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01x06 - Middleverse

Posted: 07/21/23 15:01
by bunniefuu
No, I gotta go to class.

- What's up?
- All right, man, see you later.

Go to Duncan Matthews' party?
I don't think so.

- You gonna finish that moo juice?
- You can have mine.

- Come on. It might be fun.
- Matthews is a jerk.

- No he's not. I'd go.
- No freshmen allowed.

Oh, Matthews is a jerk.

Half of the school will be there.
Suppose somebody gets too close to Kurt?

That holo-projector won't stop them
from feeling his fur.

Hey! Chicks dig the fuzzy dude!

I am, like, so out of here.

- Oh, yeah. She can't resist.
- I'm trying to be serious here.

Look, we go to Matthews' party. Suppose
Dukes or Maximoff try to start something?

- We're not the only mutants in the school.
- Yeah, just the cool ones.

Hey, come on, Scott.
What's wrong with a little socializing?

I'm sorry,
but I just don't think it's a good idea.

Dude, it's just a party!
Time to shake that tail!

- Party! Party! Party!
- Hey, watch the tail!

Now see?
That's exactly what I'm talking about!

- You pulled my tail, man!
- Grow up, Kurt.

- Hey, lighten up, dude!
- You're always goofing around.

- And you're seriously cramping my style!
- Listen...

No! You listen! There's a sound
I want you to hear. And it's:

- Blew it, didn't I?
- Oh, yeah.


I have got to work on my re-entries.

- Oh, weak, man.
- Who's there?

Man, somebody should fire
the custodian.

January 22, 1978.
Hi there.

If you're hearing this, you've got
10 seconds before this lab self-destructs.

Have a nice day.
What's left of it.

I should have paid attention
in computer lab!

Hey! Hey! Are you okay?
What happened?

- Lab. Booby-trapped.
- Lab?

Whatever this stuff was,
it's thrashed now.

Except for this.

What are you doing here?

Look who's talking!
At least I didn't blow the place up.

Hey, let go of that!

Back off, blue boy!
Who says you're in charge here?

He's gone!

What happened? Where am I?
The Twilight Zone?

Man, Scott's gotta lighten up.

Yeah, but Kurt's gotta, like,
know when to quit.

Kitty? Kitty!

No! Wait! No!

What's happening to me?


Out of the way!

My lunch!

You are to stay away
from this area, Mr. Tolansky.

If I see one drop of slime on my new car,
it's detention for life. Are we clear?

Oh, yes.
We're very clear.

- What's this?
- Don't touch it!

- Why not?
- It's...

Never you mind!
Just leave it alone!

What's the matter?
Little Rogue get into some trouble?

Trouble? No. There's just one less
X- Man to push us around.

Say what? You mean, you toasted one of
them goody-goods with that thing? Wicked.

Hey! Just leave it alone!
You got it, swamp breath?

Jeez, what is this,
Abuse the Toad Day?


- So you think I should apologize to Kurt?
- Well, what matters is what you think.

You gotta admit he jerks around
way too much.

So is that worth losing a friend over?

- A ghost! We just saw a ghost!
- Yeah! A blue and hairy demon!

- I'm out of here!
- I warned him!


- Not there?
- No. You'd better contact him.

Tell him to knock it off.

Scott, I can't pick up a trace of Kurt
anywhere. It's like he doesn't exist.

Try again.
He's gotta be somewhere.

I am. I'm not getting anything.
He's just completely gone.

Or somebody did something to him.

- What are you looking at, Summers?
- Where's Kurt?

Yeah, like we'd tell you!

- Scott, no!
- Hey!

- I said, where is he?
- Get off of me!

What have you done with Kurt?

- Get lost, slim!
- Put him down!

Back off, red, or I'll rock you!

- Fight!
- Fight!

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

What is going on here?

We weren't doing nothing.

Yeah! Summers here just went ballistic
on us for no reason!

- Oh, I've got a reason.
- Scott...

Quiet! You two in my office now.

Okay. Wherever this is, I can't teleport out!
This is just way too freaky!

It's raining furniture!

See the desk. Don't see the desk.
See the chair. Don't see the chair.

So, Miss Big Shot, let's see how you like
my new clean office policy.

Inside, both of you.

I don't care what influence Xavier has
with the school board. I am going to get...

What?! What happened here?
Who took my furniture?

Bet I know what happened to Kurt.

- Scott, look!
- It's Kurt! Or his ghost.

No. I got a brief mental reading.

- It's like he's trapped somewhere.
- I think we better have a talk with the Toad.

Whoa! Where'd you come from?

- Relax.
- What are you, man?

Don't let my looks fool you.
I'm a harmless blue fuzz ball. Really.

Hey, I know you. You're the one I saw
on the computer screen just before it blew.

Yeah. The name's Forge. You found my lab,
huh? What's with the Halloween getup?

No costume. I'm human. But I'm a mutant.
I know I look strange, but...

- There are some fringe benefits.
- Trippy! I thought I was the only one.

There he goes!

- Take that!
- Shadowcat, down!

Man! Somebody's really giving that gizmo
of yours a workout.

Get him!

That gizmo is a trans-dimensional projector.
My science fair project back in '78.

And when I fired it up it created this
pocket dimension that I call "Middleverse. "

I got caught in the ray myself
and I've been here ever since.

- '78? But you still look...
- Like I did then? I know. I can't explain it.

They shut down and locked my lab
after the accident.

Everyone was totally freaked
when I disappeared.

- So there's no way back?
- Not without help from the other side.

And I'm thinking that you may
be able to help out on that.

And, man, I'm telling you,
I'm ready to go home.

- You are so lucky.
- Oh, isn't he so cute?

- Totally!
- I know.

So just how far
does this Middleverse extend?

Stops just short of the girls' locker room.
Isn't that a burn?

- Done!
- What is it?

This little baby will alter the phase-shift
frequency of your teleport power.

- My English is a little limited.
- You can teleport back to the real world.

- All right!
- But only for a sec.

These batteries
don't have much power.

Still, with luck, you can tell somebody
how to reset the projector to get us back.

Oh, I just hope
they don't think I'm joking.

I kind of have that rep.

Get lost!
I'm warning you!

Got it!

That's it!
I'm out of here!

Why don't you stick around
for a while?

- Now, tell us what you did to Kurt.
- I didn't do anything!

He didn't. I did.

If you all want to find blue boy,
you better let him go.

This is where it happened.

- If you've hurt him, I'm gonna...
- You start threatening me...

...and you're never gonna find
your friend.

- Whoa, take it easy, Cyclops.
- Yeah. Just like I'm always telling you.

Yo, guys! We've been running
a diagnostic on this thing.

Can you believe it? It uses CP/M!
I mean, talk about retro, man.

It's putting out some kind of, like,
steady low-power pulse wave...

...that just seems to disappear into thin air.
- And that means what exactly?

We figure that the pulse has trapped
the Crawler in some other dimension.

- Okay. So let's trash this thing.
- No, no! They've got it all wrong!

If they destroy the projector,
we'll be trapped here forever!

Everyone stand back. I'm gonna use
full power. This could get messy.

You know, I could just, like, phase through
the gizmo and, like, quietly short it out.

Right. Forget I mentioned it. Like, what is it
with guys and explosions anyway?

Forge, hurry! They're gonna nuke
the projector any second!

Done! I think it'll make you visible
for a second.

- But I was so rushed putting it together...
- Just tell me what to do!

Push that button and teleport.
Tell them not to destroy the machine.

They have to reset it instead. But you've
only got a second before the battery fries.

Right! I'm gone!


Reset! Don't des...

- You guys saw that, right?
- He's still alive!

What was he saying?

He said, "Reset, don't. " You know, don't
reset it. He wants you to blow it up! Do it!

I swear these guys are, like, obsessed!

It sounded more like a warning to me.

- Do you think they'll get it?
- I just hope they believe it.

A warning? From the goof-man himself?
No! Come on, shred that sucker!

Man, you do have a rep.

No. Nightcrawler's a joker, but even
he knows when it's time to get serious.

- Yes!
- If he wanted to blow up the projector...

...why didn't he just say, "Don't reset"?
Instead of "reset" then "don't. "

Oh, Cyc!
You the man!

I think he wants us to reset this thing.

- Score!
- Score!

Intensity settings, power regulators,
beam width, restart!

Come on!
Teleport through!

- Hang on! Let's go!
- We can't. The battery's tapped out.

- We need more juice to get us home.
- Look!

The portal won't last much longer.
It's now or never!

What's the matter?
Let's go!

Another power source?
I know! Come on!

- What are they doing?
- I don't know. But I hope they hustle!

There they are! And they still got that
vape-ray I was telling you about.

Rogue, Mystique sent us to find you.
So you with us or them?

- Mystique? You working for her?
- Hey, you got your friends, I got mine.

But this ain't my fight.
I'm out of here.

Okay. Fork it over, losers.
Or this place is gonna rock.

The projector stays with us.
X- Men, keep that portal open!

Your call.

Groovy ride!
But where's this power source?

Check it!

- Far out, man!
- I swear, that homey's lingo is so wack!

Come on!
Hit me with your best shot, slim!

- Takes more than that to stop the Blob!
- Thanks for the tip. Jean!

You and me got a date, pretty Kitty.
How about a ride on the concrete coaster?

Lousy ride, loser!

Come on! Come on!
What you got?

You ain't got nothing! That's right!
You ain't got nothing!

You call that nothing,
you slimy SuperBall?

- You sure this will work?
- No.

Wunderbar. Let's hit it!

Okay, enough of the warm-ups.
Time for some serious smashing!

Look out!

- Whoa. Good thing I'm the Blob.
- Yeah, you can say that again.

Come on, guys.
This party's over.

- What the heck are these?
- Re-entry cushions. Cool, eh?

You're welcome to crash with us a while,
Forge. Xavier's cool. You'd like him.

Thanks, but I better go find my parents.
I'm 20 years late for curfew.

- Thanks for bailing me out.
- Hey, anytime.

- Hop in. We'll give you a lift.
- No problem. It's just a few blocks.

- Okay. But if you need any help, just call.
- Sure, I'll do that.

- See you, dude!
- Good luck!

You're gonna have to duck
until we can get you a new holo-watch.

- So it's true! You really are ashamed of me!
- Right, dude.

Hey, listen.
About what happened before. My bad.

- No. It was on me too.
- Maybe...

Maybe you're right. I take things
too seriously. I need to lighten up some.

- Oh, Scott, not you.
- Check his temperature.

Mr. Military's going soft.

Yeah. And I could probably dial down
the goofing a little.

Welcome back.

Okay. So now what do you say
we head home, gear up...

...and run a level-three training sim
in the Danger Room?

- Give us a break.
- Oh, man!

See? That's what I'm talking about.
Always serious.

- Psych!
- You got us!

Very nice.
There's hope for you yet.

Yeah, well, tell me about it on the way
to Duncan Matthews' party.

Oh, I can't go, remember?
I'm, like, a freshman.

- Hey. You're also one of the X-Men.
- Don't worry. We'll make it happen.

Let's roll!