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01x02 - I Am Mary Shelley / I Am Harry Houdini

Posted: 07/21/23 09:19
by bunniefuu
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Brad: Ready for adventure?

♪ Who's that kid who can
travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle
and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great
heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle
and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single
boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪

Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and
the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad!
Yadina: And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the
Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the
Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle
and the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Shh! ♪

Xavier: Hello, and
welcome to the show!

Xavier: To-
Yadina: Xavier?

Brad: Why is it so dark?

Xavier: I turned
the lights down.

I'm going for a mood, here.

Yadina: Well that's
nice, but we can't see.

Xavier: Okay, how about this-?

Brad: Ahh!

Yadina: Yes, that's better.

Today we're going to meet

real-life author,

Mary Shelley.

Yadina: An author is
someone who writes things,

like stories, for
people to read.

Dr. Zoom and I love to read.

Xavier: Mary Shelley
used her imagination

to write stories that
were totally different

from anyone else's.

They could also be spooky.

Brad: Woaah!
Start the show!

Xavier: Isn't this exciting?

We're spending the whole
night in the museum.

Yadina: I know!

Dr. Zoom can barely
contain herself.

Brad: Don't you spend
every night in the museum

since you, um, live here?

Yadina: True. But tonight our
whole Nature Troop is coming.

We get to sleep
in sleeping bags!

Xavier: And tell stories
around a campfire!

Xavier: I said I'd
tell the first one.

Remember that one I made up

about the tap-dancing turkey?

Brad: (laughs)
Yup. That was funny

Yadina: (giggles)

Classic Xavier.

Yadina: But remember,
campfire stories

are supposed to be spooooky,

not silly.

You know, you're supposed
to scare people, right?

Xavier: I am?

Yadina: Mm-hm.
It's like a campfire rule.

Brad: I hate to
admit it, but...

Yadina's right. Ah!

Whoa! Aahh!
Xavier: But, I've never
told a spooky story before.

I'm all about
being funny.


I'm going to need
some help on this one.

And that means...

To the Secret Museum.

Yadina: To the secret museum!

Brad: Phew. It's okay, guys -
it's just a pretend squirrel.

X- Xavier? Yadina?

...Wait for me!

Xavier: I wonder
who the Secret Museum

will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go.

Brad: And when.

Yadina: Look out below all

Xavier: Hi, Berby.
Yadina: Hi, Berby.

Brad: Hi, Berby.
Berby: Hello.

Brad: Oof!

Xavier: (humming)

We're getting something!

Brad: Is that a...

Xavier: ...feather?

Yadina: Maybe the Secret Museum
is sending us to meet a bird.

Xavier: 'Mary Shelley'.

That's who we're going to meet.

Yadina: Well, she doesn't
look like a bird.

But maybe she can
turn into one.

That would be a
good spooky story.

Brad: Look, we're going
to England to meet her.

In the year .

Xavier: That's over
years ago

Yadina: Did they have
birds back then?

Brad: I think, yes.

Xavier: I wonder
how Mary Shelley

will help me tell the
spooky campfire story?

Yadina: Only one
way to find out.

Xavier: Ready for an adventure?

Yadina: Ready.

Brad: (deep breath)


Yadina: Here we go...

Brad: It's happening.

Yadina: Hang on Dr. Zoom.

Xavier: Woo-hoo.

Xavier: So this is
England in the year .

Yadina: Yup. Lots of birds.

Brad: Uh-oh.
Xavier: Look out.

Kids: Ah!


Yadina: ...Mary Shelley?

Brad: Hey, there she is.

It's Mary Shelley.

Berby: (burrs) in agreement

Mary Shelley: (gasps)
Oh no

Mary Shelley: Oh, thank
you I've been working

on this story all morning.

So that's what that
big feather does?

You write with it?

Mary Shelley: Yes,
I write with it.

For hours.

Xavier: Amazing fact: The pens,
crayons and markers we use to

write with didn't exist in .

Can you help me write a spooky
story for our campfire?

Mary Shelley: Oh, well, maybe

(granfather clock chimes)

Brad: (gasps)
What's that?

Mary Shelley: That means writing
time is over for the day

Xavier: What? But...
what about my story?


Mary Shelley?

Xavier: Berby, your timing
is way off on this one.

Mary Shelley: This is my
favorite part of the day,

but what I love even
more is imagining.

Brad: Imagining?

Yadina: What's that?

Mary Shelley: That's when I get
to tell stories my own way.

Come, I'll show you...

Yadina: Sure.

Mary Shelley: Look at the clouds
and tell me what you see.

It could be anything.

Yadina: I see... a ghost.
Dr Zoom sees a pumpkin ghost.

Mary Shelley: Great! That's
using your imagination.

Yadina: Turtle high-five.

Your turn, Brad.

Brad: I heard the word 'ghost'

and my eyes closed


Xavier: I don't see
any pumpkin ghosts.

But I do see...
a flying pumpkin pie.

Yadina: (giggles)

Yadina: Xavier, you're supposed
to come up with spooky

ideas for your story.

Xavier: Oh, right,
spooky, not silly.

Xavier: Okay, now I see
a singing pizza. No, wait.

A line of ballerina fish.

Kids: (giggles)

Yadina: Typical Xavier.

Xavier: (sigh)

Xavier: I can't help it.

Silly ideas just
pop into my head.

Mary Shelley: That's okay.

That's the best
part of imagining.

You can tell stories
your own way.

Mary Shelley: When I
use my imagination,

I see a castle
forming in the air...

Mary Shelley: And it's
home to a... wind monster.

A wind monster?

Xavier: I've never heard
of a wind monster.

Brad: Well, as monsters go,

I guess one made out
of wind isn't so bad.

Yadina: I like it.

Being a wind monster
would be fun.

Spooooky fun.

Shelley: The wind monster's
hands are made of leaves.

And with her hands she searches
for someone to dance with her

waaaay up in her cloud castle.

Mary Shelley: 'Whoooo,

whoooo will dance with
me up in the air?

Whoooo? Perhaps it will be...

Brad: Don't say Brad, don't
say Brad, don't say Brad.

The Shell Shadow Queen!

Brad: (gasps)
Yadina: Dun, dun, dun.

Brad: (sighs)

Mary Shelley: Yes (laughs)

Isn't it fun to let your
imagination run wild?

A story can be anything
you want it to be.

But, that's just it.

I don't want to tell a
story that'll scare people.

Brad: Scared?

...Who's scared?

Xavier: I like
making people laugh.

Xavier: Hellloooo,
Brad: (giggles)

Mary Shelley: Making
people laugh is great.

That's your way of
telling a story.

My way is with castles and
monsters in dark places...

Mary Shelley: ...waiting
and watching, quietly...


a bolt of lightning
brings them to life!

Yadina: Ah!

Xavier: Oh!

(wind blowing)

Brad: Monster

(silly spooky voice)

Xavier: The monsters
turn on the light,

and put on a... Duh
da da da da daa!


Kids: (laughing)

Yadina: Oh, Xavier.

(haunted circus music)

Xavier: Here, scarecrow - catch!

Xavier: Guess monsters
aren't good jugglers.


Xavier: I want to take a rest...


Yadina: That's not scary.

Xavier: (groans)
I did it again.

I was being silly.

I'll never be able to
tell a good campfire story.

Mary Shelley: (alughs)
Why would you say that?

That was so much
spooky, silly fun.

Brad: Yeah.

Yadina: That was great.

Xavier: Wait.

Could I really tell a story
that's spooky and silly?

One that will make people laugh?

Mary Shelley: Why not?

I say, let your
imagination run wild

and have fun telling
stories your own way.

Xavier: I like that.

Thanks, Mary Shelley.

Yadina, Brad, we have to
get back to the camp out.

Yadina: You got it, big brother.

Bye, Mary Shelley.

Thanks for the
spooky stories.

Brad: Yes, but, um, maybe not
so many monsters next time?


Mary Shelley: Sorry Brad, but I
have to tell stories my own way.

And I like monsters.


Xavier: Berby? Let's go home.

Yadina: That was
so spooky cool.

Xavier: Yeah I can't
wait to tell

a story around the campfire.

My way.

Xavier: (gasps)
And now I'm imagining

a great idea for it... Come on!

Brad: Time travel...
still dizzy...


Xavier: ...and now every night,
when the museum closes and gets

dark and quiet, like
it is right now,

the lone ghost comes
out and walks the halls.

Woo! Woo!

(ghost sounds)

Listen, can you hear it?

Close your eyes...

Xavier: Can you hear
the museum ghost?

It's saying,

"I waaaaant... I waaaant to...

tickle your feet!

Yadina: Not my feet.

Brad: (laughing)
And then what?

Xavier: The ghost flies
around the whole museum,

hunting for more toes

Woo toes. Woo feet.

Toes. Feet. Toes, toes toes.

(kids laughing)

Yadina: Meeting Mary Shelley
was so much spooky fun.

Brad: She had a big imagination.

Xavier: And she always
told stories her own way.

Like the one she wrote
about a scientist.

Yadina: That scientist was...


Xavier: Who brings
a monster to life.

Brad: Ahh.

Xavier: Mary Shelley got the
idea from a dream she had,

and lots of people
still love it today.

Two hundred years later.

Yadina: That's a long time.

Xavier: Thanks for joining our
awesome adventure to meet

real-life author, Mary Shelley,
who used to be a kid,

just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like
you can change the world.

I am Yadina.

Brad: I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

And I will always tell
stories my own way.

Just like Mary Shelley.

Berby: (snoring)

Berby: Ooo.


Brad: Berby! Are you
ready for another story?

Of Bradman and Berby!

Woah! George Washington
Carvers garden.

Its story time!

The adventures of
Bradman and Berby,

and the secret garden.

Bradman and Berby were
venturing through a field.

When a tiny cry for
help, pieced the air.

It was a rare rainbow butterfly.

But, she had lost
her beautiful colors.

And only a flower from the
secret garden could save her.

Our hero's had no
idea, where it was.

Berby: Hm!

Brad: Blocking their
path were the dreaded,

sneezy sunflowers.

Bum bah baa!


Bradman and Berby
couldn't go around them.

Bradman's sneeze was so big that
it blew the flowers away!

Revealing...a secret garden.

Where the rainbow butterfly
was able to drink

and get her beautiful
colors back.

Heroic day for,
Bradman and Berby!

Hello! And welcome to the show!

Today, we're meeting
a real life magician,

Harry Houdini,

A magician is someone who
does tricks that seem

impossible, like making
Yadina magically appear.

Yadina: (yawns)

Sorry I'm late, I was napping.

Ta daa!

Brad: Harry Houdini was known
around the world for his

magic tricks and for
his brave escape acts.

Like, this!

Xavier: Watch as I escape
from this sleeping bag.


Oof! Any second now.


Boy, this zippers hard
to work from the inside.

Brad: (struggling)
Lets just,

leave the tricks to Houdini,
and just start the show.

Xavier: (deep breath)

Nothing like camping out
under the stars with your

Nature Troop and best friends.

Brad: My first full
night in the museum.

I'm so excited, I don't
think I can close my eyes!

I've been dreaming
about this moment...

Yadina: Well Brad,
the wait is over.

Xavier: Night, guys.

Brad: Gnight
Yadina: Night Brad.

Night, big brother.

Night, Dr. Zoom.

(hoots) (ribbits)

(cricket noises) (wail)

Brad: Ghost!

Brad: We're locked in.


Yadina: You have to pull.

Brad: ...Oh.

Brad: Ahh. I don't think I can
stay in the museum all night.

I mean, I want to, but
it's way too scary.

Xavier: Hmm. This sounds
like a big problem.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

Yadina: To the Secret Museum!

Brad: Um...

Brad: (gasps)
(thunder sounds)

(deep breathing)
Brad: AH!

Yadina: Wait, why
are we being sneaky?

There's no one here but us.

Xavier: Oh yeah!

Good point, Yadina.

Brad: No one but us...
and the ghosts.


Xavier: I wonder who the Secret
Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go...

Brad: And when.

(thunder crashes)

Brad: Ugh! Wait for me!

Yadina: Look out below.

Xavier: Woo-hoo.

Xavier: Hi Berby.
Yadina: Hi Berby.

Berby: Hello.
Brad: Hi, Berby.

Berby: Hi Brad.

Brad: Oof!

Xavier: (humming)

We're getting something.

Yadina: A key?

I wonder what it opens?

Brad: Maybe the front door!

I guess the Secret Museum
agrees - it's too scary here.

I'll just let myself out.

Yadina: Oh, Brad.

Xavier: Look! The museum
doesn't want you to go,

it wants you to meet

"Harry Houdini".

Yadina: In Wisconsin.

That's in America.

Xavier: And we're going
to the year ...

More than years ago!

Brad: How can Harry Houdini
help me get through

a whole night in the museum?

Do you think he has
ghost repellent?

Xavier: Only one
way to find out...

Xavier: Ready for an adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: It's happening!
Yadina: Hang on Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Woo-hoo!

Xavier: So this is
Wisconsin in .

Brad: It sure is
(gulp) foggy.

Xavier: Why would the
museum send us to a circus?

Brad: Because they're fun
and not scary at all?

(groaning noises)


Yadina: Get close, Dr. Zoom.

Houdini: Oh! Sorry about that.

My mom says I'm always
surprising people.

Brad: (deep breathing)

Houdini: You okay?

Try taking a deep
breath to calm down.

It'll make you feel better.

Brad: (deep breath)

Xavier: Wait a
minute, isn't that-?

Xavier: It's him.
Guys, it's Harry Houdini.

Berby: (burrs)
in agreement, then.

Houdini: Are you going
to the circus too?

I've never been
before, but I hear

it's full of amazing things.

Yadina: We are now!

Houdini: Great. Let's go!

Brad: (deep breathing)

I'm (panting)


(deep breathing)

Houdini: (gasps)
It's him.

"Fearless" Jean.

Brad: He's not going to
walk across that, is he?

(drum roll)

(deep exhale)

Houdini: Wow!

Xavier: Talk about brave.

Yadina: I love the
snazzy red tights.

Brad: I can't look.
He's sooo high up.

Houdini: Wow.

That's what I want
to do one day.

Be a brave performer,
and amaze people.

Brad: You do?!

But being a brave
performer looks scary.

Houdini: Maybe a little.

But I really want to try,

even if I am nervous.

Yadina: That's like you, Brad!

Cause you're nervous
to stay at the museum.

Houdini: I better
start practicing!

Will you help me?

Brad: Uh uh.
Yadina: Sure!

Xavier: Of course!

Brad: Hey ... where
did you get the popcorn!

Yadina: You can do it, Houdini!

You can do it.

Xavier: Great job!

Brad: Ooh, be careful...

Houdini: Whoooo!

Houdini: OOO!

Houdini: Woah! Woah!

Brad: Ooo!

Yadina: This might take a while.

Xavier: Maybe we should try
something a little easier first?

Xavier: Lets try this rope.

Houdini: Woah!
Xavier: Much better.

(then wobbling) Whoa.


(deep exhale)

Yadina: Brad? Are you coming?

Brad: Now this I can handle.

Woah! Woah!

Woah woah woooah!


(nervous laugh)

Houdini: Ok.

I'm ready to do a
real tight rope walk.

It's time to raise the rope.

Yadina: Woah.

Houdini: Woah. Wooah!

Xavier: Uh-oh.

Yadina: He's all tangled up!

Houdini: (deep breath)

Yadina: Nice moves, Houdini.

Brad: How did you do that?

Houdini: I just took a
deep calming breath.

Then once I was relaxed,
I wasn't scared anymore.

And, it makes me feel better.

So cool.

Houdini: Is escaping from
being tied up exciting?

Houdini: Well, here I go!


Woah! Woh!


Houdini: (sighs)

I was too nervous.

But Fearless Jean wasn't,
he really seemed... fearless.

Xavier: I wonder
how he stayed so

calm when he was doing
something so scary?

Houdini: Hmm... just
before he did his trick,

he took a big, deep breath.

Way down to his tummy.

Fearless Jean: (deep inhale)

Houdini: (gasps)
That must be it!

He took deep breaths to calm
down, just like I did

when I was tangled in the rope.

(deep inhale and exhale)

Kids: (inhale and exhale)

Brad: Huh. That does
make me feel better.

Yadina: Dr. Zoom feels
very relaxed now.

Houdini: Okay. I'm
ready to try again!

Yadina: Breathe!
Xavier: Woo!

Brad: You can do it.

Houdina: Woah! Woah!


(deep breath)

Brad: That's it...
He's doing it!

Yadina: Way to go, Harry!
Xavier: You're doing great!

Brad: I wonder if taking a
deep breath to calm down will

actually help Houdini become
a real brave performer

like Fearless Jean.

Berby: (beeping)

Xavier: Looks like we're
about to find out!

Yadina: It's years later!

Brad: And there's Harry Houdini!

Houdini: (deep breath)

Yadina: Wow.

(audience applause)

Brad: He really did
become a brave performer,

just like he wanted.

Brad: So, maybe I can spend
the night in the museum...

or at least try to, if I just
take a deep breath to relax.

Yadina: I know you can, Brad.

Dr. Zoom thinks so, too.

Berby: (beeping)

Yadina: So does Berby.

Xavier: Me, too.
Berby, let's go home.

Brad: Okay... here we go...

Spending the whoooole
night in the museum.

The dark, dark, dark, dark

dark, dark museum.

(thunder crashing)
AH! It'''s...

Xavier: Remember,
take a big deep breath.

Yadina: -all the way
down to your tummy.

(deep breaths)

Brad: Hey, it's...just Murray!

I see him every day.

You're not scary, Murray.

Xavier: Super cool dino.
Yadina: He's very friendly.


Brad: You know,
you guys were right,

the museum really
is neat at night.

But, you're still going
to stay close... right?

Xavier: Right.
Yadina: Right.

Brad: (sigh)

Good night Yadina.
Good night, Xavier.

Good night, Murray.

Yadina: Good night, Brad!

Brad: (gasps)

Brad: Wasn't Harry
Houdini so brave?!

Xavier: He became known
all over the world

for his incredible shows and
unbelievable escape acts!

Yadina: They were even snazzier
than Fearless Jean's red tights.

Brad: Thanks for joining us
on our awesome adventure

to meet real life magician,

Harry Houdini.

Yadina: Who used to be a
kid just like you and me.

Xavier: So kids like you
can change the world!

I am Xavier.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

Brad: And, I'm Brad.

And when I'm scared, I'll
always take a deep breath

to calm down and feel better.

Just like Harry Houdini!

(show theme song)