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02x10 - The Deep Dive Caper

Posted: 07/21/23 17:43
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Where in the world
Is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Sandiego ♪

♪ Where in the world
Is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

[Player] You're risking your neck
on the word of Coach Brunt

without even trying to talk to Shadowsan?

So he can tell me
only half the story like always?

No, Player, I'll learn
what there is to know about my family

all on my own, the only sure way I know.

I'm going back to VILE Island.

[thunder crashing]

She said she'd never go back.

I said I'd never go back
to that cheese steak joint in Southie

after it made my guts explode,
but, mm-hmm, those peppers and onions!

My fist is gonna make your guts explode
if you say anything to upset Carmen!

[Carmen] Every mission in VILE's history
is archived on their mainframe.

I'll infiltrate the server room

and sync you in
so you can download the case files.

It'll be just like old times.

Red, are you sure this isn't one for ACME?

Coach Brunt's little sneak attack
on the train fried my communicator.

I have no way of contacting Chief.

- [Player] I can probably help with that.
- What?

[Player] I traced her transmission

when I spotted you talking to her
in Botswana.

It was Shadowsan's idea.

Infiltrating VILE requires stealth.

If they saw ACME coming,
they'd wipe all data from the site

and I might never learn the truth.

Carm, approaching position!

[thunder rumbles]

- No!
- [Player] Red, what is it?

[Carmen] It's gone.

The Academy, all of it.

Our glorious institution
has weathered many storms,

and I have every conviction
that we will weather this one.

We should welcome this new chapter
in VILE's history as a new beginning.

Like our last "new beginning"
went so well?

That would be the day Shadowsan
brought Black Sheep to this island.

And for that, I vow to mash him up
and stuff him into her fancy red hat!

There are more devastating ways
to wreak revenge

than bodily harm, Coach dearest.

Oh? I'm not personally familiar
with those ways.

Have you forgotten that we possess secrets

which would certainly put the two of them
at each other's throats?

Imagine what payback Carmen Sandiego
might wreak upon Shadowsan

if she ever learned the truth.

Let them destroy each other
from the inside out.

Do consider planting that seed
in Carmen's head instead of your fist

the next time she darkens your path.

Who knows? In Botswana perhaps.

Evacuation complete.

Then tallyho.

Farewell, sweet palace.

Cleaners, scrub it.


This is the last time
I ever take the advice of Ms. Argent.

Or anyone in a dream!



No. No, no, no, no!



[Player] I was able to tap
into a weather satellite system, Red.

I'm seeing all sorts of wreckage
on the ocean floor.

[Carmen] If the case files are down there,
I'll find them.

I won't let VILE rob the truth from me.

[Carmen] Player, I'm in.

[Zack snoring]

She's been down there a long time.

- Carmen!
- [gasps] Peppers and onions!

[Ivy grunts]
Did you find what you were after?

We need to get this to Player.

- [birds chirping]
- [groaning]

- [motor whirring]
- Huh?

[panting] Wait! Wait!

[whimpers] No.

We might have fared far worse in Botswana

if Coach Brunt or any operatives
had been taken c*ptive.

Or if any key intelligence
had been confiscated by ACME.

We owe it to Roundabout's
strategic foresight in the matter.

And for that, he has my vote.

[phone buzzing]

- [phone beeps]
- Gunnar!

Terribly sorry again about the bungle
in Botswana, old chap.

It all worked out, Roundabout.

In fact, we've decided it's high time
our open position be filled...

by you.

Fancy that!

I would be honored to take my seat
in the illustrious Faculty lounge,

at the table which looks
not at all how I remember it.

Who here needs a refill?

[scoffs] Reswill.

Hit me, sugar.

A temporary workspace.

Our first order of business
with you onboard

will be to scout a suitable site
for our relocation.






- [crunches]
- Ah!

[grunts] Come on, come on!

[grunts] Ha ha!


I have created fire!

All hail the fire king!


[laughing and humming]

No. No, no, no, no!


[Devineaux] No. No.

[helicopter whirring]


- [beeps]
- [supervisor] Devineaux.

This is your supervisor speaking.

I must regretfully terminate you
from Interpol.

- Have a nice life.
- [receiver clicks]

[Player] Red, I just retrieved the file.

Buenos Aires, Argentina, years ago.

So far, Brunt's story checks out.

Shadowsan was dispatched there
to take out a hit

on someone named "Dexter Wolfe."


Could that be my family name?
Does it say anything about a wife or...

[Player] No, it doesn't.

Why did they want Wolfe gone?

Well, he must have been onto them.

He was Interpol?

Not Interpol, a traitor to VILE.

So "Wolfe" was a codename.

He was a VILE operative?

Not exactly.

He was VILE Faculty.

Your silence... is like thunder.

- Did you take my father's life?
- No.

Dexter Wolfe. I read the files.

I see.

If you run, I will find you.

No more running.

No more secrets.

I'm listening.

Your father taught Stealth
at VILE Academy during my time there.

I learned a lot from Instructor Wolfe...

when he was present.

For, like his namesake,

The Wolf relished the hunt far too much
to lead an idle academic life.

The Faculty tolerated
Wolfe's leaves of absence

because he always delivered.

Never bypassing an opportunity
to steal the shirt off someone's back

if he saw fit.

I was a first-year operative when I was
called back for an urgent matter.

Dexter Wolfe had been going off grid
for longer spells with greater frequency.

The Faculty suspected that Wolfe's
excursions were no longer crime related

and discovered that he had been
secretly moving VILE assets

into personal Swiss bank accounts.

The signs were all there...

your father had been preparing
to leave VILE.

And no one ever leaves VILE.

I was hand-picked for my specific talents.

My orders were to track the movements
of my former teacher.

Gather what information I could
about the nature of his betrayal

and tie off loose ends.

I tracked Wolfe to a town
just outside Buenos Aires, Argentina.

It was immediately clear

that he had indeed been leading
a secret life in South America

and was preparing to run.

And that I had no other option
but to carry out my mission.

Yet, an unexpected obstacle
dropped into my path.

[baby babbles]

[Shadowsan] You.


[Shadowsan] If your mother were anywhere
on those grounds that day,

I never saw her.

Only a nanny, several packed suitcases,
and plane tickets.




[Shadowsan] It was all too easy to see
why Wolfe had wanted out of VILE.

Being a father had changed him.

He had been planning to end
his criminal career not for himself,

but for his daughter, his family.

You stole his life.

As you well know more than anyone, Carmen,
I have made grave mistakes.

It is this road that I once chose.

But I do not consider myself an evil man,

despite my former allegiances...

only a soldier with orders to obey.

Yet, nothing could have prepared me
for what happened next.

It appeared VILE had not been
the only entity hunting The Wolf.


[Shadowsan] Your father
promised to return soon

and asked you to play a game.

See how long you could remain quiet.


[dog growls]


[Shadowsan] His words failed to convince,

so he found another way to pacify you.

He knew he might never see you again.

I could see it in his eyes.

I am convinced that every decision
your father subsequently made

was with your safety in mind.

But desperation has a way of making
even the most accomplished thief

err in judgment.

Your father's life was not robbed
by VILE, but by a young agent.

I never saw her again,
not until recently...

when I came to realize
she is now the Chief of ACME.


[Shadowsan] And that
is how the deed was done.

You're lying.

The case file didn't mention Chief
or Interpol.

With good reason.

The Faculty relied solely upon my report
and I opted to withhold details.

If there were any way
to prove it to you, I would,

but no physical evidence survived.

Wolfe may have been a traitor,
but he was also a direct link to VILE.

- [baby Carmen crying]
- [Shadowsan] Protocol dictated

that I scrub the site of anything
potentially incriminating quickly,

before the police could enter.

You were the only loose end
I was thoroughly unprepared to tie off.

[fire crackling]

[Shadowsan] Explaining any particulars
of how the deed was done

seemed entirely beside the point
at the time...


...being that I had
more unusual actions to justify.

- Oh.
- [blowing raspberries]

Why on Earth would you bring this thing
back to the island?

Well, now what was Shadowsan
supposed to do?

What we always do with loose ends.

The child is far too young
to have any memory of anything

which could compromise us in the future.

[stutters] But what do we feed it?

And who will clean its...

- [shudders]
- [babbling]

[gasps] My pocket protector!

Well, well, looks like lil' lambkins
is a natural-born thief.

Like her father.

With proper rearing,
she could make a fine operative one day.


- Yes, yes, yes, come to mama bear.
- [giggles]

[Shadowsan] We entered a pact
to keep your lineage secret from you.

That was the first vote taken
by the Faculty that night.

And the second?

The decision to award your father's
vacant seat to me in return for my deed.

All this time...

Even if I believed you,
why would you keep it a secret?

Why would you make me find out on my own?

Because I have spent nearly half my life
watching you forge a remarkable path,

one of honor and courage.

A road of your own choosing.

I feared that learning
VILE's blood runs in your veins

might cause you to question
your life's mission.

I feared providing you with any excuse
to veer from your course

against your one true enemy.

[alarm beeping]


[shower knob squeals]

[toothbrush whirring]


- [clicking tongue]
- [meows]

[Zack] One non-fat latte, coming right up.

[Ivy sighs] Stupid thing won't open.

First day?

That obvious, huh?

- [steam hisses]
- Ooh, baby, that's hot!


- [door opens]
- [bell jingles]

[door closes]

[lock clicks]

I would have called.

Lost my pen.

So, you must be ready to enlist.

I'm still undecided.

- I'm not getting my latte, am I?
- I wouldn't drink it.

You went to some trouble
to find me, Sandiego.

I assume to get to know me better
before you can trust me.

I know you like cats.

Persian long-hairs, apparently.

You are good.

Does it have a name?



- When I'm ready, you'll know.
- [bell jingles]

Chief? But you're...

Special occasion, Argent.

We're about to receive confirmation.

Of what?

Of your remarkable instincts
regarding one Carmen Sandiego.

- [beeps]
- [whirring]

Something's wrong.

We have a breach.
Someone's in the network.

Good luck accessing ACME files
without a pass code.

No! [grunts]

[Player] We're in.

We just need that pass code.

Try variations on "Commander."

Boom! I'm on a shopping spree.

Shadowsan's story checks out.

Former Interpol Agent
Tamara Fraser is on record

taking responsibility for Wolfe's death

and leveraging the case to form
a special investigative unit... ACME.

According to this,
ACME's very first case file,

Wolfe set fire to what was assumed
to be his own villa.

By all indications, they never realized
anyone else, including you, was present.

Wolfe wasn't the name
on the house deed, though.

The actual homeowner succumbed
to a terminal illness

just two weeks earlier.

A woman, Vera Cruz.

Sounds like a codename.

We are dealing with VILE.

Which is why I won't believe
any obituary in ACME's files.

Not without proof.

Textbook Stealth .

[Carmen] We would have rendezvoused
with her to start a new life somewhere.

[Shadowsan] Wolfe clearly fabricated
your mother's passing

to enable her to vanish without a trace.

Everyone leaves a trace.

Somewhere out there, I have a mother
who may or may not know I'm alive.

Are you with me?

To the end of the line.

[Carmen] Then let's find her.

[phone buzzing]

- [growls] What is it?
- [beeps]

[Chief] It is your lucky day, gumshoe.

You're being reactivated.

Carmen Sandiego has crossed a line,

and I am dedicating ACME
to taking her down.

Think you can bring the heat,
Agent Devineaux?

[dramatic music playing]