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03x02 - Series 3, Episode 2

Posted: 07/21/23 06:15
by bunniefuu
This is just another one of your
stupid lies to get away with shit.

It is total bullshit.

The problem with being a teenager
is that no-one ever believes you,

even when you're actually
telling the truth.

It's not total bullshit, it's true.

f*ck off. Why does Siobhan
need the two of ye

to take Star to get her jabs?
You're just trying to go on the hop.

Siobhan has a phobia of needles.

Honestly, like,
we're telling the truth.

I swear on me mam's grave,

and that means a lot
cos she's already dead.

OK, sorry.

I might have overreacted.

I just didn't think you'd be
doing something so thoughtful.

It's OK, Mam.

We all make mistakes.

Take the day off
and I'll cover for you.

And take Star to the doctor,
all right, but just...

I've got to go.

See you, lads.

I can't believe she bought that.

What do you want to do for the day?

But as Jock says, if no-one's
going to believe us teenagers

when we're telling the truth,

we may as well be bullshitting
all the time.

These are the Holy Grail of bikes.

All other bikes have been
in preparation for these.

They really are a thing of beauty.


Oh, boy, I don't know.

I'm getting heartburn just
thinking about robbing them, like.

Oh, no,
these bikes are getting robbed,

and to be honest with you, we
actually just don't have a choice.

Why...why's that?

Well, I was watching this thing
on telly the other day and

it basically said that working-class
people are locked in a cycle of

criminal activity from a young age
and it's impossible to escape...

..and that's us, boy.

No, that doesn't sound true, like.

Are you telling me
you're a middle-class fella?

f*ck off, boy!
I'm not f*cking middle-class.

Fellas, how can I help you?

All right, Philip.

We're just going
to steal some of these bikes, OK?

Oh, no, lads, please.

This is getting too easy.

I know, it's like
stealing candy from a baby.

Stop there,
you little f*cking pricks!

Oh... Bollocks!


Conor, I forgot to
tell you something.

What's that? Get back here!

These bikes might look cool,

but they're the slowest
f*cking bikes on the entire planet.

Now you're telling me.

Get back here, you little pricks!

Can't find how to
change gears on this thing.

My legs are knackered already.

I hate to break it to you,
but there is only one gear.

Healy's got gears
and he's right behind us.

Save your oxygen and
keep f*cking pedalling.

Coming through!

Sorry for your loss!

When Healy was dating me ma,

I once asked him
what his favourite movie was,

thinking he might surprise me.

And guess what he said?


BOTH: f*ck!

This is really starting
to be not fun.

I have you now! I have you now!

Hold up, hold up, hold up.

I got these for emergencies

and I'm pretty sure
this counts as an emergency.



f*ck's sake.


For f*ck... He's still coming, even
with a flat tyre. What do we do?

There's only one thing we can do.
What's that?

We cycle out of the city... What?

That flat tyre
will break him eventually.

We've just got to keep going.

Right, it's time to go up a gear.

Yeah, that'd be great if
we actually had f*cking gears.

PANTING: Jesus... f*cking...

There's one thing that myself and
Jock and that prick Sergeant Healy

actually have in common -
we have all now participated

in the slowest bike chase in
the history of f*cking bike chases.

What are you doing?

Temporary truce, old boy!

How about we all take a break and
continue this chase in five minutes?

Yeah, yeah.

Good stuff, old chap!

Why's he stopped?

It's the rules of w*r, Conor. A
white flag means a temporary truce.

What if he cheats? He won't cheat.

You can't cheat when someone waves
a white flag, boy. It's the rules.

Plus, we've got youth on our side.

Yeah, but he's got fitness.

And a faster bike, and the law.

And he doesn't smoke.

Con, just a little bit of positivity
now, bit of f*cking positive energy,

OK, wouldn't go astray now.
Positivity, is it?

I positively think we shouldn't
have stole these f*cking bikes!

OK, I don't need you up my hole now
about these f*cking bikes, OK?

Here, boy.

Look at Healy, look at Healy.

I swear that prick is moving, boy.

He wouldn't do that.
Rules are rules, like you say.

I'm telling you, boy, look at him.

He is moving, boy, he's cheating.

Cheating bastard!

ENGLISH ACCENT: You bloody cheater!

Jolly off!


PANTING: Come back here...

Ah, God!

My f*cking legs!

You won't get away...

I have you now...

Come on... Come on!

That's it, boy. I'm quitting.
My legs are quitting.

I can't cycle any more.

Come on, Conor. Keep going.

Jump on the back. Never
leave a man down. Get on!

No, no, wait! You're too f*cking
heavy. Get off me. Get off me!



Just keep moving, boy.

Come on... Come on... We can do it.

In here... Get here...



Woohoo! We did it!

ENGLISH ACCENT: You may as well
go back to Cork, old boy.

We've gotten away this time.

That's it, old fella,
you might as well just

toodle-oo back to f*cking Cork!


f*cking told you, boy,
you can always trust...


Yes! Woohoo! Oh, yes!


Why's he woohooing? What are you...

What are you woohooing for?

I'll tell you why.

I've done it.

I've finally got you f*ckers!

You see, I know this place.

This is O'Donovan's old dairy farm.

It's been sealed up for years
and there's no way out.

I can wait here forever.

You will get cold, you will starve.

You will give up.

I will get backup,
and I will arrest you, so...

As I was saying, woohoo!

He's right, boy! There's no way out.
What are we going to do?

We... We dig a tunnel?

With our bare hands?

That'll take f*cking months.

I'm going to be hungry in
about half an hour.

I don't know! Do you have
any f*cking ideas? Well...

All right,
we set the warehouse on fire...

Right, and then...?

That's it.

We're f*cked. Yeah, we are.
Yeah, we're f*cked. We're f*cked.

Good sport today, old chap!

If you leave us go, we will return
home to Great Britain.

I concur.

We will send forth
back to Blighty London.

I do know you're not English,
yeah, you f*cking tools.

WHISPERS: How does he know that?

Don't know, just keep it up.

ENGLISH ACCENT: Perhaps... Perhaps
we could convene in the morrow

in town and we could pick this up
at some time and place...


No. I'm staying right here
until you come out,

then I'm going to milk you just like
O'Donovan used to milk his cows.

That doesn't really make...

..make any sense, old chap.

Yes, it does, because it means...

Well, it doesn't f*cking matter what
it means because I'm calling backup.

Today's the day that
I take you two down.

What are we supposed to do?
Ssh! He can hear us!

WHISPERS: What now?


Superintendent Flynn speaking.

Sir, Sergeant Healy.

Active pursuit of suspects ongoing
on the Lissarda Road out of Cork.

Request for full backup.

Jesus Christ, Healy.
What are you up to now?

Sir, I have single-handedly
tracked and cornered those masked

teenage scumbags to O'Donovan's
old warehouse on the Lissarda Road.


Are you telling me you followed
those two little eejits

that you're obsessed with all the
way out of town? Yes, sir, and...

You listen to me now, boy.

You need to start
looking after your mental health.

Stress is the number one
health issue in men under .

You need to let go of this obsession
and come back to town. Right?

Good man.


This is all your fault!

How the f*ck is it my fault?

It was your idea to lie to Mam

and it was your idea to
rob all the stupid bikes.

That just makes me
the f*cking idea guy, Con, yeah?

OK, and don't take this
the wrong way

but sometimes you can be
a boring dickhead!

So I have to choose between
either being a boring dickhead

or getting arrested for
all the bikes we stole?

Which is about bikes,

or to put it another way,
four years in prison

or to put it yet another way,

four brand spanking new holes for
lifers to f*cking go to town on.

Look at the f*cking mess
we're in, boy!

We need to stop lying. You...

YOU need to stop lying.

Yeah, yeah, OK, Con,
you've made your point, OK?

But what are we going to do now?

We need to call Mam.

We can't call Mam,
she'll f*cking k*ll us.

Of course she'll f*cking k*ll us,

but she's also the only adult
that cares about us.

We just need to call her
and tell her everything.


All right.


But not, not everything.


Yeah? Yeah.

But not everything.

Everything, all right?


But... But not everything.

Everything! I'm calling her now.

There you go, love.

Thank you, folks, we'll see you.


What do you want? I'm busy cos two
dickheads didn't show up to work.

WHISPERS: Mam, it's... Mam, it's me.

I know who it is.
What are you whispering for?

You don't have to f*cking whisper
in the doctors.


Actually, we're not actually
at the doctors, Mam.

So you lied to me.
I f*cking knew it!

Let... Where are you?

What are you f*cking...?

No, look, me and Jock
are in serious trouble, Mam.

What trouble?

Well, I...

I'll tell you but you have to
promise not to lose your temper.

I won't lose my f*cking temper.
Just tell me what's going on.

It sounds like
you're losing your temper, Mam.


f*cking temper.

Just f*cking tell me.

All right, so, what happened is,

the thing is... So...

The only reason why I'm ringing...

It all started back when...

I was...

Eh... f*cking...

I can't do it. Here.

Just make sure you tell her
everything, all right? Yeah.

Don't hold back.
Obviously, obviously.

Mairead? Hello?

How are you, Mairead?


Basically, Healy has got some
f*cking bullshit idea into his head

that we're these
big-time bike thieves

and he's chased us down to
a warehouse on the Lissarda Road.

Obviously there's
no truth to it at all.

We didn't do nothing, but...

we're trapped and we kind of just
need you to come and break us out.





Yeah, yeah, see you in a while, so.

Thanks, Mairead.

Yeah, thanks.

She all right?

You know what,
she actually seemed...

seemed so all right about it.






I'm going to f*cking k*ll them...

At least...
At least we told Mam the truth.

Yeah. All right.

Yeah, you did tell her, yeah?

I spoke to her, yeah. Yeah.

But did you tell her the truth?

Yeah, don't worry, boy.
I talked to her.

Yeah, I know you f*cking talked
to her but what did you say?

I said that
Healy chased us down here

cos he thinks we stole some bikes.

All right, but did you tell her
that we DID steal the bikes?

I spoke to her.

When she gets here we're f*cking
telling her the truth, all right?

Yeah, all right.

I mean, like,
we'll definitely talk to her.

We'll... We will definitely do that.

The f*ck are you doing here?

You stalking me again?


No, I'm just here because...

Wait, what are you doing
all the way out here?

Jesus, like... This is where
I come to clear my head, all right?

Everyone knows Lissarda Road
is Mairead's walking road.

f*ck's sake, like.

How long were we together
and you don't even remember that?

No, yeah, I do, I do,
I do remember that, yeah.

But honestly, I'm not here for that.

Then why are you here?

I've cornered two bike-thieving
scumbags in that warehouse.


In there?

Yeah, I've been after
those teenage bastards for years.

Now I've finally got the little
f*ckers where I want them.

Just waiting on...backup.

like a negotiator.

Yeah, we're not leaving
without a negotiator.

You know, like in that film,
what's it called...?

The Negotiator?

Yeah. Like Samuel I Jackson.

Yeah, well,
Samuel I Jackson's not here.

And he wasn't the negotiator anyway.

He meant Kevin Spacey.

Yeah, well, Kev's not here either.

We want to talk to the nice lady.

Not the Guard prick, the nice lady,

then we might give ourselves up.

It's just a thought but
why don't I go in and talk to them?

this is police business, OK?

Healy, two teenage boys being pricks
is my area of expertise,

I think you'll agree.

If I can talk them out,
you can take the credit.

Mam, come on!


Mairead? Are you OK?

If you boys lay a finger on her,
I swear to God...

I'm fine, Healy, I'm fine.

Don't worry, if anyone lays a finger
on me they'll f*cking know about it.


Hello, boys, how are ye?!

Can we talk?!

Yes, I... I think
that's a jolly good idea!

That's an interesting accent
you have.


We're from England, don't you know?

I know they're not
f*cking English, OK?

So what the f*ck is going on here?


WHISPERS: We're talking
through this so Healy can't hear us.


It's a massive f*cking warehouse.

What did she say?

We can have a conversation f*cking
anywhere, just not by the door.

We're in some serious shit, Mam.
What do we do?

Healy's after us
for stealing bikes.

Why does he think you stole bikes?

Because... We did steal bikes.


We borrowed bikes, Conor.

Oh, f*ck!

We were going to bring them back,
Mairead. I swear.

OK, OK, it's not that bad.

We go out, we face the music

because it could be
an awful lot worse, right?

For a start, he's got this mental
idea in his head

that the two of you
are those masked scumbags.

I think their names
are Fake Billy and Princess.

That's not the whole truth, Mam.

There's something else we need
to tell you. No, there isn't.

There isn't. Yes, there is.
We need to let her know.

No, we do not need to f*cking
let her know. Let me know what?

Nothing, OK?
We're telling you everything.

What's basically happened, he's
chased us down because he thought...

Give me... Give me the masks!

Lads, what the f*ck are you doing?

Get off me!

Give me the masks!

I swear to God, Conor...

I... I can explain, Mairead. See...

We found the masks
in a bin last week.

Jock, will you stop f*cking lying?


Say something.

You've actually managed... You've
actually managed to f*cking do it.

I'm f*cking speech...
I'm f*cking speechless.


After all I've done...

What an idiot.

Me or Conor?


And you!

And f*cking you!

And all of us!


What do... What do we do now?

There's only one thing we can do.

You're going to have
to turn yourselves in.

BOTH: What? No f*cking way!

You asked me to help you,
now I'm helping you, all right?

You're teenagers. We can get you
solicitors or whatever.

It's just, we... We stole a lot more
bikes than you think we might...

No, no, we didn't, we didn't.

How many? Like, five.
Maybe five, tops.

Yeah, nearer ...

..and ...

... Might as well
just round it up to .

I don't know where you're getting these numbers
from but your maths is way f*cking off, Con.

You're going to go to prison
for this, you know that, yeah?

Boy, will you just stop?

I've had enough, all right?
Just f*cking stop.

What are you crying for?

Because this has upset me,
all right?

You have upset me.

Listening to your bullshit
is great craic a lot of the time

but there comes a point where
you got to just tell the truth,

and you never f*cking know
when that is!

Stop crying, boy,
you're going to set me off.

I can't just stop crying
now I've started.

I didn't mean to upset you.

What do you want me to do, like?

Maybe just tell the truth.

About what? About everything, boy.

Sorry, boy,
I'll tell the truth from now on.


OK, Mairead, yeah,
we took them bikes.

We didn't find the masks in the bin.

We are the masked scumbags.

And what else?

Telling the truth is strange.

Once you start, it's hard to stop.

And when I said... When I said
I did the washing the other day,

I didn't do it at all.
I just licked the plates clean.

Oh, Jesus.

And you remember
when you were called into school

because we got caught
in the staffroom?

Well, the truth is, me and Conor
had been collecting pigeon shit

for a few weeks and we replaced
Principal Walsh's milk bottle.

That's enough. Oh, my God, this
feels so good, it feels so good.

And Mairead, before you were
my Mam, OK, I used...

I used to have a wank
occasionally thinking about you.

Now, I wouldn't do that any more.
Stop f*cking talking... La la la!

Shut up! It was back in the day, OK?
Shut up!

OK. This feels so much better.

Oh, that's a weight.
That's a weight off.

There you go, Mam.

You know everything.

I know too f*cking much.

What's going on in there?

Are you OK, Mairead?

I'm all right, Healy. Hold your
horses. We're making progress here.

We'll be out in a minute.


Superintendent Flynn speaking.

Sir, it's me.


Healy, please tell me
you're back in town.

Afraid not, sir.

Look, would it be fair to say that

you find me and my obsession with
these two boys a constant annoyance?

Yes. I think it's safe to say
you're the biggest pain in my hole.

You're even worse than my prostate
and that's saying something.

So would it be also safe to say
that if you did send backup,

and we did catch these two,
you wouldn't have to listen to me

going on about them, day in day out,
until the very day that you retire?

Followed by daily house calls
just to keep you in the loop?


Right, where are you?

Hey! Scumbags!

The game is up.

Backup is on its way.


f*ck! What do we do?

f*ck, all right, there's only
one thing we can do, right?

I'll distract Healy
and you try and get away.

How are you going to do that?

How do you f*cking think?
I'm going to flirt with him.

You... You can't do that, Mam.

It's fine. I'm completely over him.

I have no feelings for Healy
any more. Nothing.

No, no, no. You...
You just can't do that.

I've seen you try to flirt before.
You're f*cking crap at it.

I can flirt.

And I'm actually really good at it.


OK... Go on, so, show us.

All right.

One second.

Hey. How you doing?

Do you want to find, like...

a quiet corner
and we can get to know each other?

WHISPERS: Really well.

No, I'm not sure
that's going to work, Mam.

Huh? Yeah.

That should do it all right.

Don't do any more of that,

especially after
what he said earlier.

The f*ck you doing?

Right... I'm going to go.

And if, IF we get out of this, when
I'm finished with the two of you,

you're going to wish
you went to prison.

Oh, I got a stitch, boy.

Stitch? I got a stitch in my side.

From what, running?

I don't know what it was there
but I must have got up too quickly.

Got a stitch or something. I'm going
to try and walk it off, yeah?

What are you doing, Mairead?

I lied to them, all right?

I told them you're bluffing,
so they're not going anywhere.

They think they've beaten you.


OK, good plan.

So you can relax.

Look, Healy...

Seeing as they're not going
anywhere, why don't we just...

..take this opportunity
to have a walk,

and talk about us?

Us? Us.

Mairead, are you saying you think
there could be an us again?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

What do you say?

f*ck's sake.

f*ck's sake, really?

So what, you don't
want to talk about us?

You see this? This is what I'm
talking about. This is the problem.

It's the same old shit,
just like when we were together.

I never know
when you're being straight with me.

The f*ck is that supposed to mean?
I'll tell you what it means.

Half the time I'm looking at you and I'm afraid
of you cos you look like you want to hit me.

Your fists are clenched
right now, Mairead.

Well, half the time maybe
I do want to f*cking punch you.

Go on, then. What?

If it will make you feel better,
do it.


Actually, yeah, it's kind of...

Kind of starting to help.

Well, keep going, then.

Hit me properly
and then just keep going

until you get it out of your...

Oh, that's better.

What the f*ck is Mam doing?

Don't know, boy. Flirting must have
been different in the old days.

Come on, let's f*cking
get out of here.

Wait, wait. What if Healy sees us?

One last time?

One last time.

Here, Jock...

Could I be Fake Billy? Just once?

Uh, no.

Yeah, let it all out...

There you go...

That's good. That's good.

Mairead... Mairead!


Right, get off.


Lying is one of them things

that people do all the time
without thinking.

People lie to themselves...

I'm so f*cking over you!

..lie to each other
to protect themselves...

Yeah, I'm f*cking over you too.

..And when you're dodging
the police, everything is just

one big fat f*cking lie.

Keep your head down!


And I guess wearing a mask is
pretty much the ultimate lie,

cos you're not taking responsibility
for anything you do.

OK, coast is clear.

You really are the best, Mam.
Yeah, you are.

And when we get home, we promise

we'll do the washing of
the dishes for a whole month.

VOICE OVER: Well, you can't just
expect me and Jock to change overnight.

We won't actually do it, though?
Not at all, no.

It's going to take a bit of work,

and guidance from our incredibly
loving and understanding mother,

before we're fully reformed

When we get home we're having
a serious f*cking chat

about your behaviour, all right?
No, we've got homework to do.

You're expelled from school.
Just stop the f*cking lying!

What the f*ck happened to you?

Never mind that, all right?
They're in there.

It's all over, lads!
We're coming in!
