06x40 - Cybertrons! Desprate Attack!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x40 - Cybertrons! Desprate Attack!!

Post by bunniefuu »




Holy Night














in order to defeat the auto parts the

Decepticon Warriors Darkwing and

dreadwind gave up their human form and

under the great Lord's guidance they

absorbed his energy and transformed into

new beings


soon after they obtained their new

powers they went and challenged Optimus



bodies were no match for Optimus Prime

and so once again they were defeated but

now Optimus Prime who was wounded during

the battle has to face another challenge


you again Overlord


the battle for survival


Optimus Prime they're not going anywhere

unless you can knock me down and go past

me save yourself some trouble get out of

my way you fool I shall completely

destroy you come on


so what will you do now



all your helpers are here

Optimus Prime why don't we get this over

with now

you're a great leader in your people's

eyes you don't want them to think you're

a coward cut that out you want to fight

then come on

all right then I'm gonna cut you into

pieces in front of everybody you just


all right



how's everything now get away don't

worry sir the situation is under control

leave up a lot to me and I'll take care

of him you take the others and attack

their base

but sir we can't leave you alone here I

have a feeling the overlord is somehow

different now from the one we know I

feel the same but still remember our

main goal is to thwart the decepticon's

evil Ambitions so don't worry about me

get going but we uh Captain well have

you finished with your discussions yet

come on then Optimus Prime




die get going quick

let's go you bunch of cowards you won't

run away


listen Overlord I'm the one you want so

come and fight me leave them alone don't

worry Optimus Prime I'm not interested

in these monkeys because they're not a

threat to the Decepticons but you're


you're the only one who can fight me the

others are no match

well Optimus Prime are you scared now

it's my time so that getaway and the

others would have a chance to get away

from here

but I don't understand why the overlord

doesn't use any weapons what's happened

have you lost your fighting spirit

listen be careful everyone yes yes


okay relax Nike remember the mountain

climbing training we've had yes


where's the Decepticons great Lord then

that was really something that must be

the magnetic reflective shield from the

great Lord

if we go to the source of the energy

Shield then we'll find him

it's too dangerous to go together why

don't we split up into several team but

still we don't know where the enemy

attack will come from

Joyride is right let's stand up that'll

minimize their targets all right and

like this I'd like to team up with

inside all right but let me remind you

all again the great Lord is very

powerful so be careful


all right let's go

on the other hand Squeeze Play and his

friends have decided to leave the

Decepticons I need to crawl over this

yes we take this route we may be able to

evade the Decepticon Scouts you see oh

great I'm really excited about this very

soon the four of us will be freed from

the Decepticons I'm very happy as well

from now on we are all friends of the

Autobots right just a minute huh Squeeze

Play I think you need to adjust your

thinking what's wrong please understand

We're Not Gonna Change sides now and

fight for the Autobots huh

to tell you the truth

what I really want to do is to give back

the Decepticons what they've done to me

all right fangry I'm with you and

there's another reason too I don't want

to see you risking your lives again you

know oh

thank you

and you're a real friend aren't you hey

hey you sound horrible


we have to be very careful let's show

the Decepticons just how good we are and

they can treat us like dirt good this is

a chance to show you my





what's up

so you won't give it up will you

Overlord no way Optimus Prime you and I

are gonna fight this one out




Overlord what's going on why don't you

use your weapons huh

it's not your concerned


come on use your weapons Overlord

I'm not gonna fight you bare-handed come

on Overlord I'm challenging the

limitations of a human's body I don't

believe that a human body is Invincible

you see what's that the great Lord not

that monster isn't he always scared of a

human body's capability never mind a

great Lord I'm different from him all


now Optimus Prime I'm gonna challenge

you my deadly enemy to find out how

powerful a human body is are you scared


as you wish but listen Overlord I have a

very important mission right now I must

save the Earth and the human race from

destruction by the great Lord

so if you want a duel you'll have to

wait till I've destroyed him I'm not

interested in what your mission is

you and I must clear our debt today I'm


don't go

meanwhile dark queen and dreadwind are

on the Rampage in the United States with

their uni acquired power

when threadwin

yes my Lord

the Autobots are coming here now they

should be here very soon yes we'll

exterminate them after they arrive here

they will disrupt our magnetic force

field that means our powers will be

greatly diminished so you must stop them

getting close yes we'll stop them sir if

you fail again this time I shall have

you punished remember that my voice yes


you'll have to do your eyeballs to stop

them getting close remember you must

have a high-fighting Spirit in order to

win we won't forget sir go on

getaway how's it I think it's safe

enough let's go oh

okay watch me now

oh get away I'm okay

let's get out of here okay Decepticons

let me teach you a lesson you animals






oh look out slap there huh how dare you

do that to my friends you will die

not so easy watch this



wait bombers just leave them to us you

going back up the Veronica


hey what's up

be careful with it you nearly hit me

you idiot get out of the way fire


slap Dash let's go there huh

let's take shelter there for a little



but we can't stand here forever we have

to do something to try and weaken their


if we can somehow get them into this

cave too then that would give us a

better chance

but still what about the other

Decepticons we'll have to rely on the

other Autobots

who are coming

quickly get down


why don't you think about this Overlord

I know you're basically not an evil man

you're just manipulated and influenced

by the great Lord into doing all these

evil things have you got anything else

to say Optimus Prime

come over to us come join the Autobots

you don't want to see the end of the

human race come and join our forces

Overlord we can work together and k*ll

the great Lord I know exactly what I

want to do and that is to defeat you and

to prove that I am the Invincible one

you're only trying to prove to yourself

and others but I have a much more

important job to do now I can't fight

you I have to go and lead the raid on

the great lord I can't waste time with


I told you already we must have a joke

come on Optimus Prime

it's you Captain I've come to Hell wait

Fortress Maximus


sad the whole of the United States is in

Ruins oh no everybody was out trying to

salvage the situation but still uh we

must get rid of that monster as soon as

possible we must

well I did try to contact you earlier

Captain but somehow the radio signals

were interrupted I see that's why you

came here yourself I've made thorough

studies and I've discovered that the

north side behind the enemy doesn't seem

to have a radar Shield at all okay after

this Valley we'll be right behind the

enemy's back on the North side then we

can charge okay

meanwhile Sauron and the others are

advancing by another route on the

Decepticons it's a dead end oh no we

wasted all this time what should we do

all we can do now is climb over this


not again remember what I said nightbeat

it's getting into practice okay

look who it is be careful



you'll see


I'll take care of bombers

oh I'm in trouble


we're coming now

pirate Jose



let me capture those two


don't move

sorry no no worries bad

now I've got you hostage Optimus Prime

will do what I say the Autobots will be



oh siren's in danger huh it's Darkwing

and his brother all right boys let's

fight him together yeah look how smart

they are but they don't know we're here

right let's surprise them


oh my God what happened huh oh look

everyone our bracelets have disappeared

what did you say

oh he's right

the four of you are not used to us


we've been reborn we've become new

beings we have evolved in the new

mechanical Warriors

now we're going to show you our new



you traitors this is the consequences

for anyone who betrays Decepticons

you you'll never beat us Decepticons

don't be so sure and by the way your

friends have arrived to join us as well

look over there

hey ah it's an angry a double dealer

what are they doing here these people

have betrayed us that's why their

bracelets have disappeared what did you

say these people have betrayed us so now

they must suffer all the consequences

I have an idea

why don't we collect all the bracelets

from the autobot Warriors and see what

they can do without them what's that

he was just streaming Darkwing don't you

realize that even we ourselves can't get

the bracelets up it's very simple indeed

all we need to do is cut your arms off

what's that good idea brother not while

I'm here



don't come any closer or the boy is dead

never mind me




leave this to me can you go to take the

decepticon's base of course

you're still alive okay I'll get you I'm

not interested in fighting a machine

like you so get away Optimus Prime let's


listen over or we've completed our plan

to destroy America so let's move on to

Europe but we can't let the Autobots Go

free now we may never catch them again

we're not afraid of the autobot raids

but what we are afraid of is the human

mind let's go

you can't just run away I won't let you

continue with this destruction

come out monster let's have a jewel and

get it over with

I've gone away again


I swear I will not let you succeed I

will safeguard the Earth

once again the Decepticons have run away

however Optimus Prime is even more

determined now to fight on and face the

enemy in Europe







and I





too far


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