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01x13 - The Cauldron: Part 2

Posted: 07/21/23 15:48
by bunniefuu
Tell me where Magneto took Xavier!

Last time on X-Men: Evolution:

Charles, I am in control.

What is this about, Magneto?

I am simply taking steps
to ensure our survival.

We both know that humankind will not only
learn of us, but they will fear us.

- Logan, who's Magneto?
- For we are the future.

I got a feeling you're about to find out.

Alex is alive.

- What?
- Scott!

I have come to offer you sanctuary.

It's Lance Alvers and his buddies!

Yeah, you know, mutants. He told me
you were one. And guess what? So am I.

When Magneto told me you
were showing up...

You're with him?
That guy just kidnapped my professor.

What is this place?

Welcome, Charles, to sanctuary.

Your X-Men face a trial by fire
as do my own recruits.

I shouldn't even have to prove myself
to him.

Only those who emerge victorious shall take
their place here on Asteroid M.

You haven't saved them.
You've abducted them.

But for every unbeliever,
there is a new convert.

I don't get it. I'm strong. I'm agile.

I got this k*ller tongue. How could
I be left behind twice?

All right, spill it, Toad.
What just happened?

Where'd the others go?

Okay, okay!

Yeah. I don't owe that crummy Magneto
nothing no more. That's for sure.

- Who?
- Magneto. One major mega-mutant.

He's screening out the best from the worst.
And we lost.

Guess what that makes us? Losers.

What happens to the winners?

Scott, I don't understand.

Professor, wait. We're just here to listen.
That's all.

What about them? Are they here
to listen as well?

Hey! What is this?!

Simply a precaution, Scott.

Not everyone has the maturity to accept
the need for change as you do. Not yet.

Let them out. Now!

I will. We just need
to proceed cautiously.

Trust me. They are perfectly safe.

Are they safe, Scott? Are any of us safe?
I know this man well.

His motives cannot be trusted.
He's bitter...

Logan! Logan, lose the battle.
Magneto is...

- No!
- Do that and he'll not survive.

Yeah? Well, odds aren't that great
for you, either.

Hey, hey, hey, Scott. Come on, man.
This is no good.

They're having a little time-out,
so what?

Look, I don't get it either. But no one
should be getting hurt here.

You can't blame Magneto
for being careful.

And all I know is,
is he just wants to help.

And I need his help.

So come on. Holster that thing,
would you?

- I don't like it.
- But your brother is right, Scott.

I'm not your enemy.
Nor am I Charles'.

Very soon you will see
the truth.

Lose the battle? I don't get it, Charles.

I know about Magneto.

Then you know I'm the one
who belongs at his side, not you.

You're right. Not me.

- Whoa. What happened here?
- Oh, my gosh.

- This place is trashed.
- Oh, man. You guys live like slobs.

Storm? Storm?

Hey, are you in here?

Storm? Storm?

She's out. Can I take a message?

Hey, if you're still here,
then that means you're a loser too.

- Don't ever call me that.
- What are you here for, Mother?

Simple truth. Nobody discards me.

Especially not Magneto
after all I've done for him.

So I'm paying him a visit.
We can go together or I can go alone.

You won't be alone.

If Magneto's got our friends,
then we're going after him.

Good. But I know the man,
so I'm calling the sh*ts.

Then get your own ride.
X- Men, let's go!

All right, fine!
But I expect to be consulted.

Welcome to the first test flight
of the XM-Velocity.


- Are you okay?
- I'm just, I don't know, remembering.

Yeah. Still wakes me up at night.

I hit the ground pretty hard.
I spent a month in a coma.

The hospital said I was the only one
who made it.

I wanted to be there for you, Alex.
Really, I did. I'm sorry.

Hey, don't sweat it, you know? I got along
all right. My foster parents are pretty nice.

- What's wrong?
- Man, my joints are on fire.

I've been to a bunch of doctors,
but nobody could tell me what it was.

Until today when I met Magneto.
Now I know what I am.

- How has he promised to help you, Alex?
- Not just Alex, Scott.

You as well. Everyone.

Together we shall embark upon
a wondrous renaissance.

I invite you to be a part of it.

I built it right into the asteroid.

Behold the next step
in mutant evolution.

- What is it?
- A genetic enhancer.

Perhaps you've heard
of the legendary gems of Cyttorak.

Well, they do exist.

Once believed to possess mystical
properties, these actually emit a very...

...distinctive radiation.

Hey, wait a minute!
You mean you're gonna nuke us?

I'm going to evolve you
to finish your growth.

No more pain, Alex. And no more hiding
behind that visor, Scott.

Your powers will be fully realized,
giving you complete control.

What about them? I want them released.

They will be, but only after you've gone
through the transformation.

I want them to see what I'm offering.

And it is an offer, Scott.
I won't force you to go through it.

We're supposed to just trust
this thing works?

- You go through it, then.
- I have. I'm fully advanced.

But why don't I provide you
with a real firsthand demonstration.


In a few moments, he'll emerge reborn.

Oh, yeah! This thing cooks.

You hear that metal straining?
We're breaking up. I know it.

Couldn't be. This crate's built
without an ounce of metal.

None? That means we're flying in what,
cheap plastic? I need an airsick bag.

I've got something huge on scanners.
Asteroid M. 463 miles and closing.

Boys, it's time to reach
your full potential.

What do you think, Scott?

I want to, but not without you.

And now for an appreciative audience.

Scott! No, don't!

Scott, I know what Magneto is doing.

This thing will alter your mind.
Get out of there, please.

Too late, Charles. He's mine now.

We have to get out of here.

Come. The world awaits you.

The pain's gone.

And you shall be called Havok.

Go on, Scott.
Show us the color of your eyes.

Another benefit to your enhancement:

Your minds, they're purged
of useless emotion.

You should have a clearer perspective
of our dominant roles here on Earth.

- Aircraft!
- Really? Let's see who it is.

No metal!

Boys, defend us.


Scott! Scott!


Mystique, you never could take no
for an answer.

Where's the X-Jet?

- Observation deck. That way.
- Gather there.

Storm, Rogue, prepare the jet.

Jean, let's get to Scott and Alex.

A body in motion stays in motion.

No! My enhancer! Get out of there!

- Came back for more, eh, Evan?
- Hey, been here, done this. New game!

Tire hazard!

- Enough with the tremors, man!
- That ain't me! This rock's cracking up!

- Scott, are you all right?
- Please, Scott.

- Now let's make like a toad and hop to it.
- Hey, which side are you on, Toad?

The side that lives. Come on.

Coming through!

Get aboard the jet, quickly!

Scott and his brother are still buried.
And Wolverine's got his hands full.


You and the others,
you're ruining everything.

This was our chance to unite.
All of us.

Unite? For what, Scott? And at what cost?
Look what Magneto did to you.

He's helped me. I'm evolved.
No more training. No more hurdles.

- My powers are now at my mercy!
- Yeah.

So you blasted your friends with it.
I mean, how united is that?

You don't understand.
We are the future.

Really, Scott? Are you the future?

Because if you are,
I don't want any part of it.

You're right. Mutants shouldn't be divided.
But we didn't draw the line. Magneto did.

And it's still there.
You've just crossed over it.

Man, what was I thinking?

- What about the boys?
- They'll do what they must.

We couldn't force them.
They're too powerful.

Here they come!


- Ready, bro?
- Ready.

Easy, Scott. I'm here.

Jean, is everyone okay?

See for yourself.

I'm sorry, all of you.

Professor, I just...
You know, I made some bad choices.

More like misinformed choices.
But we owe you our lives.

Both you and your brother.

I wonder what's gonna happen to us.

Two metal spheres shot out
of that asteroid before it blew.

Mystique is out there.
Believe it. And she'll be back.

So much for Havok, huh?

The white hair looked lousy
on you anyway.

Hey, Scott. If nothing else,
at least I have my brother back.

- And that's what really matters to me.
- Yeah. Me too.

And I promise, nothing is
ever gonna split us up again.

With time, Alex, your powers
will emerge on their own.

And if you'll allow, we will be there
to help you along the way.

All of us, together, unified.
Because we are the X-Men.