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02x03 - Power Surge

Posted: 07/22/23 11:06
by bunniefuu
Yes, our girls had
a winning soccer season!

They thought like a team.
They played like a team.

They respected each other
as teammates.

And it's those teammates
who unanimously voted their choice...

...for this year's most valuable
player award, Jean Grey!

Way to go, Jean.

Way to go, darling! Yeah!

Jean! Is that any way
to support your housemate?

Perky Jean's got enough people
gushing over her.

Thank you, Principal Kelly.
And I want to thank all of you...

Yeah, Jean. Ride that popularity train
for all it's worth.

Why is she looking at me?

Sorry. I...
I want to...

Stay cool, Jean. Don't get stressed.

Come on. You can do it.

Oh, man. Is she freezing up?

I'm glad that's not me up there.

I... I...

- When is this gonna be over?
- Man, what is her problem?

Stop it! I can't hear myself think!


Lost my head there for a sec.

As I was saying, I would like
to thank all my teammates...

...our coach and everyone who
showed up and supported us.

I just think it's unfair is all.
Girl, I'd cinch an MVP.

Evan, face it. Skateboarding
will never be a school sport.

- We're living behind the times, man.
- Kitty! Wait up.

I'll walk you to chemistry.

That speech was just like one of your
games. Had me on the edge of my seat.

Yeah? I guess I was kind of nervous.

Nervous? You were terrified.

It's no big deal, Scott.
I'd better get to class.

- See you at Duncan's tonight?
- Duncan's?

The party. Oh, didn't he invite you?

Well, it's okay. I got, you know,
all this homework and stuff. And...

Be there for me. It'll be fun.

No, really. I like chemistry.
At our other school, I was totally into it.

Yeah? You ever make a stink b*mb?

Well, no. But Blob makes them
all the time, in his sleep.

If you get my drift.

The time has come,
The walrus said

To talk of many things

And the first is an apology.

I'm Mr. McCoy,
and I'm sorry for being late.

They have me serving double duty
as your phys. ed. coach.

Lucky us.

So anyway, that experiment
you're all just dying to do...

...I say, let's do it
and get it over with, huh?

Who's up for making a stink b*mb?

Oh, yeah!

Too cool!

Watch it!

Scott. You got a remedy
for stink-b*mb aroma?

Yeah, isolation.

No running in here! Or you're gonna
smash through a wall or something.

Drake, try cleaning up your ice!

Hut one. Hut two. Hike!


Obviously, this is not a party
I should be going to.

It's called soccer, Mr. Gridiron,
not football.

Not where I'm from.

Moody girl, what's eating you?

Where I'm from, people like me
never party with people like them.

Yo, Dunc.

So, what? You're just gonna take off?

Yeah. I'm pretty much done
celebrating Jean's popularity.

Know what I think? You've got
a little thing for Scott Summers.

I do not! I'm out of here.

All right, I'll go with you.
But I hope we don't miss anything.

You guys care for any hors d'oeuvres?

- Like some macho cheese dip?
- Yeah, sure. With a soda.

- Are they really playing Ping-Pong?
- Nope. Dueling.

Game, set and match.

- Time for a word with our sponsor.
- What?

Duncan, what is going on with you two?

- Hey, I didn't invite him.
- Yeah, and what's up with that?

If I'm gonna get chewed out,
it might as well be while we're dancing.

I'm serious, Duncan. Please don't make
me choose between you and my friends.

What does she see in that guy?

Like, who eats pizza with pineapple?

Can't believe Duncan's parents
let him throw a party.

Since when did girl jocks
become more popular than cheerleaders?

Jean, are you all right?





What happened?

- Summers, what the heck are you doing?
- Checking your chlorine level.

- Look, I'm really sorry.
- "It'll be fun," she tells me.

It was an accident, Scott.
You startled me. That's why it happened.

Why what happened?

- My bath.
- It's not worth talking about.

- What's not worth talking about?
- Nothing! I'm going to bed.

- Jean, perhaps we should...
- Ororo's visiting her sister upstate.

But maybe the others are around.

And that leads us back to the foyer...

...where everyone forgets their manners
and just stares at you.

Hey, Misty. What's up?

Look, you're soaking wet. I knew
we'd miss something by leaving early.

- Be honest. How do I smell now?
- Where did you come from?


And they say I don't follow the rules.


Don't worry about it, Rogue.
I'll see you at school.

Yeah, see you.

I'm sorry, Rogue. Visits need
to be scheduled for obvious reasons.

Whatever. I just won't have
any more friends over.

You wouldn't treat Jean like this.

That's not true. He doesn't treat me
any different than you.

Who gave you permission
to go into my head?!

- What? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize it.
- Yeah, right.

You're having trouble
with your telepathy.

- Did you...?
- No.

I didn't have to probe
your mind to realize it.

I'm just tired.
It was a long soccer season.

And tomorrow I've got track tryouts.
Scott and Duncan have been going at it.

Perhaps it is fatigue. Or it could be
that your powers are growing.

Let me help you control them, Jean.
That's why I'm here.

That's why you're here.

Professor, I can handle it. Really.
Don't be worried.

- All I need is a good night's sleep.
- All right, then. Good night, Jean.

Hit the showers, Matthews.
You're off the team.

- But...
- Go.

Keep your eyes closed.

- Coach?
- Go take five, huh?

Okay, who's running the 200?

Oh, no!

Jean! Jean, what's wrong?

Scott, help me. I can't stop it.

I can't! I...


Put her on the table, Scott.

Please, Scott. I'll let you know
as soon as I know something.

- But, professor, I should...
- You heard the man.

Jean, can you hear me?

- Why is she looking at me?
- Who eats pizza with pineapple?

Jean, are you all right?

Jean! Jean, I can help you
if you let me.


- Jean!
- Wait!

What is going on up there?

- It's like someone's nuking the place.
- Yeah. Is Jean all right?

No, she's not. Her powers are evolving
too rapidly for her to control.

I've gotta get back up there.

Wait. You can't even get close to her.
We need a plan.

Like what?!

I have an idea. You say there's
too much going on in Jean's head.

- Then let me drain some off.
- No, Rogue. It may be too much for you.

I can handle it. Just let me try.

There's so much chaos in her mind.
What she needs is something to focus on.

If Rogue can clear her thoughts,
then maybe I can get her to focus on me.

We don't have
too many options, Charles.

Very well, then.

Her telekinesis seems to be rearranging
matter on a molecular level.

- I fear we haven't much time.
- Clock's running. Let's move!

- Thanks a lot!
- Sorry.

I'm on it.

Hang on. We're going in.

Now, Rogue. You must do it now!

Jean, it's Scott!
Please listen to my voice. Focus on it.

Scott? Where are you?

- Jean?
- Help me, Scott!

I will, Jean. Just focus on me.

I can't. I'm losing you.

No! No. Don't tell me
what you can't do.

I know you better than anyone
ever has or ever will.

- Come on. You can do this.
- Scott?


She's got it under control. The professor
will work with her to keep it that way.

- Great.
- You risked so much to save her, Rogue.

- What made you do it?
- It was nothing.

Yes, it was. Tell me.

Me and Miss Popularity there,
we're worlds apart.


- But then I realized something.
- What?

- That she'd do the same thing for me.
- Believe it, Rogue. We all would.

I smell roses.

- They're for you.
- Thank you, Scott.

- They're beautiful.
- Yeah.

Unfortunately they came
with a card signed by Duncan.

Damaged during delivery, I see.

So how much of last night
do you remember?

It's pretty much a blank.
And I'm glad too.

Yeah. Yeah, I guess you'd rather not
even think about the whole thing, huh?

Exactly. You know,
that's what I like about you, Scott.

You know me better
than anyone ever has or ever will.