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02x16 - Day of Reckoning - Part 1

Posted: 07/22/23 11:25
by bunniefuu
Got you.

The informant was right.
This guy's definitely a mutant.

It appears he's chasing someone.

Shadow team, take the lead.

Target fixed. 18 degrees north-northeast.

- Fisher Street storm drain.
- Affirmative. Employing stealth pod.

Target knows we're tracking him,
but he's intent on pursuing his own quarry.

Readings indicate that the guy
he's chasing is another mutant.

Did you see that? It just bent around him.

- Might be the work of that other mutant.
- Let's take him while we can.


Dr. Trask, we lost the other mutant.
Some kind of magnetic interference.

Call off the search.
Let's just get this one to the facility.

Wolverine's gone. I lost him.

Keep trying. He's got to be there.

No, it's like he just...

- And Sabretooth?

- Nothing.
- Without Sabretooth...

...we'll never find Magneto.
- I'm sorry. I told you I wasn't ready.

- After only four sessions, I shouldn't even...
- Jean. Jean, it's not your fault.


...unforeseen must have happened.

So now we must simply determine
what that was.

- What did you find?
- Nothing. Not a single clue.

I don't get it.

A guy like Wolverine isn't about to get
taken without something getting diced up.

You're absolutely right.

These slice marks, very clean,
very recent. That's our boy.

Yes, but notice how unnaturally
it's twisted and bent.

I've seen this kind of effect before.


Seen it. Seen it. Hate it. Hate it more.

Well, I see you're all hard at work
building a brighter tomorrow.

We're getting rigor mortis.
There's nothing going on.

On the contrary,
it appears our friend Magneto... up to something quite significant.

That's right, Wanda.
Your loving father has made a bold move.

He's abducted Wolverine.

Wolverine? That's crazy.
Why would he want to do that?

Why, indeed.

Pietro, he's your father too.
Perhaps you can enlighten us.

Hey, don't ask me. I don't know
where he is or what he's doing.

He actually snatched
one of the X-Men. Why?

There's a larger strategy
at work here, I can feel it.

Now I'm forced to make my move.

That is so lame.

How does he expect us to survive
in a session like that?

Yeah, well, at least you lasted longer than
we did, and I was just getting my frost up.

There he is!

Magma, you're on.

- What happened?
- It plastered Nightcrawler.

Man, how can one drone
tag so many kids?

What about the objective?

- About 36 kilometers.
- That's 22 miles.

Meters. I meant meters.
I hate the metric system.

Thanks, Scott.

You're stalling, Cyclops.

Magneto won't sit around
waiting for you to decide on tactics.

Make a move or relinquish
command to Jean.

Okay. We're gonna rush him.

Look out.

I want to see you all
in the planning room now.

You rushed him? Like you were going
to take him by surprise?

- Professor, I...
- Magneto is always two steps ahead, Scott.

- You'll never take him by surprise, ever.
- Excuse me, professor, what is going on?

You've never driven us this hard.

I had to see. I had to confirm my fears.

It's clear that none of you are
ready to face Magneto.

- I disagree.
- Do you?

You couldn't even take care
of the Brotherhood.

You newer students, your inexperience
will jeopardize the mission.

I simply can't risk using you.

As for the rest, I'm left with the need
to bolster your ranks. Therefore...

...I'd like you to welcome
your new teammates.

You want us to work with them?

- No way. This is a joke, right?
- Not a chance.

Professor, you're not serious, are you?
After what they did to us?

Hey, we won, you lost. Get over it.

Look, I know this will be difficult
for some of you...

...but despite your personal feelings, we face
tremendous odds going against Magneto.

And we will be a much stronger team
with their help.

Why are you guys volunteering for this?

You don't like us
any more than we like you.

We got our reasons.

Yeah. Maybe it's Be Kind to Losers Week.

And from what I've seen, it looks like
You people can use a new team leader.

Yeah? Well, guess what, Shakedown,
you can have the job.

I'm done with this.

- Scott.
- Jean, let him go.

Let him go? Professor.

Time is of the essence.
We must continue training...

...while you resume
your efforts on Cerebro.

If we find Wolverine, we find Magneto.

Into the elevator.

This isn't Magneto. Looks more like...


S.H.I.E.L.D. has nothing to do with this.

I severed my connection with that
shortsighted government agency long ago.

But I was there long enough
to learn about mutant scum like you.

Oh, great. A fanatic.

Okay, bub.
What did mutants ever do to you?

You are a threat, a menace.

You poison our gene pool and upset
the natural balance of power.

We're not all the same.
Some of us fight the good fight.

Yes, but we get caught in the crossfire.

Someone must ensure the survival
of our species before it's too late.

That's why I'm leveling the playing field.


Well, what do you think you're gonna do?

Skepticism. Good.

We'll see how long that lasts
after you've assisted me in a little...


- Found anything?
- Yes. Look at this.

Cerebro has picked up
on Wolverine's healing powers.

Gather the teams.

Orbital maneuvering system. Check.

Rotational attitude levels
within normal parameters.

Everything's ready, Charles.

Good. Secure the hatch
and prepare for takeoff.

But what about Scott?

He still hasn't returned.
We can't wait for him any longer.

You know as well as I do that if the boy's
lost his confidence, he'd only be a liability.

This is a mistake, Charles. We need him.

Velocity to X-Jet, all systems are go.

Copy that. See you skyward.


Alert. System has been compromised.
Initiating DEFCON 4 defense mode.

What's going on?


Let's get out of here!

Scott, we've been looking all over
for you. The mansion's gone nuts.

It's locked up tight,
and there's weapons firing everywhere.


I don't know what happened.
I was on my way... talk to Professor X about Mystique.
- Whoa. What about Mystique?

She's running the show again.

She's the reason the brainless boys
att*cked you guys at the mall.

That was her? But...

This just isn't adding up.

Mystique's back,
but the Brotherhood's helping us?

And now the institute suddenly goes
into DEFCON 4.

There's something very wrong here.

Step forward, Wolverine.

What's your game, Trask?

Call it research.

I've created a prototype
designed to defend mankind...

... against the mutant threat.

My guardian of the human race...

... the Sentinel.

Are you sure?

Trust me. It's the only way in.

Smooth, Cannonball.
I told you, we're sealed in.

We need to find the others.

Maybe we ought to wait
for them to find us.

Initiating DEFCON 4 override.
Switching to demolition mode.

The institute will self-destruct
in 10 minutes.