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02x11 - Shadow Dance

Posted: 07/22/23 11:20
by bunniefuu
Not enough sleep?

You and Lance were still
on the phone at 1:30.

- So did you ask him?
- To the dance? No.

- You know what everyone here would say.
- Who cares?

Hey, have you asked Scott yet?
You'd better hurry before Jean moves in.

Listen, the last time I danced with a guy,
he nearly ended up in a coma.

But Scott knows. He won't touch you.

No touching?
Sounds like a fun way to dance, huh?

I think I'll pass.

Hold that elevator.

Thanks, guys. Forgot to set my alarm.

Why do we need to be at this,
anyways? It's just a test for Kurt.

We work as a team, so it's...

Important to know
about each other's strengths...

...and weaknesses. Yeah, yeah.
We know the drill.

- What's her problem?
- She's bummed about the girls' dance.

You know, her "no touching" thing.

- So are you going with Duncan?
- He thinks so.

He even got the tickets already.

I just might have to disappoint him.

I got so excited when I dreamt this up.

Soon, Kurt, you'll be zapping
anywhere on the globe.

But two miles is my limit.

And I have to see or know
where I'm going.

Yeah, but this baby's gonna change that.

What does it do, exactly?

Forge believes when you teleport, you
actually pass through another dimension.

His device slows you while you're there
so we can gather information about it.

And with that data,
we can improve your abilities.

All right. Ready to boogie?

- Boogie?
- Yeah, you know...

...trip the rift,
go where no man has gone before.

I guess. How long will I be in there?

Just a few seconds. I can set your speed
with this chronometer.

Scott, make certain
his breathing mask is secure.

The smoke Kurt leaves when he teleports
indicates the atmosphere may be toxic.

Gotcha. You ready for this, dude?

- Good luck.
- Aim for my old lab in the high school.

It's farther than you've gone before,
and there shouldn't be anyone to see you.

When you arrive,
report back via your communicator.

It worked. Whoa, what a trip.

Hang on, I'm coming home.

It was weird, like a slow-motion movie.

Talk about lakes of fire and brimstone.
It was definitely not a vacation spot.

But I can't wait to go again.

Well, I hope this testing works out for you.
The professor seemed excited.

Yeah. That Forge is a genius.

Sorry, guys, but I've gotta run.

Scott, can we talk at lunch?

Yeah. Sure. Outside in the quad?

Okay, good. I'll see you then. Bye, guys.

Hey, dude, I think she's gonna ask you
to the dance today.

No. She's going with Duncan.

Hey, don't doubt the fuzzy one.
I can sense these things.

So, fuzzy one, can you tell if that girl in
your math class is gonna ask you today?

Who, Amanda? Maybe.

Her friends say she likes me,
but she's so shy.

- Here's hoping.
- Be cool.

Hi, Lance. What's up?

Hey, Kitty. Not much.

- It was fun talking last night.
- Yeah.

Well, see you around.

Lance, would you, like...?

I mean, would you...

...go to the dance with me?

I'll have to think about it.

Oh, okay.

I understand. Let me know.

Hey, Kitty. I thought about it,
and the answer's yes.

All right.

Have you been asked to the dance yet?

No. Actually... I mean, no.

Oh, not anyone has asked me.

No, not yet.

Would you go with me?

Who, me?

Yeah. Sure. Okay.

You would? Awesome.

So I'll call you later, okay?

Whoa, there is some nasty stuff
in that atmosphere.

Some of these readings indicate
the presence of organic molecules.

Really? Man, it's hard to believe that
anything could survive in those conditions.

Believe it. I think I got a few of
your organic molecules right here.

- What is that?
- Amazing.

We need more information.
This thing might present a danger to Kurt.

How about if I go with him on the next trip,
just in case?

What should I wear? I mean, is it formal,
semiformal, what?

The prof has to reprogram
my holowatch.

That's right, bro.
She's gonna feel two furry fingers.

Oh, man, that's right.

What am I gonna do?
Oh, I've gotta call this off.

- What was I thinking?
- Whoa, Kurt, calm down.

No problem. Just wear gloves.
She'll never know.

Gloves? But won't she think
that's kind of weird?

Look, just make up some excuse,
like you've got a rash or something.

When anyone hassles me on my shades, I
say I have an eye condition, and they buy it.

Hey, Scott, here she comes.

Hi, Scott. Will you, like,
go to the dance with me?

Looks like you just lost your shot, girl.
Scott just got snagged.

Doesn't matter. I wasn't going anyway.

Hey, how about we just go together?

No, I don't want to look like a loser.
No offense.

None taken. Just think about it, okay?

I mean, there's no guy I wanna ask,
but I'd still like to go.

You know, maybe it would be fun.

That's the spirit.
We're gonna have a blast.

And when he said yes,
I just about melted right there.

You are so lucky.

He's hot. Totally Hollywood
in those shades.

- Hi, Jean.
- Hi.

Whoa, did you see that?

She's, like, so jealous of you.

Yeah. But it's her own fault.

She's had plenty of chances at Scott.

Here goes Lance looking for romance.

What's gonna happen, huh?

We wouldn't be caught dead
at that stupid dance.


Really, Freddy? That's too bad...

...because I was thinking
about asking you.

- You were?
- Yeah, but if you don't wanna go...

- Ask me. I'll go.
- Pathetic.

Hey, speedy, you think
you're too good for me?

No. You couldn't keep up with me.

I mean, I can keep four girls busy dancing
at the same time.

Well, all right. Let's all go...

...and show that school how to party.

- Yeah.
- Let's do it.

- Hey, come on, let's go.
- Cool.

Let's go dancing!

See, I told you.

No wonder your smoke
stinks so bad, dude.

- Hey, what's that?
- Are those teeth?

Of course, this raises new concerns.

We don't know if these creatures
are hostile.

We need to run a few more tests.

What? You want me to go
back in there with that?

- No way.
- Listen, Kurt, just think about it.

You've teleported all your life,
and nothing's happened.

The only reason we saw this thing was
because my gizmo slowed you down.

Yeah. Thanks a lot for the nightmares.

So there's a few critters. Big deal.

Look, I'm going with you, just in case.

I'm gonna slow you down a bit more
so we get more video and data.

Okay, but not too much.

Keep an eye out for the creatures
to aim the cameras at them.

This line will keep us
from getting separated.

- You're going to the school gym this time?
- Yeah.

I thought I could check out
the decorations for the dance.

Look out.

There's more of them coming.

Well, I'd say they were pretty hostile,
wouldn't you?

To heck with this.
No more teleporting ever again. No way.

Creatures, claws, teeth. Who needs it?

You better come pick us up, Charles.

There's not gonna be a return trip
this time.

Are you nuts? No way.
I am not going again. Tell him, Wolverine.

Tell him what those things tried to do to us.
We were almost torn to shreds.

We'll put you in a protective suit,
make adjustments to the timer.

- We need a little more data...
- You won't have to do it again.

I won't jeopardize your safety.

Thanks, professor.
I don't think I can ever teleport again.

It gives me the creeps
just thinking about it.

Kurt, I'm certain the creatures present no
danger to you when you teleport normally.

You move through their dimension too fast
for them to be aware of your presence.

I'm sorry about all of this.
I only wanted to help you, Kurt.

Yeah, I know.

Are you sure those things won't ever
be able to follow blue boy back here?

The only way would be if Kurt's dimensional
gates didn't fully close behind him.

And what are the odds
of that happening?

Pretty slim, I'd say. Or it probably
would have happened already.

Well, let's just hope it never does.

Come on, guys. Let's get out there
and show them how to move.

Hey, look.

Whoa, dude.

Now, that boy knows how to work it.

Sorry about the gloves.
I feel like such a dork.

I mean, getting a rash the day of the dance.
Must be my nerves.

I think they make you look handsome
and debonair.

Really? You don't think I look
like a butler or something?


I'm glad you came with me.

Well, I'm glad you asked.

You look like you'd really rather be
out there dancing with him.

At least Scott will dance.

Oh, there's Rogue.

- Have fun.
- Yeah, you too.

- So ready to troll for boys?
- No. I thought that...

Hey, how can they resist? Come on.

Kurt, I have to confess something.

I know about you.

That you don't always look like this.

Yeah. I know.
This is one of my good days.

You should see me in the mornings.

You know what I mean.

The real you that you hide.

Ever since I found out,
I can't stop thinking about you.

Amanda, I'm not sure
what you're talking about.

I'm... I'm what you see. That's all.

Okay, Kurt. I can wait
until you're ready to show me.

I'm not giving up.
There's gotta be a way to make this work.

We appreciate your help, Forge.

But for now, we need to let Kurt recover.

I just hope we haven't impaired
his ability to teleport permanently.

The way the elf was talking, I think
it'll be a long time before he's ready again.

What's going on down there?

- Oh, I can't dance anymore.
- Me neither.

And she's just getting warmed up.

- What the heck is that?
- I'm not sure I wanna find out.

Hey, come on. I don't look that bad.

But... But there's a...

See? Being with me
hasn't been so bad, has it?

- Lance, what are you...?
- It's not me, I swear.

Come on, let's get out of here.


- Kurt, get us out of here.
- How? We're trapped.

Make us disappear. Hurry.
I've seen you do it. Please.

Wow, that was amazing.

We've obviously got a lot to talk about, but
first, let's get you out of here. Come on.

- This way.
- No. I can help them.

Hey, ugly, over here.

That's right. Look, nice and tasty.

Come and get some of this.

What are you, nuts?

- Are you guys okay?
- Yeah. We're fine.

That's the two from the gym.
Logan's scouting the rest of the school.

There's probably another portal in my lab.
We gotta close it, or they'll keep coming.

Pretty wild group you've hooked up with.
Who's the guy with the ray g*n?

Forge. He's some kind of supergenius.

I'll tell you later. It's a long story.

- So how'd those things get here?
- Portals didn't close because of my gizmo.

When a creature got into the Danger Room,
we knew they'd show up here too.

- Looks like you got things under control.
- Yeah.

- No problem.
- Move away.

- It's going bye-bye now.
- Hey, I've seen that thing before.

This is a new one,
with some special modifications.

Sends these bad boys
back where they came from.

Let's go.

So how did you know?

A few months ago, I saw you arguing
with your friend in the hallway at school.

I already liked you then, but I don't think
you even knew who I was.

Anyways, when you suddenly changed...

... into something else and then
disappeared, I couldn't believe it.

At first, I thought it must be
some kind of trick or something.

But I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I haven't told anyone else.

I mean, who would believe me?

All I knew was I just had to
get to know you.

I don't know what to say.

Will you show me, please?

Like I saw you that day?

You won't like what you see up close.

Let me decide that.

All right. Here goes.


Did you know that blue
is my favorite color?

So I know a good shortcut
to the ice-cream shop.

- Up for it?
- I'm buying.

Oh, an offer you may regret.