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01x05 - Interesting

Posted: 07/21/23 07:45
by bunniefuu
♪ Once in every lifetime

♪ Comes a love like this

♪ Oh, I need you, you need me,

♪ Oh, my darling, can't you see?

♪ Darling, we're the Young Ones

♪ The Young Ones

♪ (RICK) Shouldn't be afraid

♪ To live, love

♪ There's a song to be sung

♪ 'Cause we may not
be the Young Ones very long ♪

Come on, Neil, stick it on the fridge.

Michael'll be here any minute.
No, wrong direction. Fridge!

Just stick it up on the top. On the top. Quickly!

- Oh, terrific (!)
- The whole back's come off.

That's Michael's television, you...

Well, what do you think, Mike? Pretty tidy, eh?

Not a bad job. Seeing as how it took
hours of continuous hard labour

without help from certain unnamed
people, i.e. Vyvyan and Neil.

- I resent that.
- Oh, shut up, you never stop talking!

- That's what stopped us working!
- All right, all right, it's not bad at all.

(MIKE) Ah-ah!

What's that?

- (Vyvyan!)
- Er, that's Vyvyan's job.

And making the punch. He's only doing
two jobs 'cause he hasn't got many friends.

He's got loads of friends!

Yes, but apparently he doesn't like any of them.

Is that why you haven't done anything, Neil?
'Cause you haven't got any friends?

- You know I've got a friend!
- Oh, really?

Yes, really, and he's gonna be here very soon.

Well, he better hurry if he doesn't wanna
miss the party. minutes and counting.

minutes? Look, this is Vyvyan's job!
We're never going to be ready in time!

I'm right here!

I thought the vacuum looked
a bit weak so I souped it up a bit.

That's very good, Vyvyan.
Although, it could be very bad.

Depends how you look at it.

Not so good if you're a bit of dirt, but who is?
Shall I do it, then?

That seems the only reasonable course.



That's absolutely brilliant!
You can't get any cleaner than that!

- You've destroyed a section of the floor.
- Cleaned it, Michael.

We can quibble over terms. Suffice it
to say, that is one hell of a sucker.

- And I don't mean it's easily fooled.
- It certainly can suck!

Stop it!

It's stopped! The bag must be full.

Thought so. I better empty it.

- No!
- Oh, wow! Neil! Nice one, man!

I haven't seen you since Glastonbury.
How are you?

Well, I've just been sucked up
by a vacuum cleaner.

Then someone tried to knife me,
but apart from that,

- really terrible, actually.
- Bummer!

Yeah. Have you got any decent food?

Neil, who is this? What is it doing?

Oh, this is Neil, Rick, Rick, Neil.
Just don't bring him down...

- It's a hippie, isn't it?
- Yeah.

This isn't a youth hostel, you know!

Neil, my barely adequate
psychic defences are crumbling!

Look, just tell it to get out!

This is worse than my birthday!


- You lookin' for me?
- Hey, big boy, lookin' for action?

I'm dyin' for a coffee, it would save my life.

You wanna drink with me?
It helps you for...forget.

♪ I been picked up by the cops
So many times gone by

♪ They grill ya for an hour

♪ And they say you're gonna fry-y-y

♪ I been skinned alive and purified

♪ And cut up with a knife, oh,

♪ I've just got to ketchup with my life ♪

- Where is he?
- Probably shopping for decent food.

- You've vapourised my only friend, right?
- No, I haven't.

That is the domestic equivalent
of a black hole. You are not to use it.

- But...
- You're not to use it!



- How was it for you, darling?
- Electric!

Don't eat the cornflakes, Rick,
there's only one each!

You haven't made the lentil nibbles!

Oh, yeah, I know I mentioned the idea,
like, in embryo,

but I could only get wooden cocktail sticks

and why should trees die for our party?

Oh, and I suppose it's OK if a few
hundred students die of starvation

because you didn't do your share!

There's plenty of henna dip, Rick.

It's only .!
I don't know anyone that unfashionable!

It can't be one of my friends 'cause, er,
well, he's here, somewhere.


Oh, Christmas trees!

If it's one of Vyvyan's friends,
I shall show them the door!

I should think they can see it already.

Oh, ha, ha, Neil! Big bloody joke!

Hello! I come from God and he said...

AGH! Get off! My foot! Let me in!

It's a miracle! Just a moment ago,
I was a useless cr*pple!

But now I can run and dance and skip!

Oh, thank you, God! Thank you, baby Jesus!

Look, what do you want?

I come from the Archangel Gabriel.

Yes, he with wings of driven snow
and eyes aflame!

- I bring good news for mankind.
- Well, I'm afraid I don't believe in God.

How do you know his name, smartass?!

Repent! Everyone, repent! Accept Jesus!

I don't mean, ''Everyone except Jesus, repent.''

I mean, ''Accept Jesus into your life
and repent at the same time.''

Have you said yes, hippie?

Oh...well, I do a lot of yoga.

Come, brother, let us pray together.

Look, do you mind going?
If we'd wanted you to come in,

we might've said something like,
''Oh, hi, Christian, come in!''

But we didn't! So go take a running jump!

No, thank you. I'm going to sit
right down here until we've all been saved.

- Ugh!
- Oh, no!

Don't look at me, I'm an agnostic!

- The Day of Judgement is nigh!
(MIKE) Day of Judgement?

- Do I get a prize?
- Agh! A locust!

- I'm supposed to be an ant.
- Repent!

OK, how about you and me
and the 'oly Ghost

go upstairs for a closer look
at those moral understays, eh?

This should get things going!


Behold...the Beast!


- Now is the worrying time!
- Yes, it is, rather.

- Woe! Woe!
- Woe...woe...

Armageddon and the Four Horsemen
of the Apocalypse.


(Woman ) FamineI PestilenceI DeathI

And the other one...


Is that a seagull?

Famine, is that seagull a seagull?

No, Pestilence, it's a dog.

A flying dog?

Flying, er, catapult.

Flying catapult?

- Erm...
- Oh, I'm famished!

- So what's new?
- Microchip technology.

Microchip's quite a...
a new thing, isn't it?


There's nothing so boring
as waiting for the Apocalypse.

Well, except for that film.

- What film?
- ''Chitty Chitty Bang Bang''.

- There's bored for you.
- Oh, God, I'm bored.

God, I am bored.

- Travel Scrabble, anybody?
- No, put it over there with the others.

Sometimes God can be so unimaginative.

He's worried about his son, isn't he?

- What?
- He's a Born Again Christian.

Want a game of Travel Scrabble, Death?

Death? You want a game of Travel Scrabble?

- He's dead.
- I'll be dead soon if I don't eat.

How about a bloody sandwich?

See this?

And I beheld a medium-sized group of people

running around madly,
waving their hands and shrieking,

''Twelve score oxen have spent
over a year in the same field!''

Well, that's typical!

Five minutes to go till the most important
party of my life

and the house has been
wrecked by a gigantic sandwich!

Well, at least it means
there'll be something to eat now.

- Eugh!
- What?

It's meat!

Listen, get this cleared up before
the guests arrive or you're in trouble!

You're in trouble!

- Who the hell are you?
- Hi, Rick, we're here for the party.

It doesn't start for five minutes!

I told you .! Are you calling me a liar?

- We can go to the pub.
- That's right, piss off to the pub.

- I thought you were my friends.
- It's only five minutes.

''It's only five minutes!''
Tell that to Roger Bannister!

- Roger, it's only five minutes.
- Oh, really? How interesting.


- Is this Mike's house?
- He is a member of the commune, yes.

Oh, come in, then,
make yourselves at bloody home!

- It's a bit smelly!
- Smells like a gents.

- Gent's what?
- Wait, wait!

Sit over there till the party's ready!

Italian chair designers
are so uncompromising now.

Yeah, looks like a sandwich.

What on earth do you think you're doing?!

- Well...
- Just put that down!

Three minutes to go!
Are you an alcoholic or something?!

This isn't a refugee camp!

Stay there! Nobody move!

Hi, girls.

Didn't hurt at all!

Wanna see how many press-ups I can do?

Christ's sake!

Oh... Hello, Dr Morrison!

I didn't think you'd make it. Oh, thanks.

I'm glad you did. I've been
meaning to talk to you about Trotsky.

I've got some trousers like yours.
Great, aren't they?

- Yeah.
- Oh, look at me being stupid. Come in.

- How did you get here?
- In my car.

Huh, amazing! you know everyone? Erm...

Can I get you a drink?

- Yeah, beer.
- Right. Small cup?

Hi, John. Hi, Sue.


Jim Morrison, Sociology.

Hey, nobody's drinking.

The party hasn't started yet.

Rick, has the party not started yet?

Er, yes, yes, of course it has!

I don't know what's wrong with you lot!
First you don't want a drink, then you do!

You're all completely potty!

Here, get stuck into that lot!

Oh, that's my flatmate, Vyvyan.
Hi, Vyvyan, what are you doing?

Shut up, you girl!

He's incredible! I'm not a girl at all!

Mind you, we're all pretty potty in this house!

Last night, we were all watching the TV,
it was a programme we liked,

and we were just watching it and right
in the middle, I got up and turned it off!


I don't care what I do, y'know.

Unless it's work or anything like that, you know.

Last Wednesday, we stayed up
till o'clock in the morning.

OK! Pop music! Let's go!

Anyone here like the Human League?



Right, the music's too loud!
The neighbours have been complaining!

You just watch your step, sonny!

- Phew!
- Pigs, huh!

- Fascists!
- Yeah! I'd really like to join the police!

Shut up!

- Er...anyone got a straight?
- A what?

- A cigarette.
- Oh, sure.

Oh, great bag!

It's great, isn't it? In here, are they?

Look, it's tinted! Amazing!

You've bought me a present!

What is it? What do you do with it?

No, don't tell me, don't tell me, I'll guess.

It's a telescope!

A telescope with a mouse in it! Brilliant!

Dumdy, dumdy, dumdy, dum!

Hello, Rhiannon, are you glad
you could come to the party?

Have a drink, mousey!

(RICK) Oh, it's gone all big.

I'll get a tissue, it's all right.

There's a whole box in here! They're called...

I think I'd better go to the lavatory.

- Is that the time?
- No, the clock's broken.

The hands keep whizzing round fast.
It's only half past seven.

- Hi, Mike!
- Not yet, but I soon will be!



I must say, student parties
are not what they used to be.

Oh, wow! This is so uncool!

Wow! What is this stuff? Tobacco or...Pink Floyd?

Cryogenics! Nice one, man!

Let's see if it really works.

Is that the front door?

No, the front door's in the hall.

- Hadn't someone better answer it?
- I'll go and see what the question is!

(LAUGHS) Go and see what the question is!

That's marvellous!

(BURPS) All right, mate!
'Ere, I'm sorry I ain't got no drink,

I had some but I drank it all in the off-licence.

Tommy Balowski. Look, I've told
your cousin Jerzei and now I'm telling you,

if I want trouble, I'll call the police. Get lost!

I am lost. That's why I'm here.

- Can I use your toilet?
- No.

- I thought not so I pissed in your garden.
- Go away!

- Eh, you know me!
- Oh, yeah.

Who am I?

- You're you.
- Right. Wanna make somethin' of it?

I don't, but if you want a fight,
Neil's in the lounge.

- Are you threatening me?
- Are you looking for teeth in a basket?

- There you are.
- Cheers, I've been looking for them.

- Looks like the party's started.
- I'm looking for my prince.

Maybe they're upstairs with my etchings,
darling. Please, this way!

Look, Neil! Look, everybody!
This is supposed to be a party!

So for flip's sake start having fun!

The pigs smashed the hi-fi, we've got no music.

No music, my braces!
What about Rip, Rig and Panic?

♪ You're my kind of climate
Swing lost paradise

♪ Your touch, your smell, you can tell,
I ain't talkin' 'bout heaven or hell

♪ You're my kind of climate
Swing lost paradise

♪ Met a Mexican in the kitchen
Rule your life by the dice

♪ You got a crazy disposition

♪ And you always challenge tradition

♪ Better to travel than ever arrive
Being together, side by side

♪ Lost in a climate called loneliness
It's a crime of passion, deep repression

♪ What's that whisper in your blood?
The heat within rising

♪ You're my kind of climate
Swing lost paradise

♪ Your touch, your smell, you can tell
I ain't talkin' bout heaven or hell

♪ You're my kind of climate
Swing lost paradise

♪ Met a Mexican in the kitchen
Rule your life by the dice ♪

Yeah. OK.

Er, the pubs just closed so the rest
of the guests should be here any moment.


Hi, Fisher, what do you want to know?
Better be ready for some angry vibes!

Ah! Political activist, eh?

- What's the last thing you blew up?
- A rubber johnny, in the Union bar!

It was hilarious, everybody thought so.

Yeah, look... Next Tuesday, I'm gonna
blow up a Panda in Croydon.

Yeah, right on! Bloody zoos! Who needs 'em?

No, a police car, you terminal wally!

- Oh, the pigs?
- Bastards!

Yeah! (SNORTS)

Specially the few bad apples
that spoil their spotless image.

If pigs could fly, Scotland Yard
would be London's third airport!

Here, listen.

I got everything ready.
All I need is a plan, a b*mb

and a dedicated accomplice.

Are you in?

- You spilt your drink!
- I know, I was getting bored.

Shall I get you another one? Cinzano?

All right, matey? All right, I'll tell ya,
I got ''w*r'' tattooed on this hand,

and ''peace'' on this hand.

I got ''The Brothers Karamazov''
tattooed down me spine.

But you can't see that 'cause, erm,
I got me shirt on, you know.

- Well, isn't it painful?
- Nah, it's polyester and cotton.

No, I mean, like, having tattoos.



Naaaah! Nah, nah, God bless ya, nah.

It's not painful, it's just like having
red-hot needles stuck under your skin.

I once wrote a shopping list
on the back of my hand.

- It was a stupid thing to do.
- Why?

It was half-day closing.

- Are you a virgin?
- No! No!

I'm not asking, I'm just using it
as a term of abuse.

You want your face flattened...

- Hi, Warlock!
- Here, mate, get your lips round this.

Oh, oh, thanks, man.

Oh, that's the front door.

I'll, er, I'll catch up with you in a minute.

All right, pal, I'll be looking for you...

Oh, no, what if it's the pigs?

I'll just have to...

All right, mate?

I'm, er...quite friendly with Norman.

No, not Norman, what's his name? Dave.

No, Keith, yeah, Dogger, he's a mate of,
er, Del's, Mitch, yeah.

Well, you know, more'n friendly, really.
I'm, er, his brother.

Oh, yeah, I'm his brother too!

We was in a car crash together.

You know Chopper Chan, don't ya...

Not Chopper, Jen...

- Big Jen? Yeah? I'm his dad.
- Her dad.

- Yeah, her dad too.
- Well, her dad's cousins.

Cousins of who?

All right! How you doing?

All right, see you later, then.

I must be losing my touch.

(Don't think we're gonna get in.)

(Think he's a hippie?)

- Try something else, yeah?
- All right.

You gonna let us in, or am I gonna have
to call you an ambulance?

Bloody hell!

Have a bang of this number, man.

(GATECRASHER) Did you see that?

(ASTRONAUT) This is just like
that record by David Bowie.

- What? The Jean Genie?
- YesI

Hey, look, the Planet Earth is blue
and there"s nothing we can do.

- Nice trip, man?
- Far out, man.

Get down there! Are you frit?

I ain't frit of nothin'!
There's something down here already.

Cor, thanks, guv, I've been stuck
down there since the late th Century.

Good evening. My name's Philip
and, er, this is Torquil.

Yeah, we was just looking for my tie-pin
which an eagle stole when I was asleep.

- Santa, I'm free!
- You what?

Don't give us that Santa Claus routine.

We've known for some time now
that he don't exist.

- What?
- I'll tell you later.

Not for the last years or so.
He's been stuck down there.

Look... I'm getting well miffed with you.

You gonna get off or have I gotta open
the medicine cupboard?

How dare you! I'm a well-respected
fictional character!

- Expensive-looking dress, doll.
- It was a present from my godmother.

Would you like me to put my hand here?

No, I have to go. My stepsisters
will be wondering where I am.

No, stay, doll, it's only just midnight.



That's nothing! I kissed two girls
on the lips last week!

Lying toe-rag!
Why ain't you pregnant, then?

Well, I might be!

But I don't care!
I don't care if I live or die, mate!

I had this friend, right...and he k*lled
himself for the insurance money.

How much did he make?

Nothing. Only third party.

- I've just been wrecking the bathroom!
- Ha! Terrific!

- But it's your house, Vyv.
- Yeah, but it's a party, innit?

Oh, hi! I'm Collins. I'm from
the Entertainment Committee and I was...

Hello, mate! Hello, my mate...!

- Sorry?
- You and me against the world, mate!

The bastards, eh? We'll get 'em, eh?

'Ere, come 'ere, come 'ere, come 'ere.

I'll tell ya something, right.

Between you and me, I think I'm gonna be sick!

I've got a great idea! Why don't we set off
all the fire extinguishers?!


No, wait! Back! Back!

We haven't got any fire extinguishers.

Hi! I'm Colllns.

I'm from Ents and I've been asked
to compile jokes for this year's Rag Mag.

Do you know any good jokes?
It's for charity, you know.

Yeah! Here's a good one.

Here, you and you, put him on that stretcher,

and put his feet in the fire.
You, bring me my surgical kit!

I've thought of a great new party game!

You stay there!


Down the chimney, you runt!

Bloody students!


- Help, I'm stuck!

Get me an aspirin!

You seen my new girlfriend,
with the expensive dress?

I've made her a present.

I don't know! We're so decadent!

- Ho-de-ho! Ho-de-ho!
- Fascist!

That'll be the neighbours!

Shut up, you old witch!

- Oh, dear, oh, dear!
- Has something happened?

I don't like people who stick blunt objects
forcefully into my ear.

- It's terrible when that happens.
- Yeah, terrible.

Perhaps you'd like to help us...beat you up!


k*ll the hippie!



Don't hit me! I'm a vegetarian, man!

Oh...! Oh, it was all a dream.

Fancy that. Phew!

k*ll the hippieI

Oh, no! This is the dream!