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ZhuZhu Pets: Quest for Zhu (2011)

Posted: 07/20/23 05:33
by bunniefuu



I hope I have time to finish my
best friend card for school tomorrow.

It's for Chris. Even though
you're my real best friend.

A little glue
and some sparkles.

It's going to be
so great.

Hmm. What do you
think, Pipsqueak?


Thanks for all your help.

Now, who's Katie's
best friend?

Yes, you are.
Yes, you are.


Hello! Yeah,
this is Katie.

Oh, Chris! Sorry.
I almost forgot.

Sorry, Pipsqueak, gotta run,
I've got soccer practice.

See you later!

(LAUGHS) Perfect! Now I can
make my best friend card.


Let's see,
I'll need lots more paint.

Oh, and tons more glitter!






I forgot my cleats.




KATIE: The glitter jar!



KATIE: Oh! Pips!


Bad, Pipsqueak, bad!

Look at this mess
you made.

I'm gonna have
to start all over!

Ugh, I'm so mad.
Thanks a lot!


I was just trying
to do something nice.

But does she
appreciate me? No!

She gets all mad just because
I made a little mess! Oh.


One day not so far away

The night won't
seem so lonely

One day in every way

That someone
will care for me

And it warms my heart
to know that I'll be loved

But for now it's just

One day

There's a place
I sometimes go

When I need a little hope

In my dreams I always
see beyond the strife

There, nobody sheds a tear

There, nobody has a fear

And it makes me smile

If for a little while

For I know that one day
my dream will come to life

Let's see if she misses me
after I'm gone.



Oh, no!

Uh-oh. (SQUEALS)


This may be the day

I have my star
to wish upon

This day I'll fly away

To find where I belong

And I smile because

I am flying towards

A place that soars to find

My one

fine day





(SINGING) Celebrate good times Come on!


There's a party
going on right here

A celebration to last
throughout the years

So bring your good times
and your laughter, too

We gonna celebrate your
party with you Come on now


Let's all celebrate
and have a good time


We gonna celebrate
and have a good time

It's time to come together

It's up to you
What's your pleasure?

Everyone around the world
Come on!

It's a celebration


It's a celebration

It's a celebration

We're all here to personally
welcome you to...



Wow! I've sure never had
a welcome like this.

Oh, we welcome everyone
to Zhu Zhu just like this!

Oh! So it wasn't because
you appreciate me being here.

Oh, sure we do!


They call me
Mr. Squiggles.

Hi, I'm Pipsqueak.

And this is Zhu Zhu.

The place hamsters
wind up if they get lost.

Or go off searching
for something missing.


This place is way cool,
but way dry, too.

As in zero waves.

This dude and me are ready to
hunt down some serious surf.

So, I guess you're all
pretty happy to be here?

Well, everyone is very nice
and it's so pretty here...

But it's not home.

Well, like Num Nums and Chunk,
I haven't been here long,

but I've already explored
pretty much every inch of it.

So I'm ready
to move on,

discover what's over
the next hill.

The next mountain!

So, Pips, why'd
you wind up here?

I guess because I'm searching
for someplace I'll be appreciated.


Couldn't help overhearing.

Stinker's the name,
helping hams' my game.

And I've got just
what youse after.

The Palace of Zhu!

I am talking
pure paradise.

It's got it all,
including the Great Zhu Fu!

Zhu who?

Zhu Fu!

He's like the ultimate
Zhu Master, a total wizard.

(CHUCKLES) He can grant
any wish you can think of.

If the place is so glam,
why isn't everyone there?

I heard the Palace of Zhu
is just a legend.

Like, 'cause nobody knows for
sure that it really exists.

They say everyone that ever
went looking for it disappeared.

Never to be seen again.

Trust me,
I'd never scam a ham.

(SCOFFS) Place is as real
as my stinking tail.

Made the trip loads.
It's a piece of cake.

Reason no one comes back is 'cause once
you're there, you wanna stay forever.

Just say the word and
I'll take you there myself.

Really? When?

No time like instantly!

Just take the tube
to the end of the line.

And we're there?

Not exactly.

But you're on your way to
making all your dreams come true.

All right!

You know, it's got the
biggest waves you've ever seen.

And talk about places
to explore. (CHUCKLES)

Of course, if the little lady here
is the only one brave enough...

Let's go!
I'm in!

Coming, Nums?

I guess so.

No one likes
being left behind.

Done deal!
Meet you there.

You're not going with us?

Well, the tube is
okay for you hams.

But this skunk here
is calaustera...


I'm not big
on tight spaces.

After you.



Oh, sorry, dude.

No problem.


Oh, double sorry, dude.

No problem.



Carrots! Num, num.



Where's Stinker?

Skunks may have
longer legs,

but we hams are
built for speed.

Cool shoes! You ever like, uh, wear 'em?

No way! I keep all my
favorite stuff in 'em.

So I don't want 'em to,
you know, smell like feet.





So, Chunk, how'd
you end up here?

Uh, no big.

Nothing much to tell.


It's not like we've got anything
better to do, while we wait for Stinker.

Come on, Chunks,
please tell us.


Okay, it was like this.

Me and my two-legged bro
used to cruise the beaches,

scoping out
the biggest waves.

BOY: Hey, Chunk,
catch you later.

Don't be late,
little dude.

Where you going?

But then, I wiped out.


What a tragic story.

If you ask me, pal, you're
lucky to be rid of the guy.

Come on, if he'd given a radish
about you, he'd have waited.


Last one there
stinks worse than me!


Come on, we cannot let
that Stinker skunk us!

Yeah! Come on!
Let's go!

Chunk sure had it rough.

Nothing like that
ever happened to me.

Hurry! SQUIGGLES: You've gotta see this!

ALL: Whoa.

I've seen my share

but this one's
paws down the best.


Wonder how much farther
to the Palace?

(WHIMPERS) Maybe we can make it
there before it gets too dark.

(SNICKERING) Not unless
you can sprout wings.

You mean it's on the
other side of this jungle?

(CHUCKLES) Try the other
side of that mountain.

Hey, wait a minute. You
said it was a piece of cake.

Never gonna get there if you
don't start moving those tails!

Oh! I can't believe how
far we still have to go.

Not too late for
you to turn back.

It is for me,
I'm going for it!


It looks just like
mine used to.


Wait for me!


Very interesting plant life!




Eh, Mr. Squiggles!


ALL: Wow!



ALL: Whoa!

Watch out! Run!


Cool! All clear!



(SNIFFS) Strange, something
must have spooked them.

I know the feeling.

Hope it's not
a wild hamster-eater.


Or a bear!

(LAUGHS) Sorry,
it wasn't a bear.

It was just my
stomach growling.

I zoned out and forgot
to pack any eats.

I already went through
all my snack supplies, too.

(SIGHS) Maybe I shouldn't have
been so quick to come along.




What? Have I got something
stuck in my teeth?

I'm happy to share.


Oh, sure nice of you, Nums.

Shh. I hear something.

Wasn't me.

What's wrong,
Mr. Squiggles?

I'm not sure.

But whatever's out there
is making my fur crawl.




This reminds me of the weenie roasts
we used to have down at the beach.



Where I used to live we'd roast
marshmallows in the fireplace.

Same at our place!

We used to have
so much fun together.

Did you cook anything special
where you lived, Mr. Squiggles?

Nope! Never had a home.

(GASPS) No home?

Then, where did you grow up?

Behind bars!

In the darkest, most
depressing place on earth.

They called it
a "Pet Store,"

but it was really
a pet prison!


I finally came up
with a plan.

Took me months,
but I kept at it until...


I was ready
to make my break.





It worked!
I busted out!

I became a new ham
that night.

Free at last to explore!

I hit the road on my trusty
skater and never looked back.

I can't believe how
tough some hams have it.

Oh, it's history,
old news.

Fresh horizons ahead, starting
bright and early tomorrow.

So time to hit
the wood shavings.

How will we find the Palace
if Stinker doesn't come back?

Might be better off
without him.

I'm not sure
I trust that skunk.




Pipsqueak's gone!




Hang on, Pipsqueak!
We'll save you!

NUM NUMS: Pipsqueak!


Put me down,
you big Neander-Zhu.


Hmph! You don't scare me.


Uh, but you do.




Me, Mangawanga,
King of the Amazhu!

Me like you.


That's totally gross!

I'm so outta here.


(GRUNTS) Yeah!


That'll teach you not to mess

You wouldn't!

You would! (SCREAMING)

Wow, thanks!

Awesome moves, dude!

We're not out
of the woods yet!

Almost! Look!

Sure you wanna leave?

I mean, you said you
wanted to be appreciated.

Not exactly what
I had in mind.




Yo, Pips!
You were kicking back there.

Where'd you learn
to hang so high?

Place I used to live.

But, believe me, my
talents weren't appreciated.

Oh, what went down?
Why'd you move on?

Oh, I tried to do something
special for my girl...

I mean, the person
that lived there.

Anyway, it didn't work out
the way I planned

and she got
really mad at me.

So I left.

Are you saying you abandoned your girl
just because she got upset with you?

I decided if she
didn't appreciate me,

I'd find someone
who would.

Oh! Don't you know
we pets are honor bound

to do everything we possibly can
to make our girl or boy happy?

Hey, you don't understand,
so just back off!

What I do understand is
that it's every pet's duty

to always give every ounce
of the love in our hearts.

No matter what
happens to us!

Whoa, time out!



Guess the snow's not cold enough
'cause you two need to chill.



Where'd she get off telling me
what I should do with my girl?

Look, she doesn't
like to talk about it,

but Nums used to have a girl of
her own that she was crazy about.

So, what happened?

SQUIGGLES: Num Nums was
as happy as a ham can be.

The only pet
in a great home.

But then her family decided
to move to a new apartment.




That's the saddest
story I ever heard.

Not everyone gets to
decide to pack it in

and leave home
like you did.

Yeah, I guess
I was pretty lucky.

I just didn't
know how much.

PIPSQUEAK: Which way now?

Normally, I like to explore all
my options, but I don't know.


Oh, Mr. Squiggles!

Your back!

No worries!
I got you covered, bro!


Ah, sorry, dude, I thought you
were, like, on fire or something.

It's just like yours!

Whoa, it's like
a sign or something.

Clear as a squiggle
on a map.

Showing us the way.

Follow me! (CHOKES)

Oh, sorry, dude.

Follow me!

Just take it
slow and easy.

We're almost across.


What if that sign
was actually a warning

sign! (SCREAMS)


I got you!


BOTH: I'm sorry.


Whoa, you're still all
in one piece.

I mean, great to see you.

Where did you
disappear to?

I had to drop in on my cuz.

Stank! Yeah. He lives in
the burrow just down the...

Just tell us how much
longer to the Palace of Zhu?

Just gotta get over the glacier
there and you're home free.

Any more surprises you
forgot to tell us about?

Uh, did I mention
the Zhurasics?

What's a Zhurasic?




Pipsqueak! Head for
that crack in the rocks.






Knew I should've cut back
on the cupcakes.

Ha! That was great!


Mr. Squiggles, your cape!





Is that Big Foot?

Well, he certainly
has big feet.










NUM NUMS: Where now?

CHUNK: Whoa!

I got an idea!

Naw, never mind.

Whatever it is, Chunk...

ALL: Go for it!

All right!
Hop aboard!

Hang on!



Can we outrun
the avalanche?

Yo, dudes, lean to!

It's almost on us!

Time to go extreme.



I'm glad you're okay.

Oh, Chunk, you were
totally amazing!



The sun symbol
on your back.

It's glowing!

Maybe it means that
you did it, Chunk!

Look! You found
the Palace of Zhu!

SQUIGGLES: Now all we have to
do is find the Great Zhu Fu.

What's wrong, Num Nums?

I already had my dream
and lost it.

Well, it's time to dream up
a brand new one.

Come on, we don't want the
guys using up all our wishes.

[Ripped from DVD by funnykiddy]

CHUNK: Whoa, yeah! Sweet!

I figured the Big Zhuhuna
would have cool digs,

but this is
chill times a zill.

SQUIGGLES: And empty.
Not a single ham in sight.

Kind of creepy.

How 'bout that! (CHUCKLES)

You made it past

Well, if it isn't
the sneaky skunk

that nearly got us
chomped and tromped.

Buddy, pal,
never a doubt.

Always knew
you'd come through!

So where is everybody,

all the happy hams that
never wanted to leave here?

Inside. I'll give you
the grand tour.

Why should we ever
trust you again?

You wanna meet the
Great Zhu Fu, don't you?

We came this far.

Might as well explore
what's inside.


The Zhu Fu dude must be
seriously pumped

if he's strong enough
to open this door.

PIPSQUEAK: The symbols!

Or he really does have
major magic powers!

What'd I tell you?

Only ours are glowing.

CHUNK: Check it out!



Even the ceiling's
like totally...


I know, "Sorry, dude. "

Hey, no prob, but I think it was my bad.

The Great Zhu Fu!

We're locked in!

And guess what?
Stinker ditched us again.

Then we might as well
start exploring.

Hey, I think
there's someone there.

It must be
the Great Zhu Fu!

It is him!


ALL: Snake!

But where is it?

I'm right here.

You can't miss me.

I am Mazhula.

Ruler of the Palace!


Gotcha! (LAUGHS)

I knew we shouldn't
have trusted that skunk.


I see the little Stinker
forgot to mention me.

Oh, tsk, tsk.

What can I say?
It's a living.



That's what you get for only
bringing me four new slaves.


Did she say slaves?

I don't understand,
where is the Great Zhu Fu?

Oh, he's here.

But he's not all
that great anymore.






Welcome to my secret lair.





Oh! Everybody okay?

What? Yeah,

but they sure aren't.

What is all this?




Behold the true power
of Zhu.

My power!

There is your
Great Zhu Fu.

This is who you fools
risked your lives to meet.


You are the foolish one,

if you do not
see that evil

can never prevail
over goodness.


Look around, Fu!
I've already won!

I have turned you and all your
little followers into my slaves.

Including my greatest
triumph of all!



I don't get it. Why don't they
just kick her evil tail outta here?

Allow me to demonstrate

what you will soon
experience firsthand.

Bow to your ruler, beast!


(GASPS) Then know my wrath!



Oh, I feel so
sorry for him.

He's having
such a bad day.

STINKER: You think
his day reeks?

Wait till you see
what she does to you.

Collar my new slaves.

Why are you helping her?

You're not even
wearing a collar.

Hello, skunk here.

Mazhula only
wants hamsters.

'Cause everyone knows there's
nothing stronger than hamster power.

That's because hamster
power comes from the heart.

Might have noticed,
I'm not exactly all heart.



But he's smart
enough to know

that soon I will have
captured enough hamsters

to give me the power to
take over all of Zhu Zhu!

And then,
the entire Zhuniverse.

No one's making me
a prisoner again.

(STAMMERS) I'm down
with that, bro,

but what can we do?

Show this skunk how right
he is about hamster power.



What're you
fur balls up to?

Trust us.

STINKER: Wait! What?

No! Oh, no! (SCREAMING)


Oh, yes!
You big stink ball.




Zhusquashya, crush them!



Nums, how did you know he
wasn't going to hurt us?

(PANTING) I could tell,
down deep, he's just like us.


Leaving so soon?


PIPSQUEAK: Door's still
closed! We're trapped!

MAZHULA: You're here
for dinner. (ALL GASP)

My dinner.

Gotta be another way out.

Stinker came from...

ALL: The throne!


(PANTING) We made it!

She hasn't followed us.

Smart thing would be
to head back to the city.

But there's no way we
can leave those poor hams.

Hey, you know me, I
never do the smart thing.

Time to hatch a plan.

(WHIMPERS) I wish there
was some way we could ask

the Great Zhu Fu
what we should do.

That's it!
If we can get to Zhu Fu,

I'll bet he can give us
some magic to battle Mazhula.

Worth a try.
But awful risky,

so Chunk and I
better go alone.

BOTH: No way!

We stick together!

We're a team now.

we really are.

Okay then,
we wait until night.

When the scaly witch
should be asleep.



Sorry, dude.

What's wrong?

Zhu Fu's not here.

ZHU FU: I have been
waiting for you.

I knew you would come.

Oh, Great Zhu Fu, we need you
to give us magic to stop Mazhula.

I regret that
there is no magic spell,

nothing that
I can give to you.


Oh, do not lose heart,
my children,

for you already possess
all that you need.

We do?

Everything you have
been searching for...

The real magic is inside

each and every Zhu
of you.

Inside? Uh, where?

Have you already forgotten

your extraordinary
journey here?

How you each demonstrated
great skill and courage

in the face
of grave danger?

Well, we were
pretty amazing.

You must also
never forget

how your symbols
helped guide you here.

That's true, too.

Or how much each of you
has learned and grown

thanks to the other.

For the first time
in my life

I don't feel like I have
to do it all on my own.

I've got friends now

that I can really trust.

I know I will never stop
loving my old family,

but it's time to quit being
afraid of opening up my heart.

Starting with
my new friends.

Thanks to you I realize how
much I really miss my Katie.

And that I was totally
wrong to run away.

Guess I found out it's
okay not being super smart,

long as you have cool friends that
accept you just the way you are.

Looks like all we have to do now
is figure out how to stop Mazhula.

You have observed how
she recharges her power

through her
serpent tail, huh?


Oh, yeah, she must use up a lot of
energy sh**ting off all those blasts.


Uh, sorry.

Cracked myself up thinking
how funny it'd be

if next time she, like, stuck
her tail in a tub of glue instead.

Uh, so maybe
it wasn't that funny.

(CHUCKLES) Not funny?
It's pure genius!

Chunk, you're brilliant!

Whoever said
you're not smart?

Glad you all
like my idea,

but where we gonna
find a tub of glue?

(CLICKING TONGUE) I've got something
that should work just as well.

Perfect! So while Nums
works on her end,

all the rest of us
have to do

is get Mazhula to use up all
her power trying to toast us.

Let me take
a swing at her?

Better her than me.

Everyone set
for maximum speed?

the Zhu is within you.



What half-brain
would dare defy me?





That ham power
seriously amped her up.

She's like super-sized.




Keep her blasting!

That'll drain her energy.



(SIGHS) This is
gonna take forever.


Ooh, yes!

Time for toasted hamster!

Hey, ugly!




Yo, slime breath,
I'm up here!






You'll never escape me!

Oh, yeah?
Watch this!

Yo, lizard lips!



(CRYING) You've ruined
my new manicure.


(SINGING) Nyah, nyah,
nyah, nyah, nyah!


Enough playing around!



Barbeque time.




If I can't have you
for slaves,

I'll have you for dinner!


I'm just trying
to make glue.

Nice yeti?

(LAUGHS) That was great!


Lookie, lookie!


Here's some
red hot chili pepper.

STINKER: Gotcha!

(GASPS) Stinker!
He's my friend now.



Hey! Stop that!

Yeah, right! Huh?


Time for a taste
of your own medicine.

Now who's having
a bad day?


Go for it!


Stay still,
I haven't got all night!


Now I've got you!

(PANTING) I don't know how
much longer I can keep this up.

(SIGHS) Yeah, getting
pretty wiped, too.


You'll never escape me!


Oh, not again!

Hang in there.
It's working.

She's losing power.


I am so going to enjoy
obliterating you wretched rodents.


What? Not now!




Come on,
you can do it.


Not possible!

Ha! We did it!
She's outta juice!

For now,
but once I recharge

I'll blast you to bits!

Ridiculous! Inconceivable!

I'll not let a pack of
rodents get the better of me!

NUM NUMS: Hey, guys,
meet my new friend.

Mission a success?

All done.

I'd have been here
sooner to help,

but I had a little
snitch to deal with.




Finally, my karate
lessons paid off.


Ready to finish this?

CHUNK: Totally.

ALL: Zhuhoo!

(GRUNTING) I am going to
turn those glorified rats

into crispy critters
once I...

(SCREAMS) What in the...

Carrot paste.
Hot and spicy.

Num, num!

You did it, Nums!

You may have
slowed me down,

but you puny
little nothings

can never stop me!

Then how about an army
of puny nothings?


NUM NUMS: And if that
isn't big enough,

then meet
my new big friend.


No, no, no, no, no! Stop!



My good Zhus,

before the celebration
can begin in earnest,

we must decide
what is to be done

with this evil intruder.

Ooh, now, now, now, now.
Come, come.

meant to hurt any of you.




I've got an idea,

if you can grant me
one wish.

I shall gladly do anything
for my new Zhu heroes.



The magic of Zhu is only for
the betterment of the world,

which there can be no doubt
your wish shall accomplish.



Oh! Mommy.

ALL: Whoa.

Where did you
send her?


As you can see,

the Zhuniverse is filled
with many wondrous worlds.

All just a wish away.

NUM NUMS: Mmm-hmm.

CHUNK: Oh, yeah. Sweet.

Home! Oh, I miss my Katie so
much I can hardly stand it.

Please, Great Zhu Fu, can you
use your magic to send me home?

Hmm, you do not need
my help, little one,

you have had the power
all along.

Your sh**ting star will
take you wherever you wish.

I can't wait!

I'll wish it right now.

(CLEARS THROAT) Too bad we don't
have more time to say good-bye.

Oh, Pips,
I'll miss you forever.

Me, too. Never forget you.


I still can't find her.

Oh, where are you, Pip?

Come on, I know you have
to be here somewhere.

Please come home,

I miss you so much.


Pipsqueak! You're back!

I missed you so much.

I am sorry I got so mad.

I promise I'll never
ever yell at you again

and I'll clean your cage every day
and bring you all sorts of snacks.

Just promise me you
won't ever run away again

because I really,
really missed you.

Who's Katie's best friend?

That was one
totally mag ride!

I can't believe
we're all here.

Oh, what if she
doesn't want us?

Oh, who are you? (GASPS)

Ah! What a little
cutie you are!


I am so going
to love you.

Yes, I am. Yes, I am.

Hey, Pips, now we're
one big happy family.


Don't go anywhere.

I am going to go get you
all something yummy to eat.

Um, I hope it's okay
if your girl cares for me.

Just a little, too.

She's our girl now.

'Cause best friends
share everything.


Num Nums, your heart!

I know!
My heart's full again.

Num Nums.

And, guys, I promise, you're
gonna love it here, too.

Chunk, the beach
is just a block away,

and, Squiggs, there are loads of
great places for you to explore.


(SIGHS) The most
important thing is

we're all together
in our very own home.




There really is no place
in the Zhuniverse like home.

And I smile because

I'm flying towards

A place that soars to find

My one

fine day

(SIGHS) Ah-ha.


(SINGING) You went to
school to learn, girl

Things you never,
never knew before

I- hi-ha I before E
except after C

And why two plus two
makes four

Now, now, now,
I'm gonna teach you

Teach you, teach you

All about love, dear
All about love

Sit yourself down
Take a seat

All you gotta do
is repeat after me

A- B-C, easy as - -

Or simple as Do Re Mi

A- B-C, - -
Baby, you and me, girl

A- B-C, easy as - -

Or simple as Do Re Mi

A- B-C, - -
Katie, you and me, girl

Come on, let me love you
just a little bit

Come on, let me love you
just a little bit

I'm a going to teach you
how to sing it out

Come on, come on, come on, let
me show you what it's all about

Reading, writing and arithmetic are
the branches of the learning tree

But, listen, without the
roots of love every day, girl

Education ain't complete

Teacher's gonna show you

Show you, show you
How to get an A

nyah-nyah-nyah Spell me, you

Add the two

Listen to me, baby,
that's all you wanna do

A- B-C, easy as - -

Or simple as Do Re Mi

A- B-C, - -

Baby, you and me, girl
A- B-C, it's easy

It's like counting
up to three

Sing a simple melody

That's how easy love can be

That's how easy love can be

That's how easy love can be
Sing a simple melody

- - , you and me


Now, who's Katie's
best friend?

Yes, you are.
Yes, you are.