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04x05 - Uprising

Posted: 07/22/23 16:43
by bunniefuu
on x-men: evolution...

What happened?

Don't worry, evan.

You're with the morlocks.

Evan, don't go!

I'm going through
some changes.

Good-bye, auntie o.

I stand before you
to clear the x-men

Of all wrongdoing

In the giant sentinel
robot disaster.

The real criminal suspect
behind the sentinel w*apon

Has been arrested
and charged.

what's the progress?

They're leery of us.

Look out!

No, magnus.

As another mutant dome
has mysteriously appeared.

As impenetrable as the one
found in mexico,

This dome has formed
over an ancient pyramid

In the shensi province
of china.

I don't want
you watching

Those mutant
reports, dorian.

News like that
always gets you
too upset.

And for a local response,
frank lee has gone

To the bayville mines
to talk with a young man

With firsthand
mutant experience.

Yeah, I had
a few run-ins

All I can say is,
they do whatever
they want,

So somebody's got
to shut 'em down,

Or we're all
in trouble.

Hey, there's a mutant!
Hey, mutant!

Get him!
Come on!



Take a good look
at us, mutie.

'Cause we're the reason

You're getting out
of bayville.


Leave him alone.

Hey, he's coming!
Look out!

Uhh! Ohh!

Get him!



Like I said,

Leave him alone.

Hey, man, let's go!
Let's get out of here!

Come on!
Come on!


Move it! Move it!

Hey! Wait...


I was just getting food.

I know, lucid.

This wasn't
your fault.

Let's go.

I heard what happened.

They had it coming.

Spyke, listen to me.

You're making
the topsiders angry.

It's hard enough
out there without you--

No! They're
already angry.

I'm just stopping them
from taking it out
on us.

Oh, you're very brave.
We all know that.

And some morlocks
will follow your lead,

But what chance
have they got

If you lead them
into a battle?

hiding in the sewers,
eating garbage,

And still we're hunted?

What chance have
they got if I don't?

So, hank, what is
your assessment

Well, for one thing,
they're not actually domes.

The pyramids are
completely encased.

So, no tunneling

You had to know
it wasn't gonna
be that easy.

Any energy directed
against them

Is multiplied
and repulsed--violently.

What of the pyramids

From what I've learned,

Both date back
to 3,000 b.c.,

Roughly the same time
as apocalypse's rule

In ancient egypt.

We scientists have
a special term for that

Called "I dunno."

I expect we'll learn
the hard way.

In any case, we've got
bigger problems right now.

The military buildup
around the dome in china.

an attack on that dome

Would have
catastrophic consequences.

And the media

Would not be
favorable to mutants.

This report's
gonna take us forever

If we gotta read books!

You know
the assignment.

Yeah, but we could've
been finished

With this report
hours ago.

I think that was
what miss carter

Was trying
to prevent.

Hey, you think
this'll fit

On kitty's scanner?

Ohh! Ohh!


Oh, isn't
that nice, sam?

There goes your allowance
for a month at least.

I saw that, freak!

Damaging public property.

It was an accident.

I'm gonna pay for it.

Yeah, you will.
Right now.

hey, accidents happen.

Like, if I accidentally
dropped this,

It would accidentally
burn a hole
right through your car.

Or I'll show you
how accidents
can go both ways.

Ohh! Uhh!


Sam, amara,
get home.


As for you,

little girls?

Yeah, and you think
you're gonna get away
with messing up my ride?

Well, I guess
the question is...

What are you
gonna do about it?

Go ahead.
Make your call.

Spread the word.

Tell them the mutants
of bayville

Are off-limits
to hate crime

As of now.

Get me the police!

Has he located him?

Still lookin'.

You guys shouldn't
be mad at him.

He stepped in
to protect us.

You can't tell me
that's wrong.

Evan's intentions
were good, amara.

But that boy has always
ignored the consequences

Of his actions.
When did the porcupine

Start sh**ting
flaming arrows?

I mean, did I miss
an upgrade notice
or something?

His powers
are developing in ways
none of us expected.


Beneath lithia
and ashland streets.

I'll find him.

Wait, storm.

Someone else should go.

he's my nephew.

I have to go.

I should have gone
long before this.

Evan made his own choices.

But he is part
of my family.

Storm, he's also still
a rebellious teenager.

And for that reason,
a family member

Might not be
the best choice
right now.

Then who?

Hey, maybe it slipped
your notice, chuck,

But I ain't exactly the model
of restraint myself.

Which is why I feel
a word from you

Would have
the most impact
on evan.

all right.

I'll try
to sweet-talk the kid

Into not smacking down
creeps and thugs

But you'll be lucky
if I don't end up

Joining him myself.

Beast, telepathic:

I'm afraid
we have a situation.

The chinese military
has evacuated everyone
in the province

So they could drop
expl*sives on the dome.

Oh, no.



Reports are
coming in.

The dome is
still there,

But everything else
is leveled...

For miles.

You're coming
with me, trask.

I've been ordered
to release you

So you can reinstate
your sentinel program.

Whatever mutant threat
these domes hold for the world,

We intend to be ready.

I sense him, too,




Let's keep things
peaceful, gecko-boy.

I just want to talk.

Spyke: so, what's with you?

I kind of expected
my aunt.

Yeah, but she'd
just want to hug ya.

Since you're
a big boy now,

You get me.

What's the problem?

Let's just say
your actions lately
have charles

"Deeply concerned."

I've got one question
for you, logan.

Do you think what
I'm doing is wrong?

Bub, I'll be
honest with you.

In your place,
at your age,

I'd be doing exactly
the same thing.

So, why are you here?

Because I'm not
in your place, kid.

I'm part
of the big picture now.

There's trouble brewing
all over the world,

And people are
way too tense.

We have a right
to walk down
the street

Or go into a store.

Logan, the mutants
down here

Don't get to live
in a mansion.

They have
no defense.

They need
a guardian,
and that's me.


[Indistinct chatter]


Woman: what is that?

Uhh! Uhh!

Another headache?
It's ok, honey.

Just give it
a minute.

There's going
to be trouble.

You, uh, trying to prove
a point, mutant?

No. Are you?

I'm exercising
my right

To refuse service
to anyone.

'Cause you're
bothering my customers.

Spyke: uhh!

Take this one
with you.

He's not a mutant.
He's just sick.

Don't lie to us.
We can see what he is.

Man: you stay out
of this part of town!

Second man: how did you
get in here?

We don't need
your kind here!

Get out!
Just go!

Uhh! Uhh!


Through there.

You people are monsters!

International rescue teams
are pouring into the site

Of the largest
mutant-related disaster

The world has ever seen.

The mutants got some kind
of plan. I know that.

What is our government
doing to control them?

That's what
I want to know.

I'm starting to think
the old lady next-door

Might actually be one.

The one that did this?
They call him spyke.

With a bunch
of other crazed
mutant lowlifes!

Bayville is just
not safe anymore.

We gotta stand up
and defend ourselves!

Newscaster: as anti-mutant
hysteria grows,

Bayville police try
and disperse angry mobs

From the xavier institute,

As well as the brotherhood
boarding house.

Let's just see
how their mutant powers

Hold up against these.

[Excited yelling]

Stay away from the window.
Someone might see you.

You said
I'm not a mutant.

I know...

But these are
scary times right now.

People aren't
thinking straight.

And all of this
is just making
your headaches worse.

But what if
I am a mutant?

Shh, sweetie...

Don't even think that.


There he is!
Get him!


A crazed mob now seems
to be pursuing the mutant

Identified in earlier
reports as "spyke."


Mother: dorian?


Evan's in trouble.

[Crowd gasping]



What are you doing here?

You stand up for us,

We'll do
the same for you.

Look out!


You guys
shouldn't be here!

Neither should you!



don't do this.

My days of listening
to you are over.



And my days of putting up
with you are over.

Man: this is the police!
Stay where you are!

Second man:
put down your weapons!

Watch out! Uhh!


No! No!

[Scream echoing]

[Breathing hard]

Hey, are you ok?


What are you
doing out here?

It's ok, mom.
The headaches are gone.

It doesn't hurt anymore.


He's somehow suppressing
the energy around here,

Including mutant powers.

Yeah. Uhh!

How nice.

Let's get out of here!

Not so fast.

Ma'am, I'm...

Really sorry
about all this.

I'm just glad
he wasn't hurt.

Hurt? Thanks to you,
my little boy

Has been exposed
as a mutant!

What chance has he
for a normal life now?



None at all.

[Siren chirps]

Storm: evan. Please.

You don't have to go
back with them.

Return to
the institute.

Sorry, auntie o,

But this--

This isn't over.

And you guys
don't need me,

Not like they do.

Then just know that
I am proud of you.


Mrs. Leach...

I realize these
will be difficult times.

But there is a place
where you can find help.

The xavier institute
for gifted children

Will welcome dorian

When you feel
he is ready.