01x16 - The Trigger, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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01x16 - The Trigger, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

( dramatic theme playing )

( roars )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )

♪ Beast Wars

( wind howling )

( rumbling )


By all the forces! Oof!

This is not a volcanic area.

Hm. Curious.

( grunts )

Though I am close to these rugged lands,

they still have their secrets.

And I have my duties.

Time for my weekly report.

( dramatic theme playing )

TERRORSAUR: Aah! The Maximal is in view!

Oh, Waspinator loves victims that are punctual.

Tigatron, maximize.

( beeps )

Maximal base, please respond.

How's your title research going?

Mm, got some odd anomalies.

It would almost seem that one of the moons

is lighter than it should be.

Not enough mass for its size.

It's as though it were hollow.

Hm. Instrument error?

( console humming )

RHINOX: Mm, maybe.

( dramatic theme playing )

This is Tigatron, calling Maximal base.

Maximal base, come in.

Hello, you've reached good guy central.

( laughs )

So, uh, what's new, pussycat?

Any Pred prowlers up there?

(chuckling )

This is a peaceful land, Rattrap.

At least, for the moment. I'm not seeing--

( beeping )

Huh? Uh-oh.

( dramatic rock theme playing )

( grunts )

Revise that! I'm being att*cked.

( shot blasts )

( yells, groans )

( obelisk squeaks )

( screams )

( radio cuts out )


Yo, stripy! Do you read?

( static )

Oh, come on, man, say something.

( static )

Go. I'll alert the others.

Prime jets, on!

( dramatic theme playing )

( screaming )

( grunts )

( laughing )

( grunting )

( growling )

( gasps )


( silence )


( hinge squeaks )

( grunting )

( screaming )

( grunting )

( panting )

( rumbling )

( yells )

( grunting )

( screaming )

( chuckling ): Success!

Maximal destroyed!

Let's gather some fragments. Megatron will want proof.

Waspinator wants his head.

Hey! It's mine, bug face!

( buzzing )

( screeching )

Huh? Where'd the Maximal go?

We saw him fall into that cloud.


( rumbling )

Hey! Wait for Waspinator!

( buzzing, screeching )

( beeping )

Optimus to command center.

This is Optimus Primal. Anyone hear me?

We hear you, big bot.

What's the sitch? Where's my fellow cat bot?

This place has seen some heavy action.

And it doesn't look good.

Tigatron's footprints lead to a broken cliff edge.

We have to face a grim possibility, team.


may have been destroyed.

( all gasping )

CHEETOR: Say it ain't so, big bot!

Not our striped scout!

This place is a battleground.

Blast craters and m*ssile debris everywhere.

From the angle, it was an aerial attack.

Hm. Waspinator and Terrorsaur.

Oh, thanks for the insight there, dino brain.

You want your expert consultant fee now?

No need.

I can simply accept it from your hide.


Not now!


If Tigatron's been scrapped,

there ought to be a few components.

Haven't found any.

But he's not answering the comm link.

Destroyed or captured, he's not around here.

( dramatic theme playing )


Either the grunge look is coming back,

or those two ran into something hot.

I'd better report.

( growling ): What?

Tigatron did this to you?

Oh, no. Not just Tigatron.

It-- It was um, a monument!

Yeah, a monument.

Explain yourselves.

We-- We thought Tigatron was finished.

We followed him, as he fell into uh, a cloud.

But inside, it was not just a cloud.

( buzzing )

( groaning )

( buzzes )

( screaming )

We barely made it back.

( grunts )

Hm. A flying island. Concealed from view.

Which contains a powerful w*apon.

This could be useful. Yes.

Such a tactical advantage

could end the beast wars once and for all.

Get to the CR chamber.

( grunts ) ( groans )

Blackarachnia, Scorponok, Wha--?

MEGATRON: prepare for immediate departure to that flying island.


You don't think it might be wise to first discover

who created such an artifact?

Or why?

Do not question my orders!

Time enough for such inquiries

when we control the island's power.

But Tigatron is there already.

He must be eliminated before he can alert the other Maximals.

Now go!

Oh, all right.

Shell head, let's move.

Uh, one moment, Scorponok.


( whispering indistinctly )

( suspenseful theme playing )


You're sure of this?

Positive. It was Terrorsaur and Waspinator.

And they were seriously slagged.

Almost scrap.

Not Tigatron, then. That's not his style.

No. He'll defend himself,

but total destruction is against everything he believes in.

He is a fool, then.

Eh, when it comes to Preds, I gotta agree with you.

Especially certain ones.

( Dinobot growls )

Whoa! Heads up, fellow bots, movement at Pred central.

Blackarachnia and Scorponok are headed out,

and they're not wasting time.

Airazor, can you follow them? But without them seeing you?


Beast mode.

( dramatic theme playing )

Man, something's got Megatron's scaly tail in a ringer.

Hey, maybe it's Tigatron. Maybe he's still alive.

We can only hope.

But if the Predacons reach him first,

he may not survive much longer.

Truly, this is a land of wonder.

Here in the frozen north,

this tiny tropical ecosystem somehow exists.

Yet it is hidden.

( rumbling )

( gasping )

And protected!

( gasps )

( growls )

Tigatron, maximize!

( grunts )

( gasps )

( growls )

( obelisk humming )

( grunting )

( panting )

( growls )

It would seem that energy weapons are not welcome

in this peaceful land. So be it.

Beast mode.

Let me be a visitor, not an invader.

( dramatic theme playing )

There it is.

Waspinator and Terrorsaur

are not exactly the brightest witnesses.

But the description fits.

The flying island must be inside.

I'll check.

( buzzing )

Cyberbee launch.

On visual.

( beeping rapidly)

( grunts )

( growling )

( gasping )

Oh, what's with you, shell head? Is it there?

Yeah. So's Tigatron.

So the pussycat's still alive, is he?

We'll take care of that.

Blackarachnia, terrorize!

( dramatic rock theme playing )

What's this?

Blackarachnia tries to lasso a cloud?

More surprisingly,

she seems to have succeeded.

Let's check this out.


( buzzes )


One of Scorponok's spying cyberbees?

This land of peace may not be peaceful much longer.

Still, it may be useful.

( Airazor screeches )


( suspenseful theme playing )


( cackles )

( screams )


( obelisk hums )


That's a real blaster!

BLACKARACHNIA: Notice that, did you?

Well, in case you didn't notice,

it is activated by our own weapons. I must--


I mean, we must take control of it.

But carefully.

TIGATRON: Airazor.

( groans )

Lie still. You've been hit.

Your beast form will make repairs,

but it will take time.

Oh. But-- But--


And Scorponok--? Oh.

I intercepted one of Scorponok's cyberbees.

I was able to reprogram it while you were unconscious.

With luck, it should reach Maximal base

right about now.

Good thing you didn't just blast this bee.

Well, I would've,

but it was carrying one of Airazor's feathers.

Besides, he missed.

Yeah, that too.

Prime. Here goes.

Hey, it's Tigatron.

Attention, Maximals,

This is a code one emergency message from Tigatron.

Airazor has been damaged.

She and I are trapped on a mysterious flying island.

This island is a self-contained ecosystem

guarded by powerful weapons of alien design.

Blackarachnia and Scorponok have already managed to invade.

If they gain control of the island and its weapons,

The Predacons will be able to destroy the Maximal base...


...and win the beast wars.

( static )

NARRATOR: Next time, on Beast Wars:

OPTIMUS: Evacuate Maximal base!

Scramble! Scramble!

( screaming )

( screaming )

( gasps )

The Predacons have almost reached the obelisk.

We must stop them!

( screams )

Now for power.

May I be forgiven for what I must do?

( dramatic theme playing )
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