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02x05 - Beast of Bayville

Posted: 07/22/23 11:08
by bunniefuu
Chemistry is the study of matter
and the change matter undergoes.

To illustrate, turn to page 40.

- Pay attention. This is interesting.
- Yeah. Riveting.

Now, there are stable molecules,
such as water...

...and then there are your unstable
molecules, like potassium metal.

- Yo, Daniels!
- Unstable molecules have weak bonds...

...and break up easily.

Kind of like the defensive line
on our football team.

Yo, teach.
Can I have the bathroom pass?

Don't get lost.
The best part is yet to come.


...let's see some fireworks.

Intense, huh?

You should see it in the dark.

- Hey, what's going on, boys?
- Come on, man. Let's roll.

So where were we?

Go ahead and read chapter four.

I'll be back in a while.

For in that sleep of death

What dreams may come

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil

Must give us pause

There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life

- Mr. Kelly, who did this?
- I don't know yet, Risty.

But I intend to find out.

It looks pretty trashed in there.
He must have been very strong.

Yes. Or very angry.

McCoy? Are you crazy?
He wouldn't do anything like that.

I'm serious.
You should've seen him in chemistry.

He was totally losing it.
And no one has seen him around since.

Kurt, he's the coolest teacher
we got around here and the nicest.

Unlike Mrs. Hawkins in here.

Massive geometry test on Friday,
and I am so not ready.

Okay, bye.


Show his eyes, and grieve his heart

Come like shadows, so depart

If that which he avouches does appear

There is no flying hence
Nor tarrying here

Mr. McCoy?

If thou speak'st false

Upon thy next tree shalt thou hang alive

Till famine cling thee

If this is about cutting class,
I'm sorry.

Seriously, teach.
I'm not trying to play you.

You got my attention now.

Mr. McCoy?

It's me. Evan.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to scare you, I was just...

- Yo, Daniels. What's the holdup?
- I'll be right there.

You gonna be okay?

Yes. I'll...

I'll see you tomorrow, Evan.

Come on! We're running out of time!

Forget it. I got hit.

No one gets left behind.

This is so embarrassing.

- Come on!
- It's all or none!


- Oh, man.
- No.

This is so lame.

Time's up.

Nice rescue, Cyclops.
And, Nightcrawler...

...good restraint on not throwing
that lever until everyone was there.

- Impressive teamwork today.
- But we failed.

Yeah. Spyke was supposed
to have my back.

Am I late?

- You part of the team, or what?
- Rogue got powdered because of you.

- Way to go, Evan.
- Now we have to do it again tomorrow.

Sorry. I was caught up with stuff.
And I forgot my watch. And...

You're making a habit out of this, Evan.
Nobody can count on you anymore.

Cool! It's here!

Okay, so be honest.

Do you like it?

Very unique.

Well, it's supposed
to stimulate brainpower.

I got you. You still stressing
on that geometry test, huh?

Hey, desperate times
call for desperate measures.

I think I feel my head tingling.

Hey. Just the guy I was looking for.

- I'll be in class today. I promise.
- It's not that.

I just want to apologize about
what happened at the amphitheater.

- You do?
- You caught me at a bad time.

I like to go there
to kind of get my head together.

I suppose I get a little entranced
by the whole Shakespeare thing.

- Hey, it's cool. I understand.
- I know you do, Evan.

You're a bright kid, and you have a lot
of potential. More than you know.

You see there?

- You played here at Bayville?
- Three years.

Would've been four,
but I just goofed off as a freshman.

It wasn't until I became
part of a real team...

...that I truly realized my potential.
Pick your friends wisely, Evan.

They shape us in many ways.

And about skipping class, memorize
this little Shakespeare passage...

...and we'll forget it.
Fair enough?


Now, you better get to class.

Pass it!

Come on, people. Let's turn it up
a notch and have some fun.

Stacy, I'm open.

- That's it, Grey.
- Over here!

Use your stick.
Look for your teammates.

Go! Go! Go! Go!

No. Not now.

Catch me, coach. I can't stop.

Hey, teach.

Nice catch. I bet you didn't
see that one coming.

- Gee, Mr. McCoy looked really mad.
- No. You just surprised him.

- Are you feeling all right?
- Yes.

I'm fine. I...

I guess I'm a little jumpy.

Show his eyes, and grieve his heart

Come like shadows...

Like shadows...

Man, I'm never gonna get this.

- What you need is some brainpower.
- What is that?

A pyramid hat.
It stimulates energy in the mind.

- Pretty cool, huh?
- You really believe that stuff?

Hey, I walk through walls,
you sh**t bony spikes.

- What's not to believe? Try it.
- No, thanks. I don't do hats.

Trust me, after blowing off
the Danger Room session today...

...your brain could use
some recharging.

Mr. McCoy, what are you doing here?

Hello, Jean.
I'm here to see Professor Xavier.

You reached out to me
when I was young.

I realize now I should've listened.

I can't control it anymore, professor.
Not by myself. I need your help.

Tell me, Hank.
What have you been feeling?

It's like I've got
an animal inside of me, a beast.

And it's...
It's tearing me to pieces.

But somehow you've managed
to suppress it all these years. How?

Through a serum I created.
But it's not working anymore. Please.

You have to help me,
before somebody gets hurt.

Have a seat.

What did you see?

I'm sorry, Hank.
There's nothing I can do for you.

No. Don't say that.
I'm too dangerous to be trusted.

Agreed. Which means you may need
to make certain sacrifices...

...until you've got
this under control.

You don't understand.
Teaching is my life.

- I'm nothing without it.
- This mutation is a natural part of you.

The only way to suppress it
is with your own strength of will.

- I've tried.
- But you stopped...

...when you started
depending on the serum.

You have to reach from within.
It's the only way.

I'm just worn out.

I can't fight it anymore.


Mr. McCoy?

A state of emergency
has been declared...

... throughout the city as reports
of a wild beast continue to flood in.

I've seen the beast with my own eyes.
I know who it is.

It's Hank McCoy,
a chemistry teacher here.

He's gone mad.

Oh, man. Teach.

Based on sightings and the wake of
damage, it's clear he's headed north.

Let's head him off.
And remember, we don't want him hurt.

These tracks are huge. Must be his.

I'll track him! Call the others!

Wolverine, we've sighted him
in the scrap yard.

On our way.

I've lost him.

I'm going after him. Stay together.

- Storm, he's still heading north.
- We'll be waiting.

- Where could he be going?
- To get his head together.

Spyke, we have to stay together.

Come on.

There he is!

I'm on it.

- Where is he?
- In here somewhere.

He's on the move again.

Mr. McCoy?

This isn't you, teach. Don't do this.
You gotta fight this thing.

He's in the amphitheater. Hurry.

I can't keep him pinned much longer.

- Show his eyes, and grieve his heart
- Evan, no. Stay back.

Come like shadows, so depart

Sleep shall neither night nor day

Hang upon his pent-house lid
He shall live a man forbid

Weary se'nnights nine times nine
Shall he dwindle, peak and pine

Hank, listen to me.
You're still in there.

You know what's happening to you,
so take control.

You're stronger than the beast.
Don't give up.

Though his bark cannot be lost
Yet it shall be tempest-tost

After a night of terror...

... local teacher Hank McCoy's
whereabouts remain unknown.

But until he's found, police have
vowed to continue their search.

I still look like a monster.

But you're now in the one place
where that doesn't matter.

- I can still feel it, though. Inside.
- And you probably always will.

The worst part is, the very thing
I feared most has happened.

My teaching days are over
now that I look like this.

Not so, teach. The prof can outfit you
with an image inducer like Kurt's.

To look like whom? Hank McCoy?

- He's a wanted fugitive.
- But you can be anybody.

With a beast inside
trying to claw its way out?

I just can't risk it.

What you need, Hank,
are students who know your secrets.

Who have secrets of their own.

And who need a man of your compassion
to teach them.

Let me guess. Bad grade on the quiz?

No. I aced it.

- Then what changed your mind?
- I looked in the mirror.

Why didn't you tell me
I looked so hideous?

I'd rather study
than ruin a good hair day.

Everyone, may I have your attention?

Please, say hello to the Institute's
newest faculty member.

- Welcome, Mr. McCoy.
- Thank you.

But from here on in,
I'm not just Mr. McCoy.

You can call me Beast.