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03x08 - Self Possessed

Posted: 07/22/23 16:30
by bunniefuu
Whoo! You whupped me good.

-Want a re-match tomorrow night?

-Oh, sorry. That's the concert.
-Oh, right.

So, are you going with anyone?

Yeah. With, uh, Jean. What about you?

Nah. I'm not really a fan
of the Descanso Rivets.

-We'll play next week then?
-Sure. Next week.

I'm here. Now tell me,
Destiny, what is so important?

I've come to warn you, Mystique.

-I've had disturbing visions about Rogue.

It's always been clear that she will
somehow play a key role in our future.

-But now, it all grows dim.

Because she may not live
long enough to fulfill it.


-Is something wrong?
-That's kind of what I was wondering.

-This look familiar?

Come on. Jean's gonna give us a ride
to school in her new SUV.

All right.

Hey, Jean, now that you've got wheels,
how about carpooling to the concert tonight?

Oh, well, I'm--
I'm kind of going with, um, Scott.

No problem.
He won't mind unless it's some kind of...


It's a date! Isn't it?

-No, it isn't.
-You guys are actually going out.

-Who's going out?
-Jean and Scott. Can you believe it?

No way. Really? It's about time!

-Jean's got a date.
-I do not.

Would you guys drop it already?

Rogue. There you are.

-I was looking all over for you.

Where have you been?
You totally disappeared.

Stuck in England.
My parents wouldn't let me come back here

with all the fuss and everything.
I finally talked them into it.

Rogue, I am so sorry
I wasn't here for you.

It's no big deal.
But I'm the one that should feel bad.

I mean, here we are friends
and I was hiding who I really was from you.

-Rogue, are you all right?
-I don't know.

-Were those your powers?

Yes. I mean, sort of.
It's too hard to explain.

You know, it's okay.
I understand if you don't want to talk about it.

No, wait. I do.

Um, well...

If I were to touch you right now,
I'd probably put you in a coma.

Your life force, your memories,
everything about you would all flow into me.

That's freaky.

Yeah, it is and worse,
everyone I've touched stays inside of me.

It's getting a little crowded.

How about we go laugh at the geeks
at the concert tonight, huh?

Come on. It'll be fun.

Risty, I've kind of missed
having you around.

Whoo! Rivets! Yeah, that's what it's all about!

-Come on, Kitty. Just wear it for a while.
-Jamie, I said no.

Oh, all right.
But this does not mean we're on a date.

It doesn't?

You were the only one
who didn't have plans, all right?

Besides, you're like 12 years old.

But Roberto lent me his suit and everything.
He wants a full report.


Come on. Let's get closer,
and don't bump into anybody.

-Kitty's got a date.
-You're a riot.

-Uh, what was that?

Well, she was teasing me
about us being, uh...

-What, about us being on a--?

Yeah. Uh, you know. Can you imagine?

Really? What's the big deal?
I mean, we do stuff together all the time.

I know. It doesn't mean
we're going out or anything.

-And even if we are, so what? Right?
-Right. It's just none of their business.

So, uh, is this a date?

♪ The weight has been ♪

♪ Temporarily lifted ♪

♪ We'll make a clean break... ♪

You still have a thing for him, don't you?

What? No way.

And Scott and Jean
are practically a couple.

Really? Well, they deserve each other.

And you, my girl, can do better.

♪ Back to pick you up... ♪

I think this was a mistake.
I don't do well in crowds.

I can't even move.

Oh, relax. You're covered up enough.



Stay where you are.

I think he's down for the count.

-Sabretooth and Juggernaut!
-And Mystique makes three!

-This is huge. What are we gonna do?
-Let's regroup at the mansion.

Hello. Enjoying yourself? Good.
Let's do this again sometime.


-Rogue. Are you all right?
-Get away from me.

Please listen. I know I've hurt you.

But I only posed as your friend
so I could be near you.


I know the truth.
You used me to spy on the X-Men.

No. It's not that simple.

Please, don't do this.

If you have my memories,
then you know what our relationship is.

-I don't know anything.
-Admit the truth, Rogue.

-I adopted you when you were four.

Search the memories.
You are my daughter. Rogue!


Wait a minute.
You are not Sabretooth.

Fight me!

Now I know you're not Sabretooth.

Cyclops, no!

Corner of Grant and Tyler Boulevard.
I just punched him through a wall.

-And now we're gonna finish this.
-No. That's not Sabretooth.

It's Rogue.

-How can that be?

I don't know. But it is.
And she's not thinking straight.

Okay, you four hang back and wait for the others.
We don't want to spook her.


Are you in here? Talk to me.

Tell me what's happening.
We're here to help you.


Hey, big shot, better help yourself.

Hurts more than I thought.

She's shape-shifting.
She could be anybody.

Like Avalanche?

-Help me.
-We will, Rogue. Just stay calm.

We're your friends.

I have no friends.

We've surrounded the warehouse.
What's wrong with her?

It's like every person she's ever absorbed
is fighting to take over.

I think she's gotten control
over all those powers at once.

And it's not a good thing.

Oh, no.

-Go, Storm.

Jean, pull her down.

You're coming with me, Rogue.

Rogue, I'm sorry.
But I can't let you hurt any more people.

Everyone, fall back!
I can take the beating better than you can.

Ice up, kid. Now.


I know what it's like
for nothing to make sense in your head.

I've been there.

Listen to me, kid. The others inside you,
you're letting them push you around.

The Rogue I know
wouldn't take that off of anybody.

That's right. Stand up to them.

Logan, there's too many of them.

Fight them, Rogue. Stay tough.


No. No!

Stop resisting me, Rogue. Help me.

We can wipe out those personalities together,
one by one.

Rogue, come on. You can do this.

She's gonna be okay, right, Charles?


I-- I don't know yet.

-How long has he been in there?
-He's never left her side.

-But she is recovering, right?
-Yes. Slowly.

However, having all those personalities
driven out has left her very fragile.

Her toughest challenge still awaits her.

Coming to terms with who Risty really was.
And who Mystique really is.

I won't lie to you, kid.
Getting over this ain't gonna be easy.

Something about betrayal
always sticks with you.

But trust me. You learn to deal with it.

You move on.

And you let your real friends
be there for you.

What do your visions tell you now, Destiny?
Is Rogue back in our future?

She is. But now a great darkness
looms on the horizon enshrouding you both.

What kind of darkness?

An ancient mutant will rise
to once again walk the earth.

Your fates, both yours and Rogue's...

are in his hands.