut.

You have space brakes, you can use them.

-Cool your jets.

-Watch out, Ma Ma, Ba Ba!

How about

you help us make Mooncakes today?

I can?

I think it's about time you learn

how we make our special family Mooncakes.

Yay! [chuckles]

-[man] Whoa!

-Sorry. Excuse me.

[upbeat folk music playing]

[all] Stuff! Roll! Press! Smack!

Stuff! Roll! Press! Smack!

Sift the flour, let the eggs crack

Knead the dough on every hour

Then we start it all again

Stuff! Roll! Press! Smack!

Stuff! Roll! Press! Smack!

Form the dough around the filling

Brush with egg, and please no spilling

What a lovely gift they are

[Ma Ma] And there's tradition

In these Mooncakes

And we make every one with care

Then we bake them

Full of fondness, sweetness

Wafting through the air

-And there is magic in these Mooncakes

-[Fei Fei sniffing]

-You can feel it all around

-[both sniff]

Mooncakes, where the magic is found

[man] We need five more

Or maybe twelve

Because I've got the cousins coming

And you know just how they are

They love these cakes

So I think

You better give me twenty more

Each one holds a message

From the moon above

"Cherish life and everything you love"

Magic in these Mooncakes


-[Ba Ba] Oh.

Magic in these Mooncakes

[softly] Hey.

Hidden in these Mooncakes for you

Flaky, sweet and delicious.

Homemade Mooncakes!

[man] Ten, please.

Did you know if you put

40 billion Mooncakes side by side,

you could reach the moon?

That's a lot of Mooncakes.

'Course if the moon

is at its furthest point from the Earth,

you'd need 426,000,232 more!

[chuckles] You better get baking.

Magic in these Mooncakes for you

Now, the leaves are changing

Soon the festival begins

Such a special feeling

[Ma Ma and Ba Ba]

Magic in these Mooncakes


-Hidden in these Mooncakes for you

[thunder rumbling]

[Fei Fei] And there are memories

In these Mooncakes

All the moments shared with you

All the stories

That you told me, Ma Ma

Make me think of you

Magic in these memories

Forever I hold true

Mooncakes and the memories of you

[indistinct chatter]

-Here you go.

-Happy Moon festival.

[woman] Thank you.

-Qie zi!

-[family] Qie zi!

[Ba Ba] Now, you're sure

you don't want me to go with you?

[Fei Fei] Yeah, I got this, Ba Ba.



-We got bungee cords?


We have Bungee?

-[Fei Fei chuckles] Check.

-[Bungee sighs]

[Ba Ba] All right.

Hey, we got company tonight,

so don't be late. Okay?

I'll be back in time.

Um... [giggles] Ba Ba...


Careful now!


-[man] Whoa!

[upbeat song in Mandarin

playing on speakers]

-[man] See you next week, Fei Fei!

-[Fei Fei] Okay, bye!

[bicycle bell rings]

Your scrumptious Mooncakes,

fresh for tonight!

We'll take four.

Four? [scoffs]

-Why not 16?


Well, you fellas must get pretty hungry

building the fastest train in the world!

You know about the Maglev?

I heard about it in school.

It doesn't even bother with wheels.

Floats on electromagnetic fields

like a cushion of air.



Magnetic levitation is the coolest!

Huh. Did you know that's how it works?



[man] Whoa.

Ba Ba, I sold all of the Mooncakes to--

[chuckles] Red dates? We never use dates.

That's not one of Ma Ma's recipes.

Well, I thought we'd try something new

in honor of our guest.

Fei Fei, this is Mrs. Zhong.

Hi, Fei Fei.


-It's nice to meet-- [gasps]


[Mrs. Zhong] Oh, no.

[Ba Ba] Don't worry about it.

Don't worry about it.

-[Mrs. Zhong] I'm so sorry.

-It's okay. I got it. I got it.

Uh... Tour!

Fei Fei, how about we give

Mrs. Zhong a tour of the shop?

That sounds nice.

Uh... I'm sorry,

I have some homework to do.

[Ba Ba] Oh.

Well, we could work on it together later.

Uh, it's okay.

All right. [chuckles]

[Mrs. Zhong sighs]

Can't believe I dropped that.

[Ba Ba] I can't believe you did, either.

-[Mrs. Zhong chuckles] Thanks a lot!

-[Ba Ba] I'm kidding!

That's where we make the Mooncakes,

and this is where we sell them.


-[Fei Fei yelps]



-Come on. Leap over me.


What? Don't you know leapfrog?

Here, watch Croak.

You can't let a frog loose in here!




Who exactly are you?

You just met my mom. I'm Chin.

I got fourth place,

Yanshi City Ping-Pong Club tournament.

-Should've been third.


Oh, oh, oh, and by the way,

I have a super power.

Can you guess what it is?

Super annoying?


I have two super powers!

Look over there. What do you see?

A wall?

To you, it's a wall.

To me, it's just something to run through.

You can run through walls?

Wanna see?

Why, yes, I'd love to.

[Chin huffs]

No barriers!



[chuckles] Did you see that?

Almost a whole part of me

went right through that wall!

My molecules opened up.

I could feel them separate.

It's like the universe

was calling me by name.

Ba Ba, he ran into a wall!

[chuckles] Eight-year-old boys

have a lotta energy.

Give him a pass this time.

"This time"?

His mother's very... nice. Yeah?

I mean, you should talk to her.


-Don't you ever get a little...

[sighs] well, lonely?

No, never! Why? Do you?


I have you. We have each other.


Of course, sweetheart,

we're always gonna have each other.

Nothing can ever change that.

But, Fei Fei...

there is something important

I've been wanting to talk to you about.

You know how since--

[woman] Hello!

Anybody order 12 big, hairy crabs?

Move aside.

Good-lookin' is gonna start cookin'.

Hi, Aunties.


Oh, Fei Fei, you've gotten so big!

-Hi, Fei Fei!

-It's so good to see you.

Make way for the real cook in the family.


-Take a look!

[Fei Fei] Oh, yeah, my favorite!

-[Chin] I'm hungry!

-[Ling] That sizzle!

[Nai Nai] These dumplings,

almost as good as mine.

[sniffs] Mmm! That's smelling so good!

-Fei Fei, take a bite of this.


-Thanks, Nai Nai!

-Coming through!

You're so skinny.

Hasn't anybody been feeding you?

The hairy crab is a burrowing crab,

known for its furry claws.

Hi, Ye Ye.

Fei Fei, perhaps we can use my red dates

for our second batch.

Ma Ma preferred melon seeds in the paste.

Oh. Well, my family uses dates

grown in our garden.

If you wanna try one, they're delicious.

-I'm probably allergic to dates.


Besides, we only make them

our special way here.


[uncle] Your right or my left?

Seems like this table gets heavier

every year, right?

[Mei] Ooh, hot plate! Careful.

[scoffs] No rabbits at the table.

You remember what Ma Ma said.

Besides, that's my chair.

[Mrs. Zhong] The table looks beautiful.

Um, where should I sit?

[Ba Ba] Here, sit by me.

-[Mrs. Zhong] Oh, thank you.

-[Ba Ba] Of course.

-[Mrs. Zhong chuckles] All right.

-[Ba Ba chuckles]

The hairy crab invades local waters,

damaging fishing nets and native species.

Ah, look how big and bright the moon is!

You have a little bit of sauce

on the side of your... [giggling]

-It's gonna be huge for the Moon festival!

-[Mrs. Zhong laughing]

-[bowl thuds]

-Ma Ma's favorite holiday.

[Ba Ba] Uh...

So, your father tells me

you're fond of Chang'e.

Oh, poor lady, that goddess!

So lonely up there on the moon.

No one but Jade Rabbit

to keep her company.

Oh, come on!

Chang'e loves it up there alone!

That's why she took both immortality pills

instead of saving one for Houyi!

Actually, according to my mother,

I might be related to Houyi.

Houyi, the Archer! Cho!

-[Mrs. Zhong] Chin!

-Ugh! [grunts]

That's not what happened, Auntie.

Houyi was off fighting demons.

With his bow and arrow and--

-When a robber came and tried to st--

-Steal the immortality pills? [scoffs]

Yeah, yeah, yeah, she only put them

both in her mouth as a hiding place.

Not buying it.

Chang'e floated to the sky

while her one true love stayed here.


-And bit the dust.

Now she lives with a rabbit

instead of a husband. [chuckling]

Good choice.

But it wasn't her choice.

She didn't try to leave Houyi behind.

She misses Houyi

and cries for him every day!

And how do you know that?

They text.

-Don't tease Fei Fei.

-It's just a silly myth.

It's not a silly myth. It's real.

Chang'e is real!

[all gasp]

-Ah... Fei Fei!

-[Chin] Uh-oh!


She's on the moon right now,

waiting for her one and only true love.

Waiting... right, Ba Ba?

[Ba Ba] Uh...

[groans quietly]

Just give her a minute.

[Ling] She's at the top of her class,

but she still believes in Chang'e?

It's you and me, Bungee.

We're the last true believers.



[sighs] Not really in the mood!


Know what I am? A bat!

Yeah, a dingbat!

I hope you like dingbats

because you're gonna see

a whole lot more of me.

Whoa! [grunts]

Not if I can help it.

Haven't you heard?

We're gonna be brother and sister!


-My mom and your dad are getting mar--

Don't say it! Don't!

[Chin gasps]

Hi, Fei Fei.


I didn't want you to miss dessert.

Oh, um...

I saved you a special Mooncake

from my hometown... without dates.

[Fei Fei] Uh...

Thank you.

No barriers!


-[Chin grunts]


Chin can be rambunctious at times.

But after a while, you get used to him.

[Mei] Zhong! Get over here

before I kick everyone's butt at Mahjong.

[chuckles] Oh, yes. We'll see.

"Get used to him"?

I'll never get used to him!

What's so special about your Mooncake?

I don't want it, and I don't want you!


I just want things back the way they were.


He used to believe in Chang'e.

He said she was absolutely real.

But now he's changed.

If Ba Ba could only believe again,

he would never marry that woman.

He would remember everything.

He would remember you.

[breathes deeply]


Ma Ma... why is this happening?

[gentle music playing]

I look up in the heavens

And I can see your face

Your gentle eyes in moonlight

I feel your warm embrace

We were the perfect family

Ba Ba, you, and me

I never thought

That he'd find someone new

And not remember you

Of all the tales you told me

Chang'e was what I loved

She lost her precious Houyi

Then floated up above

She waits for him forever

So Ba Ba

Why can't he?

If I can prove to him her tale is true

He'll remember you

I know Chang'e is up there.

But how can I prove it?

She's 384,400 kilometers away.

What am I supposed to do?

Fly away

Chang'e, are you calling to me?

Fly away

Are you up there looking at me?

Can you see what nobody sees?

Can you hear my voice up on the moon?

Fly away

Wish I had the wings to take me

High away

To a place where no one doubts me

And I'd walk on a lunar dune!

Could I find a way to get there soon?

Build a rocket to the moon?

I would fly beyond the stars

To keep my family

If I did, I'd show my father

Love lasts all eternity

I would prove truth's in the heart

Not only what you see

Make him see

Could I discover

A way to break through?

What could a girl like me possibly do?

Build me a rocket

Imagine the view

Oh, how I want to

Fly away

Chang'e, I am coming to you

High away

Ba Ba, I will prove it to you

I'll be free of all gravity

Hey, Chang'e, I'm gonna be there soon

In my rocket to the moon!

-[engine rumbling]

-[indistinct radio chatter]

Bungee, we're gonna prove she's real!

[rocket whistles, crashes]

[slurps, crunches]


[sighs heavily]



Ba Ba! Uh--

Is it okay if I buy some things

for this... science project?

-Um, sure.


Here you go.

Uh, I didn't order anything.

Thank you.

Thank you.

[rocket whistles, sputters]


[launch button beeping]



[groaning] one of the most famous poets

in the Tang and Song dynasties.

-It will be part of your quiz.


Something you want to share with us,

Fei Fei?


Today you are number 1 in class,

but maybe tomorrow you'll be number 30.

There's no doodling allowed.

Magnetic levitation

Frictional cessation

That's the key

F is force, of course

And G is always gravity

Power, lift, duration

Gyro navigation

That could be...

The thrusters are starting

I'll be departing soon...

Candles make a paper lantern fly

So tell me, why can't I?

Astronauts, they rise above the seas

So why not me?

With each piece

The puzzle turns my hope into reality

Look and see

I can have liftoff at one more degree

Countdown is starting

And soon they will see

I think I've got it

I'm going to be free

So hold on, Bungee!

Fly away

Chang'e, I am coming to you

High away

Ba Ba, I will prove it to you

I'll be free of all gravity

Hey, Chang'e, I'm gonna be there soon

In my rocket to the moon!

[metal squeaking]

[rocket creaking]

[creaking continues]


[engine powering up]

[laughing] I did it! I did it!

[engine powers down]

[alarm beeping]



We're gonna die!


[screaming] Hi, Fei Fei!

You dingbat!

I didn't calculate your extra weight!

[both screaming]

[both gasp]

[Chin] Are we... dead?

[Fei Fei shuddering]

What... What's happening?

[Fei Fei] We're... We're going up!


What in the world?


-[Chin chuckles]



Zero Gravity Man!

Get down here!

This is no time to mess around!

Grandpa's diapers?

It's a long flight.


[rocket thuds]



[both screaming]

[creatures grunting]

[Chin screaming]

-[Fei Fei] Brace!

-[both screaming]


[Fei Fei moans]

[both coughing]

[Fei Fei] Hmm?

What? What's happening?

My camera...

Bungee, where are they taking us?

[Fei Fei gasps]

[Chin] Whoa, whoa... [grunts]


-[Fei Fei gasps, grunts]

[Fei Fei yelping]

[Chin] Whoa!

[Chin chuckles]

[both chuckling]

[Chin] Whoo-hoo!

[Chin] Whoa.

[Chin grunts]



[all giggling] Welcome!

Talking Mooncakes?

[Lunette 1] Hurry, come on!

She's expecting you!

[Lunette 2] Come on! Let's go!

-[Lunette 1] Follow us this way!

-[Lunette 2] Follow us!

-[Chin grunts]

-Watch your step!

[Lunettes giggling]

-You're gonna love this!

-[Lunette 1] I can't wait!

[female voice] I'm the light

Every night in your world

Are you ready

To watch me be legendary?

'Cause I'm...



[dramatic thud]

[dramatic boom]

[audience member] Chang'e!

[all cheering]

-[dance-pop music playing]

-You wish on me in my glitter light

First star you see tonight

So wish away

Wish with all your might

Upon this radiant sight

The stars ignite

They flame from dust

Born out of gravity and force

They combust

And though they try in rivalry

They'll never shine bright as me

I'm the light

Every night in your world, eh

You revel in the glory of my beauty

Ya ready to watch me be legendary?

'Cause I'm ultraluminary


Welcome to Lunaria


So spectacularia


Super singulary

'Cause I'm so very, very


[audience cheering]

The cosmic shine of my fine display

Can turn the night to day

I hear they say that the Milky Way

Can't help but envy me

I am the brightest star

Superb, spectacular

It was a desert on the moon

When we arrived

Gathering all of my tears

Heartbreak and sighs

Jade made a potion ignite

And turned the night

To a radiant city of light

From tears, I rise

I rise!

I'm the light

Every night in your world, eh

You revel to the glory of my beauty

Ya ready to watch me be legendary?

'Cause I'm ultraluminary

[Lunettes] Whoa-oh-oh-oh

Welcome to Lunaria

[Lunettes and Chang'e] Whoa-oh-oh-oh

So spectacularia


Super singulary

'Cause I'm so very, very


[audience cheering]


[audience gasps]

[Lunarian] Uh-oh.

[audience murmuring]

Huh. What butcher cut your hair?

[chuckles] I did.

[Chang'e] Hmm.

You have a round face, you need length.

And you have a rogue eyebrow right...




-So much better!

All right, Unfortunate Hair Girl,

consider yourself welcomed.

You may now give me the gift.

Um, I'm sorry,

but I didn't bring you a gift.


Of course you brought me the gift.

Why else would I have sent my lions

to bring you here from Earth?

Those were yours?

They're so cool, and you sent them for me.

Well, of course.

You were given the one thing I need

to bring Houyi back.


I knew you've never given up on him.

That's what I was telling my dad!

You see, I'm in an urgent situation.

I came a long way. I built a rocket...

[continues indistinctly]

She's talking,

but it's not about the gift.

No, Goddess.

What I mean is, you're the one

who believes that love never dies.

Everybody knows that about you.

My dad used to believe that, too,

but now I'm afraid he's giving up.

If I could just have a photo

to prove to my dad that you're real--

Pictures! She wants pictures.

Everybody wants pictures.

Does this look like a photo op to you?

Um, yes?

Then do it fast.


-[camera clicks]

Uh-uh. No gift, no photo.

But I don't know what it is.

You can have anything of mine you want--

[babbles mockingly]

I don't want "anything." I want the gift!


-[audience gasps]



[clears throat]

Clearly, you've lost my gift.

I sense it's on my moon somewhere,

and I suggest you go find it!

Let's stop playing games.

There's only a sliver of moon left.

When the last moon dust falls,

it will be too late to bring Houyi back.

Lunarians, I announce a competition.

Anyone who finds and brings me the gift

will get their wish granted.

If you bring it to me first,

you'll get your photo.

Good luck and Godspeed!

Find it!

-[Lunarian 1] Come on!

-[Lunarian 2] Out of the way!

[Lunarians shouting excitedly]

She'll get me that gift.

And, Jade, your potion is the final piece

we need to bring Houyi back.

And you will be ready, won't you?

[sighs wearily]

-[yelling and laughing excitedly]

-Let me through, please!

Hey, can I get a... ride?

[huffs] The gift...

It has to be at the crash site!

What could it be?

Wait up! We'll help you find it.

-I don't want your help.

-First, we find the gift, then--

I said I don't want your help.

-But I just wanted--

-I never wanted you on this trip!

I never even wanted you in my life!!

You can't talk to your brother like that.

You're not my brother.

But I could become your brother.

You will never be my brother!

[Fei Fei sighs]


I don't have time for this.

Will anybody help me? Argh!

[engine fires up]

[engine revs]

[huffing and puffing]


Whoa! Whoa...


-[engine roaring]

Could I get a ride?

Biker chicks only.

Wait! I know where the gift is.

Well, all right.

Follow the leader!

[Fei Fei] Okay.

I'd be a great brother.

[Lunarians] Hut! Hut!

Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut!

[gasps] I just have to get that photo!

Come on, Bungee.

Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut!

You take that one, and I'll take the rest.

Easy peasy.

[grunts] Whoa, whoa...


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


-[hisses and growls]

-[Chin] Whoa!

-What are these things? Ow!


Palace Security.

-[Moon Guards] Hut! Hut! Hut!


What are you doing here?

I want the photo for my sister!

Well, I want the gift.

Well, I know where it is.

Oh, you do?

Bring him to the interrogation chamber.

Uh, is she taking me in there?

Because I won't go.

I won't, I won't!

-I'm in!


Whoo! [grunts]

How about a game? Do you like games?

You know it.


Tell you what.

If you win, I'll give you this photo.

But if I win,

you tell me where the gift is.


We'll play by Lunaria rules.

[hip-hop music playing]

[Chin] Whoa!



[rapping] Welcome to my game

Sweet Chin

You think that you're so fast

Well, you better think again

I'm the best

I'm the Queen of Lunaria

And my serve is spectacularia

Oh, Cho, another point for me

There's only one way

Out of this misery

Poor Chin, I don't want a rift

But it's time for you to tell me

The location of the gift

See, I am a legend and I always win

The stars in the cosmos

They bow to my whim

Come on, Chin, I'm running out of time

I'll keep you here forever

'Til you give me what is mine

[singing] Hey, boy

Don't you hold back

If you do, you betcha

Queenie's gonna getcha

Hey, boy, better talk soon

Or never leave

The dark side of the moon

[rapping] Fei Fei is my sister

And I think that she's the best

I've got a super power

I'm a cut above the rest

She needs a picture

That'll prove you're real

I'll break through walls

And seal this deal

I'll smash it, pop it, top it

And in the end, I'll win it

[singing] I'm losing my patience

I've no time for this

This little nuisance

Is mine to dismiss

[rapping] Fei Fei said that I'm annoying

And maybe that's a sign

Of another super power and

Sa! This game is mine!

[both grunting]

I'm faster than a comet

I'm a rocket through the galaxy

I'm in your face and pfft, pfft, pfft

And you ain't catching me

And soon I'll have that picture

And your Houyi will just have to pfft

If you weren't so selfish

He'd have immortality

[Lunettes singing] Hey, boy, hey, boy

Give me what I'm looking for

Hey, boy, hey, boy


You will tell me what I need

You know what I heard?

You're a 3,000-year-old lady

who ate both immortality pills!

Now you live alone forever!

-I win!



Ugh! [roars]

No one's leaving until I get that gift.

[Chin] Hey! What about the photo?

That little ping-pong poo is no use,

and we're running out of time.

[Lunettes] Aw.

This is our only chance.

Please try to stay calm.

You don't want to cause

another meteor shower.

Do yoga with us.

Calming breath in...


And calming breath out...

[Lunette 3] Oh! Whoa, boy!

I'm calm.

-I'm calm.

-[faint rumbling]


I'm calm!


Oh, Goddess.

[Chang'e] I'm so calm.

I know the gift is somewhere near.

I can feel it!

Hi, Jade.

Well, at least the potion is working.

[grunts nervously]

I'll never see Houyi again, will I?


[wind gusting]

[Chang'e screaming]


[Lulu] Looks like the Moon Goddess

is astronomically upset.

When she's mad,

this road's a su1c1de mission.

Yeah, let's wait it out.

No! We're going! Follow me!

[chickens yelp]

Go left!

[Gretch] Whoa!


-Okay, now left!


We've gotta get through that canyon!

[both clucking nervously]

Whoa! We're not gonna make it!


-Don't be such a chicken.

[chickens screaming]


Let's get that gift.

[chickens hollering]

No barriers!




[gasps] There it is!

Over there! My rocket ship!

[sighs] Oh, my rocket ship...

[Bill] What a mess.

[Gretch] What's this gift

look like anyway?

I'm not sure.

Let's just spread out. We'll find it.

[soft whirring]


[breathing raspily]

[yelps] Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Hi, I'm Gobi. What's your name?

-Uh, I'm Fei Fei.

-I'm Gobi. What's your name?

I feel like we're talking in a circle.

I actually used to be a nervous talker.

I think that's what's great about me

is that I'm so self-aware

about my nervous talking.

So I gotta slow it down, relax,

and just breathe.

Checking my pulse right now.

Ah, serenity achieved.

Who are you? What are you?

[scoffs] I happen to be

Chang'e's most trusted advisor.

Very high level member of the court.

I mean, not like a court jester,

but definitely a member of the court,

like, really high up.

I'm basically indispensable.

Then what are you doing

all the way out here?

-Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey!


Is that the lunar rover?

With my parachute?

[Gobi] I don't know.

Oh, you can take my cape,

but I'm keeping these sweet moon pants.

Dig it!

[chuckles nervously]

-[Gretch] What's he doing here?


I wouldn't be talking to that one

if I were you.

Yeah, he was kicked out of the palace

by the Goddess.

-Hey, easy!

-Don't listen to them.

These Lunarian chickens,

they got a little scrambled up,

it's... it's fine. [chuckles]

[whispers] It is not fine.

They are bad eggs.

Uh-uh! Look who's talking!

-Yeah, you little green glow worm!



-[Lulu cackling]

Quit wasting time.

We have to find the gift for Chang'e.

[Gobi] Chang'e! Oh, I wanna help.

Can I help? I'd love to help.

Did I mention I can help?

-[Lulu chuckling] Oh!

-No, no, no, no, no, no.


Who do I look like? Who do I look like?



-[Lulu giggling]


[Gobi vocalizing sentimental tune]

My Chang'e doll.

Oh, yeah, she's amazing. I can't help

but break into song when I see her.

A gift my Ma Ma gave me. This must be it!

Yeah, must be.

-Thank you!

-Hey, wait!

-[Gretch] Sorry, newbie.

-[Lulu] Whoa, whoa!

-I'm sorry!

-Give it back!

-[Gobi grunting]

-Hey! Watch it!

-That's enough out of you.

-[Gobi yelps]


[Lulu cackling]

No! That's mine! Come back!

[Bill] Whoever gets it to the Goddess

first gets their wish granted!

You can't leave me here!


I'm gonna get that gift.

-And bring it to Lunaria!


But you'll need a guide! And guess what?

This guy used to both work

and live in the palace.

As soon as I get that gift back,

I'm taking it to Chang'e.

Oh, oh, oh, please let me help you

bring a gift to the Goddess!

-[Fei Fei] No.





-[holding the note] Plea...

-[Fei Fei] No!

-[Gobi] Let me finish.

[Gobi squeaking]

[Fei Fei] Okay, okay!

Just stop making that noise.

Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut!

Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut!


[giggles quietly]







[Gobi] But my whole point is

I'm a nervous talker,

and I'm starting to work on that.

I realized, "Wow. Am I talking fast?"

I thought, "You should relax."

So I've been working on slowing it down

and breathing and--

Uh-oh. [yelps]


Sometimes it causes me

to get a little tongue-tied.

[grunts] I hate it when this happens.

-[deep groan]

-[both gasp]

[Fei Fei yelping]

[Gobi grunts]

Gobi, what's happening?

Please tell me they're not hungry.

[Gobi] They're not hungry.

I'm lying.

They're very hungry!

I've never seen them this ravenous!



Run away!

They're going to Lunaria Lake to feed.

Hey, I know this game! Sorry about this.

[both screaming]


We should catch up

to those biker chicks in no time.

Whoo! That was a bonding experience.

Do you feel close?

'Cause I feel closer to you.

I feel like this is amazing.

Besties forever.

Uh, forever! Uh, forever!

Uh-uh-uh-uh, chicka-chicka-- [toots]



[sighs] Good times, good times.

So, why are you living by yourself?

That's a personal question.

But since you and I are like family now,

I can tell you.

It happened a long time ago.

The Goddess exiled me from Lunaria

because of a song I sang to her.

She exiled you over a song?

She's nothing like Ma Ma said she'd be.

Ma Ma said she was kind and gentle,

graceful as a swan

landing on a quiet lake.

She was all those things,

until Houyi died.

[sighs] And then

she just pushed us all away.

Once you lose the person

you love the most...

It changes you.


After I sang that song,

the Goddess disappeared.

All the lights in Lunaria just went out.

We call it "The Big Darkness."

That song, will you sing it for me?

Uh, I don't know.

The acoustics aren't good

when you're singing on top of a frog.

[holding the note] Please?

Ah, touch.

[clears throat]

Do you ever hug your scales?


Shake your tail and make a light show?

You asked her that?

-[ukulele music playing]

-A dance of colors and hues

What are you doing?

Well, I do

Here, right before your eyes

A bright kaleidoscope surprise!


No moment is the same

And that is wonderful-ul

Do you ever watch the Earth?

Lounge around and see it floating?

I don't lounge.

A swirl of white clouds and blue


Well, I do

It changes every day

It spins and turns and twirls away

It just keeps rollin' on

And that is wonderful

Hey, hey

I just want things

to go back to how they were.

Look at the world surrounding you

All possibility

Every moment we have

Is a chance at something new


To glow

To grow

Do you ever feel afraid?

Curl up when you are hurting

And hold your memories tight to you?

Yeah, me too


If you release the past

You'll move ahead and bloom at last

The heart grows

And it knows

You can glow

You're wonderful

[Fei Fei]

So, that's the song you sang to her?

[Gobi] No, it was another song.

-[Fei Fei] Gobi--

-Yeah, that's the song.

[both chuckling]


[singing in Mandarin]

[in English] Always and forever

In this heart of mine


[Lunettes sob and whimper]


[Chang'e] Jade?

What's going on with you?

Oh, it worked!

You've... Oh, you've done it.

-And just in time!

-[Lunettes] Ooh.

Now I just need that gift.

[Fei Fei] Argh!

Why did I ever let

those bikers into my life?

[engine roaring]

There they are! Ha!

[Fei Fei] There's my doll!

Don't worry. I got this.

[Bill grunts]


[Gobi screaming]


[Fei Fei gasps]

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa!

[both screaming]

[Bill screaming]

-[all gasp]

-[Gobi screams]



Hey, little guys.

[screams, grunts]

[grunting and straining]

[Gretch] Where is it?

[grunts, gasps]


[Lulu hollering]

[Fei Fei grunts]


Are you nuts? It's mine!

Give it back!

Get your grubby mitts off it! [gasps]



[gasps] No!

Guess there's no gift now.

Fei Fei?

You can come out, they're gone now.

Come out, Fei Fei. I'll do anything

to make you okay, anything!

What do I have to do?

[Fei Fei] Look up.




Oh, no!

[Fei Fei sighs]

I've lost everything now.

Not everything.

You still have this, and this, and...


And you're alive. That's a plus.

That gift was my only chance

to stop my father from getting remarried.


Your mother is... I mean, is she... gone?


Now I'm stuck here. The gift is gone,

and my dad will marry

that awful woman with her horrible boy!

What horrible boy?

A ridiculously annoying boy.

Nobody likes annoying creatures.

They are the worst!

-He's always making faces.


-He plays leapfrog all the time.


He thinks he can hang upside down

like a bat and run through walls.

-And he's always interrupting me!

-[scoffs] Let me finish.

He plays leapfrog?

Is that where you got the idea

for us to ride on those frogs?

No! I mean, not really.

And he hangs upside down like a bat,

like you did when you almost got scorched?

Is that where you got that idea?

No! [sighs]

Anyway, I can't stand him.

I can't stand him either.

-Did you say he can run through walls?

-Forget it, all right?

I would love to have a brother.

You know, but then again,

I've been alone for a thousand years.

How many years have you been alone?


[Gobi] Well, give it time.

You might change your mind.

I think Ms. Grumpy-Pants is hungry. Hmm?

Why don't we eat something?

Everything looks better

when your tummy's full.

Ooh, there's a tasty map right here.

Mmm! Delicious. Have some map.



I can't believe you eat Mooncakes.

That's barbaric.

These Mooncakes don't have feelings.



What's this?

Looks like the broken half of something.

Chin probably found it somewhere

and thought it would be funny

to bake it into a Mooncake.

I told you he was annoying.

Wait a minute.

Why does this look familiar?

Nope, never seen it.

This half forms a whole with that symbol.


-This amulet, Gobi! It's the gift!



[gasps] There's still a chance.

We've gotta get this to Chang'e!

-Come on!

-[Gobi] Aah!

We need to help Fei Fei.

No barriers!



I did it!

[electrical buzzing]

Bungee? Maybe we did it.


-If she's coming with the gift,

it has to be now.


Got ya!



[Fei Fei] Chin?

Fei Fei!

Oh, my gosh, I'm so happy to see you!

-You're okay!

-It was so crazy!

The poles were all moving,

and then I was surrounded--

[chuckles] Look. We got the gift.


Hi, I'm Gobi.

Rad. I'm Chin.

Double rad, I just returned

from a thousand years in exile.

I wonder if I'll run into anyone I know--

[Fei Fei] Gobi!

[shrieks] The amulet!

[Gobi] Fei Fei, get it!

No, no. Leave me be. [straining]

[Lunette 1] We're almost out of time!

-[Gobi] Oh, thank you.

-[Lunette 3] Hurry, come this way.

Goddess, it's here!

[gasps] Fei Fei.

[panting] I think

this is the gift you're looking for.

Of course, the other half of the amulet.

Our two halves can make us whole again.

Now you can come back to me.


[Chang'e vocalizing]

[singing in Mandarin]

[in English] Always and forever

In this heart of mine

[singing in Mandarin]


[singing in Mandarin]

[in English] Always and forever

In this heart of mine

Longer than the heavens

[both] And the stars that shine

[singing in Mandarin]

[in English] I am yours

I am yours




Chang'e, I cannot stay.

You have to move on.

But how?

No! [crying]

Our love is forever.

Please don't leave me again. Houyi!

Oh, no...

[powers down]

[wind whistling]

It's the darkness!


Oh, no.

[powering down]

[Fei Fei] What is this place?

[Lunette 1]

The Chamber of Exquisite Sadness.

[Lunette 3] It's impenetrable.

[Lunette 2] Only the Goddess

has ever gone in there.

[Fei Fei] Let me try.


I told you, you can't go in--

[all gasp]

-[Gobi] How did you do that?

-No, no!

If you go in there,

you may never come out again.

You may never go home again.

[inhales deeply]

[Chin] Fei Fei!

[Fei Fei] Chang'e?

It's me... Fei Fei?

Bad Haircut Girl.

I'm here to bring you back.


-Fei Fei.

-Ma Ma!


[crying softly]

[Gobi] Over here! Fei Fei! This way!

[Lunette 1] I was afraid of this.

She's stuck now.


[Lunettes gasp] No!


-[Bungee moans]

Fei Fei!

What are you doing here?

You don't belong here.

But I do belong here.

You can't stay here.

You'll only end up lonely

for all eternity, like me.

You have to move on.

But how?

[soft music playing]

I know you're feeling sadness

I see it in your eyes

The pain is overwhelming

When a loved one dies

But it's time for you to let go

And set your heartache free

For there's a life

That's waiting there for you

If you can let love through

If you can give love

You will find your family

Though it may not be

Like it was before

And if you give love

You'll never lose love

It only grows

More and more

No need to build a rocket

For you can now be strong

The things

That you've been searching for

Have been here all along

And though it hurts to miss her

Her spirit's always near

So trust

That she will always be with you

And love someone new

No barriers.

I want my sister!



Am I still a dingbat?

Yes, but you're my dingbat.

Can we go home now?



What about you?

I think it's too late for me.

Houyi is not coming back.

The gift is not the answer

And you are not alone

For love is all around you

A love you've always known

And though it hurts to miss him

His spirit's always near

The heart grows

And it knows

You can glow

You're wonderful

[Chang'e] Oh.

[Lunarians cheering and laughing]

[powering up]

[all cheering]

[Lunarians chanting]

Fei Fei! Fei Fei! Fei Fei! Fei Fei!

Fei Fei! Fei Fei!

Remember when we chased

those mean chickens?

Yeah, they were mean!

Remember when you lassoed

a frog with my tongue?

Remember when we said goodbye?

You mean, like, right now? [chuckles]


[voice cracks] Goodbye, Fei Fei.

If you wanna stay, you can.

I'll be okay.

[Bungee coos]

You have a new life now.


Goodbye, Bungee.


[Bungee giggles]


Thank you

for bringing me the gift, Fei Fei.

I wish it had given you

everything you wanted.

It did.

The real gift was you.

[Lunarians chattering happily]


-[Fei Fei chuckles]

[Lunarians cheering]

[Gobi] Bye, Fei Fei! Besties forever!

Forever! Forever!


Forever! Chicka-chicka!

Forever! Chicka-chicka! Forever!


[Fei Fei and Chin giggling]



[chuckles softly]

[laughter and chatter]

[uncle] I'm starving.

[family laughing]

[uncle] ...way too many cooks in here.

[dog yipping]

-[Chin giggles]

-[Ye Ye] Hi, Fei Fei.

[Mei exclaims]

Out of the way, Space Dog!


Eating hairy crabs has been called

a life-changing experience.

[Ling] It smells so good!

[Chin] Really?

-Zhong Ayi, can I help you with that?

-Oh, of course.

You know, the Moon festival

is my favorite night of the year.

My Nai Nai always told me

the circle of a Mooncake

is the symbol of a family coming together.


[lively chatter]

-Fei Fei, sit here.

-[Mrs. Zhong] Come, sit by us.




Get that frog off the chair.

Sorry. [chuckles]

Be careful. If he does that again,

he may end up

as your sister's next science experiment.

Don't tell him that.


It's the Moon festival, and no moon!

Chang'e must be so sad,

hidden behind those clouds,

dreaming of her one true love.

[chuckles] Come on,

don't start that again!

Start what? It's romantic.

[indistinct chatter]


[Chin giggles]

No playing with your food at the table.

Are you gonna eat that?

Not now, we're talking about Chang'e!


Looks like the moon

has decided to come out for us after all.

What do you think

Jade Rabbit's making tonight?

[both] Moonmush!


-[Fei Fei laughs and snorts]

You laugh just like your Ma Ma.

I know, Ba Ba.

Should we head back?

I'll be right there.






-All right, you dingbat!

[Chin] Mom! Fei Fei's chasing me!

[Fei Fei] No, I'm not!

[Mrs. Zhong] Chin!

Stop chasing your sister!

[Fei Fei and Chin laughing]

-[gentle music playing]

-Fly away

Wish I had the wings to take me

High away

To a place where no one doubts me

And I'd walk on a lunar dune!

Could I find a way to get there soon?

Build a rocket to the moon?

I would fly beyond the stars

To keep my family

If I did, I'd show my father

Love lasts all eternity

I would prove truth's in the heart

Not only what you see

Make him see

Candles make a paper lantern fly

So tell me why can't I?

Astronauts, they rise above the seas

So why not me?

With each piece

The puzzle turns my hope into reality

Look and see

I can have liftoff at one more degree

Countdown is starting

And soon they will see

I think I've got it

I'm going to be free

So hold on, Bungee!

Fly away

Chang'e, I am coming to you

High away

Ba Ba, I will prove it to you

I'll be free of all gravity

Hey, Chang'e, I'm gonna be there soon

In my rocket to the moon!

[music ends]

[dance-pop music playing]

You wish on me in my glitter light

First star you see tonight

So wish away

Wish with all your might

Upon this radiant sight

The stars ignite

They flame from dust

Born out of gravity and force

They combust

And though they try in rivalry

They'll never shine bright as me

I'm the light every night

In your world, eh

You revel in the glory of my beauty

Ya ready to watch me be legendary?

'Cause I'm ultraluminary


Welcome to Lunaria


So spectacularia


Super singulary

'Cause I'm so very, very


The cosmic shine of my fine display

Can turn the night to day

I hear they say that the Milky Way

Can't help but envy me

I am the brightest star

Superb, spectacular

It was a desert on the moon

When we arrived

Gathering all of my tears

Heartbreak and sighs

Jade made a potion ignite

And turned the night

To a radiant city of light

From tears I rise

I rise

I'm the light

Every night in your world, eh

You revel to the glory of my beauty

Ya ready to watch me be legendary?

'Cause I'm ultraluminary


Welcome to Lunaria


So spectacularia


Super singulary

'Cause I'm so very, very
