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01x01 - Resurrection

Posted: 07/22/23 12:41
by bunniefuu
ROSS: Yes?

I'll be right there. Don't move.

PRESCOD: Imagine a world

where information can't be trusted.

Not very hard, is it?

News service says one thing,

website says another.


Society starts to fray.

All we can turn to

are the people we care about.

But what if those people

weren't who we thought they were?

What if the ones closest to us,

the ones we've trusted our whole lives


were someone else entirely?

What if they weren't even human?

Agent Prescod, respectfully


uh, what exactly are you talking about?


And that's only the beginning.

Five global t*rror1st strikes

within the past year.

Each one claimed by a different group.

It's business as usual.

That's precisely

what they want you to think.

Argentina att*cks Colombia,

Colombia att*cks the Philippines.

A violent chain reaction

consuming the globe.

Do you realize

that the entire world is at w*r?

Well, the atmosphere has been tense.

There is an architect to that tension,

Agent Ross.

These att*cks are escalating.

If they hit the soil

of the major power Oh.

So you You think the same people

are behind all of this?

Not people



-Come on, Ross, you know the stories.

This didn't start yesterday.

It started 30 years ago

when the Skrulls found Earth.

Carol Danvers and Nick Fury

promised to find them a new planet.

But now (CHUCKLES)

now they don't want just any planet,

they want ours.

Look, can't you see it?

All these groups, they're the same.

Skrulls could be anybody,

anywhere, at any time.

And there is only a tiny handful

known to live on Earth.

-That's barely enough to

-To what?

You have no g*dd*mn idea

what you're talking about, Ross!

There could be thousands of them,

tens of thousands!

And you would never know.

Okay, Prescod, let's play a little game

of forest for the trees, shall we?

Yes, Skrulls can shapeshift.

Yes, they're looking for a new home.

But, as you say,

the only Skrull contact

has been through Nick Fury.

That means they're our allies.

Then where is Fury?

He's on S.A.B.E.R.!

God And if I'm gonna bring him down

for whatever the hell this is,

I need to give him something

more than just theories, I need evidence.

All these other att*cks,

they would be nothing compared to this.

This is the one

that sets the world on fire.

I stopped filing reports at the office.

Don't know who I can trust anymore.

Other than you

Hey, Prescod, look,

I'm here to help. Okay?

So So let me take this

and I'll give the information to Fury.




(g*n FIRES)




I need an extract. Fast.

I need an extract.

Academica Metro Station,

six blocks northeast.











Show me your hands.



-It's me.

What the hell are you doing here?

I'm chasing him.


He was one of you.

No, he's

He He's one of them.





Welcome back to Earth.

He's upstairs.

Is that from home?

Santo Millika.

That's a Skrull sky plant.

Soren. She brought the seed with her

wherever she went.

And it's changed since she planted it.

It's adapted to the planet.

Yeah, well,

you always believed that was possible.

I still do.


I am so sorry.

Me, too.

Soren loved you.

But she worried, mate,

that it would take something like this

to bring you back to Earth.

And I guess she was right.


FURY: Tell me about Gravik.

Let's Let's just

talk about you first, yeah?

We've been helping you for all these years

to ensure that you kept your promise.

But after The Blip, you were different.

And then you disappeared.

Carol Danvers disappeared.

And so did G'iah.

Hold it. Your daughter?

Disappeared too Where?

She was young.

Angry that our people

still don't have a home.

Many of them are upset.

I got kicked off the Council,

pushed into exile.

But, Gravik

Gravik, mate, he took your abandonment

that much harder.

Come on.

HILL: Gravik is now the newest member

of the Skrull Council.

He preys on the collective rage

of young, displaced Skrulls.

FURY: Where is his ass?

He's here. He's in Russia.

Skrulls are immune to radioactivity

and Russia has the most abandoned

nuclear plants on Earth.

But here's the thing.

These plants, they're not on the books.

And we don't know where he is.

Well, what else do we know

about his plans?

Well, he's already made them.

This is what Agent Ross's imposter

was trying to cover up.

Schematics for a dirty b*mb

intercepted by Prescod.

Prescod had been monitoring

a new radical group called the AAR,

Americans Against Russia,

which he believed to be the next

Skrull front for a t*rror1st attack.

Gravik's trying to start a w*r between

Russia and the United States?

That was Prescod's theory.

And he's gonna use this b*mb to do it?

Does he have the materials for that?

HILL: A weapons cache in Kazakhstan,

raided the same day

that Prescod was k*lled.

TALOS: We brought you here for a reason.

If he succeeds, um,

your species will cease to exist.


I'm going for a walk.

You're going for a walk in Moscow

at night?

(STAMMERS) Well, you're gonna stand out.


RHODEY: We have a situation,

Mr. President.

RITSON: Concerning?

RHODEY: Agent Fury.

We've just received word

that he's left S.A.B.E.R.

What do you mean, "He left S.A.B.E.R.?"

Well, I can try to think of

a different word. Abandoned, departed

Agent Fury is building up the most

complex aerospace defense system

in the history of mankind.

-He can't just leave.

-No, I agree, sir.

And unfortunately,

we also intercepted an encrypted message

from Agent Hill to Agent Fury.

We haven't been able to decode it yet,

but we know they're old friends.

Given the fact that I could reach

neither Agent Hill nor Agent Fury,

they're effectively AWOL.

Deal with it.

RHODEY: Yes, sir.





Let's see, large Black man, Moscow.

Well, it could either be Nick Fury,

or the ghost of Paul Robeson.

Okay, go ahead, take the hood off.

Oh! Damn, and I was hoping for a command

performance of Ol' Man River.

Good to see you too, Sonya.

So, did you just have me extraordinarily

renditioned by a group of your thugs?

Were you lot extraordinary?


You usually only

scratch the surface of mediocrity.

You must be finally

putting it all together. Well done.

Okay. You can go. That's That'll do.

"Extraordinary," well, that's wonderful.

It is so good to see you.

You look amazing.



-FURY: Love one.

Do you have some sort of clock fetish

that you've been

-keeping from me all these years?


SONYA: It was an old English spymaster

that started the tradition.

A clock goes up

when your time in circus is done.

And I like to think I still have

a few juggling acts left in me.

Oh. Make yourself at home, Fury.



my drink of choice as bourbon.

I might have welcomed you home,

but I still haven't forgiven you

for destroying my expensive flat.

You mean city.

It's bottom shelf piss for you or nothing.


So, what are you doing in Moscow?

Same as you, trying to k*ll

the Skrull rebellion in its crib.

You know the rebel leader personally,

don't you?

I knew him.

Is that why you came down

from your space station?

You feel responsible?

What do you know about a heist

at a black market storage facility

in Kazakhstan?

It happened couple days ago.

Doesn't ring a bell.

You know, I may not know

when a Skrull is pretending to be a human,

but I sure as hell know

when a human is lying.

You know damn well

what was in that storage vault.

The fact that you don't know

tells me all I need to know

about this new, rather old Nick Fury.

I think that Thanos's snap changed you.

Taught you that no matter

how hard you fight for what's right,

there's always someone stronger

to undermine you.

You seem to forget this "old Nick Fury"

has 30 years

of hands-on experience with the Skrulls.

I know the nature of this threat

way better than you ever will.

Is that your idea of an offer

of some sort of collaboration between us?

We used to work pretty well together

back in the day.

Back then, you would've seen

my rather mediocre bag men

coming a mile away.

The fact that you didn't see them

means you haven't a hope in hell

of seeing Gravik and his rebels coming.

Which makes you as a partner

rather pointless.

I let your men take me

so I could get to you.

I mean this as a friend, Fury,

but go back to your space station.

You're in no shape

for this fight that lies before us.

I'll have one of my thugs

drop you back at the safe house.

That's all right, I'll walk.


If your memory jogs about

that Kazakhstan thing,

call a brother.


GUARD: What do you want?

Home in my own skin.


Take your natural form.

Welcome to New Skrullos.

What's your name?


When's the last time you ate, Beto?

I don't know.

-This can't be.


We grow only Skrull produce here.

Drink Skrull wine, wear Skrull skins.

Whatever dangers you risked getting here,

know, they're worth it.

BETO: Thank you.

You're very welcome.





We're over 500 strong now.

BETO: So, is everyone a part of

The resistance? No.

Gravik provides refuge.

But if you do choose to be a warrior,

there is one advantage.

Oh, yeah? What's that?

You get to leave.

Everyone else stays in the compound.

The warriors keep our human form,

the longer we're attached to our shells,

the less likely we can be identified

by humans and Skrulls alike.

Wait here

and someone will get you a proper room.

Prove your loyalty

and Gravik will reward you.

What's behind there?



What is your name?

BROGAN: Warrior.

What is your fight?

BROGAN: Skrullos.

PAGON: What is your dream?

BROGAN: Home in my own skin.

Bring him his shell.


Americans Against Russia,

your dreams are about to come true.

Take his face.


MAN: No!


Now take his mind.

SONYA: Skrulls have infiltrated

the ranks of major world powers.

MAN: Where is the proof?

How about the arrival of Agent Fury?

For a man who sworn off Earth,

he would not have returned without cause.

You got that right.

Gravik has something very big

up his sleeve.

But the immediate threat

remains the bombs.

Five specialists in Moscow

are capable of building such an expl*sive.

My money's on this one.

Vasily Poprishchin.

Former Chechnyan rebel,

owns a high-end gallery

in the city center,

restores pigmented paintings

and radioactivated bombs.

MAN: Send in a raid now.

SONYA: If by "now" you mean,

"Wait until a Skrull rebel

picks up a device

in order to follow them to their hideout,"

then, yes, I totally agree.

She's cheeky.

Yeah, 'till she sees

an ugly-ass Skrull like you.

Then she goes into hunting mode.

I'm considered good-looking

amongst my kind.

I know a bunch of good-looking Skrull.

And you ain't one of them.

HILL: All right, guys,

what is the play here?

I say we visit this Rusky b*mb builder.

Sonya will already have agents there.

Who we will incapacitate.

TALOS: Hold on, stop.

You're talking about

attacking MI6 operatives?

FURY: Talos,

let me explain something to you.

We're no longer

in "just a w*r" with Gravik.

We are in a race with Sonya Falsworth,

who celebrates a scorched-Earth policy,

meaning, she will annihilate

any and everyone

who's ever even heard the name "Gravik."

You wanna save innocent Skrulls,

you'll have to hurt some people.

All right

FURY: Look, Gravik knows that

mercy's your weakness.

Time for you to prove him wrong.


Yeah, okay.

PAGON: Fury's in town, G.

Is he?

Our man says it's nothing to worry about.

He's washed up, walks with a limp,

can barely see with the good eye.

I see you've kept the circle tight

on this one.

We're the circle. No one else.

Is that to protect me, or the cause?

You are the cause.

I'm not the cause.

Cause is home.

Yes, sir.

GRAVIK: We go tomorrow

and we don't stop until Earth is ours.

G'IAH: What about it?

BETO: This place is massive.


Come with me.

Zirksu will drive you.

You take the cash to this address.

You deal with Poprishchin and no one else.

He'll give you two bags.

You get 'em to the Moscow safe house

undisturbed and intact.


Where's the bloody coffee?

FURY: What's our MI6 status?

All set.

You Poprishchin?


FURY: Oh, shit.

TALOS: I got it, mate.

Not bad for a 136-year-old.

Well, you know,

I'm not even 40 in human years.

I haven't even gone

on my midlife crisis shopping spree yet.


What'd you get for yours?

The Avengers.


any of your shitty paintings.

Then exactly what do you want?

Some damn good answers.


I've got eyes

on a possible person of interest.

Initiating foot pursuit.

I'll keep you posted.

Yeah, just keep me informed.

I'm sorry, but you gentlemen

will have to call at another time.

-I'm late for an appointment.

-Oh! Oh, who you meetin' with?

My wife, Mister


Ooh! Damn, this is nice.

That chair belonged to Louis XV.

It's priceless.

Everything is priceless till it gets

blown to bits in a hail of b*ll*ts.


Agent Keller, anything in our file

about this one having a wife?

Yeah, has an ex-wife,

lives in Miami with a soccer player.

Oh, so we gonna go ahead

and call that a lie.

Everybody gets one.

Nobody gets two.

So, last chance.

Who are you going to meet?

Perhaps we'd all be more comfortable

in the gallery space

where there is more natural light.

You got any more of these comfortable-ass

Louis XIV chairs in there?


How about a dirty b*mb?

Or you keep that in a crate

in here somewhere?

I'm sorry, I do not know this term.

Dirty b*mb?

Boom, goes the dynamite! Lie number two.

I just told you.

Everybody gets one, nobody gets two.

You going to sh**t me?

Maybe. Well, probably.


-But not right now.

Where are the bombs?

Your name's not Keller.



Your name is Talos.



I got this.

You sure?

TALOS: This is my fight!

I said no!



Tell me where the bombs are!

You betray your own people.

(g*n FIRING)

Come on.

I said no.






Where'd he go?


Stop! Stop! Stop!

Last warning!

It's what you always say

but there's always another.


-Give me the bombs.


I know you're angry. This isn't you.

This is not

what your mother would've wanted.

Mum doesn't know what she wants.

Her last words, "Find G'iah."


She's dead.


Why don't you ask

the people that you work for?

Why don't you

just give me the b*mb, please?

G'iah, give me the b*mb.

-I can't.

-Just hand it over.

And you'll walk away.

'Cause you know that I'll protect you.

-You can't protect anyone.

-G'iah, I know





with the locals?


How do you think

we kept the Cold w*r from going hot?

Spooks like me buying sh*ts.

You can't say that.

No. You can't say that.



It's good to have you back, Fury.

Is that sincere

or you just covering your bases?

You'll tell me why you abandoned Earth?

Well, building out S.A.B.E.R.

Traditionally, we tell the truth

during our chess games.

Maybe that has changed too, though,

I don't know.

Okay, let's just say

I had a crisis of faith.

So why'd you come back?

It followed me up there,

and I owe it to Talos.

You sure you're not talking

about someone else?

You gonna move?

I haven't decided.

See, that's what I'm worried about.

The Fury I knew

was always three steps ahead.

If I remember correctly, you called me.

Upon Talos's request.

Your lack of contact over the past

few years sent a pretty clear message.


You're not ready for this, Fury.

There's a very real threat out there.

You were never the same after The Blip.

You always told me there is no shame

in walking away

when the steps are uncertain.

So check your footing.

Otherwise someone's gonna get hurt.

Oh, no.


Good work.

I barely made it out.

Someone was waiting for me.

Someone you can identify?

G'IAH: No.

Maybe we postpone the strike.

To the contrary.

Thanks to you, we have the bait.



Thanks for coming to see me.

You don't see me because I'm not here.

I understand. You're taking a risk.

A risk?

Is that what you explained to Mum,

that following you could get her k*lled?

Your mother died

while you were working for her k*ller.

So do not take me down that road, G'iah.

You have one chance to save yourself.

And I think you know that.

I think that's why you're here.

The attack is planned for tomorrow.

Unity Day.

There are three bombs.

And Gravik knows you'll be there.


-I don't know.

There are so many operatives in the field.

A hundred, at least.

Fracking pods?

Most of their identities are kept secret,

even from us.

Your mum would be very proud of you,

you know, for coming to see me.

Tomorrow, there are three couriers,

including me.

All the points

near Vossoyedineniye Square.

I'll mark each bag with infrared spray.

G'iah's come back.


I got eyes on her.

(OVER EARPIECE) Two backpacks.

I got her.

Remember we're tracking the bags,

not the people.

FURY: Lot of backpacks in Central Moscow.

G'iah's painted ours with infrared spray.

Infrared. Got it.

HILL: We missed the pass.

FURY: Got one carrier going northeast.

The other one south. Let's move.

Excuse me. Excuse me!








It's empty. They're decoys.



FURY: Hill!

-(g*n FIRES)



-It was you.

Not me.