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04x02 - No Good Deed

Posted: 07/22/23 16:39
by bunniefuu
on x-men: evolution...

Apocalypse will not
rule this land!

Not as long as I'm alive.

Charles xavier:
we must avoid any
act of aggression.

You mean like that?


[All gasp]






Look, I want you
to just forget
about this, ok?

Magneto was a bully
who went after
a bigger bully.

End of story.
End of father.

Don't talk like that.

Wanda, face it!
He did it to himself.

At least he was trying
to save all of us
from apocalypse.

Not like the x-men!

They didn't lift
a finger to help him.

But the old man

Went looking for
a fight, so he got--

I said,
stop talking like that!

[Sighs] you know,

He wasn't the loving
father you remember.

In fact, you hated him.

Stop it!


[All shouting]


Come on!
We gotta run!


What is that?
A fire?

It's a subway

People are trapped!

Come on. Let's go see
if we can help.

[All coughing]


All: help, help!

Man: over here!

Second man: there
are people hurt here!

[Coughing and moaning]

Woman: help me!

[Gasps] let's get out
of here!

It's gonna blow!

ok, where's the exit?

I can't find the exit.

There is no exit!

We're trapped!
No way out!

Get us out!


Uhh! Blob, make a door!

Out of my way!


[All shouting]

Boy: help me!

Wanda: let's get
out of here.

Come on. We're getting
out of here.

[Blob grunting]

We're gonna make it!
We're gonna make it!

We're gonna make it!





You got to help me
out here!


Get off me, man!

[Todd whimpering]




Can somebody help me?

Woman: let's get
out of here!


Help me!

[Everyone shouting
and talking at once]

Let him through
over there!

[Overlapping shouting]

Woman: hurry!

[Panicked shouting]


Yo, this
is your stop.

Beat it, bub!

You saved me!
I owe you my life!

Your wallet will do.

How many more
are in there?

Just two.

Move, move, move!
Get back!

[All screaming]

What about lance?

Hey, there he is.

[All shouting]

[All cheering]


[Reporters all asking
questions at once]

Reporter: have you
always been heroes?

Heroes to the core.

Just ask this guy.
I saved his life.


So, what do you boys
call yourselves?

You can call us

The brotherhood.

Hello. I'm edward kelly,

And as candidate for mayor,

I want to ask you
one question.

Do you feel safe?

Every day,
mutants move freely

Through our city,
our streets,

And, yes, our schools,

And they are powerful...

This should bring in
the winning votes.

on every single one of them.

These creatures
must be monitored,

Because, trust me,
mutants are a menace.

That's good.
Very good.

Tv announcer: this was
the scene just moments ago

Where some heroic mutants
came to the rescue

After a subway train

In the words
of eyewitnesses,

The mutants' bravery
was the greatest act of heroism

This city has ever seen.

That's not so good.

We may want to consider
a change in your
anti-mutant platform.

No. The only thing
we have to change

Is the public's

Oh, give me a break!

Can you believe
this baloney?

There's no way those clowns

Would save anybody
but themselves.

Yes. It is hard
to imagine, isn't it?

But whether intentional
or not, scott,

This change in
the public's attitude

Toward mutants
is very encouraging.

Yeah, until
the brotherhood
mess it up.

Let's just hope
they can appreciate

The benefits
of being the good guys

And stay out of trouble.

Wait! Wait!

It's just a couple
of reporters.

You talk to them.

But they want
to talk to the girl
who was with us.

Forget it!


Don't blame yourself
for that derailment.

It was my fault,

How do you know that?
You don't.

No one knows anything,

Except that
we helped save
a bunch of people.

You're part
of that, wanda.

So step out there

And enjoy the ride
for once.

[Reporters talking at once]

there's the girl.

Can we get
your statement?

What was your part
in the rescue?


She's a little
camera shy.

At any time, did you feel
yourselves in danger?

what happened.

Todd: well, as soon
as the train crashed,

I immediately took charge

And told all the passengers

That I'd get them out,

Even if I had to
carry them on my back.

[Reporters all
talking at once]

[Talking stops]

Young man,

I owe you my life.

To show you
my gratitude,

I'd like to present
the brotherhood

With a reward.

And since my family

Owns the largest
construction company

In bayville,

I've also arranged
for some improvements
to be made

To your wonderful
old home.

Man, look at
all them zeroes!

You know
something, boys?

That subway crash
just turned into
a gravy train.

With some more

We could really cash in.

But accidents
like that don't
happen every day.

They do if they
have a little help.

Come on! You came this far.
Let's do it!

It's a waste
of time.

It's a gold mine.
And the best part?

The x-men have
got to be totally
hating this.

Ok. You're on.

[Indistinct chatter]


[Shouting and screaming]

Get out of here!

[All cheering]


[Both grunting]



[Baby crying]

[Brakes squealing]

Both: oh!


According to this poll,

The brotherhood boys
have a higher approval rating

Than the police chief.

Ohh. What kind of
sick and twisted world

Are we living in?

Xavier: one that appears
to be well orchestrated.

I'm detecting a trend.

The brotherhood show up

Exactly where their powers
are needed most.

Scott: I knew it.

If the loserhood
are cooking this up,

Something's bound
to go wrong.

And that is what
we must prevent.

I found them.

Kelly. On radio:
mutants are our greatest threat

To a peaceful future.

But what about
the brotherhood?

Don't they prove that
not all mutants are bad?

For all we know,

Mutants might be the cause
of these accidents.

That's just one
of the many reasons

I believe we need
a mutant registration act.

Interviewer: but your opponent
mayor richardson disagrees,

Saying such a policy
is merely a form
of segregation.

Really? Well, they
should be singled out.

Remember, I was
their principal,

And I've experienced
their destructiveness

Do not fool yourselves

Into thinking
they're heroes.

Bad day
at the office?


Hey, what's

What do you
want from me?

Blob: we've come to
contribute something

To your campaign--


And not
the friendly kind.

We want you to
leave us out of your
anti-mutant crusade...

Or else!

Or else what?

Ok, boys. He wants
to know what else.

Let's show him.

Back off! Now!

And just what
are you gonna do
about it, red eye?

Whatever it takes.

Ok by me!

What, are you crazy?

We'll get our heads
handed to us.

Save this
for another day.

[Blows raspberry]



One way or another,

I will drive
you mutants
out of bayville!

All of you! And
that's a promise!


I'm not voting
for him.

Avalanche: I've had it
with the x-men!



Uhh! Whoa!

Listen, the x-men
will get theirs.

But right now, we
got bigger problems.

We've been bumped
to the third page!

Third page?!

Is our 15 minutes
of fame already up?

Felt more like 5 minutes...
Or maybe 10.

The only mention of us
is that we'll be cutting
the ribbon tomorrow

At the new zoo,
but that's it.

Mm. Then I say we got to
remind the public

Just how much
they need us.

Hang tight, bros.

I got an idea.

Did you hear
what happened?

The x-men
came after us--
big time.

I guess watching
our father go down
in flames

Wasn't enough for them.

We're next on the list.

[Indistinct chatter]

I'd just like to say

What an honor it is
to be here,

Even though there are
some out there who are
resentful of our fame.

I don't want to name names, the x-men.



[Alarmed cries]

Uhh! I can't
stop it!

It must be wanda.

Hey! She's messing
with my powers!






[All gasping]





Uhh! Get me out of here!



[All yelling, grunting]

[All screaming]







Well, they can't
hold us, you know.

Xavier: I know.

Which is precisely
the reason

You're all staying put,

At least until I can
straighten this out.

We mutants only want
to live in peace.

It's criminals
like the x-men

Who ruin it for us all.

Look at that emotion!

The tears!

They should give me
my own show.

[Yawns] you know,
being a villainous hero

Can really
wear a guy out.

I'm pooped.

Yeah. I'm thinking
we ought to quit
while we're ahead.

Quit? We can't quit.

My career's
just taking off!

no, he's right.

But I say we go out
the way we came in--
with a bang.

A show-stopper,
a legend-maker!

A final act of heroism

That this town
will never forget.



Dispatcher: sp102 south,
you missed your turnout.

We need you to clear
the tracks for
the northbound cargo.

Dispatch, I have
a full system failure!

We are a runaway!

Can you clear
the northbound?

Northbound is passing
the alternate tracks.

Brakes are employed,

But we must establish
a code 5 collision
scenario now.


Todd: never fear,

The brotherhood
has arrived.

We'll stop
that runaway train.

Yeah, but
what about
the other train?

Uh, what other train?

The radio says one's
coming the other way

Carrying 8 tankers
of gasoline.

Oh, yeah.

This'll go out
with a bang.

Well, you can't
win 'em all.

See you outside
the blast zone!

I told you we
should've quit
while we were ahead.


What's going on?

The brotherhood
has gone too far

And created
a crisis situation.

Are people hurt?

No, not yet.

But the authorities
cannot defuse it.

So they've asked
for our help.

Uhh! Who are you?

We'll explain later.
Let's go!

Where's kitty?





What are you doing?!

I'm gonna phase this train
through that one!

What?! No!

That's way too much!

There's no other choice!

Jean can't stop it
in time!


[Both screaming]


Jean: uhh!

I--i can't hold it!


don't worry.

That's the last
of the heroics.

Count on it.

And so all charges
against the x-men

Have been dropped,

While an investigation
is underway to determine

If the brotherhood
were indeed behind

The recent rash
of bayville disasters.


No! Not
the big screen!


Well, what now?

You guys want to
take the new subway
into the city?

Pietro: aah! Aah!
A simple "no"
would suffice!

Aah! Oww!