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01x12 - The Cauldron: Part 1

Posted: 07/21/23 15:47
by bunniefuu
Oh, yeah. Let the weekend begin.

Wait! You're forgetting your homework.

Make that ignoring it.


Kitty, are you climbing trees again?

Evan, is that you?

Oh, so that's the way
you wanna play, huh?

Toad, what are you doing?

Getting a jump on the competition, yo.

You want some of this?

Toad, what are you trying to prove?

That I'm a champ, not a chump, yo.
And guess what. We all gotta prove it.

Would you knock it off?

Can't throw a toad away.


No, it wasn't over.
I could've still won.

It should've been me! Me!


I don't see him.

There he is. Lounging, the bum.

- Wanna paddle out there?
- He looks like he just wants to be alone.

We'll catch up to him later.


So the new Cerebro is online.

Yes. It has pinpointed the emergence
of a new mutant, only partially developed.

- Yeah? So, what's the emergency?
- His name is Alex Masters...

...once known as Alex Summers,
Scott's brother.

Brother? I thought Scott was the only
one who survived that plane crash.

Yes. So did I. And so does Scott.

Have him meet us in the hangar.
We're flying to Hawaii.

Oh, and Logan, let's be prepared
for trouble.

I doubt we're the only ones who have
an interest in this young man.

Man. What is going on with me?

I know the kind of pain
you're feeling, Alex.

I once had it myself.

What? Where did you come from?

I've just arrived to see you
because I know...

You don't know nothing, man!
Just back off!


Your bones, they burn.
Your hands ache.

The pressure in your head.

I can give you relief and answers.

You never have to feel pain again.

- You some kind of doctor?
- No, Alex.

I am Magneto.

And I have come
to offer you sanctuary.

What? My little brother?
He's... He's...

Alive, Scott. Alex is alive.

Oh, man. I thought he was gone!

Or I would've been out looking for him!
I should've been looking for him!

I mean, I just accepted it!
Why didn't I...?

Easy, Scott. Take a breath.

- Don't blame yourself.
- But all this time...

- Where has he been?
- Well, as far as I can determine... with foster parents
in Hawaii.

Then come on. Let's go!

Hey, what's the sitch?
I thought we were Hawaii-bound.

Here I am, ready to give my all
to the cause. Hula, hula.

- Oh, man!
- We got totally ditched.

Hey, you can't blame Scott. Meeting
a brother he hasn't seen in, like, 10 years...

...I wouldn't want a crowd either.
No way.

Hey, I'm thinking. Hawaii,
not the only beaches in the world, right?

Hello? Road trip anyone?

Hustle it up, Rogue, before Auntie O shows
up and dry-docks our plans.

Shoo! I hate cats.

I couldn't find Jean,
so I left her a note.

Change of plans. They're on the move.

Not for long.

- You see anything?
- No. And the tide's coming in.

This cove will be underwater
in an hour.

Take a closer look around.

- You think it's his?
- Maybe.

Looks like company dropped
in on him, literally.

- And left the same way.
- What kind of company?

- Magneto.
- Who?

Logan, who's Magneto?

I got a feeling you're about
to find out.

I know you're here, Magneto.
I can sense it.

Show yourself.

It's him!


Alex, is it really you?

Scott? Scott!

Man, it's like you came back
from the dead!

- I've had dreams just like this.
- Me too! Wow!

Man, this one's real, though.
And look at you.

What happened to that scrawny
little kid I used to pick on?

Hey, that reminds me.

- I owed you that for 10 years.
- And you still hit like a girl.

Believe me, bro, there's more
to this punch than you know.

I still can't believe it. When Magneto
told me you were showing up, I...

Wait. Magneto? You're with him?

That guy just kidnapped my professor.

No, no, no. You got it wrong.
He told me all about it.

He just wants to show him something.
Come here for a sec.

- He wants to show all of us.
- All?

Yeah. You know, mutants.
He told me you were one.

And guess what, so am I.
See? Check this out.

I couldn't believe it.
I got these powers growing inside of me.

Man, I was freaked out
until Magneto clued me in.

He's great, Scott. He knows so much.

He wants to meet with us. That's all.
I'm going. I mean, how could I not?

But you gotta come too, okay?

That thing there,
it'll take us to Magneto?

Yeah, come on.
It's kind of scary, you know?

But exciting. Please?

This just doesn't smell right, Alex.

But I'll go
just to keep an eye on you...

...and to find Professor X.

Charles, relax.

I am in control.

What is this about, Magneto?

I am simply taking steps
to ensure our survival.

We both know that humankind
will not only learn of us...

... but they will fear us.
For we are the future.

And what man fears, he tramples.

So I shall be ready for them.

Yes, Wolverine.
The man with the adamantium claws.

Of course, Adamantium is a metal.

And I'm sure he must realize
that I am the master of magnetism.

Hello? Anyone home?


Hello. You're not quite the kitty
I was hoping to see.

Can you tell me where everyone's gone?


Well, look what the cat dragged in.

Oh, man. You feel that ocean breeze?

I've been going into meltdown
here all covered up like this. I hate it!

Yeah? You should try being blue
and furry. It's m*rder!

Kurt! The road!

- What is going on?
- It's Lance Alvers and his buddies!

I'll slow them down!

Now, Avalanche!

Come here often?

Let's party.

You look tired.

Hard to stay afloat with metal bones, huh?

Why do I get the feeling
I wasn't dropped here by accident?

You got that right, bub.

What is this place?

Welcome, Charles, to sanctuary.
Asteroid M.

- What is all of this about?
- A rebirth.

Your X-Men face a trial by fire...

... as do my own recruits.

Mutant pitted against mutant.

One shall lose, one shall win.

Only those who emerge victorious shall
take their place here on Asteroid M.

Once gathered here,
this place of solitude...

...they can then fully realize
their mutant abilities... from those who
might mistreat them.

Magnus, don't do this.

We can introduce ourselves
to mankind as friends, not enemies.

You are an idealist, Charles.
I am a realist.

It's a dark future that rushes towards us.

And we must face it prepared.

Hey, man.
That didn't take too long at all.

Time to prove yourself, Evan!

You're staying behind!

Yuck. Blobbola.
I, like, totally need a shower now.

I got you beat and you know it, Evan.

And I always speed to the top.

Can't say I much want your slimy thoughts
in my head, Toad.

- But I'm dropping you right here.
- Relax, Rogue. It's over.

And here comes your reward.

Give up and I'll make this quick,
wind rider.

I shouldn't even have
to prove myself to him.

I don't know why you have chosen
to attack me.

And in truth, I don't much care.

This is my home.
And you are not welcome here.

Tell me where Magneto took Xavier...

...and maybe I'll go easy on you.

- Maybe.
- Hey, he had it easy.

A free pass to sanctuary while the rest
of us gotta fight to get in...

...which actually suits me just fine.

The gathering is almost complete.

Just Wolverine and Sabretooth to go.

A storm is coming
for mutantkind, Charles.

And our resolve must be ironclad.

Side with me, not against me.

Your invitation begs the question:

What happens to those
who won't come willingly?

If necessary, sometimes
salvation must be force-fed.

Magnus, you haven't saved them.

You've abducted them.

A certain amount of persuasion
may still be needed, I'll admit.

But for every unbeliever...

...there is a new convert.

Scott, no!