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01x01 - Strategy X

Posted: 07/21/23 14:55
by bunniefuu


Touchdown! Touchdown!

Go, Bayville!

Go, Bayville!

Blue 22! Blue 22!

Hut, hut!

Touchdown! Touchdown!

Touchdown, Bayville!

- Jean, did you get that for the yearbook?
- No. This one's for my personal collection.

Duncan Matthews does it again,
this time with a quarterback keeper.

The Bayville Hawks seem to have this one
wrapped up with time running out.

Hey, look at that!
Tolansky's at it again.

Oh, man. That's unbelievable.

Looks like the Hawks
are a shoo-in for the playoffs.

Hey, coach. Could we
be excused for a second?

Yeah, yeah. Just hustle back.

- This is great, man.
- This is gonna be great.

Oh, man. My cash.

Hey, check it. Looks like someone's
taking up a collection.

- Whoa, should we call the cops?
- Hold that option open.

Got another one.

Well, hey. If it ain't Toady Tolansky
picking up a little spare change.

- Hi, Duncan. Look, I can explain.
- Shut up, frog face!

- Let's crush him, Dunc!
- Let's not, Dunc.

Just chill. The wallets are still there.

How about we have him
give back the cash? No harm done.

Yeah. Yeah. See? Here's the money.

What do you care about this scuzzo,

Not much. But I'm not crazy
about three against one either.

So how about we settle this peacefully?

I think me and my buds
are gonna squash this slimeball.

So you and your stupid
"sunglasses at night" can just bail.

- I said, knock it off!
- Hey!

He's getting away!

Big mistake, Summers.

Scott, no!


It's too hot to touch,
at least with my hands.

You okay?

Jean. Oh, wow. I...

I know.

Look, you'd better split.

Take it easy, son. Try not to move.

What happened here?

My head. Can't remember.

Concussion. He's been hit hard.

It looks to me like...

Of course. Must've been a leak
in that propane t*nk.

Duncan, are you all right?

Hey, Jean. Yeah, you know me.
Skull like concrete.

You poor baby.

Thanks. Really, you know?


Things are under control, for now. But we
better hurry. We've got a train to catch.

- Kurt?
- That's not Kurt.

This is.

Trouble at home.

- You want that paper?
- That's why I'm holding it, bub.

Bottle of water too. Cold.

Warm weather we're having
for this time of year.

Recycle that, will you?

Give it up, Jean. It's hopeless.

- I'll be done in a second.
- Come on. We're gonna be late.

Almost done!

Look, you want me
to blow this door down?

So are we going, or what?

We're heading out, professor.

Just a moment, you two. Come here.
I'd like you to meet someone.

This is Kurt Wagner.
He arrived late last night.

Hey, Kurt. This is Jean.
I'm Scott. How you doing?

Kurt, you're among friends here.


I was just telling Kurt how I set up
this institute for gifted youngsters...

...youngsters whose gifts are not
always an asset. Right, Scott?

So you heard about last night.

Difficult not to.
It was on all the news channels.

It was a bad situation,
and there was an accident. I'm sorry.

I know. Fortunately, no one was badly hurt
and the true cause was not discovered.

But you must be more careful, Scott.

Come on, professor! I'm packing
a bazooka behind each eyeball!

- What do you want from me?
- Control, Scott.

That's what you're here to learn.
That's why you're all here.

Scott's eyes emit a destructive
optic blast beam.

- Cool.
- How about you, Kurt?

Got a special gift that brought you here?


I'll be helping Kurt get settled in.
We can talk more tonight.

Mr. Tolansky?

Excuse me a moment
while I open a window.

There. Now, Toad, shall we talk about
your new friend, Scott Summers?

What about him? He's cool.

Heck, if it wasn't for him, them jocks
would've stomped my skull flat.

Yes. Well, Summers,
as you've noticed, has special powers.

There are others like him.
We need to know more. Much more.

- Oh, look. I don't wanna...
- Silence! You'll do as you're told!


This bedroom is mine?

Of course, Kurt. That's why
your parents sent you to us.

They knew you would be happy here.

Happy? How can I be happy when
I look like this? I scare people.

I have a surprise for you, Kurt.
Put this on.

I don't believe it!

I'm normal!

Of course you're normal, Kurt.
But not because of that machine.

Storm is right, Kurt. Normal is what
you truly are. Never think otherwise.

This is just a disguise.

A disguise so that you'll not be persecuted
by those who do not understand your gifts.

I understand, professor.
But nonetheless, you rule!

- Hey, see you in the cafeteria.
- Just grabbing my lunch. Save me a seat.

Yo, Summers.

What's up?

That's quite a jump.

Like it? Surprised you could see
it through them smokies of yours.

Here, let me help.

- Hey!
- What's the matter, Summers?

Afraid to open your eyes?

Obviously we both know
what'll happen if I do.

Now give me back my shades
before I go nuclear on you.

You got it.

Well, as you can see, you and me,
we got something in common.

Yeah. Now we're both slimy.

No. I mean, we ain't like other people.

- And your point is?
- I just want to talk.

You know, get to know each other better.
You know, maybe do lunch.

- I'll think about it.
- Sure. You think about it, Summers.

I got other stuff to do.

So, out in the open.

- Hello, Scott.
- Man, professor.

You know it always weirds
me out when you do that.

Sorry. What are you calling about?

One of the students here,
he's kind of like us.

- Yes. Todd Tolansky.
- You know him?

Cerebro just got a reading.
He must be using his powers openly now.

Anyway, he's not the kind of guy
I'd want to share a room with.

I mean, to put it bluntly, he's got
the personal hygiene of a dead pig.

We cannot turn our backs on anyone,
Scott. You know that.

- Yeah, I know. So should I bring him in?
- No need, Scott.

Speak with you later.

What's that thing, professor?

This thing is Cerebro. It detects
the manifestation of special powers.

That's how I found you.

So this guy is one of us?

That remains to be seen.

- Storm?
- Yes, professor?

I wonder if you could
audition someone for me.


Now that is just freaky.

Whoa, what are you?
Some kind of ratty plush toy?

The name's Nightcrawler, and at least
I don't reek like unwashed lederhosen.

You blue-furred freak!

As you say in America:
neener, neener, neener!

That ain't gonna help you, boy.

You're so slow!

- You couldn't catch flies on a windshield.
- Fight like a man.

Yes. Tolansky is indeed gifted.
He could be one of us.

Sometimes, professor, I feel your good
heart blinds even you from the truth.

Over here. Over here.

I'm gonna rip your pointy tail off,
you fuzzy gecko.

You little Wookiee boy, come here.
I'm gonna...

Oh, come back. Don't make me
come over there. Don't make me...

Now you're starting to tick me off.

This test is over. Todd Tolansky does have
the special gift of the X-gene.

He's welcome to join us
if he so desires.

Only thing I desire
is blue boy's fuzzy head.

- Where are we?
- You asking me, fool? You brought us here.

I think I'm about to regret it!

Scott! Jean! Nightcrawler and Toad
have teleported into the Danger Room!

Oh, man! The Danger Room
has automated defenses!

It'll attack them with everything it's got!

Get in there now!

That was close.

I've got the cannons.

- Keep them clear of the tentacles.
- On it!

You're an angel.

On occasion. How about you?
Are you a demon?

I just bought that!

Tolansky, over here!

Security code override: Priority X.

- Voice print: Charles Xavier.
- Confirmed. Shut down in five seconds.

Now I get it. It's a training area. Watch.

I just pull the plug and...

Forget this, man. I've seen enough.
I am out of here.


- Sorry, professor. I couldn't stop him.
- It's all right, Cyclops.

He wasn't ready to be one of us.

I blew it too, professor. I'm sorry.
You've been wonderful. But I guess...

...I just don't belong here.
- Nightcrawler, wait!

No sweat, professor. I'll take care of it.

Going somewhere, bub?

No, Logan.

Let him go.

That's crazy stuff there.

I came back here because
I smelled trouble brewing.

Of course, maybe it was
just stink boy there.

I wish it was. Welcome home, old friend.
We've missed you.

The SR-77 Blackbird. Twice as fast
as the SR-71 and with three times...

...the range and firepower. It's nice, eh?

- Is it yours? Please tell me you get to fly it.
- It's ours.

If you stick around for a while,
I'll show you how to pilot this bad boy.

So, what do you say?
You want to be part of our team?

Me? I almost got you k*lled
a few minutes ago.

Yeah. Don't do that again.
But look, we all mess up sometimes.

I know I do. That's why we're all here,
to learn not to make mistakes like that.

That's why we'd like you to stay.

And you don't mind the way I look?

Dude, just don't hassle me about
my shades and we'll call it even.

- We have a deal then.
- Welcome to the team.

Come on, I'll show you
where they hide the sodas.

I can't believe this!

You were actually inside
and you ran away?!

Hey, I freaked. So sue me.
I did what I could.

And no doubt the good professor wiped
your mind so you can't remember anything!

Get out!

Do not be so hard on the boy, Mystique.

We don't want to thin our ranks,
now, do we?

No, sir. I'll be more careful.

Mind you are.

Remember, this is only the beginning.