06x37 - God Ginrai: Showdown at the Destron Base

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x37 - God Ginrai: Showdown at the Destron Base

Post by bunniefuu »




Holy Night














thank you


on Optimus Prime's instructions only

Autobot Warriors are out looking for the

Decepticons headquarters

Little Island over there

I can't see any buildings bro oh okay

Carry On looking we have to find the

enemy's base and hit them before they

strike again do you understand me yep

I'll go


battle at the base


siren do you read me affirmative I've

got your location go forward along the

coastline for another two kilometers



there may be something there do you

think the decepticon's base is under the

water then the captain thinks so so we

might as well give it a go okay I'll do

it if you find anything report to the

base at once okay you got it

what's that


let's see

you're just wasting your time huh double

dealer well it's been a long time what

are you doing here I transformed into an

Autobot robot so I heard everything you

me you know we're looking for the

Decepticons headquarters yeah and you're

wasting your time just what do you mean


look it's the autobot Warriors siren and

double dealer


why do you want to tell me where their

base is then because I wanted to repay

you for saving my life but why did you

run away after I saved you because of me

the Autobots lost their headquarters so

I was too ashamed to stay with you you

understand please inform Captain Optimus

Prime and the others to go to the

Decepticon space are these genuine then

why did he wait till now to come to me

maybe this is a trick

let's hurry up and go right now we can't

hang around here anymore the Decepticons

May spot us okay you show me where the

base is does that mean you don't trust

me well what I mean is I want to see

what the situation is before I inform

the others okay up to you transformative






what's that for well if it receptor

can't see me now though I think I'm one

of them come on siren




Goodwin listen to this



ER is in League with an Autobot Junior

Headmaster and Darkwing informed you of

this it sounds to me as if double dealer

is not out there on your order Chief

I haven't seen double dealer

recently I'm very worried about him so

Chief Megan you didn't know about this

either well he must have betrayed us he

may be trying to sell us up but he's

helping us by doing this how's that

listener I want you to do what I tell

you to



thank you




is that the entrance oh yeah but it's

very heavily guarded at this time

but I know there's another emergency

exit at the other end


what are you doing




open the door it's me double dealer

oh yeah


get Optimus Prime here then we can k*ll

him that's right we've captured one of

their junior Headmasters in our holding

him hostage when Optimus Prime knows

that he'll try to come here and get him

out lure him here and then you'll k*ll

him do not let him get out of here alive

you understand yes sir I will


Captain come in at once

the Decepticons have captured siren he's

been captured




the overlord listen Optimus Prime we've

captured one of your Junior Headmasters

you better come and get in yourself if

you want him back a lie and you better

come alone

now try to contact siren but I got

nothing so what Chief dega said may be

true you can take a look




when the Autobots know what's happened

to sir and they'll come and try and save

him I'm sure of it

but I told Optimus Prime to come alone I

hope everything will run smoothly okay

now you better set out with scorpion up

split up and go three ways I want you to

attack all the major cities I understand

we're here to lure the others away

Optimus Prime will never want to see his

people tortured like that I'm sure he

will come alone


what's up Squeeze Play I'm okay oh no

you're not you seem to have lost the

spirit of the Decepticons

what's that Spirit of the Decepticons

tell me

Squeeze Play Sweet Baby we've captured

siren we found him inside the face how

did he find us it's that traitor double

dealer apparently he brought him here oh

where are they they've been imprisoned

in the underground dungeon at level 50.

thank you

you Liars

if I had called the captain and got him

here like you said you'd have captured

him as well luckily there's only me here

now let me explain what I said was true

I still don't know how they found out

siren do you think I'm a fool I won't

believe you anymore

listen what he said was true if he

wasn't on your side he wouldn't be

locked up now he'd betrayed us but I

must thank him for what he did

that sounds like chief jiga


nevertheless a Trader must be punished

although you could be of help to us

to us you will end up just the same as

him yes I'm a trading to you but do you

know why because when you attack the

autobot space you were gonna leave me

there to die so I don't trust you


I didn't know about that it must have

been Snapchat but anyway that's in the

past right now you can only blame

yourself for you've dug a great for

Optimus Prime what's that is he coming



no Captain don't come captain


hey Captain don't come here


there it is we found the decepticon's


when Chief was sending in the

call for you Captain we managed to

detect its signals it's underwater to

the east of Hawaii

so their headquarters is under the sea

then huh they've got a nerve what do you

mean they've got nerve get away they

know we can detect their signals and yet

they still send the signals out

I understand them they intentionally

want us to know where they are so they

can trap us at their base if that's true

then we can go be

cope of course I don't mean that siren

is not a fool he would have informed us

when he found the base but he didn't he

must have a reason what do we do now

Captain I have to try and get him out of

there but captain

if I can't even protect my own men how

can I protect the Earth


the Decepticons have been spotted in

Berlin Geneva and Moscow really those

troublemakers are trying to split us up

their purpose is to divide our strength

and k*ll us one by one is slap Dash with

you yes

do whatever you can hold the Decepticons

at Bay

I beat and hook you go to Moscow

Joyride can you inform landmine and the

others then go to Geneva are you gonna

go and find siren Captain yes don't

worry I want to get Saran back alive


don't waste time just do what I say and

stop the decepticon's Rampage right now



you say he said that snap trap left him

at the autobot space and he nearly died

yes he said that but I don't know

whether we should believe it or not

but Squeeze Play why'd you suddenly

mention that have you lost faith with

the Decepticons


wait siren I'm coming


ah he's finally coming he's alone snap

trap is everything ready now everything

is ready Jeep Optimus Prime you'll

be finished soon










maybe the captain has arrived




Snapchat bring that Junior out about

Warrior out of the cell

yes Chief let's go

where is he

shot bummer

g*n bomber help me to find siren you

take the tunnel on your right



you want him

Captain siren



if you don't want the boy dead then drop

your weapons at once don't listen to him

Captain get out of here save yourself

leave me ah let him go no problem as

long as you do what I say


I admire you Optimus Prime you do have a

lot of Courage so you'd even sacrifice

your own life for your men or do


just leave me Captain it's all my fault

I shouldn't have come here on my own I

asked for it you go now just leave me

here Captain leave me here


that's right don't fight


right now the other Autobot Warriors are

engaged in battle with the Decepticons

and have no idea of what's happening to

Optimus Prime and siren






watch back more

squeez play

I can't stand it




but now I realize you're all just

m*rder*d calm down our Squeeze Play we

can talk this over


good bummer take siren out of here jump




you wanna fight them come on and fight



I can k*ll you



uh what can you do now you're not gonna

get out of here I'll be rewarded if I

get you both ah

squish me gone you better get out of

here now


let's get out of here huh

follow me

go buffer I'll be all right you're going

to help the captain



your back so siren is safe now can't





there you are chief Tinker you won't win

we'll see

come on then




squeez play thanks a lot don't mention

it I'm just doing what I should do

squeeze pray wait for me



I'm not gonna let you win

we represent Justice and evil will not

Prevail just you wait and see


Captain I'm over here

the Autobots have finally discovered the

Decepticons base and managed to save

siren their next step is to destroy the











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