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01x08 - I Am Mark Twain / I Am Abigail Adams

Posted: 07/21/23 09:21
by bunniefuu
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Brad: ♪ Ready for adventure?
Who's that kid who ♪

♪ can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle
and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great
heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle
and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single
boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪

Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and
the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad!
Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the
Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the
Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle
and the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Shh! ♪

Xavier: Hey there.
Glad you're here.

Today we're meeting somebody
really fun: Mark Twain.

Yadina: Whoa. That
hair is pretty fun!

Moustache isn't bad either.

Xavier: Oh yeah!

Mark Twain was a
writer and a humorist.


Yadina: What's a humorist?

Xavier: Someone who
writes or says things

in a way that
makes people laugh.

Yadina: Oooo. We love to laugh.

Right, Brad?

Hey, where's Brad?

(knock knock)

Yadina: Um... Who's there?

Brad: Interrupting cow.

Xavier: Interrupting cow wh-?

Brad: Mooo.
Cow: Moo!


Yadina: Now that was funny.

Xavier: Let's start the show.

Brad: That's the last one.

Yadina: Now everyone will know

about Xavier's
one-kid comedy show.

Brad: And can see
how funny he is.

Yadina: Uhhh...
Xavier: Show's canceled.

Brad/Yadina: What? Why?

Xavier: Because there's
nothing funny about this.

Brad: Oh, your wrist.

Yadina: Does it still hurt
a lot from when you fell?

Xavier: Not really.

But I have to keep my arm
in this sling all week.

So how can I make people laugh
with my amazing juggling skills?

(bounce, bounce,


Yadina: Dr. Zoom knows
what'll make you feel better.

The Secret Museum...

It will know just what to do.

Brad: I can't believe
I'm saying this, but,

she does have a point.

Xavier: Yadina!
Brad: Wait up!

♪ ♪

Yadina: I wonder who the Secret
Museum will send us to meet?

Brad: And where we'll go.

Xavier: And when.

Uh... Ah...


Yadina: Look out below!

Brad: Woo-hoo!

Xavier: Wooah.


Yadina: Hi, Berby.
Brad: Hi, Berby.

Xavier: Whooaaaa-


Brad: Kind of tricky, huh?

Yadina: (humming)
Berby: Wooo!

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: Look! The Secret
Museum sent us something.

Brad: It's a... paint brush?

Xavier: How's a paint
brush going to help me

be funny with this sling on?

Yadina: I wouldn't question the
Secret Museum if I were you.

It always knows best.

Right, Berby?

(happy chirp)

Brad: Look who we're going
to meet: "Mark Twain".

Yadina: In Missouri.
That's in the United States.

Brad: And we're going
back to the year .

Almost years ago.

Yadina: I sure hope Mark Twain
can save your comedy show.

We already put up
a lot of posters.

Brad: Mhm!
Xavier: (deep breath)

Only one way to find out.

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready.

Brad: Ready.

Berby: (computing noises)

Yadina: Here we go.

Xavier: (clears throat)

Little help, please?

Berby: (computing noises)

Xavier: Thanks,
Berby. Okay, ready.

Brad: It's happening.

Yadina: Hang on, Dr. Zoom.

Xavier: Woo-hoo!

Brad: Wooah!
Berby: (laughing)

Brad; So this is
Missouri, in and-

(cow moos)

Brad: That is an
interrupting cow.

Yadina: Sure is.

Xavier: So...
where's Mark Twain?

Yadina: Look.

(scraping sounds)

A paint brush,

just like the one from
the Secret Museum.

Berby: (beeping)

Brad: It's him.

Mark Twain.

Mark: This? No,
it's a paint brush.

And I have plenty more
if you'd like to help...

Sounds fun. C'mon, Xavier.

Xavier: I don't
think I can paint

with just my left hand...

Mark: Sure you can. Know how?

Mark: With laughter.

Laughter can make
hard things easier.

Good thing I love to laugh.

Brad: So do we!

Yadina: Well, Xavier
normally likes to laugh.

Xavier: I just don't see what's
so funny about painting a fence.

Mark: Me neither.
Let's ask him.

Wait, are you laughing
at my white suit?

Well, what else would you
wear to paint a fence white?


Mark: Okay, maybe it is warm.

The fence might have
a 'point' there.

Mark: And there.
And there. And there.

Yadina: Get it? Cause
the fence has points??

...I'll explain later.

Mark: En garde, Monsieur Fence.

Mark: (gasps)
Yadina: (laughs)

I need backup.

Yadina: En garde, take this.
Brad: Take this! Take that!

Xavier: Ugh. It's too hard.

Oh geez. Sorry...

Mark: Now do you see why
I wore a white suit?

Xavier: (laughs)

Xavier: Hmm.

Watch out! Gotcha!

Yadina: Wooho! Yeah!

Brad: Heeey. Look.

Brad: I didn't notice
the fence got done.

I was having too much fun.

Ha! That rhymes.

Mark: Laughter makes
hard things easier.

We didn't notice
the fence got done,

We were having too much fun.

All: We didn't notice
the fence get done,

We were having too much fun.

Brad: You want us
to get those eggs?

But, there's so many
chickens in the way.

And they're all flapping and
pecking and being all chicken-y.

Mark: They're chickens.
But I have a master plan.

The best way to get through
a pack of chickens...

is to pretend we're
chickens, too.

Brad: Um...

Mark: (bawk bawk bawk buckaw)

Come on, this way.

Brad: There's no
way we're gunna-

Yadina: (bawk bawk bawk buckaw)

Yadina: Yeah! It's
working. C'mon, guys.

Xavier: Uh uh. Anyone remember
I only have one working arm?

Brad: And there's no way

I brought enough hand sanitizer
for this mission.

(cheep cheep chirp chirp)

Brad: Ah. What do
I do, what do I do?

Mark: Be the chicken.

Brad: Um...

Bawk bawk bawk!


Brad: Aww.


Xavier: (laughs)

Brad: I guess this
isn't SO bawk-bawk- bad.

(chickens clucking)

Xavier: Heeeey.
My arm in a sling

looks kind of like
a chicken wing.

Mark: And you just rhymed
again. You're a poet,

and you didn't know it.

Yadina: Dr. Zoom got that one.

Xavier: (bawk bawk buckaw)

(chicken clucking)

(chickens clucking)

Xavier: (laughing)

Yadina: (clucking)

Brad: (clucking)

Xavier: We did it.

Mark: See how laughter
makes hard things easier?

Yadina/Brad: Yup.

Mark: Then follow me,
my fine feathered friends.

One final chore to go.

Mark: Okay.

We need to get ten hay
bales down to feed

all the animals in the field.

Brad: Now that looks hard.

Mark: We'll just have
to laugh even harder.

Steam boat-a-comin'.

Brad: Huh?

Yadina: Where?

Mark: Right here. Woo-woo.

Hop aboard.

Mark: Captain Twain,
at your service.

Keep your hands in
the boat at all times,

and keep your eye out
for the evil pirate.

Brad: Did he just
say evil pirate?

Mark: Yup. And there she is.

Yadina: Dr Zoom?

When did you go pirate?

Mark: Now we better get all
this treasure off the boat,

before the rest of the
pirate crew show up.


Xavier: Oh!


I'm Chicken Wing Willy.


Half pirate, half
chicken, all fierce!

Xavier: Faster mateys.
Or me 'n my turtle be

bawk-bawk-swipin' that treasure.



Brad: Throw me another!

Mark: But we're all done.

Brad: Really? Wow. That was so
much easier than I thought.

Mark: That's because laughter
makes hard things easier.

Xavier: Even something as
hard as having your arm

stuck in a sling.

It can actually be...
kind of fun.

Yadina: And funny.

Xavier: And, if I can laugh and
have fun with this thing on,

doing chores... maybe
I can do my comedy show.

Mark: Now that's
the spirit, Xavier.


Thanks, Mark Twain.

Mark: Thank you.

Now that my chores are
done, I'm going fishin'

Mark: So long.

Bye! See you later Mark!

Xavier: Berby? Let's go home.

Berby: Woohoo!

Xavier: I hope everyone is ready

for the new and improved,
and very funny,

Chicken Wing Willy Show.

Yadina: Dr. Zoom thinks
you're going to be great.

And by the way, so do we.

Xavier: Thanks, guys.
So, can I get your help

putting the new posters up?

Xavier: I promise to make
the job a lot easier.

With laughter.

Come on, mateys!


Yadina/Brad: (cheering)

Xavier: That was amazing.

Brad: Everyone loved
Chicken Wing Willy.

Yadina: And his turtle
side-kick, naturally.

Brad: Ah!
Xavier: (laughs)

Thanks for joining our awesome
adventure to meet Mark Twain.

Brad: Who used to be a
kid, just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like
you can change the world.

I am Yadina.

Brad: I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Chicken Wing Willy.

Bawk, bawk, arr!

Yadina/Brad: (bawking)


Xavier: Kidding. I am
Xavier, and I will always

use laughter to make
hard things easier.

Just like Mark Twain.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)


(computing noises)


Berby: (happily cheering)

Doo doo doo...

♪ Voice: You're my buddy,
you're my friend. ♪

♪ You're the one
on whom I depend. ♪

♪ It's you. ♪

♪ Yes you. ♪

♪ Some days are happy,
some are sad. ♪

♪ My friends always
with me and I'm glad. ♪

♪ It's you. ♪

♪ Yes, you. ♪

♪ We're always laughing
when we play, ♪

♪ There's a new adventure
every day, ♪

♪ in sun shine, snow,
in falling rain , ♪

♪ we always play a
really fun game. ♪

♪ You're my buddy,
you're my friend ♪

♪ You're the one I
want to spend ♪

♪ my time with, ♪

♪ 'Cause you're my buddy, ♪

♪ and my best friend. ♪

(ding! ding!)

Yadina: Dr. Zoom, there you are.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: Hello!
Xavier: Hi there.

Yadina: Welcome to the show.
Today we're going to meet

someone very important:
Abigail Adams.

Yadina: She helped build the

United States into
its very own country.

Xavier: Wow. Like with
a hammer and nails?

Yadina: More like with her mind,
and by being super resourceful.

Yadina: That means doing a
lot with whatever she had.

Brad: Um, guys.

Yadina: How are you
gonna get down?


Yadina: Hold on, Brad!

Brad: Woah!

Okay. Jump.

Brad: Um...


Brad: I'm okay. Very
resourceful, Yadina.

Yadina: Thanks. Now,
let's start the show.

Brad: Wow!
Xavier: (humming)

Brad: Cool.

Xavier: Hey Yadina,
what do you think of

my sweet new yo-yo moves?

Yadina: They're yo good

just like this picture I'm going
to paint for Mom's birthday.

Brad: Ooh your Mom
is going to love that.

Xavier: Waah-oooooof.


Yadina: This is a disaster.

Xavier: C'mon.
It wasn't that bad.

Yadina: Not that. This.

The green. It leaked...

And now it's all dried out..

Yadina: Oh! Now I can't
do mom's painting.

Xavier: Well, maybe
you don't need green?

Yadina: Uh...


Brad: She needs green.

Xavier: I think I know
how to solve your problem...

Yadina: To the secret museum!

Brad: (sigh)

Xavier: I wonder who
the Secret Museum

will send us to meet!

Yadina: And where we'll gooo...

Brad: And when.


Guys, wait up.

Yadina: Look out below.
Xavier: Woo-hoo!

Xavier: Hi, Berby.
Yadina: Hey, Berby.

Berby: Hello.
Brad: Hi, Berby.

Berby: Hey, Brad.
Brad: Oof!

Xavier: (humming)
Berby: Woo!

Xavier: We're getting something.

Brad: It's a... ribbon?

Yadina: What's a ribbon got
to do with not having a very

important color?

It's not even green.

Xavier: Look, Abigail Adams.

That's who we're
going to meet.

Brad: In Massachusetts..

Yadina: In .

Brad: That's over years ago.


And a whole lot of time travel.

I wonder how Abigail Adams could
help me with my moms present.

Xavier: Only one
way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready.

Brad: (small groan) Ready.

Berby: (computing sounds)

Yadina: Here we go.

Berby: (computing sounds)

Brad: It's happening

Yadina: Hang on, Dr. Zoom.

Xavier: Woo-hoo!

Brad: Woooaaah!

Berby: (laughing)

Xavier: So this is
Massachusetts in .

Brad: That was a long trip...
I'll just be over here...

(long sigh)

Yadina: Hey look, a doll house.

Xavier: (gasps)

Do you think Abigail
Adams lives in there?

Maybe she's tiny. Like an ant.

Brad: Or...

a turtle?

Yadina: Dr. Zoom. How
did you get in there?

Brad: But also, how's
Dr. Zoom getting out of there?


Xavier: That solves that.

Abigail Adams: Oh, that
silly old doll house.

It's always falling apart.

Xavier: It's her.

It's Abigail Adams.

Abigail: My friend
John was going to lend

me his hammer and
nails to fix it.

But he's been busy with school.

Yadina: Aw, too bad
no one can use it now.

Dr. Zoom found it very cozy.

Abigail: Well you can tell

Dr. Zoom not to worry.

We can fix it ourselves.

Brad: Do you have
a hammer and nails?

Abigail: No.

Xavier: But... if you
don't have what you need,

how are you going to fix it?

Yadina: That's like trying

to paint green hills
without green paint.

You just can't do it.

Abigail: Nonsense.

We just have to be resourceful.

Abigail: That means using
whatever you do have.

Believe me, you can do a
lot with what you've got.

Abigail: We just need something

strong to hold the walls
together, like rope.

Yadina: Do you have rope?

Abigail: Nope.

Brad: What about glue?

Abigail: No again.

But keep looking, I'm
sure we'll find something.

This is just like my painting.


We can't use any of this stuff

to fix the doll house: flower,
watering can, ribbon...

Abigail: Did you say, ribbon?

Yadina: Yup.

Like the ones in your hair.

Xavier: And like the one
from the Secret Museum.

Abigail: That's it!

Abigail: If I braid
my ribbons together,

it makes them stronger.

Like rope.

We can use this to tie the
doll house pieces together.

Xavier: Whoa.

Who knew ribbons were so handy?

Brad: Got any more?

Yadina: She's got more.

Brad: Hey, my
shoelaces are untied.

Yadina: Mine too.

All: (cheering)

Yadina: Hey. Wait a second...

Yadina: Dr. Zoom.

How'd you get in there again?

Yadina: Thanks, Abigail.

She sure is good at doing
a lot with what she's got.

Yadina: I wonder what
else she can do?

Xavier: We're about to find out.


Yadina: Whoa, where are we?

Xavier: I don't know.

Wait. Maybe we're
inside the doll house.

Brad: You mean...

Berby shrunk us down to...

doll size?


Abigail: There may not
be any bedrooms left,

but we can do a lot
with what we've got.

Yadina: Abigail?

Abigail: Hello again.

Welcome to my home.

Yadina: Are we ever
happy to see you.

Abigail: I'm glad
you're here, too.

I could use the help.

Come on, this way.

Xavier: Whoa. What's going on?

Abigail: It's an exciting time.

For the last years the
people here have been

told what to do
by another country.

But now, we want to
be our own country.

So we can make decisions
for ourselves.

It's a revolution.
Brad: A revolution?

Yadina: Yes. The
American Revolution.

Where the United States
becomes its very own country.

And gets it's first president,
George Washington.

Abigail: It is. Building
a country is wonderful.

But also hard work.

And it's left people
in need of help.

Abigail: Sometimes there isn't

enough food or shelter
to go around.

So we have to be
extra resourceful

and do a lot with
what we've got.

Yadina: Well, you've
got us here to help.

Abigail: Excellent.

Can you serve more soup
to whoever's hungry?

Brad: Yup, we can do it.

Yadina: Soup's up.

Xavier: Here you go. Enjoy.

Yadina: Enjoy.

Yadina: I know, Dr. Zoom.

Just look at how many people

Abigail is helping with
what little she has.

Yadina: Xavier We're out of
places for people to sit.

Brad: We're also out
of bowls for soup.

And spoons. What do we do?

Yadina: Look.

We just have to be resourceful.

And do a lot with
what we've got.

Yadina: Oh. We can
use these as chairs.



Yadina: People can
drink the soup from cups.

Abigail: Yes. Very
resourceful, Yadina.

Yadina: Well, that's it.

Brad: Abigail Adams
did so much to help people.

Yadina: And if
Abigail can do all

this then I bet I can paint

a picture for my mom
with the colors I have.

Yadina: Abigail,
we have to go now.

Abigail: Okay. Thank you
so much for your help.

Yadina: Thank you.

(ad-lib goodbye)

Xavier: Thank you.
Abigail: Bye!

Xavier: Berby, let's go home.
Berby: Yippie!

Yadina: Hmm. Maybe I
could color the grass...


Or, yellow?

Yadina: No, that grass
has to be green.

Yadina: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hold up. Blue and
yellow... make green.

Yadina: Yes. And now, Dr. Zoom.

We paint.

Yadina: There,
and there. Sploosh.


Yadina: Ta-da.

Xavier: Now that is
a great green painting.

Brad: Nice work, Yadina.

Yadina: Thanks.

And now for the best part.


Xavier: I think she likes it.

Xavier: Thanks for
joining our awesome- Hey!

Berby shrunk us back to
dollhouse size!

Yadina: Dr. Zoom,
we're your size now.



Are those what I think they are?

Xavier: Phew. Thanks, Burby.

Meeting the Abigail
Adams was incredible.

She always used whatever
she had to help others.

Yadina: And that's
why today she's

called one of the
Founding Mothers

of the United States of America.

Xavier: Thanks for joining our

awesome adventure to
meet Abigail Adams.

Yadina: Who used to be a
kid, just like you and me.

Brad: So kids like you
can change the world.

I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

Yadina: I am Yadina, and I will

always do a lot with
what I've got.

Just like Abigail Adams.

(fireworks exploding)

(show theme song)

