06x24 - Super Ginrai Gets Blown Away in the Desert!?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x24 - Super Ginrai Gets Blown Away in the Desert!?

Post by bunniefuu »


only nothing














hose head and nightbeat received Hook's

instructions to go to Canada

I'm glad you've arrived what is it why

do you suddenly want us to come to

Canada oh I intend to show you something

here what is it come with me yes





Factory here this is a car testing plan

hi you're here hi there what are you

both doing here huh

huh this is God bomber

what is God bomber

God bomber is a robot which we're

presently making it can enhance Optimus

Prime's power oh

when Optimus Prime combines with God

bomber he can be transformed into a

super powerful fighting machine

why is it such an important task was


the reason I asked you here is to inform

you of this



baffle in the desert



the Autobots seem to have got wind of

our secret battle plans

but that is classified top secret sir so

how did they discover it according to

our friends who are helping us from

outer space

our plan was revealed through Fortress

Maximus he gave the news to the auto



in order to thwart our plan they're

presently trying to create a god bummer

but what is the god bummer my Lord

it is a device that can increase Optimus

Prime's power what

that can increase Optimus Prime's power

in the past the Autobots were never a

real threat to us but now since Fortress

Maximus is involved in this God bomber

project it's a different matter we must

try and destroy their experiment before

they succeed yes oh Lord

I hope it can be finished soon if we

have a super fighting machine then we

won't need to fear the Decepticons


don't say that oh why because I've heard

that the Decepticons possess a very

deadly w*apon oh they do

a very deadly w*apon

sure that's right that's why we're

trying to create God bomber in order to

counter this deadly w*apon oh



treadwind listen carefully I don't care

what it takes I want you to destroy the

god bomber at once sir we have to

achieve our goal we must k*ll Optimus

Prime k*ll him yes by destroying his

truck this is a direct order from the

master no matter what it costs we have

to succeed yes we shall not fail






how are you I'm starving can I have

something quick to eat oh sure

well you're the only decent Diner around


thank you I've got something special for

you today great hmm thanks

excuse me hmm

are you Mr Optimus Prime yeah

sorry to bother you this is my card

Z Productions

that's a movie company

oh you're a producer yes I'm the

producer of Z

and I have a favor to ask of you Mr

Optimus Prime oh

well you see I'm in the middle of making

a movie it's a gangster film and I need

a stunt of a container truck going

through a minefield

somebody told me that you're the best

container truck driver that I can find

for what I need so I wonder if you'd be

so kindness to give me a hand with it

huh me and the movies

that's right I'd appreciate it if you

could help me out with this I need a

good driver and you're the one please I

beg you will you uh consider it would

you oh my dear hmm come on accept it

this other thing doesn't happen every

day you know yeah give it a go Optimus


okay I'll do it hmm

thank you very much





this is Mr Optimus Prime

nice to meet you huh my name is packing

parm so glad you agreed to help us thank

you oh please don't mention it

okay let me tell you a little about your


you're the main lead a very efficient

undercover agent and this time you're

after an international drug Syndicate

boss and now the first shot

you're after the enemy amidst a hail of

b*ll*ts and we want to make it look real


so you have to get inside the character

and think like he thinks huh

but don't worry the camera can do tricks


here is a plan of the first car chase

scene the crosses indicate places where

explosions will take place

so there are five places you understand

and let your truck over there do you see


director this requires a great deal of

skill isn't it better if he uses his own

truck as he knows it hmm yeah that makes

perfect sense to me well I think it's

better too good so that's it give it all

your God Optimus Prime first we'll have

a rehearsal

remember all the places where the

enemies will fire at you and be careful

I will

or fixed huh no problem apart from the

designated spots I've installed two more

high-powered landmines when he thinks

he's on safe ground he'll be Bang Bang

this is a very clever plan isn't it and

the man still thinks he's a film star

okay his time is just about a run out


Darkwing is very clever to have come up

with such an ingenious plan Optimus

Prime still doesn't know he's been



okay stand by right

standby Place camera





the fourth

good he's an excellent driver

the last one



very good excellent well done




how did that happen I thought it cleared

all the spots to tell you the truth I

have no idea how that happened either

where's that producer Mr heiler

oh where is he hmm

so that's him


get out of here quickly






oh no

hang on






you won't get away with this




all right


thank you


what's up


Mega it's our turn now




power master



just watch me


like smudge

concentrate our Firepower we must check



power master




look at that he's transformed again




you're finished


well let us handle him right


who are you


I'm Chief Giga of the Decepticon

and I'm chief Mega Mega

Your Time Has Come Optimus Prime Optimus

Prime I know you think you're an

invincible fighting machine but there's

always a higher Mountain you know huh so

these two the powerful secret weapons

that hook is talking about


oh no


okay Mega let's merge right


oh my God

Optimus Prime you didn't know that we

could merge into this did you

are you

first the overheat


so how'd you like that Optimus Prime

this is going to burn it'll get so hot

that eventually it'll dry up

you evil man and your God bomber project

won't succeed I'll never let you


watch this







ER is combined with Optimus Prime it'll

be transformed into a super powerful

fighting machine wow I wonder where

Optimus Prime is he should have been

here a long time ago don't worry he'll


I just hope nothing bad's happened to

Optimus Prime ah don't worry Nike you're

worrying too much it's not necessary



oh my God


At Last I finally tasted victory

what are you worried about now Knight B

I have a bad feeling and I don't know

what it is

Optimus Prime is Invincible don't worry

he's right

went Optimus Prime dies it'll be a great

blow to the Autobots let's make use of

this chance to get rid of our enemies

once and for all we'll soon be able to

control the world





can't die here


no I won't die now no













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