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01x03 - Rogue Recruit

Posted: 07/21/23 14:57
by bunniefuu
Body snatcher.
That's the only explanation, man.

My good buddy Cody
is now a pod person.

Gone in an evening from bad to sad,
flame to lame.

Nurse, he's coded.
Personality paddles stat!

Oh, come on. I'm just, you know,
picking my moment. Taking it slow.

Cody, I've seen glaciers move faster.
There she is.

The girl you've been staring at all week.

Please tell me you
at least know her name.

- You lame-o! This ends now. Come on.
- Ty. I...

Can I help you?


I mean, would you like to...?

With me, that is. Together?

I'm really just
hanging out here and...

Why not? After all,
where's the harm in one dance?

No! Don't touch him!

Oh, my dear child.

Get closer. Make your move.

Hey, I'm sorry.

My head! These images!

What's happening to me?

What am I?

Who am I?

Cody? Cody, what's wrong?

What did you do to him?

I thought only Cody
had moves like that.

That's not what I said.

I see pathways, probabilities.

I predicted what form her mutant powers
would take, not when they'd manifest.

Yeah. I did take precautions.

The phony skin condition,
the way she dressed.

But she's a teenage girl.
I couldn't keep her in isolation.

Of course you're coming. I know.

And the others, Xavier's team,
they're coming too.

Impressive. You got past the automated
defenses by using the air vents...

...but you won't get past me!

Testing me?

All right, then.
It's time you remembered...

...why they call me Storm!

You look a little flushed,
and the forecast isn't good.

Now, that was cold.

Then let's warm you up.

Gotta connect first.
Got any other party tricks?


It is, at the moment,
as much as we can afford, Wolverine.

Hey, when I give a demo,
I give a demo.

Is that demo as in "demolish"
or "demonstration"? What was the point?

The point, young Cyclops,
was to teach you something...

...about finding the weak points
in sophisticated security systems.

That's right, bub.
And I'd say ours needs a little work.

That was tight.
I give it two thumbs up.

The vents were pretty easily breached.
We'll need to fix that.

Maybe electrify them
or install poison gas sprayers.

- Wolverine.
- All right. All right.

Knockout gas, then.

Is it just me, or is anyone else,
like, seriously freaked by all this?

Oh, right. It's just me? Great.

Relax, Kitty. You'll be fine.

We're right beside you.



Next time, I'll honk before I port.

Whatever. Look, guys, it's late.
If it's no biggie to you...

...I'm gonna, like, drop out.

She's fully not into the fuzzy dude,
not that I really blame her.

She just needs time, Kurt.
She'll come around.

X- Men, we have an emergency. Scott,
get the Blackbird prepped for launch.

And since it's a weekend,
assemble the full team.

Yes, sir. What's the mission?

Cerebro has detected a new mutant
in Caldecott County, Mississippi.

My mental impressions from the scene
indicate a highly disturbed individual.

Our mutant is a danger to herself
and possibly others as well.

Hey, what are you, nuts?! Crazy kid!

X- Men, we have a rogue.

Stealth mode stable.
Leveling off at 10,000 feet.


Now hold it right there.
And you've got it!

Nice job, Kurt.
You'll make a pilot yet.


Or maybe not.

I've logged our flight plan to Jackson
with the FAA. Then we'll take the van.

Good. You're picking up
logistics quickly, Scott.

Scott seems so, like, together.

- So cool, and he's kind of cute.
- Cute?

Stiff, maybe.

Exacting, definitely. But...

You know, from a certain angle...

The Blackbird is not the place
to be fooling around.

- You'll frighten Kitty.
- Sorry, Kitty.

Just, like, stay away from me!


You made good time, Raven.

Our organization's mysterious founder
has certain resources, Irene.

What happened?

I left the girl in what I thought
was your safekeeping.

At the school dance,
her mutant powers manifested...

...and she accidentally made
physical contact with a local boy.

Absorbing his memories
and physical abilities. Wonderful.

We hide her away in this backwater
for the better part of five years.

And in five minutes,
it all falls apart.

We cannot lose her.
Especially not to Xavier.

She possesses the potential
for limitless power.

You can see the future, Irene.
Where will she go?


Or what she thinks is home.

This really necessary?

Yes, Logan. The boy, Cody, is
the key to finding our rogue.

But he's unconscious,
and his mind is elusive.

To isolate his memory patterns,
I need someone on the inside.

He'll be okay, right? You'll help him?

Yes, we will.

Now what?

You won't hurt her, will you?
After all, Raven, she's your...

I know, Irene. I know. Trust me.

She will come to us willingly,
given the right incentive.

All this is...


But which me am I?

Who are you, and what do you want?

You, girlie. I want you!

Stand still and I'll make it quick.

You're dealing with the X-Men now,
and you ain't got a chance!

X- Men? I don't understand.

I just want you to leave me alone!

One more turn of the screw...

...and you will come running
into my arms.

So does this, like, bite, or what?

The prof says the girl's mind is confused
and difficult to pinpoint... keep looking.

Was? Got a scent?

Yeah. I smell fear.

One well-placed lightning bolt... X mutant.

Rogue, it's me, Irene.
Try and remember.


Wait, Irene.

Yes, but I'm so confused.

Strange thoughts in my head.

- People chasing me.
- Easy, easy, honey.

The police are coming.
The X-Men will not risk a confrontation.

The X-Men?

Yes. Mutant hunters. Now hurry.
I have a friend who can help you.

- I'll take you to her.
- I don't know.

All this is happening so fast.
I don't...

It's him! The one who att*cked me!
Run, Irene! Run!

That's gotta be her!

Please leave me be!

Wolverine, wait!

She seems to be terrified by you.
Let me try.

Okay, kid. Just don't mess up.

Yes, sir!

I'll go find the prof.
And, squirt, put on your best face.

No sense freaking the poor kid out
any more than she already is.

- And keep an eye on the half-pint here.
- Hey!

Please don't be frightened.

What do you want?

To help you. We are the good guys.
Especially me.

"Half-pint. " I'll show him.

I was like you once.
Alone, unsure of what I was.

Afraid to show my face.

- Can you believe it?
- She doesn't look so tough to me.

Kitty, no!


Nightcrawler! Kurt! Kurt!

What just happened? Where am I?

I can speak German?

The fuzzy one, Kurt. I'm him.
Like I was Cody.

I think I'm catching on now.

But how did I...?

When is this all gonna end?

Say something, Kurt, please!

Tease me, scare me, anything!

Oh, please don't be dead.

Come on, Kitty. Okay.
What would Wolverine do?

I mean, besides dice up
half the landscape.

Wait. The professor can
read minds, right?

Maybe he can hear my thoughts.

Odd. The trail seems
to have gone suddenly cold.

I can no longer read
Cody's brain-wave patterns.

But if he's gone...

It may simply mean the effect
of transference is temporary.

Our problem now is
how to find the girl.

Try about 10 gardens due west.
Kurt's trying to keep her from bolting.

- Then we must...
- Professor! Professor!

Kitty? Kitty, not so loud.

Slowly, please. Order your thoughts.

It's Kurt. She hurt him.
She did something to him.

Stay where you are, Kitty.
Help is on its way.

Wolverine, it's Nightcrawler.
The rogue has his mind and his abilities.

This is my fault. I shouldn't have left
the little squirrel in charge.

I'm getting a clear reading now
on Kurt's brain-wave patterns.

She's more focused each time
she uses her power.

You three go ahead. I'll guide you.


Do...? Do I know you?

Oh, these memories. I'm so confused.

Yeah, I know. I can relate
to what you're going through.

Jean. You're Jean Grey.
You're like the others!

Relax. If you know who I am,
then you know I won't hurt you.

Look, it's tough to go it solo.

Hey, zero pressure,
but if you want to talk more... can reach me anytime
with this communicator.

Latest fashion accessory, huh?

We all have one.

You! You.
No. You won't take me!

No, wait!

I don't get it.
We were connecting and then...

Then she saw me.
For some reason, she's afraid of me.

Well, she looked pretty beat.
She can't have gone far.

Come on, Kurt. Wake up.

I'm still not big on facial hair...

...but, like, the pointy ears
are starting to work for me.

Thought you could escape us, did you?
The X-Men don't leave loose ends.

I tried. I really did, but some people
just won't be helped!

Are you hurt? Lie still.
Don't try to move.

Child, what is it?
We are your friends.

Hey, what's with the effects? Is...?

Oh, no! No!

I can hold it off a little.

Give it up. She's got Storm's powers,
but not her control.

The power lines. If they hit
that water, Storm will be fried.

I can't keep us up for long.

Too much power.

I can't control it.

I have to...

What do you think
happened to the rogue?

She's gone somewhere.

Her mind is a jumble.
I can't trace it.

But I strongly suspect the hand
of another at work here.

Mystique. She can change her body,
but not her scent.

Then we have to go after her!

There's been enough damage
done today.

And the girl must come
of her own free will or not at all.

And we must first tend to our own.

Looks like I missed quite a party.

Kurt, you're all right!

Easy, you fuzzy elf.
Everything is going to be just fine.

"Fuzzy elf"?

Whatever this was,
try to shake it off quick, okay?

The Jackson game is next week...

...and the last thing we need
is Stevens taking your position.

Welcome to Bayville High.

I'm sure you'll be very happy here.
Happy and safe.


Thank you.

The girl has great power.

She is a fine addition to our side.

Yes. We were lucky
to get to her first.


You are certain any residual memories
of the true X-Men have faded?
