06x42 - A Battle...And Then

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x42 - A Battle...And Then

Post by bunniefuu »


doesn't anymore

















thank you




the battle between the Decepticons who

want to destroy the Earth and the

Autobots from bow to uphold justice has

been going for a while




Optimus Prime the autobot Warriors

Captain LED an all-out attack on the

Decepticons and finally managed to

destroy their underwater base

now they're advancing towards the

decepticon's control center


Optimus Prime is about to face the

decepticon's great Lord see and engage

in the final battle

the ultimate battle



so you want to


you evil monster I would allow you to

destroy the Earth I'll try and stop you

until my last gasp

hey monster don't you try and run away

get away from me I have no time to wait

with you right now Optimus Prime

that what does he mean by that well I

might as well tell you before you die I

have installed an exterminator in the

Antarctic with that I can destroy the

whole of the human race and one go



so you've been planning that all the

time huh are you scared now Optimus

Prime beg me then I may spare your life

you monster I will stop you all you

won't succeed

got good in dark way this is the chance

for you to prove yourself to me get rid

of Optimus Prime

meanwhile huku was wounded while trying

to help siren is being attended to by


thanks a lot Knight beat I'm a lot

better now

I'm glad but you still need to take a

rest now well

hey have you heard from the captain yet

no I've heard nothing

we must mobilize as soon as we hear from

him so hook he'd better take a rest now

no I can't take a rest this is an

important time we must all give our best

to the fight I don't agree we must wait

for the captain's orders hope before we

take any action in the meantime we can

carry on with a rescue job here

yes you're right

oh by the way do you know what happened

in the fight between the captain and z


here I go deep Digger not winged redwin

where are you


you won't get to the Antarctic oh really

watch this






now you know who you're dealing with

I show you






freezing lights


hey Jordan are you all right then uh

I thought that we were dead don't ever

say that we're not ordinary fighting

robots we're new beings we won't die

like ordinary human beings I know that

were different from human beings

what does the great Lord want does he

want to sacrifice us too we have to

remain loyal to the great Lord that's

the only way we can survive you know

only by doing that will we be able to

rebuild his confidence in us once again

there they are Darkwing and dreadwin

oh no it's the autobot

you two seem to have been injured yeah

well then they can't fight now can they

oh yeah just do what



you're ready your Ranger just stopped

trying to resist us and surrender right


just shut up we'll get



well we can climb right up to the top of

a hill in this machine you know really

that's wonderful that means we can go

into battle taking this vehicle with us

yeah we'll teach the Decepticons a

lesson for taking away our Transformer

bracelets let me say this now I'm not

gonna join the Autobots I'm only going

now because I'm forced to I know exactly

what's on your mind what do you mean by

that you're just too embarrassed to tell

the truth

stop laughing I mean what I say okay

forget it

squeeze what you've gone too far stop

playing I'm accelerating

Optimus Prime you'll rest forever under

this ice


I'm back oh

let me tell you evil Powers will never

win I'm gonna get rid of you right now




I will give you any chance don't be so

confident you'll beat me come on Optimus


you'll never defeat me

driving all right watch this


well now so you can't move us this prize

maybe I should transform you into a

robot a mechanical robot complete with

all human weaknesses man in future you

won't be able to make trouble for us




all right


this magnetic storm is still very strong

we can't see anything I just hope

nothing will happen to the captain

well sorry and that's hard to say

things are different this time this is a

fight for survival you know

well there must be

of an Optimus Prime the only thing to do

now is find him ourselves

hey what's happening the magnetic storm

is still strong we can't contact the

captain we're gonna look for him

I'm going with you

I'm Jared I have to go and find out what

happened look

you can wait here I'll contact you at

once if I find anything


this man just won't give up isn't he

scared of dying


huh Fortress Maximus get out of here

otherwise I'll k*ll you as well

Captain go now







don't be so happy



what's that


thank you


I've decided I don't want to serve the

great Lord anymore

how could he even want to k*ll his own

people I don't understand that doesn't

he have any concern for us you're quite


but still I must defeat Optimus Prime

that's the only goal I have now I

understand but there's a more important

job awaiting us







this is your chance for you to redeem

yourself get rid of them for me



I came to get revenge for myself Chief

Tigger how dare you you should

know very well what will happen to











Becca I'm sorry I'm afraid we've lost




treadmill I won't give up I'll fight


I'll deal with them

your enemy is Optimus Prime do you


anyway now right thanks a lot


you'll never win good always conquers

evil you will die today

you'll see I will win listen Optimus

Prime I've had about enough of you and

your Auto Parts I will destroy all of



he's powerful


let me tell you now I'm the one who gave

the power Masters their lives and that

includes you without me you wouldn't be

here now what do you mean

to all of you are only my tools I

created you there's no way you can ever

beat me

there's no you saying that now Z

and let me tell you this

you made a very big mistake you've

underestimated the potential of the

human mind and that'll be your downfall

look around you the Earth is a beautiful

place and the human race is a creative

intelligence I believe something like

that can never be destroyed so you'll

never succeed okay fight me




doing something


you're losing




my God

it's finally been destroyed


what's happened to my breast that

they're gone oh so am I oh

huh look over there

thank you thank you all for your help

and support

I understand as he's been destroyed they

can all leave now

listen Optimus Prime the w*r's not over



some Decepticon Fighters have escaped

into outer space let's go after them

all right I guess my job here is finish

well would you like a lift

goodbye now

please fight on and destroy the evil

Decepticons we shall do our best I hope

we'll meet again one day



I wanted so much to fight the

Decepticons although I may not win


Optimus Prime and the Autobots have

finally destroyed Z and driven away the


during the long hard battle the only

thing that kept them going was human

friend support and hearts of love to

protect the beautiful Earth that we live



what's up










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