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01x02 - Promises

Posted: 07/22/23 12:42
by bunniefuu
I'm Nick Fury.

Been riding a desk for

the past six years

trying to figure out where

our future enemies are coming from.

Official S.H.I.E.L.D. activity.

Never occurred to me

they would be coming from above.


You say this thing looked like Coulson?

Mmm. Talked like him, too.



We can't trust anyone.

Not even our own men.

Now I stand before you as my true self.

Without deception.

I just wanna talk.

My people lived as refugees, homeless.

- SOREN: Talos!

- Soren.

And the handful of us that are left

will be slaughtered next.

There are thousands of us

separated from each other.

This is just the beginning.

- (g*nsh*t)



They won't be safe here.

They need their own home.


Varra. Welcome.

Thank you, Fury.

I'd like you to meet someone.

This is Gravik.


His parents were k*lled

in the last stand against the Kree.

He escaped from behind enemy lines,

piloted a ship all on his own.

He is smart, Fury. Knows how to survive.

We could use someone like him.

He's a child.

Only to human eyes.

Just talk to him.


Gravik. Sorry to hear

about your parents.

They died a brilliant death.

I'm sure they did.

This work here

you know it's very dangerous.

I'm not afraid.

I can see you're not.

I wanna thank you all for

For joining me.

I know it's been a

It's been a rough journey.

We went looking for a home,

found nothing but v*olence.

And hate.

All of us have lost someone.

Or everyone.

And our entire species

is scattered across the galaxy,

but for those of you

who braved the journey here to Earth,

you did so for one reason.

This man.

This man that I trust.

You know I don't use that word lightly.

Thank you, Talos.


My friends, ever since

Let me rephrase that.

Almost ever since I met Talos,

I believed that humans and

Skrulls can help each other.

The world is facing a serious threat.

And I could use your help.

It would mean putting on a new face

and keeping it.

This is the promise.

While you work to keep my home safe,

Carol Danvers and I

will find you a new one.

Who'll be first to take the pledge?

Thank you, Soren.

You have a courageous mother, G'iah.


You keep your word

I'll keep mine.





What are you doing?

Let go of me.

I'm an American!

I'm an American! I'm an American!


I'm an American!




They've gone.


You hear anything from G'iah yet?

No, nothing. Not yet.


When me and my mama used to take

these long train rides to Detroit

You know, train travel back then

wasn't nowhere near this elegant.

Comin' out of Alabama, we always

had to ride in the colored car.

It was hot, sweaty. Bathroom

didn't work half the time.

And we couldn't go in the dining car.

So, we brought fried

chicken, white bread,

deviled eggs, and

pound cake in a shoebox.


Mmm. Half hour after the train

pulled out, that chicken be gone!

Smelt way too good to wait.

On these long rides,

me and my mother would make

up games, pass the time.

"Tell Me Somethin' I Don't Know".

That was one of her favorites.

One time she said, "Tell me somethin'

I don't know about you and Suzie".

Me and Suzie had a standing

game of doctor we'd been playin'

behind Old Man Jackson's barn.

Suffice it to say, I wasn't

about to tell her about that.

So, I made up something crazy like,

"Me and Suzie saw a

bullfrog with polka dots".


My mama just smiled.

Even though I'd lied through my teeth,

the mere fact that I did that,

told her everything she needed

to know about me and Suzie.


Well, you wanna go a few rounds?


Tell me something I don't know

about the destruction of Skrullos.

You know everything there

is to know about it, Fury.

Name of the game is Tell Me

Something I Don't Know.

We were overpowered by the Kree.

We held 'em off for as long as we could.

When we couldn't hold 'em

off any longer,

the million of us that

were left, we fled.

FURY: Interesting.

Tell me something I don't know

about the Skrulls that fled.


They're here.

Who's here?

All of us.

Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa!

You're tellin' me

there's a million Skrulls

walking amongst us right now?

Have you lost your reptilian-ass mind?

I sent out the call

and every Skrull that isn't in Emperor

Drogge's colony, they answered.

You lied to me!

Hey, we were being hunted

across the universe.

I had two choices,

I could let my people be annihilated

or summon 'em here to Earth.

- What would you have done?

- This ain't about me!

Oh, right. But you're fine using us

as your spies and your errand boys,

long as it's on your terms.

The host gets to set the terms

of the visitation.

What happens when

the host disappears, huh?

'Cause you were gone!

And I didn't think you were

coming back, I really didn't.

And even when you did come back,

there was no talking to you

about anything real.

Your boots barely hit Earth.


And, "Oh, it's too heavy here, man.

I gotta go up to my space station".

You've been up there for years!

You knew how to get

in touch with me, Talos,

and you didn't because

you didn't want me to know.

My hope My hope

is that with your help

Skrulls and humans can coexist,

here on Earth.

Human can't coexist with each other!

You've been here long

enough to know that!

We've been at w*r with each other

since we could walk upright!

There is not enough room or tolerance

on this planet for another species!


Matter of fact, neither

is this train compartment.

I think this is your stop.


Oh, my God.



Were you there?


How did it happen?

It happened quickly.

Don't you be one of those bastards

who gives me a platitude

when I'm looking for the truth!

That one, over there.

You know what he told me?

He told me that my nation

owes me a debt of gratitude.

But he won't even tell me where

on Planet Earth my daughter was k*lled.

So apparently, facts are not included

in the debt I'm owed.

She died in Moscow.

We were there trying to stop the attack.

Someone set a trap.

- For her?

- No, for me.

Someone wanted to hurt me

so they hurt her.


So, you're the reason I'm taking

my daughter back home in a box.

I'm sorry I couldn't

protect her, Elizabeth.

You're Nick Fury.

Maria believed in you.

She would've followed you

to the gates of hell and back.


Look, I don't know what

Maria died for out there.

But whatever it was,

don't let it be for nothing.

NEWSCASTER: Developing

Story at this hour.

Several bombs exploded today

at an annual celebration in Moscow,

k*lling at least 2,000 civilians.

One suspect is currently in custody,

identified as a leading member

of the online fringe group,

Americans Against Russia.

The UK Prime Minister was

quick to denounce the attack,

while the NATO Secretary-General says


Despite the outpouring of condemnation,

all signs point towards

imminent retaliation from Russia

for what the Kremlin regards

as an all-out declaration of w*r

by the Americans.

They're all saying we had

something to do with Moscow.

Well, I call bull on that.

There's no way that Moscow attack

was committed by Americans.

This has got false flag

written all over it.

How did you know Fury would be there?

I didn't.

Well, not to a certainty. But I hoped.

I wanted to see how much

of him was left.


He's just vapors. Old.

You know, I could've

k*lled him if I wanted to.

You don't punish a man

by givin' him what he wants.

You just get me to the Council meeting.

I wanna see their faces

while Moscow is still burnin'.


You, wait.

Uh, yeah, that's not happening.


If I'm not out in an hour,

sh**t him in the head.

Members of the Council.

Seems someone didn't get

the suggested attire memo.

Well, I also didn't get a formal

invitation, Mr. Secretary-General.

But I'm sure that was

just a curious oversight.

Madam Prime Minister.

Hello, Shirley.

I trust I speak for the group when I say,

we are all happy to have you with us.

Please sit.

GRAVIK: I see you,

all dressed up in the man's finery,

drinking the man's wine.

Playing the man's game,

using the man's fork and knife.

Better to behave as a human

than as a dog.

Well, I quite like dogs.

In fact, I prefer 'em.

Dogs aren't hypocrites.

And they don't lie.

They don't lock each other up in cages.

They don't pimp, poison,

and they don't go out of their way

to degrade and destroy their own habitat.

A naive reading of human history.

It's the only reading of human history.

Are you done?

Perhaps we should get on

with what we came here for.

SHIRLEY: A prudent suggestion, sister.

Recent acts of terror

in cities across the globe,

most notably in Moscow,

severely undermine the stability

that this Council seeks to preserve.

The purpose of tonight is to determine

what punishment, if any,

should be meted out on the individual

who has imperiled us all.

You m*rder*d over 2,000 innocent humans.


And yet, you don't seem

remotely remorseful.

What the hell gives you the right

to disobey this council?

What gives me the right?


I think it's a w*r!


And unlike the last w*r each one of us

around this table fought in,

I'm not gonna lose this one.

Humans are doomed to self-destruction.

Long before we arrived on this planet,

they were destined to consume themselves.

So, for anyone flinching

at the thought of innocent deaths,

let me assure you, we're

only hastening the inevitable.

SERGIO: And what happens

if the Avengers return?

You don't think I thought about that?

Put your faith in me.

And I promise, your

loyalty will be repaid.

Well, Madam Prime Minister

We need to streamline

our chain of command.

Democracy is fine for peacetime,

but whilst at w*r,

we need a single commander whose

w*r power is total and unchecked.

My God!

Therefore, I nominate Gravik

to the post of Skrull General.

SERGIO: Traitor!

You were in on this with him

the entire time!

Seat yourself down, Sergio.

I'm not done yet.

Who do you think you're talking to?

I'm the commander of NATO.

I can mobilize a million troops

at the snap of a (GRUNTS)

Shall I remove him, Madame?

Oh, I don't think he'll

be any more trouble.



All those in favor of Gravik

as our new general

will submit.

I fear each one of you

has forgotten our history.

We did not end up homeless refugees

because we were unwilling to wage w*r.

We ended up homeless refugees

because we were too willing.

I do not support your coup.

I will not support your w*r.

And I do not submit.

If I had another 100 like you,

I could take on the universe.

You go in peace, sister.

You'll not be harmed.


- Shirley.

- It's Gravik.

The Council just voted him General.

He has control of our people

and our future.

If there's anything I can do

Yeah, set up a meet between

me and Gravik. Public place.

Talos, he will k*ll you.

Yeah, thanks for the faith.

You don't understand.

Gravik has changed.

So have I. Soren's dead.

I know.

But if you can't keep it together,

you will not walk out alive.

Shirley, set up the meet.

Just tell him I wanna

talk about my daughter.


Thank you, sir.

Without you, this wouldn't be possible.



You don't have it.

Harvest wasn't there.

ROSA: Then it's back to scavenging.

Our DNA selection

remains extremely limited.

PAGON: I'll send out teams.

ROSA: I was told this phase

would be over.

So was I.

Gravik has given me multiple locations

for the Harvest, all of them empty.

Our fearless leader isn't always right.

Perhaps I misheard you.

Do you need anything else, Dr. Dalton?

Yes. Your absence.


REPORTER: In this stunning sign

of just how seriously it regards rumors

of American involvement

in the Moscow att*cks,

the 27 EU heads of state,

plus the British Prime Minster

have all but commanded Washington

to account for itself

at this emergency security summit

here in London.

MAN: Colonel?

Colonel Rhodes?

Colonel, are you denying

that two of your citizens,

Mr. Nicholas Fury and Miss Maria Hill,

were present in Moscow

at the scene of the att*cks?

We are aware of allegations

that Mr. Fury and Miss Hill

may have traveled to Moscow.

Which, if true, it would've been in

their capacity as private citizens, so

Do these photos suffice as confirmation

of that fact, Colonel Rhodes?


Respectfully, Prime Minister,

I can't take the authenticity

of Russian-supplied photos at face value.

However, I will be more than happy

to have them analyzed

at our facilities at Langley.


How do you explain

Mr. Fury's presence in Moscow?

Uh, alleged. Alleged presence, madam.


If Slovakia rolls its eyes at me

one more time,

I'm gonna put on the suit

and carpet b*mb it.

PAMELA: Why are you here, Colonel?

You are not a Head of State.

Surely, President Ritson

is aware of the seriousness

with which his international partners

regard this allegation.

Well, I'm here as a courtesy,

Madam Prime Minister.

President Ritson has

a pretty busy day job

running the most powerful country

and military on the face of the planet.

He doesn't just hop to when summoned.

Not by France,

not by Italy, not by the UK.

Now, while we are sensitive

to your concerns,

until such time as you can present

an actual shred of evidence

to back those concerns up,

I'm afraid sensitivity is all

you're gonna be getting from us.

All right?



- Rhodes.

- FURY: Nice suit. Armani?

(SIGHS) Brioni.


Pretty expensive for

a government salary.

Yeah, well, my other

suit's made of titanium

so this actually constitutes

considerable savings.

We need to meet. ASAP.

Great. Tell you what,

let me just finish mopping up

this globe-sized bucket of steaming

hot kaka you tipped over yesterday

and then, we can get a drink.

Sound good?

You sound frustrated. What's

the matter? Croatia talking crap?


Well, carpet-b*mb their ass.

Burner's Tavern, one o'clock.

Do me a favor and try not to pop off

a nuclear holocaust

before you get there.


Should I be worried about poison?

You should be worried about

spending the rest of your days

in the Siberian retirement community.

Yeah, don't let the relaxed

ambiance fool you.

I'm this close to handing your ass

over to the Russians.

Forgetting your rank here,

Colonel Rhodes?

You do not wanna be playing

"mine is bigger than yours"

with job titles right now, Fury.

Trust me, I'm the last

friend you've got.

Are the Russians really

tryin' to pin this on me?

Your face is all over CCTV footage.

I was there trying to stop the attack.

Oh, well, excellent job at that,

by the way. 2,000 dead so far.

Number will probably triple

once they clear all the rubble.

Meaning you not only set the stage

for World w*r III,

but you simultaneously flipped

all of our allies to Team Russia.

How well do you know

your security detail?

I know they're catching b*ll*ts

first if I get shot at.

(CHUCKLES) What do you mean

how much do I know about 'em?

What if I told you they were all spies?

Spies for who, the Russians?

Well non-state actors.

You know, global reach,

borderless operations.


- Yeah.

If HYDRA was a bunch of green guys

who could shape-shift into your daddy.



So, how long have you known about them?

About 15 years ago,

I was part of an eyes-only,

top-secret presentation.

It was about

a shape-shifting alien species

that had sent a few of its light ships

crashing down to Earth.

The Pentagon was concerned

that they might get into their heads

to invade us one day from the inside.

That invasion is real. It's happened.

That's That's not possible.

Yeah, that's what I thought, too,

but it's true.

And here's the crazy part,

we're being invaded and we can't

even tell who the invaders are.

Moscow was just the beginning.

Maybe we should call our friends.

No, no, no, we can't jump

the g*n on that.

You know, we get them

in a fight with the Skrulls

and next thing you know,

they find themselves duplicated

and turned into t*rrorists.

Fury, this isn't

This is my w*r, Rhodey.

I need you to back me on this.

(SIGHS) I I can't do it.

Ain't no "can't" in our business.

There's only what you can do

and what you will not do.

You're right. I should've

said, I'm not doing it.

I just spent

all the political capital I had

in getting Maria Hill's body

back from the Russians.

Are you really talking to me

about politics right now?

I'm here as an envoy

of the United States government, Fury.

The job is political.

I remember when your job

was protecting the planet.

We protect the planet

by protecting our seat at the table.

Are you forgetting who helped you

get your seat at the table?

Oh, so I owe you now? Is that it?

We owe each other.

Men who look like us don't get promoted

because of who our daddies know.

Every ounce of power

we wrestle from the vice grip

of the mediocre Alexander Pierces

who run this world was earned in blood.

So let's make the power mean

something. Help a brother out.

Car's outside, Colonel.

Colonel Rhodes will let you know

when he's ready to go.

RHODEY: The car is for you, Fury.

They'll escort you outside,

then you're goin' to the airport.

Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't

know I had travel plans.

I made 'em on your behalf.

Have you even listened

to a word that I've said?

Yeah, I have. The world is on the line.

The enemy is a million times

more dangerous than HYDRA,

but they can only be vanquished by you.


And you want me to make the power

mean something by helpin' a brother out.

But you should know better than most.

The reason we wrestled this power

from mediocre men who don't look like us

was not simply to turn around

and hand it to mediocre men who do.

The point of this power

is to be uncompromising,

to be unsparing,

to be able to sit across

from a man we greatly admire,

with whom we share

an entire professional,

personal, ancestral history with

and to tell him without any reservation,

that he's fired.

That's what this moment right here,

right now is about, Nick.




They sent you to fire me?

Nobody sent me. I volunteered.

And not to put too fine a point on this,

but that mess that you created in Moscow

that resulted in getting

one of our best people m*rder*d,

you earned all this smoke, brother.



- Are you seriously under the impression

that just because you strip me

of my titles, I relinquish my DNA?

Careful, Fury.



RHODEY: And you wonder why you're out.

I'm Nick Fury.

Even when I'm out, I'm in.



now that the door is unlocked,

what does that tell you

about me and doors?

Who are you?

I'm above your pay grade. Where is he?

Thank you.


- Speak!

- SONYA: Didn't your mother ever warn you

you could lose an eye

by beating your meat like that?


What are you doing here?

Oh, I'm taking over.


at him and he hasn't said a word.

What makes you think

you can get him to speak?

Oh, I can be quite persuasive.

Oh, before I forget, where is

the escape hatch in this dump?

Why do you need to know that?

Oh, just a hunch.

Oh, wonderful. Okay,

make yourself scarce.

MAN: What are you looking at?

Alone at last. Now, shall we do this

the easy way or the other way?

I'm gonna break these chains.

And then, I'm gonna break

every bone in your body.

(CHUCKLES) The other way it is.




Well, now that's confirmed,

let's party, shall we?



What are you doing in here?

Checking the progress

of our newest recruit.

He'll be ready for a face before long.

He's loyal.

GRAVIK: Loyal.

You know, I remember when

you first came to me, G'iah.

The daughter of a failed General.

I thought to myself, what kind of coward

sends his daughter

to do what he wouldn't?

But you know, then I realized

that kind of coward just

doesn't have it in him.

Our man on the inside located Brogan.

Let's go then.

You're wasting your time.

I'll never talk to you.

Well, that's very brave,

but everyone talks when their

blood starts to cook at 160°C.

It's a biochemical imperative.

The smart ones start

talking earlier than that.

You a smart one?


Right, I didn't think so.

Go ahead, put it in my arm.

I don't care.






SONYA: Tell me the location

of Gravik's compound.

I swear I know nothing. Please!

I'm afraid, sorry, dear heart,

I can't work with nothing.

I need to know where Gravik is,

and where he'll be.

I don't know, I swear. Gravik

keeps everything a secret.

And what secrets doesn't he keep?

He's building a machine.

What kind of machine?

I think it's to make us stronger.

GRAVIK: You wait in the car.

- Keep the engine running.

- Mmm-hmm.

Who's helping you?

I don't know what you mean.

Who's leading the science?


Some married couple.

What's their name?

I can't, please. Gravik will k*ll me.

I'm terribly sorry, but

if I don't get a name,

- Gravik won't get the chance to k*ll you.




The name's Dalton.

You see, that wasn't so

terribly difficult, was it?


(SILENCED g*nsh*t)



Sounds like your lift is here.


Listen, I'm just gonna go

and check around back.

Cool. I'll come with.

No, no, no. You stay here.

They might come out with Brogan.


You're a smart lady, G'iah.

How very Dostoyevsky.





PAGON: Gotcha.

You're all right.

I've got him. Let's go.

What'd you tell 'em?

Nothin', just lies.


Just lies?

That's all, I swear.

GRAVIK: Take him to the car.


- Keep driving.

How did they find our safe house?





GRAVIK: Pull over.



Did we make it home, Pagon?

Almost there, bro.









Aren't you forgetting something?





All you got to do is, man,

hold her when you wanna ♪

Squeeze her, don't tease her,

never leave her ♪

Get to her, got, got, got to try

a little tenderness, yeah, yeah ♪

You got to know how to love her, man ♪

Don't be surprised, man ♪

You got to squeeze her,

don't tease her, never leave ♪

You got to hold her,

brother, something, man ♪

Try a little tenderness

yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

You got to grab her gently, man ♪

Don't bruise her, no, no ♪

You got to love her, tease her,

don't squeeze her ♪

You got to try, na na na na na ♪

Try, try a little tenderness, yeah ♪

Watch her groove ♪

You got to know what to do, man ♪

Take this advice ♪

You gotta love, squeeze, don't tease ♪