01x12 - Victory

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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01x12 - Victory

Post by bunniefuu »

( dramatic theme playing )

( roars )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic theme playing )

Yes. Yes. Almost there.

This may be the final process I've been seeking.


( crystal hums )

No! Blast!

Terrorsaur, get me another energon crystal. Now!

No! I've had enough.

I refuse to serve such an incompetent leader any longer.

You've wasted our precious energon crystals

for the last time, Megatron.

Whoa. Bad karma at the loser lair.

Waspinator wants to fight now!

Hm. It appears serious this time.

You will regret this rebellion, Terrorsaur.


That's dissention, all right.


Now aren't you glad we got cable?

Looks like we hardwired that spy camera just in time.

We? Heh-hey, it was my fuzzy butt on the line out there.

Shh! Look.

No! You fools! You'll hit the energon.

( rumbling )


That place looks, like, totally slagged.

( beeping )

It is. I detect no signs of life.

Not a Pred energy signature anywhere.

Hm, can that be confirmed?

Hey! His sensors don't lie, dino-dip.

Then we may have to accept

a rather unexpected development, friends.

It looks like the Maximals have won the beast wars.

( sensor beeping )

No life forms.

But the base energon field dampers are still functional.


( clattering )

All right. Then let's, uh, pillage and plunder, heh-heh.

Only for space drive parts.

It is a Predacon ship and still very dangerous.

Yeah? Then, uh, let's say we make old chopper face go first.

Yes, that would be logical. I will take point.

Man, I'm pushin' all of his hot buttons,

and I'm gettin' nada.

What's with him?

Can't you figure it out?

( growling ): This is what you seek.

I detect no hostiles.

I will reconnoiter elsewhere.

Yo, why--? Scrape ape.

So, um, what are we gonna do with Dinobot?

Why should we do anything?

Man, look at him.

He's still a Predacon. He's only with us 'cause he knew we'd win.

Not because he believed in what we stood for.

He's a soldier.

And with the enemy gone, who else is he gonna fight?

Look, this ain't a good time

to prove you're a wimp chimp, buddy.

And he'll snuff you out the minute you turn your back.

( beeping )

Get the others. We've got what we need.

( snarls )

( laughs )

Hey, got ya!

Where did you find these?

Just over there.

Alas, poor Tarantulas. I knew him, Cheetor.

This is the leg that stalked so many victims.

( growling )

That it should come to this.

Aw, do you need a hug?

( growls )

Hey, hey, hey, we're leavin'.

We got the parts we need. Come on.

( growls )

But we still can't trust Dinobot.

Before we decide where he's going,

we better decide where we're going.

I'm almost done with these drive repairs.

First order of business, is the stasis pod still in orbit?

They have to be recovered and our comrades rescued.

We also have to alert Tigatron.

Okay, but after that,

we start exploring the galaxy again, right?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you talkin' here?

Heh, have you taken a good look at this scrap heap lately?

We even make it to space,

and the only place we're headed is back to Cybertron.

I'm afraid Rattrap's right.

Who-hoo-hoo-hoo. Yeah! And about time too.

Ooh, I can just hear the dames cryin' for me.

Perhaps it is the thought of your return

that causes their unhappiness.

Heh, hey, chopper face. Whoo, an actual comeback.

Eh, a little lame, but I can tell you're feeling better.

And for good reason.

I shall not see you again.

Whoa! Another dig.

Shh! What are you saying, Dinobot?

You will not return with us to Cybertron?

No. On Cybertron

I will merely be a Predacon criminal.

But on this planet, I have no equal.

I shall remain to conquer and rule.

I understand.

Nonetheless, let the record show

that I advise against this action.

It will eventually lead to your destruction.


Eventually can be a long time, Optimus Primal.

I salute my formal Maximal leader

and my former comrades.



CHEETOR: Dinobot?

( dramatic theme playing )

( squeaking )

( ground rumbling )

( squeaking )

( laughter )

( chomping )

Stop slobbering on me, Tarantulas.

I am feasting!

Unh. There was more room.

Tarantulas is fat enough already.

If Waspinator does not stop cuddling me

like a stuffed toy when he sleeps,

I'll eat him as well.

I'd like to see you try!

Yes, I will! I will so! No, you won't!

You all make me sick!

I can't stand this any longer. Megatron, I've gotta get out!

( laughing )

We wouldn't be here if you didn't trip over that spy cable.

You are correct, Scorponok.

But thanks to Terrorsaur's inadvertent discovery

of our enemy's spy camera,

we were able to pull this little deception. Yes.

But what if they detect us? Don't forget,

my signature damping device is only experimental.

We have only to wait until they repair their ship.

And then attack, while their guard is down.

With the Maximals' ship in our possession,

we will be able to recover the orbiting stasis pods,

containing Maximals eager, heh-heh-heh,

to become Predacons.

( ground rumbles )

So no one leaves!

Leaving? Who said anything about leaving?

Ow! What was that?

( rocks tumbling ) MEGATRON: A spy!

It's that traitor, Dinobot. Stop him!

Predacons, terrorize!

( dramatic rock theme playing )

Blackarachnia, terrorize!

Scorponok, terrorize!

Tarantulas, terrorize!

Megatron, terrorize!

Megatron's forces survive!

I must warn Optimus.

Hm. It feels strange to be inside an artificial structure.

Hey, hey, hey, it's Tigatron the barbarian.

Welcome back to civilization, guy.

We're goin' home.

And you're just in time.

All systems.

( beeping )


Let's do it.

Power up.

( beeping )

Liftoff in three cycles and counting.

Man, heh-heh, when we get back to Cybertron,

I am gonna take you to this sweet little hole in the wall

where I guarantee--


Eh, he ain't gonna be there.

RHINOX: Optimus!

I see him.

Aw, man! That just shorts my circuits.

All right! He's comin' back!

RHINOX: Problem is, he's not alone.

No! Dinobot!

( groaning )

I'm going for Dinobot.

We have less than two cycles to liftoff.

This thing's barely hanging together as it is.

I can't shut it down.

I don't want you to.

If we're not back in time, lift off without us.

No way.

That's a priority order. Understood?

( sighs )

Optimus Primal, maximize!


I'll help. Wait for me.

Cheetor, maximize!

( snarls )

Cheetor, no!

Cheetor, get back to your post. That's an order.

You'll never get to Dinobot without backup.

Besides, Cybertron wouldn't be the same without you.

All right. Let's hit 'em hard and fast.

I'm your bot.

I cannot sit idle while my comrades battle the enemy.

Tigatron, maximize!

Back in your seat.

You heard the orders. But--

I said sit!

We're taking this bird to Cybertron,

and I need all of you to do it.

Rattrap, astro navigation.

Tigatron, get ships' g*ns online.

Optimus is gonna need some firepower.


Yes, sir!

Give me cover fire. I've got to get to Dinobot.

My pleasure.

( dramatic theme playing )

This is strategically unsound.

( grunting )

OPTIMUS: Tell me about it back on Cybertron.

( grunts )

( laughs )

( snarls )

They're finished. Head for the ship.

( beeping )

Ship's g*ns, fire!

( groans )

( rumbling )

( grunting )

The train's pulling out!


Come on. Come on.

( roars )

( grunts )

Gotcha, big bot.




( grunts )

You should have left me behind.

Hey, pal,

Optimus got left behind just to save your scaly skin!

So don't spoil the sacrifice! Capiche?

Oh, but it is already spoiled. Yes.

( grunts )

( grunts )

( both grunt )

Oh, boy.

Now, only you stand in the way of my ultimate conquest.

Rattrap, maximi--

( groans )

Hm. None of that, vermin. No.

For now, I shall crush you like a rat in a trap.


Not a chance!

( both grunting )

( groaning )

( alarm beeping )

Aah! Ah! We're goin' down! Do somethin'!

We're all gonna die.

Wait. Look. Down in the sky.

Is it a bird?

Maybe a plane.


it's Optimus!

( both grunt )

( triumphant theme playing )

Damage report.

In a word, busted.

She won't fly again.

What about Rattrap and Dinobot? Are they okay?

Man, you know, it's your fault

that I ain't kickin' back on Cybertron right now,

you overgrown, stinky iguana.

Hm. I've done the planet a favor.

Hey! Hey!

You want me to show you just how velociraptors got extinct?

( clears throat )

They're taking it well.

Wouldn't want 'em any other way.

Go scurry through a maze, mouse.

Yeah? Well, why don't you come and make me, lizard lips?

If you wasn't inside that chamber...

( Rattrap screeches )

( Optimus laughs )

( dramatic music plays )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic theme playing )
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