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04x15 - Trust, Truth, and Traffic

Posted: 07/19/23 16:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on 90210...

How is being a hooker
not a big deal?

I am an escort.

I don't do any of the stuff
that I don't want to do.

Ratting on me
could have some

consequences for Amy.

- She wouldn't do that.
- Really?

Amy met Patrick

because he hired her
to be his escort.

A couple girls kind of
got arrested last night

- for prostitution.
- What?!

The cops are asking
a bunch of questions.

They can't do anything
without evidence.

The birth mother was a local
girl still in high school.

That's how
we got Maisy.

Navid, we need to talk.

Are you dating the guy
who adopted Adrianna's baby?

Adrianna, I have to tell
you something.

You might want
to sit down for this.


Think I can hit
Holly's window from here?

What the hell kind
of egg was that?

That wasn't a egg,
that was a rock.

Come on. Let's go!

Oh, my God.

b*rned to the ground?

Okay, if you could have
anything in the world,

what would it be?

I don't know.

I think I'm already
getting there.


'Cause I was thinking,
what if we push

this place
to a new level?

I mean, do a total
relaunch of the bar.

Pull out all the stops.
That's an idea.

Good morning!

Hey, smiley.

What's up?

Well, Nick called

and he spoke
to Sonia Reese about me.

As in the Sonia Reese Gallery

Come on, guys,
she reps, like, everybody.

Okay, anyways, the point being

there's still room
at her next group show.

For you? That's great.

She wants to see
my portfolio today.

It's amazing.
Nick really came through.

He believes in you.

Hook up with the right person,
and anything's possible.

Look, Vanessa, I just don't
think Offshore needs a relaunch.

I mean, I've got as much
business as I can handle.

Yeah, but not as much
as we can handle together.

I believe in you.

And after everything
we've been through,

I really want to give you a
reason to believe in me, too.


All right,
take your best sh*t.

Knock yourself out.

Thank you.

I have to meet a TA,

but I don't even know
what he looks like.

TA's, MA's, whatever-A's.

They're all so N/D.

What's the meeting for?

About a class or something.

Class? Do you even
go to class?

I keep my hand in.

Just because I've found
my calling in event planning

doesn't mean I've given up
my academic career.

You're still event planning?

I thought Rachel fired you.

You could say she pried open
the gaping maw

of opportunity and tossed me in.

Oh, speaking of which...

Does her ring scream

Bel Aire Hotel
or Sportsman's Lodge?

Bel Aire.

Then you are looking at

my very first event to plan.


I should get going, too.


We haven't talked
since Thanksgiving.

Are you seriously going
to keep running away?

Just say it.

The whole escorting thing.

I know what you're thinking.

I just want to know
how you are.

I am trying to get back
to normal life.

And I've been getting
my inheritance checks,

so money's not a problem now.

You don't have
to worry about me.

But I do.

Because what you did
with Patrick,

is just so not like you.

How do you get from this to...?

Do you think I haven't
asked myself that

a thousand times?

It started off as nothing.

Me and that Bree girl
just hanging out

with some guys.

But I swear, it's over now.

I'm not seeing Patrick
anymore, ever,

and no one else like him.


Oh, there's Greg.


Great. Thanks.

I'm glad we got to talk.

I'll catch up with you later.

Annie! Hooray!

You are the exact person
I was looking for.

What do you want?

Wow, that's not a really
friendly way to talk.

I just lost everything
in the Kappa fire.

Don't you even care?

I'm sorry, that was awful.

Um, well, at least
no one got hurt, right?

Still, I need a place

to lay my poor
little homeless head.

Naomi has a ton of space,
doesn't she?

No, no. Bad idea.

No, good idea.

How am I supposed
to find an apartment

when the 405 is closed
all weekend?

Bree, think.

The police are still

your little business, right?

Probably not the best idea

for us to be hanging out

You're such a worrywart.

Come on.

That investigation
is going nowhere.

Haven't I always
been there for you?

Is it that big of a deal
to ask you to be here for me?

Okay, I might know somewhere you
can crash for a couple of days.

You should not be burdened

with nerve-wracking details

like where to seat your toxic
great aunt

so that she doesn't feel
slighted, but she doesn't

accidentally communicate
with the future in-laws.

Oh, my God, that is Aunt Yvonne.

This's why you need me
to plan your event.

"See, respond, neutralize."


'Cause you haven't seen

or responded to me,
Ms. Clark,

and I've been here, in this
room, for a long time.


You are?

Hal Blor, your TA
for Physics 100.

We had a meeting set
for 10:00 a.m.

Call me.

Oh, my God, Hal Blor!

I am so sorry.

Here, please.

I must've lost track of time.

You seem to lose track
of time a lot, Ms. Clark.

And I'm sure I will again

now that I'm talking
to you, Mr. Blor.

Well, let me help you focus.

Your final project was due
three days ago.

Physics 100 is part
of the core curriculum.

If you fail this class,

you won't move on
to sophomore year.

Wait. What?

There's got to be
something I can do.

Extra credit
or an extension, or...

Have you ever heard the Physics
term "Letting it slide"?

Good one.
Did you come up with that

when you were scrolling
through texts

instead of listening
in class?

Oh, my God, I should not be
punished for multitasking!

I'm hideously busy.

With what?

Throwing parties?

Yeah, parties not
everyone's invited to?

If I ever had a party
and failed to invite you...

Five in the last semester
alone, actually.

And I saw you making
the invitation list

to Strip the Vote in
your Physics notebook.

Oh, my God.

I'm mortified.

Hal, I'm so sorry I forgot
to remember to invite you.

That was a mistake.

Your mistake was
neglecting Physics 100.

I don't care about
your stupid parties.

Rule number one for
getting away with stuff...

never return to the
scene of the crime.

Hey, we are out of
toilet paper again.

What do you guys do,
throw the stuff out the window?

Oh, God.

I'll pick some up after class.


Are you okay?

Yeah, man.
I'm just nervous.

Uh... about your laundry
in the dryer, man.

It's been in there
for a while.

It's gonna get wrinkled.

Stop acting guilty.

Okay? You're gonna
screw us both.

You don't care that we b*rned
down the Kappa House?

Of course I care, okay?

It was an accident.

Nobody got hurt.

They lost a couple of
Ryan Gosling posters.

Just forget about
the whole thing, okay?


Anybody home? Hey.


Oh, hey, guys.

It's, it's, look,
it's my sister Annie

and her friend
the Kappa, Bree.

Okay, so you guys know that
the Kappa house b*rned down.


So, anyway, uh, Bree
needs a place to stay.

And I thought
that you guys...

Just for a couple of days.

It'd be a really
big help to me.

Oh, and to Bree.

Gosh, Bree,
you know, it sucks

about the Kappa House
burning down.

And don't get us wrong...

Yeah, yeah, please, please,
don't get us wrong.

Uh, it's just that we have
little space here.

You know,
Navid's on the couch.

- Yeah, totally.
- Bree just lost everything.

I don't mind sleeping on
the floor

for a couple days.

Great! See?

Thank you, guys.

You are the best!

Thank you. Thank you.

It'll be
really fun.



You like it?

What is all this?

Uh, It's my plan
to relaunch the Offshore.

You won't believe
what I've got done already.

And everything is
right on track for tomorrow.

Wait. Tomorrow?

Tomorrow's Carmageddon.

They're telling everyone
not to drive.

Which is why it's the perfect
day for the relaunch.

I mean,
think about it.

There was no traffic
last time, right?

So this time, people will think,

"Hey, no traffic, clear skies...

let's head to the beach."

We can't count on that.

This beer, this is expensive.

How'd you pay for this?

I just used grabbed the cash
from the register.

That money was meant
for the bank.

How am I supposed to pay
my bills this month?

Okay, well, you said,

"Go ahead.
Knock yourself out."

I don't do anything halfway.

Liam, this bar opening,
it's gonna be a huge success.

now it's gonna have to be.

I have a conference
tonight in San Diego,

but I still need
to drive back to get Maisy

before lunch tomorrow.

Thank you.
Keep the change.

And the freeway's being
shut down again.

Ugh! Carmageddon!

Nobody drove
last time, remember?

Yeah, I know, but my
sitter has the flu

and I can't be late.

If you're worried about getting
back in time, I can pick her up.

No, you don't have to do that.

Don't be silly.

Maisy is great.

It will be a total favor to me.

Plus we're
gonna be spending

a lot of time together
in New York,

so she ought
to get to know me.

Just tell me where
and what time.


All right, thanks.

That's a real lifesaver.

It's just that
little school

right on Olympic and Holmby.

You can't miss it.

Noon. I'll call ahead
and tell them to expect you.


I better get ready to go here.

All right.

Good luck.


So what Navid
told me was true.

Have you been standing there?

I heard it all.

You are not going
to raise my daughter, Silver.

Why are you dating the man
who adopted my baby?

Are you trying
to get back at me?

You think this is about you?

I didn't even know about Maisy
when I met Greg.

Yeah, but then you find out
and you don't say anything.

Because there's nothing to say!

I can date who I want.

Greg is divorced.

That's not what
I wanted for Maisy!

There's a reason I chose
Greg and Leslie, okay?

I gave her to a happy family,

not to some jerk who's moving
to New York

with an 18-year-old girl
who hates me!

Life goes on, Adrianna.

People split up.

I have to talk to Greg.

No! You chose not
to be in Maisy's.

She's not your child, she's his.

Just stay out of it.

You cannot tell me what to do.

I only have so many
feet of exhibition space,

so I choose carefully.

And I haven't repped
a new photographer

since I brought Nick in
three years ago.

Did you, um...
study with him?

Yeah. Yeah, I, uh,
I took his class at CU,

and then, um, then we went
down to New Guinea

and we did a sh**t together,

so I've definitely
learned a lot from him.

Mm. I see.

Well, that must have been quite
the educational experience.

So you're seeing each other.

Uh... well, yeah.

Uh, he's in Afghanistan
at the moment, so...

sort of seeing each other via
Skype, you know how that goes,

Oh, no, I do know.

I went out with Nick
until about a year ago.



I'm afraid these aren't for me.

Hey, Naomi, I need a favor.
Liam! Thank God.

Oh! You're good with
your hands, as I recall.

I have to build
something that demonstrates

a basic knowledge of physics,
which I do not have.

Can you help me?

Maybe. If I knew what
you were talking about.

I am talking about Hal Blor,
my pleasure-deprived TA,

who has no idea how
little time I have to...

balance things on sticks!

I read the books,
I attended class...

part of the time... I just...

I'm not good at
this kind of stuff.

I never would've made it
through high school science

without... help.

Yeah, I was kind of hoping
you would help me.

I got a problem with Vanessa.

Ow. Really?

Which one of her fake names
ran you over this time?

Yes... that was an accident.

I'm over it.

As much as you can get over
being run down

by a girl with an alias.

But this is different.

Um, she wants to do
a re-opening of Offshore.

That sounds like a good idea.

She took all my ready cash
and spent it on some scheme

to open tomorrow,
during Carmageddon.

Mm, that part doesn't
sound so trustworthy.

Well, I kind of said
it was okay.

I just didn't think
it was going to get this crazy.

So I was kind of hoping that
you could use your knowledge

of parties to help me?

Yes. Done.

A party is the exact kind of
project I need right now.

Would you mind if I invite
a special friend? Sure. Why?

Let's say I may
be able to balance

my TA's need for
a little good time

with my lack of time
to do his stupid project.

This is perfect! Yay!


This chicken is amazing.

Well, thank you.

Me and Austin always try
to cook in the house,

but we always wind up
nearly burning the... uh...

the house down.

You didn't have to
do this, Bree.

Oh, please. You guys are
so generous and kind

just to let me stay here,
it's the least I could do.

Well, it's the least
we could do.

Yeah, you know, you got
b*rned out of your house.

By the way, are there any,
um... updates, or anything?

Bree doesn't want to
talk about that.

No, it's fine.

I mean, it was awful.

You know that they
vandalized the place, too?

Oh, yeah?

TP'd the trees, egged the house,
typical loser stuff.

I mean, it's so obvious that
these jerks were the ones that

started the fire, but...
for some reason,

the Fire Marshal
won't let it go.

He says the fire

started in the bathroom,
and that it looks like

arson, not just some prank.

You said the bathroom, right?

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

Was there a broken window
in the bathroom?

More importantly,
do I smell apple pie?

Why, yes indeed, you do.

Did you hear that?

The rock you threw didn't
break a bathroom window.

Maybe we didn't start the fire.
That's gonna be your defense?

When we vandalized the house,
we broke the wrong window?

Look, dude, I'm just saying... You're just
saying too much, okay? I'm not going to go down

because you can't keep your
mouth shut and need to confess.

Okay, nobody needs to know
we trashed that house.



You guys look so serious.

What are you talking about,
the European debt crisis?

No, just... how much
we love apple pie.

Yes. Pie. Mmm!

Well, dig in.

All right.

Will do.

Can I help you?

Yeah. Uh, I'm here
to pick up Maisy.

Her father called.

I'm Erin Silver.

No problem.

Liam, look!

We can fit so many
more people in here

if we just kind of
encourage the flow

out onto the beach, and...


I'm Naomi Clark.

You must be Vanessa.

Naomi's here to help.
Well, um, I don't need any help.

See, I have a plan

to make Liam and
the Offshore a brand.

It's a contest.

I replace one of these

hundreds of beer bottle caps
with this one.

Whoever gets it, gets to
drink free for a month,

here at the Offshore, with...
Liam Court.

We'll sell an awful
lot of beer that way.

I like it.

But you're going to need

a little bit more
than just a contest

and free beer to make the event work.
Listen to Naomi.

She is an expert.

Supplement the bottle cap
contest by making

the beer itself more exclusive.

I know a printer who can do

a rush order on labels
for these bottles

with a sh*t of Liam
from his billboard.

No. No. Not that again.

I like it. Keep talking.

Make it the kind of party

that people who don't
usually go to parties

Set up a VIP list,

great music, great food,

a band...

Naomi, who's gonna pay for this?

You have to spend money
to make money, honey.

I think we should listen to her.

I mean, after all,
she's the expert.

I cannot believe you told
Adrianna that I'm seeing Greg.

Navid, you and I have
had our problems, okay,

but the idea that you would
betray my trust, and tell...

There was no way
she wouldn't find out.

I-I'm tired of secrets.

Secrets almost ruined my life.

So you decide to ruin mine.

You do realize that
Adrianna's crazy, right?

That is not fair.

Ade has changed.

Oh, my...

It's Greg.

"Thanks for picking up Maisy.
I'm on my way."

What? I didn't...

"You were even early.

I hope you girls
are having fun."

Oh, my God, I didn't...

I didn't pick up Maisy.

Wait-wait, what are you
talking about?

It was Adrianna, Navid.

She heard Greg asking me
to do it, she...

She just kidnapped Maisy!

Whoa, hey, wait,
let's just think about this

for a minute, okay?

Hey, Silver.

Ade won't hurt Maisy.

Right. Yeah.

'Cause everything is fine.
Adrianna's changed.

Now just listen!
She loves Maisy.

Come on! Okay?
She's been wanting to see her.

She heard you were all
going to New York, and...

she just must have
felt desperate.

It doesn't matter
how Adrianna feels.

This is Greg's child.
What am I supposed to tell him?

Navid, what am I
supposed to say?

We'll find Ade and Maisy
before he gets back, okay?

I'm sure Ade is close by.

Let's go. I'll help you look.


It's-it's unfair.

While I don't want to be
the girl who gets the show

just because
I slept with some guy,

I also don't
want to be the girl

who does not get the show just
'cause I slept with some guy.

Sleeping with some guy is at the
bottom of a lot of bad scenes.

There were cops

here today. Um...

Something about some
investigation going on

with the Kappas?

Wait... there's still
an investigation?

They said they were
interviewing Kappa girls,

and I said you were
no longer a Kappa girl.

Bree said it was over.

Okay, so... I don't know.

Talk to Bree about it.

I gotta go.

Man, people are
way sensitive today.

Hello? Yo!

Is Bree here?

Uh, no.

She went back to campus.


Are you okay? Is...
Can I help?

I just gotta find her.

Oh, my God.

There are two cops
coming up the walkway.

There's wha...?

Dixon Wilson?
Austin Tallridge?

Um... I'm Dixon.

Austin's not here at the moment.

We have a warrant
to search your house

in connection to
the Kappa sorority house fire.


And you are?

Um, I'm Annie.

He's my brother.

Um, Officers...

what's going on?

An anonymous witness
called our tip line.

Start with the bedrooms.

Why would they think

you have anything to do
with the Kappa fire?

We were there.



Look, we were doing a stupid
prank on Holly, okay?

I swear it was

nothing but eggs and
toilet paper... that's it.

This lighter fluid was hidden
under a bed, Mr. Wilson.

Is that your bedroom?

But I've never seen that
before in my life.

You're under arrest.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say or do

can and will be held against you

in a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you can't afford one...

I thought that phony-ass
cowboy was my friend.

Why would he set me up?

What kind of person does that?

I don't know.

It doesn't sound
like Austin to me.

Well, who else
could it have been?

He didn't want to get in
any kind of trouble

because of me...
he told me so.

So he probably made that
"anonymous" phone call.

No one else knew that
we were there that night.

Well, what about
the lighter fluid?

Bree said that they
suspected arson.

Wait, Bree?

Did Bree know that you guys
were there that night?

I don't know. Um...

Why would she even care?

She cooked us dinner
that night, yeah,

but I was feeling so guilty
that night that I asked her

a bunch of questions
about the fire.

That's when Austin
really got ticked off.

Okay, Dixon, can you
get home by yourself?

They said the bail would be
processed in a hour or so.

Yeah, I could.
Why, where are you going?

There's someone that
I have to talk to.


She's not here.

Yeah, I can see that.

Dixon's not answering his phone,
I don't know where else to look.

We should've just called
the police when we found out.

I was sure she
wouldn't go far.

I've been wrong about
a lot of things, I guess.


Silver, hey. I'm-I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have told Ade
anything about you and Greg.

It doesn't matter now.

It has been forever since I've
spent any time in this room.

Yeah. Me, too.

There's a lot
of memories.


Even a couple good ones.

Hey, there's a lot
of stuff here.

I mean, I know she saves a lot,

Maybe we could find

a clue to where she is.

I used to know Adrianna so well.

I just wish I knew
what she's thinking now.

No, that doesn't help me at all!


The labels are ready, but they
won't be delivering them today.

Something to do with traffic.

Wow. Never saw that coming.

Oh, and they added a fee
for the rush.

It was very nice of them

to give us this information
before we placed the order.

Guys, we're fine.

I mean, you know,
what do we need labels

and VIP lists for
when we have...


What... is that?

I Liam-ized the bar uniform.

This guy gave me a great deal
on, like, a hundred of them.

Okay, that's it!

Naomi, get your car!

We're picking up those labels
and I am taking over this party

before someone cuts me
and I start bleeding money.

I cannot leave right now.

I have to be here to make sure
everything is perfect.

Liam, if this is not
the best party my TA has

ever been to, he'll never let me
out of my Physics project.

Your Physics project is
gonna be slapping labels on

every beer bottle in sight!

I don't know this printer,
you do!

You set up this deal,
I didn't!

And you have a car,
which I do not.

Well... O-Okay!

Oh, my God!

Come here.
Oh, Annie.

We have to talk.

You look upset.

Upset? Yeah,
you could say that.

Please tell me that
you did not frame my brother

for the Kappa fire.

Why would you even think that?

Maybe because the cops are
still investigating

the escorting service,

and they couldn't search
the sorority house

because it went up in fles!

Will you keep
your voice down?!

Do you want us both
to go to jail with Dixon?

So, I'm right...
you were the one

who called and made the tip.

- Bree!
- No...

Do you want
to know what happened?


Look, the cops
wouldn't leave it alone,

so I had to get rid
of my client list.

When everybody was out,

I threw it into the bathtub,
I lit it on fire,

and then I left to meet up
with the Kappas

at the Greeks Against Teenage
Drinking kegger.

And then you framed my brother?!

I'm not a chemistry major, okay?

How was I supposed to know that
the Fire Marshal would be able

to figure out it was arson!

I mean, I don't need them
on my trail for that, too!

Annie, and then I overheard
Dixon and Austin talking

about how they egged the
Kappa house that night.

It was just too perfect.

You heard them because of me.

I made Dixon take you in.

This is all my fault.

No, please don't b*at
yourself up about this.

I mean, what is this for Dixon,
a prank gone wrong?

What's he gonna get,
community service?

Me? I'd go to jail
for prostitution

and you would get humiliated
and expelled from CU.

I mean, this is kind of...

Look, I can't tell you
what to do...

but it's either you or Dixon.

So think about it.


We'll never get back in time
to make this party work.

Why won't these morons
in front of us just drive?!

Green! Green!

What are they,

Go around them.

I can't go around them.

The entire intersection
is blocked, Liam.

I shouldn't have listened
to either one of you.

Oh, you're the one who
wanted us to take back streets

all the way
to Cudahy right now.

Because someone had to get
this party under control.

And clearly,
it wasn't gonna be you.

When was the bar opening
not under control?

Vanessa had some
really great ideas.

Yeah, well, maybe
you should have asked her

for some advice on how
to pass Physics.

Oh, come on, Liam.

Vanessa just thinks you can do
something big with your life.

Trusting someone who believes
in you is not a mistake.

Yeah, well, the only person

I've ever been able
to trust is myself.

Oh, well, then trust yourself.

Well, like you trusted yourself
to pass Physics without help?

Naomi, the only help you ever
got in high school was from Max.

Well, you know what? If Max were
here right now, he'd...

say to stop fooling around
and just do my Physics project.

Then why not do what Max would
tell you to do?

Why not trust Vanessa?

What, did you find something?

Just this.

You guys were
such good friends.

Sometimes it's hard
to believe that's over.

Yeah, well, Adrianna made
a lot of really bad decisions.

That doesn't mean
she's a bad person, Silver.

Forget it. It's not like you're
ever gonna forgive her anyway.


It's to Maisy.

It's from 2008.

That's the year Maisy was born.

"Dear Maisy,
You aren't even one day old

"and I love you so much
my heart is breaking.

"You are so tiny, so perfect.

"Soon, your new parents will
come take you to a better life,

"and I need you to understand
why I let you go.

"When you were inside me,
I had two hearts.

"And when I gave you
to your mom and dad,

"I'm trusting them
with one of them.

"They'll be able to give you
everything I can't.

I want my daughter to watch the
sunset in Bayview Park with..."


Bayview Park...

Yeah. It's right around the corner.

We should go.
No, no, no, no.

I have to do this alone.

Okay, look, before
you say anything,

let me at least
say this, okay?

I did not know

about you and Nick,
all right?

It is just as awkward
for me as it is for you.

And I do not know why
he put us together,

but obviously he's either being
a total jackass

or you know, maybe...

he actually thinks that
you and I would think

that the work
was more important than him.


Both of those things
are probably true.

Okay, so does that mean

that we can maybe
put aside the jackass option

and actually talk
about my work?

I mean,
don't you think

I deserve an honest opinion?

You want my honest opinion?

Your portfolio's pretty good,
but it's all faces.

I don't do faces.

Nick isn't sleeping
with Annie Liebowitz,

but I wouldn't put
her stuff up either.

Not that you're Annie Liebowitz.


So, basically,
what you're saying is

that you don't like
my work because

you actually
just don't like my work.

Got it.

Just so you know,

I don't take pictures
because of Nick, okay?

I take pictures
'cause I have to,

and it doesn't matter who likes
them or who likes me.


You're not gonna walk
all the way to Beverly Hills.

Traffic's not going anywhere
for hours, so...

you hauled your
entire portfolio down here.

It's your
best work, right?

Might as well look at it.



You're not gonna
untie these for me?


Gonna make me
do all the work?


What the hell

I heard Dixon got arrested.

Uh, yeah.

I'm waiting for him.

He's out on bail,
and he's just stuck in traffic.

Well, listen,
I didn't rat him out.

I know I was
pretty hard on him

about not telling what happened,
but that's only because

when I was 14, I was in trouble
for hot-wiring a car,

and was knee-deep in crap
for two years.

Yeah, well, I think this is
a little bit bigger than that.

But don't worry about it.

I know you're not the one
who set Dixon up.

It was Bree.


What are you
talking about?

She started the fire
that night.

And then she planted

the can of lighter fluid
in Dixon's bedroom

when she realized that you guys
had been there that night, too.

It's all my fault.

Now I have to go and tell
the police everything.

Well, the cops
are not gonna believe

that Bree set her
own house on fire.

They will when I tell them
that she was running

her own escort service.

Which I know,
because I worked for her.


That's how I paid
for Dixon's rehab.

Okay, but you can't tell
the cops that.

I can't let Dixon get in trouble
for something that he didn't do.

He's my brother.

Listen, you and Dix and all
your friends...

I mean, you guys are all like
brothers and sisters.

Me, I've always just figured,
"Look out for number one."

You got a lot to lose
by telling the truth.

And if Dix finds out,
it'll k*ll him.

I'm just tired
of not doing the right thing.

I was going to bring her back.

I know.

After she saw the sunset.

It was in your letter.

I wanted to give it to her
parents to give to Maisy

when she was old enough...

but I couldn't.

Because you did something
you couldn't take back,

and you didn't know if
she would forgive you.

I betrayed her.

That is something that is
with me every day.

I tried so hard to make sure

that she would have
a real family,

one that wasn't
going to fall apart.

Will it help you if I tell you
that Greg is a good father?

And if everything
he says about Leslie...

makes her sound
like a great mother.

You did the right thing, Ade.

You couldn't keep her.

Do you think she'll
ever forgive me?

She will.

I do.

Yo, Austin, come out.
I know you did it!

Look, Dixon, don't, okay?
It's all my fault.

I need to tell you the truth.
About what?

About how a phony friend
set me up?

Or how he's about
to pay... in teeth?

Oh, there's
about to be

some frontier-style
justice in here.

How about I turn myself in
to the cops instead?

Nobody is going... What?

You wanted to tell him
the truth.

I started that fire.

After we egged
the Kappa house,

I was still mad at Holly,
so I went back,

snuck in and, uh, took a bunch
of old love letters,

threw them in the tub,

squirted some lighter
fluid on them,

and boom.
Are you serious?

Yeah, I didn't realize
it would catch the curtains.

Bad planning, I guess.


That's messed up.

Yeah, that is messed up.

Why are you saying all of this?

'Cause I got nothing to lose.

Unlike some people.

Hell, I didn't want to be
at CU this year anyway.

Let them kick me out.

I'll get a couple
months probation

and maybe a sweet
jailhouse tattoo.

Y'all take care of each other.


Took him a while,

but he did the right thing.


♪ La la-la da da

♪ I've been known
a thousand ways ♪

♪ Choked a hundred hearts
in half as many days ♪

♪ Oh, no, I think so

♪ And I get so lost
inside this city ♪

♪ You ugly girls
all look so pretty ♪

♪ It's true

♪ What am I supposed to do?

♪ I still got you away...

Whoa. Look at this.

I-I thought today
would be a total disaster.

That's the
All-American Rejects.

- Yep.
- Uh, when I called around

to find a band,
it turns out

they missed their gig
'cause they were stuck

in traffic three blocks away,

so they were happy
to have a place to play.

I don't understand.

Where did all these people
come from?

They were already here.

I just ripped up the VIP list

and ran out to the beach
and grabbed

everyone that was stuck
on this side of town.

Pretty much the way I thought
it would be in the first place.

Look, I knew
what you had here.

What you could do.

So you believed in me.

Yes. Is it too late
to say I told you so?


Uh, have a drink
on me, Naomi.

You called
this one right.

No, not yet.

Where is Hal?

Oh, uh, I told them he
was Mark Zuckerberg.

Oh, my God.

You're a genius.

♪ When I swear to you
I'm gonna do it again ♪

♪ I'm not making any friends

♪ I just wanted you to wait...

Excuse me, ladies.

I need to borrow Mr. Zuckerberg.


This is the best
night of my life.

Oh, how about this?

I'll add in some
extra credit,

and then you don't
flunk the class.


I would rather do
the project myself.

Grades go in
tomorrow, so you...

you'd have to
do it now, so...

So I will... do it now.

I will illustrate
a case of gravity

a counterweight.

♪ Honey, I know
you'll wait for me ♪

♪ La la-la da da

♪ La da-da da-da da da

♪ Pulled out your picture
the other day ♪

♪ Oh, isn't that sweet? ♪

♪ You didn't have
that much to say ♪

♪ 'Cause it
wasn't even me ♪

♪ 'Cause I know that you said

♪ I'm better off on my own

♪ And I'm better off dead...

Oh, my God, I did it.

I can't believe it.

Oh, me of little faith.

It's fabulous.

"A" for the project...
and then that,

combined with
your poor attendance

and your low test scores,

would give you a "C"
for the class.

And now you can go back
to your double Ds.


he's all yours.

♪ Honey, that's all
you had to say. ♪

This was amazing.

And, uh, I'm sure I didn't
make it easier for you.

I'm sorry.

Well, you don't
have to apologize.

Look, you had every reason
to doubt me,

and I'm sorry for the way
that we first met.

Hitting me with a car
was starting with a bang.

You trust me now?


And I like what
you've done with the bar.

Maybe it actually
can be something.

Oh, yeah.

No, that... really
doesn't interest me.

Wait, then what were we
doing all this for?

Liam, what I was selling tonight
wasn't the Offshore.

It was you.

And, honey, you sold

like ice cream
on a warm summer day.


There is so much more to life
than this bar.


Hi, sweetie.

Hi, Daddy.

I missed you.

Where were you?

Stuck in traffic?

Hi, Greg.

She's beautiful.


What are you doing here?

I... I just wanted to see
if she was okay.

When I heard that
you and Leslie

were breaking up, I...
She called me...

because she wanted
to meet Maisy.

Because Adrianna and I
are friends.

And you didn't tell me?

I should have.

I just thought this would be

a good time for Ade
to meet Maisy.

It went really well.


I... Okay, I don't even
know where to start.

The decision for Maisy
to meet her birth mother

is not for you
or Adrianna to make.

It's for Maisy to make,
and right now,

she's too young
to know what to do.

I know. I'm sorry.

I should... I didn't think.

No, you didn't think.

And you lied to me.

You should've told me
that you knew Adrianna.

I... how do I
trust you with Maisy?

How do I trust you now
with anything?

Greg, this is all my fault.

Okay, Silver is a good person
and a good friend.

You have no idea how good.

Okay, look,
I appreciate your loyalty,

but it's really
none of your business.

I can't have you
in my daughter's life.

Or in mine.


I understand.

Enjoy New York.


It was really nice
meeting you, Maisy.

All right, sweetie.

Grab your horses.

Good girl.

Thank you for being
such a good father.