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04x04 - The Himalayan Rescue Caper

Posted: 07/22/23 08:54
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Sandiego? ♪

♪ Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

[Tamara] The security cameras were down.

Big surprise.

Which means all that ACME has to go on,
is what you saw with your own two eyes

before Carmen Sandiego locked you up.

It was not my proudest moment.

Face it, Devineaux, she's the one
who busted Calloway out of jail.

Why else would she have been there
in a police station in Reykjavik?

But freeing Monsieur Calloway
makes no sense!

Carmen once left him unconscious
on a train for Interpol to find.

At the time, you were convinced
he was her victim.

Neither theory adds up,
considering we possess intel

which suggests
that Sandiego and Calloway are…


Think outside the box, Devineaux.
We need to know Carmen's game.

Yes, we do.

Or I shall lose
what little remains of my sanity.

[helicopter engine rumbles]

[ominous music]

[Dr. Saira] Professor!

Welcome to my home away from home.

It's so rare that I have company pop by.


Ah, "The Queen of the Robots."


I am merely keeping
the Crown warm for Cleo.

Roby, you spoil me so. Hot cocoa?

It would clash with the sardines
and clam juice I enjoyed on the flight.

And our "guest?"

We have kept him warm for you.

[Carmen] Do you trust me?

Hang on tight, don't let go?


It's Graham.

Carmen, I have to know.

Are you a spy?

Something like that.

But we are the good guys?



I see that you still possess
that spark, Mr. Crackle.


- Lights out, baby!
- [electricity crackles]

Have a seat.



[Dr. Saira] Relax, this won't hurt a bit.

You were there!

You did this to me, messed with my head!

We did what we deemed
necessary at the time,

for your own well-being.

And was bringing me here
against my will for my own "well-being?"

No. It was for ours.

But we do hope you're finding
your accommodations to be cozier

than an Icelandic jail cell.

Who are you?

The question we really
should be asking is, who are you?

[ominous music]

[car engine rumbles]

If Bellum's lab in the Himalayas
is functioning as her robot's base camp,

I suspect that's where we'll find Gray.

We now have coordinates,

thanks to the satellite
images Player gathered.

I have made special arrangements
to facilitate your arrival.

[Zack] Whoa. Sweet!

[Shadowsan] A high altitude jump
will be the most efficient way

of getting you onto
the premises undetected.

Since Dr. Bellum's laboratory

is bound to possess
state of the art security.

I'll be at a disadvantage without Player,

but he'll be in the middle
of a history exam

when I'm ready to touch down.

Yeah. Like he wouldn't love
any excuse to get out of that?

Player's already been sent
to detention on my account.

And it's only his first week in school.

I can't ask him to skip class.

What if there were no class to skip?

[Professor] You've taken a keen interest
in our vocational school.

That's right, mate.

I want to be successful.

You are currently an electrician
at the Sydney Opera House,

on the fast-track for a promotion
to Stage Lighting Technician.

Do you not consider that successful?

I feel like my talents can be put to more…

lucrative ends.

Besides, Opera's a bore.

Opera is nectar for the soul,
but that is beside the point.

You recruited me
into a school for thieves?

You enrolled of your own free will.

You were a practicing criminal
when we scouted you.

We simply provided you
with the tools to hone your skills.

How did I do?

Top of your class,
one of our finest graduates.

Until you fumbled.

But we are now offering you
a rare second chance

to make good on your former schooling.

[Julia] When you think
of so-called "Ancient" Greek,

you may imagine the writings
of the legendary poet Homer,

who wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey.

But the Greek language is far older.

For example, Mycenaean Greek

was etched on clay tablets
back in the th century, BCE.

- [grunts]
- Agent Devineaux?

Ms. Argent?

What a coincidence.

Is it?

To what do I owe this "coincidence?"

A sudden interest
in dull facts and boring things?


Ms. Argent, Julia,
since you resigned from ACME,

I have been seeing
things quite differently.

Differently how?

Well, as you might see things.

Except, with less clarity. Far less.

As if I wore your eyeglasses,
but splattered with mud!

It began in Venice, Italy,

after being assigned
a new partner, on a case where...

Agent Devineaux,
I do not think it wise for you

to be sharing classified ACME business.

But I need your help,
so that I might better assist Carmen.

Is she all right?

Of course, she is all right.
She continues to make us chase our tails.

Please, Ms. Argent. I must know.

Is the Crimson Ghost bad, or is she good?

That is a complicated question.

One we can discuss over lunch…

Perfect! I am starving!

…next Friday, at noon.

I have three important seminars
to prepare for right now.

I will meet you here.

Wearing appropriate
lunch attire, of course.

What do you see?


And here?


And this one.

[laughs, groans]

My code name's Black Sheep.
Do you understand?

So take aim and bring the rain.

[helicopter engine rumbles]

[both grunt]

Gray, no!

- [grunts]
- [zaps]

Carmen? She was a student too.

But, she's one of the good guys.

We prefer not to view the world
in black or white, but shades of gray.

Carmen has simply chosen
to follow her true nature…

as we follow ours.

And, how did the inkblot testing go?

His psychological profile shows promise.

Though, as expected,
the Red Rogue continues to be a hindrance.

Do you think it wise
that we attempt to reinstate him, then?

Not doing so, might leave him
vulnerable to Carmen's influence,

and she would find
a way to use him against us.

I'll be at the drop zone in minutes.

Then you may find an overview
of the environment to be beneficial.

The Himalayan Mountains
stretch approximately , miles,

passing through
the nations of Afghanistan,

Pakistan, India, China, Nepal, and Bhutan.

They are home to nine of the ten
highest mountain peaks in the world,

including the tallest. Mount Everest.

Which rises over
, feet above sea level.

The word Himalayas comes from
the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit,

and means "abode of snow".

Even though climates are actually
tropical at the base of the mountains

Which unfortunately is not where
Dr. Bellum chose to keep a laboratory.

The terrain where you are headed
is certain to be treacherous.

I need to rescue Gray
before VILE can harm him,

or poison his mind with lies.

Or worse yet, tell him the truth.

[man] All right, folks. you'll have
the hour to write four short essays.

The first topic I would
like you to explore, is…

Oh, yeah.
This place is crawling with them.

If you mean students,
well, of course, this is a classroom.

We were referring to your infestation.

Infestation of?

- Bees.
- Termites.

- Termites.
- Bees?

Uh. termite bees.
A new strain of hybrid insect.

They sting, and they devour wood.

And they are wicked dangerous.

I mean, we're talking
Double Code Red here.

Whoa! They're not kidding.

Termite bees are all over the internet.

[alarm blaring]

[Shadowsan] It is crucial that you time
your landing with pinpoint accuracy.

Deploy your parachute too early,

and the ensuing drift could
cause you to miss the target entirely.

I'd have a long climb back to the top.

But open it too late…

I'll have you beat
in the broken bones department.

[action music]

File out in an orderly fashion, people.

You're doing the right thing
by evacuating the children, sir.

We'll alert you the moment
we locate the nest.

Okay, how bad is it?

Carm needs you. Now.

I'll get to work.


Player looks a lot smaller in person.

They say the Internet adds ten pounds.


Shadowsan, I bumped into some weather.

Visual's compromised. Shadowsan?

Oh, great.

Red, what's up?

Player! I'm up.
Though not for long without your help.

Can you track my position?

You're miles high, and falling fast,

and about to rendezvous
with the source of a radio signal.

[Carmen] Must be Bellum's lab.

I'll need to deploy
the moment we align, care to navigate?

I'm guessing you have ten seconds.

Start banking right.

[Player] Five seconds.

Three, two, one.

Deploy now!


Player, you're the perfect
travel companion.

You're just saying that because
you never have to buy me a seat.

[orchestra music]

Now, hear the true name of V.I.L.E.

Villains International League of Evil.

[Dr. Saira]
Oh, Roby! Your Queenie wants more cocoa!


You all right there, Red?

Robot crossing.

Which means Gray's
definitely in here somewhere.

[Carmen] See any likely holding cells?

You're near the entrance
to some sort of subterranean bunker.

Could be storage or a prison.


Come in…

Professor Maelstrom.

Ah, it seems it is all coming back to you.

What's this?

Consider it a welcome gift.

Should you choose
to accept our invitation, of course.

And if I choose not to?

A little tune-up,
and you'll be back at the opera.

None the wiser
that you and I ever had these chats.

You'd really just let me walk out
of here, and return to civilian life?

We did before, didn't we?

Buzz me once you've made a decision.

If he attempts to leave,
you know what to do.

- No.
- [Player] What is it?

Bellum's building
an army of robot thieves.

There must be dozens in here.
Hundreds maybe, all awaiting activation.

We need to stop her
from getting them online.

I think I see a way to make that happen.

All right class, roll call.

It'll be a while
before he gets to the P's.

- The "P's"?
- You know, for "Player."

Mr. Bouchard?

- How very predictable.
- But...

You really need to unglue yourself
from your screen once in a while,

before you wind up isolated
with no idea of the world around you


- Whoa! Bro?
- I did it.

I mastered the Ninja Pressure Point Pinch.

I am so expelled.


Gray? We have to move.

The name is…

Graham. I know. I know.


It's Crackle.

I assume you prefer
I continue to call you "Carmen"?

Gray, no matter what they told you,
you're not that guy anymore.

But I am that guy.
I've always been that guy.

No. Sydney, the cafe,
we're the good guys, remember?


When you finally had that cuppa with me.

Being good only mattered to me
because Bellum rewired my thinking,

programmed me,
to be some sort of "innocent fool."

It's never too late to change.

I've had time to reflect,
piece together the fragments.

And there's only one thing
I've ever regretted doing for VILE.

Trying to hurt you.

I know you won't come back to VILE.

We've had that chat,
on the train to Paris.

But I'm begging you,
give up trying to stop us,

because I don't ever want to be
put in a position to hurt you again.

Then, apologies.

Because I won't stop
trying to take down VILE.

Not ever.

And definitely not now.

[alarm beeping]


[alarm blares]


Goodbye, Gray.


My babies! Years of work, destroyed!

Cleo's Crown!

Get her!


Give me that crown!

Not in the mood, doctor!



[action music]



[loud thuds]

I take your still being here
as a sign that you have chosen your side?

[indistinct chatter in distance]

[Player] Hey, wait!

So, how is school going?


Actually, today was my last day.

- No. You weren't expel...
- No.

My parents totally freaked

when they heard
about my school's bug problem.

They decided home-schooling was safer.

Go figure.

What is it?

You just look taller
than I thought you would in person.


You didn't come here just
to celebrate retrieving a stolen crown

and destroying a robot army, did you?

Just felt the need to connect
with my other oldest friend

from my school days.

Don't worry, Red. I'm not going anywhere.

I know.

[woman] The catacomb was newly discovered,
after the recent earthquakes.

It looks to be completely undisturbed.

Who knows what it may hold?

[closing theme music]