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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 07/21/23 09:36
by bunniefuu
Moscow, .

They say happiness is like good health.

You don't notice it until it's gone.


I was happy in .

I had just graduated from the University Imperial Medicine and Dentistry of Moscow,

when I was sent in the remote village of Muryovo to run a hospital

It was a long and arduous journey.

This journey takes long to get used to.

It's better now we have the road.

This is a road?

- Is that the hospital?
- Yeah.

Farewell to Moscow,

Farewell to the red and gold Bolshoi theatre.

Farewell to...

shop windows.

Can you take me a little further?

Thank you.

A Young Doctor's Notebook.
Part .

Based on The Short Stories by Mikhail Bulgakov.

Translation: Deluce, CapricornS,
Saam-Hab, tekkichan.


The doctor ... the doctor ...

I'm sorry the doctor isn't here yet.

But Felcher can help you if it's nothing too complicated.

No, no, no, I'm, I'm the doctor.

I am the doctor.

I am the doctor.

Forgive me it's just that ...

the old doctor had a beard.

By "old" I mean the one before you.



He's quite a...

Well, no... I mean...

Sorry I shaved last week.

No I mean...


No wonder you're cold.
What kind of coat do you call this.

- I don't know...
- Forgive me Doctor.

Glad to have you here.

Really, very glad to have you here.

So glad.

But Moscow... Ah!

Dear, dear Moscow you must tell me everything.

Oh, yes so you...

you know Moscow?


You must tell me everything.

Doctor this is Pelageya,

our junior midwife.

Do not let her distract you.

Oh, no.

No, no, I...


But he looks like a student.

Well, yes.

That's because I was a medical student but I just gratuated.


top of the class as well.

Fifteen 'fives'


So you're in safe hands.

Would the...

doctor care for a tour of the hospital now?

Yes... I think the doctor would.

Lead on and the doctor will follow.

So what's the... what's the capacity in here?

Thirty-five? Forty patients at a pinch?

Leopol'd Leopol'dovic would often have fifty in.

Would he?

Would he?

Oh... you have a marvelous stock of instruments.

Indeed, Sir.

It is all through the efforts of your predecessor...

- Leopol'd Leopol'dovic.
- Is it.

- Is it.
- He was in theater from dawn 'till dusk.

Was he?

Was he?

Bloody balance.

Wow ... look at this stuff!

En garde!

- Carefull! You could take an eye out!
- No.

That's what this is for!

Oh that's right, this is all new for you, isn't it?

Is this...

an amputation saw?

A blunt amputation saw.

You have to very hard to cut through anything with that.

Watch out for the hot water tap.

It's lethal.

I must have hit my head on this a million times.

Yeah... I saw a lot of horror and tragedy in here.

Happy days.

Come along, doctor. Must you dawdle.

This is the dispensary.


To the sweet shop.

Do I really used to look like that?

Leopold Leopoldovic insisted,

on a well stocked dispensary.

Did he?

I like him...

This is the key...

don't lose it.

Thank you.

Certainly insisted on a lot of black ointment, the old doctor.

You must be tired, doctor after such a long and argues journey.

Come, I show you the consulting room.

And then it's bedtime.

I only meant the...

it is a lot of black ointment.

Syphilis man, are you?

Yes, I mean, I suppose, I take an interest...

Not that I...

Not that I have syphilis, obviously

That certain wouldn't be...

- the first thing I mentioned to you about...
- Stop talking.

Thank you

Here we are

Ah.. another portrait

Self portait

Leopold Leopoldovic was as prolific artist

This magnificent and extensive library ..
Don't tell me ..

Leopold Leopoldovic?

- Yes.
- It's very impressive.

I am certainly not going to be bored of an evening

Oh Yes, we do have a lot of fun here

Only last month I heard a very amusing anecdote

Well, I have finished the mattress

And that is all the hay the horse can spare

Fortunately for you we had to sh**t the other horse

Thank you

For the mattress.. not for sh**ting the other ..

I am sure that is absolutely fine

At this point i could probably sleep on the floor

Oh its quite

Oh its good, its got quite a lot of give

Good night doctor, I've put water in the jug

You will remember to brush your teeth?


Yes.. well .. good night

And thank you


Now that

is a trunk


Yes it is

You can fit a lot of stuff in it

You really can fit a lot of stuff in it

Items to be precise.

Or , if you count a pair of socks as two items.

- Which I don't.
- No, so you've said.

Feldsher... I really must go to sleep.

Of course.

You should have said.

Have you ever read an atlas?

What? Yes, I suppose I has...

No but you've read an atlas. Actually sat down and read cover to cover.

- No.
- Ah!

- We will.
- Yes thank you again Felsher and good night.

Not at all, glad to have to company.

It's coming to back to me now how complate nightmare he is.

And Pelageya say I look like a student.

- Well, I need a pair of spectacles.
- You have perfect eyesight.

I know but to look older.

I think the boyish gait is more of problem.

- What?
- You walk like a adolecent.

I do not.

It lacks authority, it's not your voice.

What's wrong with my...

Perhaps I, I need a beard like...



Come on.

It doesn't matter what you like in a operating theatre.


that's what counts.

I can't sleep.

I will just listen to that wind howl.

I have missed this slater's.

Well, at least, no one's gonna
come out here, not in this weather.

You're right there. It would
have to be something very serious.

And complicated.

Like a hernia.

God I'm so sick for that lecture

I knew it would come back and haunt me.

I should never have eaten that mutton, right.

Where is it? What do I do? What do I do?


What the hell is insipen?
No one ever sad anything about insipen!
What else don't I know I don't know?

Etherial sulphate of quinine diglycolic acid
it's not important.

Right, no, I haven't time for this,
I have a hernia to attend to.

Hold on.

Yes, I knew that.


sit the into a bath and put hernia back in place.


- Unless of course...
- What?

- it's a...
- it's a...?

- I don't know just tell me!
- A strangulated hernia.

Did you just make that up?

No it's not the easiest of operations on earth.

I have to operate?

A knock like that does not augur well.

Is that you Feldsher?
If it's about the atlases...

Come quickly doctor.

- What is it?
- There is a woman here from Dulcevo.

A strangulated hernia ?

No, her labour isn't going well.

Oh, thank god!

Ehm, no ... I mean ...

I ... uh .. I'll be right there.

E, ehmm ...

I'll be right there!

I'm ruined.

Right, what seem to be
the trouble here then?

- It's transverse lie.
- Is it?

Is it?

Well, lets take a look, shall we ?


It's umm .... it's gonna be alright.
Not long now

When did ... when did
the pain start ?

We just have to look at things...
on the inside?


- You know, she is not as ugly as I remember.
- What?


Still I can't belive I actually...


At least no older looking doctor.

You know...

I think, I might just run back to the room and
have a quick look in the gynecology textbook.

- Would that look bad?
- It is a little late for Doderlein, don't you think?

No, I don't. Of course Doderlein
operative of obstetrics that's it!

- Sorry...
- Doctor.


Thank you.

- It belonged to Leopold Leopoldovic.
- Of course.

Of course I'm sure he won't mind if you use it.

He is dead.

He was a lot taller than you.

Hello, again.

And in we go.

Welcome, gentlemen. Make
sure you have a clear view.

This part of the female anatomy
is most beguiling.

Yes, yes, come in, come in.

- This is one of our most dangerous...
- Excuse me.

- and difficult..
- Excuse me, gentlemen!

Two lives are at stake.

I really might need to know this one day.

So the...

the midwife tells me you traveled
all the way from Dulcevo.

- Is that far?
- It's a small village just outside Grabilovka.

Gra... Grabilovka?

It's not far from Gracevka!

Where I got off the train! Of course!

So I am new to the area
I don't know where anything is.

No, no, geographically of course!

Obviously I know a transverse lie
when I see one and...

this is one, well done Anna.

So we have here, as I just explained,

is a transverse lie which means we must perform...

- A podalic version.
- Podalic version, yes, correct!

A procedure whereby the fetus
is manually turned within the womb.

Well done, Pelageja!

So let's perform it!
What are we waiting for?

- Feldsher prepare the chloroform.
- Of course.

Yes Feldsher you... you chloroform...

and Anna you do... that...

and yes... you... just wait there.

And I will...

I will go and get my cigarettes!

No, no, no!

Damn that's what I wanted!


There are not pictures?

I mean... diagrams?

There is a strong possibility of a
spontaneous rupture of the uterus.

Why... why... but what...


Come on. You know
what these words mean.

- Eclampsia.
- No.


- Fetal asphyxiation.
- Oh god.

The poor mother!

And the father!

And what's he gonna do?
Come after me that's what.

He's probably built
like a ox.

What use will Doderlein
be to me then?

You're right, don't listen to Doderlein.

"The most frequent cause of..."


- They have to put that here.
- No, it's that Mathijsen.

Only then the renamed dutch
orthopaedic surgeon

to reset all of my
broken bones.

Give me the book.

- What are you doing? I need that.
- No you don't.

Y-yes, I do, come on,
I don't have time for this. have to go back
to the others.

Give me the book.

- No.
- I won't jump for it. I won't demean myself.

- Give it back!
- No.

No! No!



What? No!

What are you doing?


No, what...

What are you...doing?


Get off!

- He's young.
- Yes, I know.

He's young, but he really
is a doctor.

He just gratuated.

It's all still fresh in
his mind.

Leopol'd... Leopol'dovic...

He was a very gifted and
vastly experienced surgeon.

He loathed the podalic version.

But he did make one or two
useful observations.

So if you'd like to
hear what they are.


I mean... it wouldn't hurt.

Well done.

Well done in there.

Lukich did well.

Well you did a passable
version, doctor, it was...


If you like...

Pelageya can take care of
that smock for you.

No, no, I don't...

- I don't think it's necessary.
- It is.

You look ridiculous.

It makes you look even smaller.

Of course.

Is it me...

or does she have the most
unusually shaped vag*na?



I have had a...

A long...

and arduous journey.

Honestly...I think it's perfect.

Thank you.

It helps, definetely.

Perhaps he'll grow into it.


What seems to be the trouble here?

Oh, it's just a carious tooth.

- The feldsher will be back in a
minute. - Nonsense.

This man is obviously
in pain.

I'm a doctor...

What are we waiting for?

You can come.

Come here.


Come on!

Here it is.

Drink this.

Okay, enough, let me have a look.

Okay , ... just er ..

- Nearly finished?
- Ehm...

Yes... I just have to...



I kept the poor man's tooth and jaw bone

as a reminder of the day a naive but
promising young medical student

became a doctor.

Too boring.

Too sentimental

Just stick to the facts.

I had not long graduated from

the imperial moscow university of medicine and dentistry,
top of the class,

when I was sent in the remote village
of Mur'ev to run a hospital.

It was a long and arduous journey.

It's nothing.

Just a old notebook.

Trivial rambling of a
medical student.

It's the first time I've
seen it in years.

I forgot I still have it.

I'm ruined.