01x12 - Jerky Jerk

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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01x12 - Jerky Jerk

Post by bunniefuu »

Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children.

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and viewers like you.

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go girl! ♪

♪ Huggy face is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up! ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Announcer: listen for the words
"clumsy" and "supreme."

Narrator: early one morning,

In the room
of becky "wordgirl" botsford

And bob "captain huggy face"...

Uhh...do monkeys
have last names?

Never mind...

You almost ready, bob?

Bob, are you sure you
need another disguise?

I mean,
nobody recognizes you
as captain huggy--

[Snorts and giggles]


Are you sure
you can see ok?

Princess beauty!

Y'know, people are
just going to think

You're clumsy.

Hi, hon! Hi, bob!

Just wanted
to remind you

You have art class
after school today.

Thanks, mom.

We're taking a field trip
to the museum.


They have a new
exhibit this week.

Ancient artifacts
from tryptophania.

Pretty exciting!

I guess.

Little clumsy today,
huh, bob?

See? Told ya...

Mrs. Botsford: ooh!

I'm late for work.
Have fun, guys!

We'd better
hustle, too, bob.

Narrator: meanwhile,
in the lair of the butcher...

No matter what I do,
I still can't beat wordgirl!

I've tried everything...

My hamburger hammer,
pork chop chop,

Meatball mayhem...
Nothing worked!

I need more power!

Man: we interrupt
your programming

For a tv news special report.

Here at the museum,
a new exhibit

Of ancient tryptophanian
artifacts starts today.

I'm standing here
with the museum's curator.

So if I'm not feeling well,

You can "cure"-ator me,

Ha ha ha...get it?

I do get it, yes.

Ahem. So what's this?

It looks like an old
piece of beef jerky.

It's more than that.

It's the beef jerky
of supreme power!

Reporter: hmm.

Curator: why,
the beef jerky
of supreme power!

Is a powerful necklace
that belonged

To the great
tryptophanian leader,

Legend holds
that the necklace

Gave butchermesh
great powers...
Supreme powers...

That helped him
defeat his enemies.

Reporter: whoa!

That is some
heavy duty jewelry!

So why haven't you
beefed up security

Around the beef jerky
of supreme power!?

Ha ha...
Beefed up security...

Ha ha...it's a joke...

I get it, yes.

Well, you see,
the beef jerky
of supreme power!

Doesn't give its power
to just anyone.

Oh, no. Someone would
already have to have
had power

Over all meat products

In order for
the necklace to have
any effect at all.

Yeah, how many people
are there like that
in the world, huh?

Ha ha ha!

Let me try it on.
Oh, no.

Just for a minute.


Ancient beef jerky, huh?

Narrator: later that day,
at the museum...

Ah, yes...

Take a deep breath
with me, children.

[All inhale]

That is the smell
of art.


Oh, hi, bob!
Are you ok?

I don't remember
you being so clumsy,

This, children,
is a very powerful ancient
tryptophanian artifact:

The beef jerky
of supreme power!


That poor
tryptophanian cow...



Wow! Great outfit!

We've never had
a "super fan" before!

Here to see
the ancient meat,
I suppose.

Oh, yeah, the beef jerky
of sunbeam power.

Oh, sorry.

I've never heard
of the beef jerky
of sunbeam power.

However, we do
have the beef jerky
of supreme power!

Oh, yes,
I believe that would do.

Why, just imagine,
if you had any special
"meat powers,"

That necklace would make
you supremely powerful.

Umm...ms. Champlain?

I have to use
the ladies room.

Hurry back.

Right. C'mon, bob!

Oh! Clumsy!

Who let a porcupine in here?

Old man: freeze, buddy!

Hold it right there.

Whoa! Too fast! Falling!

Oh, hey,
you all right there?

Yeah. Thanks.

Oh, no problem.
I'm a little clamsy myself.


Oh, sure! I mean,
look at my little legs.

I'm top heavy.

Right, well,
thanks again.

You're welcome.

Pastrami attack!


Now, then,
nothing will
stand in the way

Between me and that
beef jerky thing

Over there!

Wordgirl: freeze, butcher!

Not again.


Are you ok?

Whew! Yeah, I'm ok.

I'm just
a little clamsy.

Uh, what?

Clamsy! You know, like when you
fall over and stuff.

The word is "clumsy."

It means awkward
and bumbling.


Yeah, I guess I've
kinda heard of that.

Hey, thanks.

You know, you're not
so bad, wordgirl.

Oh, stop.

Too bad
you're in the way.

Pastrami attack!


You might as well
give it up.

Anything you can dish out,
huggy can eat!

That's why I need
that necklace!

More power!

Juuuuuust missed.

Oh, wow.
I'm all tingly.

Oh, no.

That's right,

I, the butcher,
now have control

Of the beef jerky
of sunbeam power!

Huh. That's weird.
No echo.

Well, I think
that's because

It isn't the beef jerky
of sunbeam power,

It's the [echoing]
beef jerky of supreme power!

Oh. What's
the difference?

Mind if I take
this one, wordgirl?

Be my guest.

Well, you see,
sunbeams are

Shafts of light
given off by the sun,

Whereas supreme
means the biggest
and the best.

Nice job.
Well, I watch your show.

Oh, stop...
Yes. Where am i?

Hey, can I give
the shout out a try?

I guess so.

the beef jerky
of supreme power!

Oh, yeah,
that's the stuff.

I don't suppose you'll
consider giving up?

I don't
suppose either.

Pastrami attack!



Hasta la adios,

Narrator: is this
the end of the line

For wordgirl
and captain huggy face?

Will they ever escape
this supreme pile of pastrami?

Wordgirl: [muffled] actually,
it's going to take a while.

This is way more pastrami
than usual.

Why don't you go
to the butcher's lair again?

See what he's up to, and then
come back in a little bit.

Narrator: ok.

in the butcher's lair...

My new supremely meaty powers
are amazing!

Plus, I have access to meats
I never had before!

Kielbasa krusher!

Shepherd's pie pow!

Chicken cordon blam!

Nothing will stand in my way
of taking over the city!


Tv announcer: we interrupt
this special report

For another special report.

I'm back here
at the museum,

Where a daring
and meaty heist
just took place

By this man--
the butcher!

Oh, look at that!
I'm on tv!

What happened?

The butcher
stole the

[Echoing] beef jerky
of supreme power!

That's horrible!

You sure have a bone to pick
with him...ha ha ha...

A bone to--

The butcher may have
gotten away with the

[Echoing] beef jerky
of supreme power

But thank goodness
he didn't get his
hands on those.

What are those?

Those are the

bacon earrings
of supreme power!


Yup. They're part
of a set.

If the butcher got his
hands on those, why,

He'd be
supremely unstoppable!

And they're on display
right there.

Right there.

So, if the butcher wanted

To come back
and take them,

You probably
couldn't stop him.

Nope. Hopefully he's not
watching tv right now.

Earrings, huh?

I wonder if I have to wear them.

Oh, and he needs
to wear them,

So if he's coming back
to get them,

He better get
his ears pierced.

Oh, man...i'm going to
have to make a stop.

Great job,



There you guys are!

Yeah...uhh...we got lost
in the egyptian exhibit.

Really? I thought they
took that out last month.

Oh! No wonder
we got lost in it.

It wasn't there.

[gasps] uh!

Ugh! This is getting
supremely annoying.

Say, buddy, you know
where I could find

Those bacon earrings you were
talking about on tv?

You look familiar.

Me? No.
I'm certainly not

The guy who stole
this necklace.


Oh. Ok.
Right over there.

I'll take 'em to go!


Wait a minute,
you are the same--

Shepherd's pie pow!


Better put
the brakes on, butcher!

[Wordgirl laughs]


You look pretty.

You won't be
laughing for long!

Beef wellington whomp!

Beef wellington?

You could never
make that before.

Because before I wasn't
the butcher supreme!


Get him, huggy!

Oh, yeah?

Try getting this
out of your hair...

Beef wellington whomp!

Whomp! Whomp!

[Grunting] stand still!


Ha ha!
You missed!

Chicken cordon blam!

Now, if you'll
refuse me,

There are some earrings
with my name on it.

Wordgirl: huggy!
Tilt your head
degrees up!

I can feel the power!

The supreme power of meat!

Huggy! How many butchers
do you see?

[Huggy squeaks]

Aim for the middle one!

No! No!
I'm losing power!

What's going on?!

Now a little
to the left!


You sizzled off
the supreme bacon!

It doesn't matter!

I still have the [echoing]
beef jerky of supreme power,

And you know
what that makes me?

The butcher supreme!

Whooooaaa! Aah!

You may have been
the butcher supreme,

But you were also
supremely clumsy.

you realize
that meat was, like,

, Years old?


Narrator: and so
wordgirl and captain huggy face

Save the day again,

Mostly because
the butcher is clumsy.

these bacon earrings
are ruined!

And where's my
beef jerky necklace?

Uh, we should go.
Back door.

Narrator: tune in again
next time

For another supreme episode
of "wordgirl"!

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is--

All: may I have a word!

As usual, the player

Who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...!

All: may I have a word!

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is "devour."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips
from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

Anyone know the definition
of "devour"?

yes, phil.

Demour me do
mobble bown moo.

Anyone else?


Devour means
to gobble down food.

That's what I said!

Well, who could
understand you

When you were devouring
that sandwich?

I clearly said,
"devour means
to gobble down food."

See? [Chews]

Demour me do
mobble bown moo.

Sorry, phil, we have
to disqualify you

For talking
with your mouth full.

Bad manners.

Congratulations, emily,
you are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won!

The official "wordgirl"
world's largest
stalk of broccoli!

Audience: oooh!

Ok, well,
maybe the world's

Second largest
stalk of broccoli.

That's it for today's episode.
See you next time on...

Audience: may I have a word!

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Announcer: psst, listen for
"appetite" and "expand."

Narrator: just an ordinary day
at the city's power plant.

Man, oh,
this job is boring.

Yeah, well,
at least we have

That small, glowing ball
to keep us warm.

That doesn't seem right.

It's getting bigger!

We've got
to do something

Before it destroys
the whole power plant!

[Snaps] the super secret,
experimental serum!

That'll work!

Oh, man!
It didn't do anything!

It's still expanding!

How about we hit it
with the gamma radiation ray!

That should have worked!

It's still expanding!
What now?

Throw some deli slices
at it!

Are you kidding?

and deli meat never mix.

You know that!

Then what?

Pour your soda on it!

C'mon, soda.
Do your magic!

Oh, no...


Narrator: meanwhile
at the botsford residence,

Looks like there's
a party in the works.

Oooh, I hope there's cake!

This is going to be
one doozy of a surprise party!

I can't wait to see
the expression on becky's face!

Do I have to do this?

I'm missing
my "wordgirl"
super-fans meeting.

Yes, you do.
It's your sister's
big day.

I can't believe my little girl
is growing up so fast.

Do we really need
that much food, dear?

Of course
we do, hon.

You know how bob
gets at parties.

He has such an appetite.

Good word, hon.

Becky used it
the other day

And I kinda
took a shine to it.

She's so good
with words.

Yup, just like
that superhero...
What's her name?

Wordgirl, dear.

She's saved
your life times.

That's right.

You know, I don't think
I've ever seen

Becky and wordgirl
in the same room together.

Hmm. Neither have i.

In fact,
becky and wordgirl

Seem to have
quite a few
things in common.

That's right!

They're about
the same age,

They have the same
hair color...

I wonder if
it's possible that
becky is really--

[Screeches loudly]

Oh, bob.

Don't worry, champ.

I'll get you out of there

Now, what were we
talking about?

I forgot.

Me, too.

So, when is becky
due to arrive?

About an hour.

I have her
running errands.

Good one!

[Both laugh]

Narrator: meanwhile,
becky botsford, aka wordgirl,

Has used her super speed to get
her errands done super quickly.

That wasn't so bad.
Guess I'll head home.

Narrator: unbeknownst to becky,
her decision to go home early

Could very well set off
a chain of events

That will lead to the ruin
of her surprise birthday party!


There's a surprise party?
For my birthday?

Narrator: no, I mean...
This is awesome!

But wait...
I'm not going to be

Surprised by
the surprise anymore.

Aww, man, I'm going to
have to fake it.

Narrator: sorry about that.

Let's see if
I can pull it off.

How does this look?

Narrator: kinda of looks like
you drank some bad milk.

No, it doesn't.


You drink some
bad milk or something?

Hey, scoops.
No, i, uh--

That's weird.

What? The present?

I always
carry this around.

It's not for you.

No, I mean the--
what is that!?

Oh, you're talking about
the energy monster.

Energy monster?

Yeah. That thing's
been destroying downtown

For the past
minutes or so.

But don't worry,
wordgirl will
take it out.

But what if she has
a party to go to?

Well, I gotta go
or I'll be late

For your surprise
birthday party.

I mean...i gotta go.

The real surprise
is that you guys

Kept this thing
a secret for so long.

Narrator: I said I was sorry.

Oh, no!
It's headed for
the energy district!

Look out!

Uh-oh...word up!

[All screaming]

It won't stop!

Downtown is
being destroyed!

Every power source it eats
just makes it...

What's the word...hugeify?





You scared me!
Sorry about that.

But expand means
to increase in size.

All: ohhhh.

What are you
going to do?!

I'm going to stop
that thing,

Then open up
my presents!

Sounds like
a good pl...what?

Hey! Hey, you!

my birthday today

So I was wondering
if maybe you could
come back

And destroy the town

That would really
work better for me.

What do you say?

Fine. I'll just
have to take you down.

Ruin my birthday, will you?

We could have done this
the easy way but oh, no...

You got to be
all electrical.

Hm. That was easy.

Hey, this thing is pretty light.

I'll be back at my party
in no...time...

Ugh. Ok, no more
mr. Nice girl.

Here. You look like
you could use this.

Dr. Twobrains?

Did you create this
electrical monstrosity?

That thing?
No, no, no.

I'm just out shopping
for some crackers.

You're shopping?

I thought you just
stole everything.

I steal the cheese,
I buy the crackers.


Look at that thing go.

It's expanding,
you know.

I know.
Ah ha!


Now, if I only
had a cord

With a giant plug
at one end.

Narrator: like that one?

I'll just
plug this monster

Right into
the city's power lines.

He'll be used up
by everyone watching tv.

That'll work, right?

I don't know.
The mouse brain says no,

And he's usually right.

I guess we'll just
have to see, won't we?


Oh, no!
The cord's too short!

I have to lure
the monster
back in range.

And when I do,
I need someone

To keep it plugged in.

Don't look at me.

In fact,
I should get going.

These crackers
aren't going to

Top themselves with cheese
and eat themselves,

Hey, but good luck.

Oh, no!

The energy creature
is heading towards

The city's main power grid!

The main power grid?!
If it reaches that,

The monster
will become unstoppable!

Narrator: will
the energy monster
reach the main power grid

And become unstoppable?

Will wordgirl get back in time

To open the collection of
pretty princess encyclopedias

Her friend violet got her?

[Gasp] she did!?

Narrator: I'm sorry.
I did it again, didn't i?

Yeah, you did.

Narrator: will wordgirl

Be able to stop this monster
all on her own?

No! I'm going to need
another set of hands.

Hands I can trust.

And captain huggy face
has those hands.

Well, paws.
Word up!

[Doorbell rings]
[whispers] I think she's here.

Tj, where are you going?

To the bathroom.

I don't care about
my sister's
surprise party.

[Whispers] everyone ready?

All: shh.

All: surprise!


What are you doing here?

I need the assistance
of a monkey.

My friend captain huggy face

Is fighting crime
in another town.

A uh...faraway town...
And, um...

Wow, you guys really did a job
decorating this place.

It's our daughter's

Wow, that's a lot of presents.

Yeah. Please don't
touch those.

Oh, yes, my secret wordgirl
supercomputer says that

There is another monkey here,
and I was--

You want to borrow bob?

I don't know. He might not be
very good in a fight.

He's not a fighting monkey.

I don't need him to fight.

I just need him
to assist me.

That's ok then.
Where is he?

He was just here.



Hey, bob, how would you like
to help out wordgirl?


Listen, wordgirl,

We don't want him
to miss becky's party.

Are those ponies?
For pony rides?!

Yes, I thought my daughter
would enjoy that--

The act of riding
on a pony...in a circle.

Yes, she would.

Um, wordgirl?

Hello, earth to wordgirl.

Oh! Thank you,
botsford family.

We must be off.

We have to fight
the pony monster.

I mean
the electricity pony.

I mean...word up!

What's going on?

Oh, you just missed it.

Wordgirl was here, and--


Wow, look at him
eat those cables.

His appetite is almost
as large as yours.


You know, having
a hunger for something.

In your case,
that something is food.

That thing has
an appetite for energy.

Ok, huggy, we've got
to take this thing out

Before it reaches
the power grid

And becomes too powerful
for us to stop!

Here's the plan.

See that giant plug
on the top of that building?

Here. We need to go--oh!


Plug him in!


Nice work, huggy.


Oh, yeah?

You should
look at yourself.

Thanks, wordgirl.
You saved the city.

How did you do it?

It was easy.

We just plugged
the energy monster

Into the power lines.

Those aren't
power lines.

Those are
telephone lines.

Oh. Really?

Oh, my name is mr. Cheese

And I've been
walking and walking.

Ooh, this looks like
a comfortable bed.

[telephone rings]

Aah! Who dares call
dr. Twobrains on his day off!


Twobrains resid--aaaa!

Telephone lines,
power lines.

I'm sure it's fine.

Uh--no, they're actually
quite different.

C'mon, huggy!

We have a surprise party
to go to!

All: surprise!

You're back?

[Squeaks frantically]
I have no idea
what you're doing, bob,

But it sure is fun to watch.

Look at this, everyone!

This is why
you buy a monkey!

Ha ha!

Dum de dum.

Boy, it took a long time
to do the errands.

I wonder if anyone remembered
my birthday today.

Ooh! That sounds
like becky!

Everyone hide!

All: surprise!

Wow. Am I surprised.

There is no way I could
possibly know about this

And am therefore taken
completely off-guard.

Happy birthday, becky.

We're proud
of you, honey.

Thanks, mom and dad.

Now, enough of this chit chat...
It's time for a pony ride!

Pony, pony, pony, pony...

Narrator: so,
wordgirl saves the city

From almost certain doom,

And earns herself
a well-deserved pony ride

While bob feeds his appetite

And fills his rapidly
expanding belly.

Join us again next time

For another super colossal
episode of "wordgirl"!

I'm beau handsome

And this is
the bonus round of--

All: may I have a word!

Emily, you correctly defined
the word "devour."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Sure am,
mr. Handsome.

Ok, take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "devour."

Ok, emily, time's up.

Well, dr. Twobrains
is really gobbling
up that cheese,

Which means
he's devouring it!

Number !

That is correct!

Congratulations, emily,
you've won the bonus round.

Captain huggy face,
show her what she's won!

It's the world's largest
baby carrot.

Not again, huggy!
Sorry, emily.

Perhaps you'll win something
huggy can't devour
next time on--

Audience: may I have a word!

Announcer: want wordgirl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

I like "mystery"
because I feel like

It brings out
a lot of suspense

And it makes you think
"ooh, what's the mystery
going to be?"

And, it's sort of
like a brain,
like a brain twister,

Because you really want
to know what it is.

I like the word "elfin"
because it's--

Not a lot of people
know the word

And it means
something like

Describing something
like a fairy,

Which it kind of does.

Like small
and mischievous
and elf-like.

That's why I like
the word "elfin."

♪ That's my favorite word! ♪

It's time for another great
moment in wordgirl
captain huggy face, show us
what flabbergasted means.

That's right! Flabbergasted
means to be so surprised
you can't think or act.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]

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