01x21 - Possession

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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01x21 - Possession

Post by bunniefuu »

( dramatic theme playing )

( roars )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )

♪ Beast Wars

( suspenseful theme playing )

( yells )

Talk about a light show!

SENTINEL ( beeping ): Warning. Sentinel shield has been damaged.

One more direct hit, and we could be the grand finale.

Yes. Better stow the spare weapons and a*mo in the hold.

Underneath the armored flooring.

( thunder rumbling )

( crackles )

( beeping )

( whimpering )

Quickly. Damage report.

Moderate. Waspinator in pain, but still functional.

Not you, imbecile. The computer!

Megatron! Electrical fire on the lower deck!

( grunts )

That's the last of it.

RATTRAP (though comm link): Yo, audio up, fellas.

This is your roving robot reporter.

Eh, you want the bad news or the worse news?

Oh, what is this? Program will not respond!

Waspinator does not understand.

I'll bet Waspinator seldom does.

But try not to let it depress you, bug face.

( groans )

( cackles )

The last hit breached the outer wall in Vector .

And this was only the bad news?

Yeah, the worse news is,

it knocked out all the surveillance sensors

along the southwest perimeter.

Man, we might as well put up a sign saying,

"Welcome Predacons. Enter here."

Hm. With any luck, they're having problems of their own.

( coughing )

Go find out what's keeping Waspinator.

( thunder crashes )

So there you are.

Yes. Here I am, at very long last.

What happened to your voice?

Allow me to present myself.

Air Commander Starscream of the Decepticon battle fleet.

( thunder crashes )

( dramatic theme playing )

I-- I saw it myself. The entity came out of the computer.

But you're ancient history.

Ancient, yes. History, no.

What's he talking about?

The Decepticons were our ancestors.

For centuries, they warred with the Autobots.

The ancient ancestors of the Maximals.

That w*r was lost, alas.

And you were destroyed.

It's written in the chronicles of Cybertron.

Ah, so it was believed.

I fell defending my leader, Galvatron,

against the most powerful enemy of all.

The giant Transformer Unicron.

( dramatic theme playing )

My exostructure was destroyed,

but miraculously my spark endured,

drifting helplessly through the depths of space,

beyond the reach of time itself.


And now that you're here, Air Commander,

what do you want?

Uh, why, to pledge allegiance to the glorious Megatron!

And fight as your loyal lieutenant.

Well, ahem, you'll forgive the glorious Megatron

for not melting into a puddle of gratitude.

Tell me, why should I trust you?

Because I can show you how to crush the Maximals

and win the beast wars once and for all.


( dramatic theme playing )

That's one thing about an energon storm.

Doesn't do much for the view.

And speaking of view,

someone's gettin' a scanner full right now!

Cheetor, maximize!

We can repair it, but it's going to take time.

CHEETOR (over comm link ): Yo, big bot.

We were starring in someone's home video.

Three guesses who was watchin' the movie.

( beeping )

My spark saw the damage before entering this body.

It's the perfect opportunity to attack!

But that's what they'll be waiting for.


Er, Starscream, perhaps the centuries of weightlessness

have taken a toll on your neurological circuitry.

While they're busy guarding the southwest,

we strike here.

Right through the g*n points on the northeast wall.

( suspenseful theme playing )


They're attacking the other side!

Hello, boys. Just happened to be in the neighborhood.

So we thought we'd drop in.

( grunts )

Optimus, maximize!

( grunts )

( roars )

Taken unawares. I'm a fool!

At long last, Primal, we agree on something.

( machines shorting out )

( growling )

Don't you know gate-crashing is just plain rude?

Next time, try knockin'.

Wha--? Huh?

( growls )

Since when did buzz brain learn that move?

Since his exostructure was commandeered

by the spark of Air Commander Starscream!

Grr. Starscream? Impossible.

( groans )

We must pay attention, Dinobot.

Otherwise, dearie me, look what happens.

We've got to get out of here.

Regroup and recover.

What, and leave the place to the Preds?

There's no choice, Rattrap. On my signal.

Yeah, right.

Like this rat needs instructions on leavin' a sinkin' ship.

( grunts )

Maximals! Full retreat!

( groans )

( cackles )

Maximum burn.

( grunts )

Something tells me this isn't just a fire drill.

I better find Tigatron.


The Maximal base is mine. Yes.

But what do we do now?

If we're here, then our base is unprotected.

MEGATRON: First we conquered. Now we divide.

Tarantulas, Terrorsaur, you'll return with me.

Scorponok and Blackarachnia will remain behind

under the command of Starscream.

Starscream? How come he gets promoted?

( clears throat )

( choking )

Thus you are rewarded for your loyal service.

And thus you are encouraged to keep your beak shut.

( Terrorsaur grunts )

I'm just grateful I had a chance to help.

Yeah, I'll bet.

We are well-pleased with Starscream so far,

but watch him. Closely.

( suspenseful theme playing )

I bet one of them's in my room right now

goin' through my stuff.

Eh, don't take this the wrong way there, kitty cat,

but under the circumstances, go tell someone who cares.

( sighs )

He'll make a full recovery.

That's one less concern, at any rate.

( growling )

You should've stayed. Fought to the bitter end.

And it would have been bitter, Dinobot.

But there's no time for this.

Apparently, Waspinator is Starscream, or he thinks he is.

Either way, it's become a major problem.

Especially since the files on him

were classified by the Maximal elders.


( snorts )

Fortunately, I have long studied military history.


Starscream was deceitful and scheming.

The most notorious traitor of all.

And now he's back and pledging his loyalty to Megatron.


News update from your spy in the sky.

Half the Preds just left the base.

And guess who's in charge?

Perhaps I'm being too oversensitive, Blackarachnia,

but is there something you're not telling me?

More like something you're not telling us.

Such as?

I scanned your file.

You didn't get blasted to scrap metal by Unicron.

You got blasted by Galvatron, after you betrayed him.

Galvatron was a fool! I deserve to lead!

So you know my little secret.

Then the question remains,

why did you not expose me to Megatron?

Well, I thought you might make me a better offer.

( chuckles )

Greed and self-interest, eh? Excellent.

I believe I discern a protégée.

Starscream, the Maximals are approaching!

( ominous theme playing )


We come to surrender.

( grunts )

Would you lie down?

And groan, for cryin' out loud.

You're supposed to be half-dead.

Arrgh. If you don't shut up, rodent,

you shall be my role model.

Oh, yeah? You and whose--

( Tigatron snarls, Rattrap gasps )

All right, all right, I'm shuttin' up.

If it ain't the dinosaurs up your nose, it's the felines.

Surrender? Really. It seems too convenient.

We have no choice. Dinobot's taken heavy damage.

And you need access to the CR chamber.

How nice for you.

But what's in it for me?

( sighing ): We'll... We'll do whatever you want.

I accept. Bring him forward.

Lesson one. Always show compassion.

It's a useful cover for your true motives.

Good. Now you reap the appropriate reward

for your trust and good faith.

Disarm him!

Force him to transform

and then chain him in the hold or somewhere.

Attention, fools.

The raptor and the ape are my prisoners.

They will be destroyed unless you carry out my command.

We had an agreement, Starscream.

And now we have another one.

If you wish to save the lives of your comrades,

you will attack the Predacon base.

The Pred base? What is this?

It's called treachery.

( grunts )

( gasps then screams )

( Scorponok grunts )

You-- You're nothin' but a schemin' snake in the grass!

Flattery will get you flattened, vermin.

Obey me!

We don't have a choice.

( dramatic theme playing )

( Optimus' chains clanking )

( grunting )

Betrayed, shackled and caged.

In other words, so far, so good.

( grunts )

( grunting )

Optimus, maximize!

Lesson two. They're always more gullible than you'd hope.

OPTIMUS: Lesson three.

Disregard lessons one and two.

( both grunt )

He's no match for the two of us.

Destroy him!

( grunts )

How about we make this a double date?

( dramatic rock theme playing )


Very impressive, Optimus Primal.

But I still have my wits and my superior speed.

Thanks for the help. Remind me to return the favor.

Optimus to Rhinox. Come in.

( static )

( sighing ): Too much interference. I have to get closer.

Prime jets on!


( suspenseful theme playing )

( gasps )

( gasps )

( both shouting ): Rhinox!

( both screaming)

This is su1c1de. We gotta pull back.

( Cheetor and Rattrap panting )

STARSCREAM: No! Attack! What?

That's an order!

I have to tell you, Starscream,

you're giving space debris a very bad name.

Primal, you begin to irritate me!

Big bot! All right!

I'd say it's tramplin' time!

( whirs )

No. Leave him to me.

He's mine.

( dramatic rock theme playing )

( screams )

( groans )

( grunts )

Starscream and Blackarachnia.

I'll have both their treacherous hides. Yes.

I'll melt them down and use them for aluminum siding.

Oh, yes, indeed!

( growls )

( dramatic rock theme playing )

Oh, Optimus, my friend. We've been impetuous.

Surely we can work something out.

Blackarachnia, destroy him, and we can still triumph.


Are all your dreams in Technicolor?


You've betrayed me!

I studied with the master.

Hasta la vista, Starscream.

( screaming )

Now Waspinator has a headache in his whole body.

( groaning )

It was the only way.

I had to play along with Starscream

to find out his true intentions.

Hm. You're smooth, Blackarachnia. Very smooth.

It does not inspire confidence. No.

( chuckles )

Neighbors. Invite 'em in and look what happens.

Oh, well. Home, sweet home.

Cheetor, planning to help with the cleanup?

Eh, just checkin' for new constellations.

Twinkle, twinkle, little Starscream.

STARSCREAM: I'll be back!

Even if it takes a thousand years,

I'll be revenged on you all!

( dramatic rock theme playing )
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